MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 154

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"Did I say you are not hot in the summer?" Li Ergou felt a little distressed when he saw his arms being held in the arms of the two young girls.

"If Zijin is too hot, I can use magic to cool down," Ya Yinyue said, "Let's cool down in the ice together, it must be very comfortable."

"It's still not necessary."

The eyes around him looked at Li Ergou, which seemed a bit dazzling, but Li Ergou didn't care, he didn't mind what others thought, he only cared about Aishwana's thoughts, but after Aishwana became a succubus, Li Ergou couldn't understand Aishwana more and more.

They held their arms coquettishly for about five or six minutes. The academy's greeter finally came, and Ya Yinyue and Miss Ivy finally let go of the arms that were holding Li Ergou so tightly that Li Ergou finally arrived. The dog is free again.

"We'll have a good date on Stigma Island when we have time, Zijin."

"His Royal Highness Zijin, my Highness Yinyue and I have been waiting for you to come back to us. As long as you want, we will bring you the happy life you dream of at any time."

"Everyone's definition of happiness is different, please don't use the happiness in your eyes to measure the happiness in my eyes."

Looking at the two beautiful Dongzhou girls, Li Ergou expressed his thoughts without mercy, but for them, Li Ergou, who did not have the strength to resist them, might just be acting like a spoiled child.

Chapter 18 Teleportation Array

The sandy beach of Stigma Island at night was as blue as wash, and the students stopped chattering about the academy.

"First of all, I welcome you. You are the best young people in the world. You have been named the name of hope since you emerged. It is both my honor and your honor to welcome you. My name is Morning Bell, St. He is a special lecturer in the Ministry of Magic of the Scar Academy, and will also become the exclusive tutor for some of you in the future."

The greeter who called himself Morning Bell was an oriental man in a black suit and glasses on the bridge of his high nose. He looked like he was about thirty years old.

Morning Bell glanced at the students and continued:

"As you can see, I am an Oriental, but I will never favor students from the East because of this. The only way to gain dignity in Stigma Academy is to become stronger. No matter what race or skin color you are, as long as you are strong enough, then Stigma Academy is an unfettered independent kingdom for you, and if the weak act too recklessly here, they will only die without a place to be buried. It's just my personal advice, it's up to you to follow it or not."

When the lecturer was talking about the basic rules of Stigma Island, his eyes never stayed on any student for even half a second, and his voice was as cold as a machine. Kind of like the meticulous German stereotype.

The special lecturer named Chen Zhong pushed his glasses, and about three seconds later, a brilliant light appeared on the flat beach. It was a teleportation array. When the teleportation array appeared in front of everyone's eyes, it suddenly collapsed. Take a breath.

Because teleportation magic has always been used by magicians above level 70, and it must have a magic circuit with spatial attributes. Under such harsh conditions, teleportation magic is almost impossible for many magicians to spend their entire lives. Taboo to touch.

Just imagine, if a magician in a certain country has mastered teleportation magic, it means that they can decapitate the ruler of the enemy country in the palace at any time, thereby changing the course of history, and such a magic is only used for teleportation. "Transportation" to Stigma Academy.

Seeming to see the surprise of the students, the special lecturer Chen Zhong continued:

"This level of magic is nothing in the Stigma Academy. It is better to say that there are so many lecturers who can use teleportation magic in the academy. Instead of being surprised by this little thing, it is better to think about how to survive the cruel academy life that follows. become stronger."

The students withdrew their envious gazes, adjusted their mentality one after another, and entered the teleportation formation with their servants in order.

Looking at the convenient magic of the teleportation array, Li Ergou was actually quite moved. If he could use this kind of magic proficiently, he could rush to the aid of the members of the international column who were far away in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka in the war of rejuvenation. It's a pity that Li Ergou is of the thunder and lightning type. Even if he is lucky enough to reach the seventieth level one day, it is absolutely impossible to master such high-level magic.

And the most important point is that Li Ergou's identity is not a student, but the entourage of Miss Ivy. In this academy, servants should have the responsibilities and duties of servants. The purpose of their coming here is not In order to become stronger, but to assist their masters to become stronger.

A nobleman can often bring about five servants. Even if there are no servants for the civilian students, the number of servants will be more than that of the students. Therefore, in order to take care of this situation, the academy has specially set up the Maid Academy and the Attendant Academy. Specializing in teaching courses on etiquette, literature, history, home economics, etc., it sounds a bit like a bridal practice, which makes Li Ergou physically disgusted.

Li Ergou thought to himself that although he was wearing a tuxedo, he was definitely not a servant in the true sense. After that, absolutely don't go to the Servant Academy for further studies, because that's not the place for pure men to go.

On the contrary, Charlene looked eager to try.

"See you later, Zijin."

