MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 166

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The fox is essentially a businessman, and if nothing else, war is about to engulf Sri Lanka.

Quietly glanced at Kutak, although his expression was still as calm as a Buddhist, but behind that calm, he could vaguely see a raging fire burning.

Chapter 48 On the Current Situation

Li Ergou and Kutak were reading military books together in the library. Just sitting down, time passed quickly, and when they looked up again in the blink of an eye, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Let's go, I know a good tea restaurant, I'll treat you today."

Then Kutak walked out of the library alone, with Li Ergou following behind.

Walking on the streets of the academy, students often came to talk to Kutak, and his flattering face was overflowing, while Kutak completely ignored the group of students.

As the president of the student union, he can tell the intention of the caller at a glance. For example, the newly admitted prince of the Beihai Parliament, he claimed that he would withdraw the Beihai Parliament from the Sri Lanka colony as soon as possible, but in fact he did not have that aspect at all. His plan was just to help his campus life by making good friends with the student council president.

Kutak is the president of the student council, but he rarely participates in social work. He is not good at words. Generally, he will give the work such as dinner parties and speeches to girls from the merchants' home in the Federal State of Fars. He is better at planning many campus activities, helping the campus management to coordinate many problems on campus, and doing his part silently.

Following Kutak, Li Ergou felt as if he was following a calm Buddhist, and even Li Ergou's heart became pure.

The tea restaurant is located in the southwest corner of Stigma College. It is mostly the dormitory area of ​​civilian students. Therefore, compared to the dormitory area of ​​noble students, the tea restaurant looks much simpler, and you can even see some open-air stalls. Selling cheap snacks from all over the world.

"Are you used to it?" Kutak asked.

"Don't worry, I don't have aristocratic disease. For me, a restaurant is a place to eat and chat. I'm not picky about this kind of place."

"That's good." Kutak waved to a Sri Lankan waitress with wheat-colored skin, "Two cups of Assam milk tea, and one more fried vegetables and curry dumplings, and less masala. "

After about ten minutes, the dishes were ready.

Li Ergou took a sip of Assam milk tea. The milk is full of flavor, and the authentic Sri Lankan food tastes not as horrible as expected. If you are used to eating it, it tastes quite good.

"By the way, Li Ergou, have you read the morning newspaper?"

"seen it already."

"As expected, the small group of rebels mentioned in the newspaper today should be the international column you mentioned before, right? I didn't expect that one person could destroy the Shengluer Kingdom Army of a thousand people without damage. What is this? troop?"

"This is a force with strong centripetal force, and it has the weapons of the next era."

"So it is." Kutak closed his eyes and bowed deeply to Li Ergou, "Thank you for everything you have done for my homeland."

"You don't have to thank me. I said that it is also my wish to restore Sri Lanka. I hope that the girl I love can untie her knot and have a cheerful smile again."

Kutak took out his notes and recorded the international column to which Li Ergou belonged. Judging from the information provided by the current newspapers, Li Ergou's international column is currently in his hometown of Gujarant.

As for key issues such as staffing ratio and organizational composition, Kutak was very considerate and did not ask questions.

"However, the most critical issue now is not the victory of the international column. The most serious issue now is the discovery of a large number of gold mines in central Sri Lanka. Louis XIV, who had just succeeded to the throne, promised me that he would never covet that land in Sri Lanka. , tacitly allow me to restore Sri Lanka, but now that gold mines have been discovered, according to what I know about Louis XIV, he will definitely pay more attention to Sri Lanka and take the discovered gold mines as his own.”

"But it's not necessarily all bad," Kutak drew the distribution of gold mines on the blueprint. "The distribution of benefits is uneven, and there will inevitably be conflicts between the Shengluer Kingdom and the colonists of the North Sea Parliament, which will lead to a war. According to the current information, the army commander of the Shengluer Kingdom is Lieutenant General Leclerc, and the army commander of the North Sea Parliament country is Lieutenant General Hope. Li Ergou, what do you know about these two officers? ?"

"Lieutenant General Leclerc I know very well. When the Kingdom of Shengluer was at war with the Fars Federation, the eldest lady and I served were in the army of Lieutenant General Leclerc. In my opinion, he is a A gentleman, full of reverence for life."

Afterwards, Li Ergou will be on the Eastern Front. How Leclerc resisted the orders of his superiors in order to save more soldiers was listed one by one.

