MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 164

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"I only stick to Ergou alone," Aishwana pushed Li Ergou hard and knocked the man against the corner of the wall, "I haven't seen Ergou all day, I'm going to think about Ergou and think I'm going crazy, hurry up Comfort me."

"Okay, I really can't help you."

Li Ergou gently stroked Aishwana's chin as usual, and then kissed her cherry-like lips.

This is their first day on campus, and it will soon become routine.

"Although I really want to work with Ergou and go to the library to study, I can also learn a lot of knowledge in the Maid College, and I think that knowledge is very useful," Aishwana said, "In short, I will definitely Become a better woman and make Ergou like me more."

"Unfortunately, I won't like you more, because I like you to the peak."

The man's love words made Aishwana's heart beat even more uncontrollable. Sooner or later, she would help Her Royal Highness Ya Yinyue to kidnap Ergou, and then hug Ergou every moment every day, at least one day. It takes ten children to give up.

"time to eat!"

While Li Ergou and Aishwana were enjoying their time together, Charlene rang the bell.

"Let's go."


Pulling Aishwana's little hand to the table, Xia Lena has already placed the dishes on the table. Each of the rich dishes seems to have put a lot of effort into it, and one of them was cooked by Aishwana. Dish, but just looking at the color, every dish is perfect.

It seems that this girl's cooking has indeed improved.

It was not until Li Ergou tasted a red wine stew that he could tell that this dish was made by Aishwana.

To ask why he knew, Li Ergou almost vomited after taking a bite just now. He said mercilessly, Li Ergou felt that the sour water eaten by pigs was stronger than the cooking made by Aishwana. The unpalatable level has risen to a certain level. The meat inside is undercooked, and the surface feels like rubber when bitten. The tip of the tongue made Li Ergou almost walk on Huangquan Road.

I feel that Aishwana's cooking has indeed improved, but it's just in terms of destructive power...

Seeing Aishwana's expectant gaze, Li Ergou said insincerely:

"This dish is delicious! Forgive my stupidity, I really can't tell the difference between Aishwana's dishes, because every dish is so delicious."

While talking, Li Ergou put the red wine stew on his dinner plate. There is a style that I will go to **** if I don't go to hell. Miss Ivy, Charlene, and Demi looked at the warriors with the eyes. Xiang Li Ergou, it seems that having a girlfriend like Aishwana requires not only a strong kidney, but also a strong stomach.

Chapter 43 The Two Worthy of a Place

"Miss, you said the next assessment will be in three weeks?"

Charlene stood up and came to Miss Ivy's side and asked respectfully.

"Yes, in three weeks."

Miss Ivy nodded calmly, her snow-white jade feet tilted up, as if she didn't care about the assessment in the near future.

However, Xia Leina's heart was not at peace, because in the previous assessment, students would die every time, and the students who died were not necessarily a group of weak students. The assessment of Stigma Academy was always accompanied by difficulties Certainty, maybe some students can pass the assessment by simply taking part in the exam, but for some students, the assessment is almost equivalent to killing them.

Xia Leina is worried about Miss Ivy's safety. Even if she, Li Ergou and Demi, who are servants, can accompany Miss Ivy to participate in the assessment, there is no guarantee that Miss Ivy can pass safely.

"Don't worry, Xia Leina, with you, Demi, and Li Zijin, we will definitely pass this test." Miss Ivy smiled faintly, and then added with ulterior motives, "Oh, yes Oh, I almost forgot, and Aishwana."

Li Ergou gently hugged Aishwana's waist. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that in the eyes of everyone, Aishwana, who had no strength, was almost equivalent to a burden.

However, Aishwana didn't seem to hear Miss Ivy's hostility, and asked like a simple child:

"By the way, what was the darkest period two thousand years ago?"

"The darkest period refers to the period when the demons came. Their appearance once caused the mainland population to drop to a third of its original size." Li Ergou, who had read the history of the other world, replied immediately, "Aishwana, you Have you heard of demons?"

"Well, I heard that demons are also enemies of the goddess. They gain power through the negative emotions of human beings. They take pleasure in torturing people. They are terrible monsters."

"That's right, that's right, those monsters have power far beyond that of humans, and they are good at disguising, allowing humans to kill each other..." Li Ergou looked at Miss Ivy, who was sipping red wine, and said, "This time, The assessment doesn't seem to be easy."

"What's not easy, you have recently risen to level 60, as long as you and I join forces, what is the devil?" Miss Ivy smiled charmingly. Not long ago, she received the support of the blood clan students. She is not worried about the next danger, she said faintly, "Besides, I am more worried about people who have ghosts on us than demons."

"A person with a ghost?" Charlene frowned, "Who do you think it will be, Ergou?"

"Is that even a question?"

Two people immediately appeared in Li Ergou's mind. One of them was Prince Langton of the North Sea Parliamentary State. Not long ago, Li Ergou almost beat him to death with his fists.

The other candidate is Princess Olina of the Azure Empire. The hatred between the Shengluer Kingdom and the Azure Empire continued to the hatred between the eldest lady and her. The gloomy and beautiful girl who can manipulate dolls at will is likely to be there too. In this assessment, the eldest miss is plotted.