In Li Ergou's view, although Leclerc has excellent military talents, he is too upright and will inevitably be used by others in the future.

As for Lieutenant General Hope, Li Ergou didn't know much about it. After all, when he served Miss Ivy, he did not have contact with the high-level officers of the North Sea Parliament.

"Hope committed a blood debt to my country, he tried to kill the North Sea Parliamentarians to dominate the population, he also promoted the slave trade, and sold our people around the world, making them like Work like an animal to death..."

When Kutak introduced Lieutenant General Hope of the North Sea Parliamentary State, Li Ergou found that Kutak clenched his fists rarely, and his eyes were cold and terrifying. The people who are in the face of national hatred and family hatred will also lose their minds.

"In my opinion, Hope is nothing to be afraid of, and the enemy we should be most afraid of should be Lieutenant General Leclerc."

"tell me your opinion?"

"Hope's brutal and inhumane rule will inevitably arouse a strong local backlash. If nothing else, the rule of the North Sea Parliamentary State will not last long. And a gentleman like Lieutenant General Leclerc will disintegrate the Sri Lankan people with a soft-hearted policy. The sense of resistance caused the Sri Lankan people to gradually think that they are Shengluer people and forget their past history. Perhaps in the next few decades, Sri Lankans will become forget their own language and speak the Western language. lifestyle…"

Kutak pondered and wrote down Lieutenant General Leclerc's intelligence on his notes one by one. Rather than being conquered by force, Kutak was more worried about his country being conquered by ideas.

"Li Ergou, in fact, I have an idea in my heart now."

"what idea?"

"I want to drop out of school and go back to my hometown. I think if I stay in the academy for another year, I will waste a lot of good time. Although the academy sometimes has the opportunity to leave Stigma Island to perform tasks outside, it may not be my turn. I, even if it is my turn, will not necessarily let me go to my motherland to perform tasks. Instead of staying at Stigma College and worrying about my hometown, it is better to return to my hometown to organize an uprising army and devote myself to the war to restore the motherland as soon as possible... "

Chapter 49 Advice on Assessment

Li Ergou was not too surprised to hear that Kutak, the president of the student union, meant to drop out of school. Judging from the current situation, if Kutak really dropped out of school and returned to Sri Lanka to organize an uprising, there may be a certain probability. Drive out the colonial army and restore Sri Lanka.

It's just that Kutak is now a third-year student and will graduate from the academy in one more year.

If graduation is nothing more than a diploma, then there is nothing wrong with dropping out early, but if there is another way, it needs to be considered in the long run.

"Kutak, I'm not against you dropping out of school, I'll take my heart to heart. If I were in your position, I'd consider the same thing as you, but there is one thing I think you need to consider clearly, that is, if you drop out of school early, In the long run, do the pros outweigh the cons?"

The teacup in his hand was steaming slowly, and Kutak's deep eyebrows were locked together, and the deep desire for strength was hidden in those eyes.

"If I can successfully graduate, for me personally, my strength will be greatly enhanced, maybe I can break through the seventieth level and become a real powerhouse, but if I drop out of school, my strength will not be enough. will continue to grow.”

"Then how strong will you be after you reach level 70?"

"It's so strong that I can't imagine it. My current weapon is the machete, but I'm majoring in space magic. If I reach level 70, I should be able to master the legendary teleportation magic."

"Teleportation magic..." Li Ergou swallowed.

"The teleportation magic after level 70 can instantly carry 500 people to any place within 100 kilometers at a time. It can be regarded as a god-level magic that can turn the world around."

"I can understand."

When they first arrived at Stigma Island, the people who came to greet the students used teleportation magic, allowing the students to immediately arrive inside the academy from the beach on Stigma Island. When they saw that there was teleportation magic in this world, they did Li Ergou brought a lot of shock.

"Once you reach level 70, you can easily drive away the colonists. If teleportation magic is used properly, it only takes a few beheadings to make the colonial army fall into a situation where there are no leaders."

"That's right, so I'm hesitating, and even if I stay at Stigma Academy, I might not be able to reach level 70 when I graduate. If I can't continue to improve my own value, I think it's better to drop out of school earlier."

Kutak smiled wryly.

Before he knew it, he even revealed all his inner thoughts to the man he had just met, and even the vice president of the student council who was in love with him.

With a sigh, Kutak took out stacks of manuscript papers from his canvas bag and showed them to Li Ergou. These were the battles he had deduced in his mind against the colonists after returning to Sri Lanka. One battle after another, the strength of the rebel army was gradually strengthened and the lost ground was regained.

Li Ergou probably read the maps of Kutak's military deductions. Judging from the battles Kutak deduced, he is definitely not an optimist. He is always good at taking the worst situation as a basis, and then coming up with some absolute It is a wonderful plan to survive, but no matter how brilliant those strategies are, they are only on paper at present, and the perfect plan will never keep up with the changes.

The most important point is that even if Kutak did drop out of school and went back, he might not be the opponent of Louis XIV, Marshal Lian Qing and others. Li Ergou knew their strength better than anyone.

"Kutak, I advise you to stay calm. You are still weak now. Let's talk about everything after graduation. I admit that gold mines have been discovered now. There is a probability that a war will break out, but now you will definitely not take advantage of it even if you go back. I know Louis XIV better than you. He did not have a good reputation before he became a king, but that was all his disguise. Louis of the Kingdom of Shengluer Fourteen was probably the most cunning person I've ever met in my life."

Kutak stared blankly at Li Ergou, the snow-white cat's ears drooped down, looking a little disappointed.

During the conversation, the Assam milk tea was cold, and after paying the bill, Li Ergou and Kutak took a walk on Revolution Street in the civilian dormitory area.

"Don't worry, Kutak, the international column under my command is not a vegetarian. They are fighting in Sri Lanka at the moment. Maybe when you graduate, the international column has already driven out the invaders. Not necessarily."

"hope so."

"By the way, Kutak, there is actually one more thing I want to ask you."

"Please say."

"Regarding the assessment system of Stigma Academy, I heard that some students die every time during the assessment, so the assessment is not easy, right? What I want to ask is, what should we pay attention to in the assessment of Stigma Academy? In about three weeks, I will accompany the noble lady I serve to the 'Secret Realm'."

"I'm sorry, Li Ergou, I can't answer you this question, because every assessment is different, and the dangers I face are also different. I'll briefly tell you about the assessment I'm facing."

Afterwards, Kutak told Li Ergou the various assessments he faced in the first and second grades of Stigma Academy. Some assessments brought them back to a certain point in the past, such as when they were in the first grade. , The assessment that Kutak faced at that time was how to turn the tide through the knowledge he learned in Stigma Academy when the capital of Fenglu City in the Kingdom of Shenglu was about to fall.

For another example, when the demons invaded the continent, when the population dropped sharply to one third of its original size, how could the students of Stigma Academy unite to protect the world that was on the verge of collapse.

Another time is even more outrageous. Kutak said that he directly traveled to a world with very developed technology. In that world, people have no disputes. Just relying on imagination, they can create their own Garden of Eden and students who yearn for beauty. The wives and concubines were crowded, and the students who were eager for power covered the sky with one hand, and those students failed to leave the "secret realm" in the end. The topic of that time was "restraining desires". In the end, more than 30 students failed to overcome their desires and turned into bones. forever in that world...

"Li Ergou, although the age of my body is only twenty-one years old, in fact, the time I spent in the 'secret realm' of the assessment topic has been at least fifty years."

"Is the time of the 'Secret Realm' inconsistent with the time of the real world?"

"That's right, there is a saying in the Dongzhou Empire that one day in the sky and one year on the ground can roughly describe part of the assessment, but in most cases, the duration of the assessment questions will not be too long, like spending a few years in a 'secret realm' Even for decades, most of them are relatively important all-level assessments, in short, there is only one thing I can advise you, and that is to pass the assessment by relying on what you have learned all your life, that’s all.”

Chapter 50 Maid Lessons

The maid academy is a forbidden place for men. It is full of spring, and young girls from various countries are sitting in the classroom and earnestly learning the essentials of being a maid.

The teacher who teaches the maid class is a snow elf woman with long white hair. She comes from another world. It is said that in the world in which she lives, she is still a princess with a prominent position.

Her gentle voice and graceful and calm demeanor made her admired by countless girls who came to learn the knowledge of maids on the first day.