After giving the answer, Miss Ivy clapped her hands with satisfaction:

"As expected of you, Li, your analysis is spot on."

"And not just them, but students of their same nationality can never be trusted."

As the old enemies of princes and princesses, their identities alone are enough to condense the strength of their own students. In fact, in this academy, they can almost allude to the diplomatic relations of various countries.

However, not everyone cannot be trusted. For example, Prince Sinan, who expressed his friendliness to Li Ergou before, may become an ally.

"By the way, I have a question..." Demi, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

"What's the matter, Demi?"

Demi, who was hiding her strength, suddenly opened her mouth and naturally got Li Ergou's attention.

"Are there any handsome men among the demons?"

Paying attention to Demi really makes Li Ergou feel that his head is sick, but speaking of it, with Demi by his side, he can do the minimum insurance. After all, she hides amazing strength, which may be even more powerful than Ya Yinyue. many.

According to historical records, most of the demons are only between the 50th and 80th level, and there are very few demons above the 70th level, so it shouldn't be a problem to retreat completely this time.

"Second dog, starting tomorrow morning, let's get up at 4:30 and go to the training ground to practice. I need to reach level 60 like you before the assessment in three weeks."


"Don't complain, and, after I've cleaned up the dishes, you have to accompany me on a long-distance run."

Li Ergou could see that Xia Leina was a little uneasy, but behind her azure blue eyes, Li Ergou could see her unparalleled determination.

That is the determination to protect everyone even if they die.

"Will Ergou be going out soon?" Aishwana looked at Li Ergou with a pitiful look like an abandoned kitten.

If nothing else, she should want to dance.

"I'm sorry, Aishwana, it's really a priority to get stronger now."

Exam in three weeks...

In every assessment, some students die due to accidents.

Survival of the best.

Li Ergou feels that he needs to ask Kutak, the student council president, for advice tomorrow. He is a third-year student, and he must have participated in countless assessments. Therefore, compared to others, Kutak must have a lot of his own. 's experience.

In the middle of the night, the prince of the Beihai parliamentary country brought a group of students of the same nationality to visit Princess Olina who lived in the beautiful mansion in the noble dormitory area. Although Olina herself gave a somber image of a witch, the habitable mansion looked But very bright and grand.

After getting permission, Prince Langton walked into the beautiful mansion, and the servant led the way to Princess Olina's study.

Under the moonlight, a beautiful purple-haired girl in a princess dress is using a brush to outline the starry sky and the Gothic church opposite. I have to say that Princess Olina's framing is very appropriate, and there is no problem with perspective. , obviously there has been systematic learning.

"What a beautiful painting."

Prince Langton sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really beautiful." Princess Olina was not at all modest, "It's a pity that my artistic ability is only inferior in my country. In fact, it is impossible for me to be interested in military and politics, but in my eleventh On the day of my age, my best works of art were rejected by the Werner Academy of Fine Arts in the art capital. Even though I was the princess of the empire, the dean refused to accept my paintings. He said that my paintings were scarlet. Ghouls, think I should devote my madness to war rather than art, to make the Azure Empire rise."

"No, I think your art is just not seen by those with discerning eyes. In my opinion, your paintings are dusty pearls."

Princess Olina ripped the painting off the drawing board and ripped it to shreds:

"Prince Langton of the North Sea Parliament, I don't think you came to flatter me on purpose? Tell me the purpose of your visit?"

"I think we have a common enemy."

"and then?"

"I think the two greatest countries in the Western Continent should join forces to fight against the most despicable country." Recalling the humiliation of being beaten, Prince Langton gritted his teeth and said, "The assessment in three weeks, we should join forces and let Sheng The Kingdom of Luer has suffered the most irreparable loss!"

Chapter 44

"I admit that I have no natural affection for the Kingdom of Shengluer, especially the Ivy Sylph Lianqing who is as famous as me. Every time I hear her name, it makes me extremely sick."

Princess Olina's eyes were not on Prince Langton from beginning to end.

"So, you agree to join forces with me?" Prince Langton seemed to feel that there was a lot of drama, feeling that the nodding of the princess Olina of the Azure Empire was just a footstep, so he said, "His Royal Highness Olina, you must know that the enemy of the enemy is the enemy. Just friends, as long as we can join forces, the world will be ours.”

Prince Langton's eyes were fixed on Princess Olina's proud and delicate body from beginning to end. Although her temperament was a little gloomy, this gloomy gloom had an aristocratic melancholy charm, and she Her face is not inferior to that of Ivy. Even if you look at the entire West Continent, she is definitely one of the few stunning beauties.

In addition, Princess Olina also has an amazing talent in magic. Judging from her current strength, although she is slightly inferior to Ivy in terms of magical attainments, the magic that Ivy masters is fire magic. And what she masters is puppet magic, and the future potential is immeasurable.