"First of all, as a maid, you must get up much earlier than the master. After preparing breakfast, you will go to the master's room to gently wake the master up, help the master get dressed, and replace the master when eating. Pull up the chair and pour the freshly brewed black tea. The temperature should not be too hot. Everything must be based on the comfort of the host. When the host eats breakfast, he also recites the contents of the newspaper in front of the host. Sometimes it may be wonderful The plot of the novel, if the master wants to listen to singing, he must also show his singing voice."

The maid teacher of the snow elf tribe blushed slightly as she talked about how to serve the master, as if recalling the moments she spent with her master.

"This is the bell that summons the maid. Whenever the master rings the bell, as maids, we all have to appear in front of the master, bow and say: 'Master, what are your orders'. When answering, remember to say: 'Yes , Master', don't disturb the master when the master is busy. When the master feels empty at night, as a maid, you must also appear by the master's side at the appropriate time. For the maid, it is a supreme honor to serve the master at night. ."

Hearing the snow elf maid teacher's class, both Aishwana and Xia Leina bowed their heads shyly, especially Xia Leina, the thought of "serving" that guy when he felt empty at night, his heart skipped a beat. It was hard to control.

"Hmph, I wouldn't feel honored to serve that kind of guy at night!"

In the quiet classroom, Xia Lena suddenly shouted.

"The arrogant maid is also a very cute type, Xia Leina." The snow elf maid tilted her head and smiled at Xia Leina, "You, your face is as red as a ripe apple, in fact, you He must also have a heart for his master."

"Stop talking nonsense, I didn't!"

The silver bell-like laughter of the girls came from the class. Since the maid class, the girls have become more elegant and attractive invisibly.

"Mr. Amelia Ice Crystal, you must love your master very much, right?"

"Of course, I love him very much, and for him, I can give my everything."

It is said that the maid teacher of the Snow Elf tribe will return to her world after three years of teaching.

The students silently prayed for the happiness of the maid teacher, and envied the lucky man whom the maid teacher said.

In the afternoon, the gentle maid teacher came to Aishwana:

"Are you having a hard time learning how to cook, Aishwana?"

"Teacher, you speak very well, I have no problem at all!"

"May I have a taste of your masterpiece?"


Aishwana picked up the plate and handed it to the maid-teacher. It was an apple pie that sold very well.

The maid teacher cut a small piece with a knife and fork, opened her lips slightly, and put the cut piece of apple pie into her mouth.

"How, how?" Aishwana was a little nervous.

"It tastes very good." The maid teacher praised without hesitation, "You may be a genius in cooking."

"Really, thank you teacher."

"You can also call me Emilia, on the other hand, I'll call you Xiao Ai in the future, doesn't it sound more cute?"

Xia Leina glanced at the group of girls from the East Continent behind her. They were girls from the Wind Demon Ninja, and they had fought against them not long ago.

Just now, the East Continent ninja named Chunzi secretly made the exact same apple pie and Aishwana's buns when Aishwana was not paying attention. will cause a disaster.

"Why are you helping Aishwana?"

In private, Shalena blocked the girls of Fuuma Ninja.

For the first oriental maid named Tsubaki, he said:

"Hello, Miss Charena, isn't it only natural for us to help Lord Aishwana? She will be the wife of His Royal Highness Li Zijin in the future."

"Hmph, you people must have no good intentions." Xia Lena stared at them coldly.

This group of girls who once wanted to kidnap Li Ergou turned out to be classmates who study together in the same classroom, which made Xia Leina unacceptable for a while.

"We exist for the happiness of His Highness Li Zijin. If Miss Aishwana is laughed at for cooking too unpalatable, His Highness Li Zijin will definitely be very troubled by it."

Ning Cai, the coquettish maid wearing black silk suspenders, said.

"Miss Charena, our goal is the same. Everyone hopes that His Royal Highness Li Zijin will get better, so we should be close sisters. If you have any difficulties, we will spare no effort to help you." Miki, a secretary-like maid wearing black-rimmed glasses, said, "Please put down your prejudice against us."

"Don't think about it!"

Xia Leina doesn't trust the people of Dongzhou. On the one hand, her father, the sword saint who was once famous in Xizhou, broke the halberd of Dongzhou. Action, and once even nearly killed himself.

They are absolutely not to be trusted.

However, when the girls from Fuuma Ninja walked towards Aishwana, Aishwana showed them a friendly smile.