Moreover, in the military headquarters of the Azure Empire, Princess Olina is a unique existence. As a princess, she forced her brother over her head. The most authoritative Marshal Lundstedt in the army publicly supported Princess Olina's status. Meyer, the chief in charge of the Imperial Airship and Dragoons, also obeys Princess Olina. It is no exaggeration to say that the future Azure Empire is Princess Olina's word. Her status in the Azure Empire is equal to that of Ya. The status of Yinyue in the Eastern Continent Empire.

So Prince Randon wanted to ally with Princess Olena.

Destroying the kingdom of Shengluer is one of the goals.

Another purpose is to make Princess Olina fall in love with him through an alliance. Prince Langton has a very objective understanding of himself. Although he knows that he is a jerk, he has a handsome face, no matter where he is. No, women will take the initiative to post it. If they can marry Princess Olina in the future, then it will be beneficial to him and the North Sea Parliament.

Unfortunately, Princess Olina raised her legs and said coldly:

"Alliance with me, are you worthy?"

"What did you say?"

"What I mean should be clearly expressed, you are not worthy of forming an alliance with me, Prince Langton of the North Sea Parliament, your strength is too weak, you only have the strength of more than fifty levels, what qualifications do you have to stand in front of me and speak up? I will Ruining Ivy, but I don't need to bring an extra burden."

Princess Olina's eyes were full of disdain. This disdain was not only aimed at Prince Langton, but also at all the students of the North Sea Parliamentary State present.

"Presumptuous, how dare you speak to our Prince like that."

A 59th-level big man stepped forward, the 60th-level blonde magician girl behind him had begun to chant quickly, and the three 55th-level knights drew their swords and looked at Princess Olina coldly.

As the so-called humiliation and death of a minister, in any case, Prince Langton is a descendant of the royal family of the North Sea Council. They cannot allow their princes to be humiliated, not even princesses from other countries.

Prince Langton looked at the toughness of these subordinates, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of confidence in his heart:

"His Royal Highness, I think I am completely worthy to form an alliance with you. I went to the Royal Naval Academy of the North Sea Parliament to study at the age of ten, and at the age of fifteen, I commanded the Britannia to sweep away the pirates on the coast, and even the famous Pirate Black Baron was also killed by the navy I commanded, and I vigorously developed the economy, so the economic miracle of Birmingham is inextricably linked to me."

"What you said is true, but so what?" Princess Olina's lips were mixed with deep contempt, "In my opinion, anyone born in a royal family can do what you do. Feat, you said that you commanded the navy to kill the Black Baron, but as far as I know, the person who proposed the plan to trap and kill the Black Baron was your military staff, Rear Admiral Belfort. You said that you vigorously developed the economy and made Birmingham create a miracle , but isn't this because you used your royal status as a guarantee to let a large number of investors invest their money there?"

"You don't know what I've achieved, you just say, tell you, what I've done is not as easy as you think."

"Oh, it's not as easy as I thought?" Princess Olina said indifferently, "In my eyes, you are not even as good as Louis XIV. You are just a little devil who is eager to express yourself."

Princess Olina's heartfelt mocking gaze finally ignited Prince Langton's anger.

He turned around and ordered the students who came with him:

"Let this self-righteous princess know the gold content of the younger generation of our Beihai parliamentary country."

In an instant, the fifty-ninth-level strong man stepped forward and threw a fist mixed with wind pressure at Princess Olina, as if he didn't care that hitting the girl in the face would make her look shattered.

The blond magical girl who was ready to sing also put her hands together, and the metal thorn suddenly stabbed out of the floor, showing no mercy.

As for the three knights guarding Prince Langton, they also drew their scabbards.

However, the purple-haired girl who was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed just now did not move at all, just moved her lips calmly:

"Iron Virgin, Broken Head Bride, Broken Arm Maid, Evil Nun, Mutilator, see off."

Accompanied by Princess Olina's beautiful voice, the black mist instantly filled the entire studio.

In the next second, a group of dolls with beautiful appearances that did not look like real people appeared in front of Prince Langton and others in gorgeous costumes.

The Iron Maiden easily blocked the fist of the strong man, the arm of the severed bride turned into a guillotine, the whole body of the maid with the severed arm was covered with blades like hedgehogs, and the ten fingers of the evil nun turned into pitch-black muzzles. The mutilator, on the other hand, stretched out ten arms, each of which turned into giant serrated scissors.

The strength of these dolls with different shapes should not be underestimated. The knight's knife was cut by scissors, and the strong man's arm was cut with a **** slit.

Princess Olina gently squeezed the chin of the blonde female magician:

"You're really beautiful, and your strength is not bad. Would you like to stay and become my puppet?"

Prince Langton finally realized that the people he brought were not enough to defeat Princess Olina, and he was not even qualified to break through.

The guillotine of the decapitated bride had already reached Prince Langton's throat. If Princess Olena wanted to, Prince Langton and his henchmen would die in this studio.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Olina, it was our fault, could you please let us go."

"You'd better recognize your own strength and don't bother me again, Langton Youngerusa."

Afterwards, Princess Olina retracted the puppet, continued to open the drawing board, and started her painting.

The embarrassed appearance of Prince Langton and others just now might make a good painting.