Ya Yinyue finally threw a kiss at Li Ergou and disappeared into the portal accompanied by Xinchuan Fenghuazi. There were still many students queuing up to go to the magic circle, and suddenly someone patted Li Ergou's Shoulder, a slightly unfamiliar voice said:

"Lord Li Zijin, long time no see."

Looking back, Li Ergou saw a handsome man, wasn't that the Prince Langton who was beaten up by him not long ago? At that time, I remember being beaten and disfigured. It seems that the medical team of the college is first-class in plastic surgery.

At this time, Prince Langton had long lost his arrogant arrogance, and was as gentle and kind as a lamb.

"What are you doing here?"

Miss Ivy asked before Li Ergou spoke, her cold eyes expressing that Prince Langton was not welcome.

"Not long ago, I offended Your Excellency Li Zijin, so I would like to apologize to Your Excellency Li Zijin."

Prince Langton bowed deeply to Li Ergou at a ninety-degree angle, almost as standard as the Japanese.

"You must have heard some information, so you came to apologize to me?"

Li Ergou is not stupid. It is no longer a secret that Li Ergou and Ya Yinyue are close to each other. Although Li Ergou is Miss Ivy's attendant, if there is a man Ya Yinyue is infatuated with, With this status, the gold content is immediately different.

The Shengluer Kingdom and the Beihai Parliamentary Kingdom belong to the same powers, while the Dongzhou Empire represents the giant dragon that dominates the world, so Prince Langton's apology is actually as early as Li Ergou's expectation.

"Then I ask you, are you apologizing for your actions, or are you bowing to authority?"

"Of course I apologize for my own behavior. I shouldn't have offended your lover in the first place."

Prince Langton bowed deeply again, and the servants beside Prince Langton were all on their knees. However, an apology to such a person would not make Li Ergou feel the slightest refreshment, but felt disgusting.

Compared with the fox of Louis XIV, Prince Langton is simply a small character who sees the wind and the rudder, which makes Li Ergou uninterested.

"Miss, we should go to the teleportation array."

"Your Excellency Li Zijin, do you accept my apology?"

Li Ergou didn't answer Prince Langton, and he didn't bother to answer either. Regardless of whether he accepted it or not, Liang Zi had already settled.

He apologized to himself because of Ya Yinyue's relationship. If he had the ability to kill himself where others could not see, he would definitely kill himself without hesitation.

At this point, Li Ergou believes that he will never see it wrong.

Chapter 19 Student Dormitory

After stepping into the teleportation formation, it only took a moment to arrive at the dormitory area of ​​Stigma College, which is very different from the modern cities that I saw before. The medieval castles built are grand and magnificent, and the forest area is very wide, so that these castles do not look too complicated, but instead look like a star-studded sky, romantic and tidy.

The path is paved with crimson goose and soft stones, and the surrounding greenery is also refreshing. The terraces are planted with flowers of different colors, and the hedge maze seems to have been carefully built, but unfortunately it is night, so I can't be lucky. See the full picture of the student dormitory.

But with such financial resources to build such a large-scale facility for students, it is enough to show that the financial resources of Stigma Island have reached an unimaginable level.

"Hello, are you a freshman Ivy Sylph Lianqing?"

An elf who looked only about twelve years old asked.

Ivy nodded.

"That's great, I'm the dormitory administrator in this area. From now on, the white castle halfway up the mountain will be your dormitory. You are welcome to enroll."

Looking around, Li Ergou really found a white castle halfway up the mountain, in the center of the entire building complex around the mountain.

"Is the dormitory randomly assigned?" Li Ergou asked suddenly.

"Of course not. Student dormitories are allocated based on personal potential, nationality, origin and many other factors. If students do not perform well in many tests later, they may be kicked out, but Ivy Sylph must be .Lian Qing is such an excellent student, you can definitely stay here forever, after all, you are a child of the Lian Qing family."

The dormitory administrator showed a simple and honest smile. Although he looked like he was just a 12-year-old elf, Li Ergou couldn't understand his level. It wasn't that Li Ergou was too weak. The strength can almost be invincible in the outside world, but if it is placed in the Stigma Academy of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, it seems a bit underwhelming.

The next few days after arriving at the dormitory are free time for the students. At present, nearly half of the ships dispatched around the world have not returned. It is expected that all of them will arrive at Stigma Island within three days, so this time is just right. You can get acquainted with this academy. For the next three years, Li Ergou will have to spend it with Miss Ivy under the same roof.

"Come on, Li, let's go home."

Miss Ivy reached out to Li Ergou, but Li Ergou did not catch her hand as a gentleman, and Ivy seemed to be used to it and didn't seem very disappointed.

Three years may not be a long time.

There is a flag hanging at the entrance of the white castle, on which is a symbol of overlapping golden leaves and golden handguards. Li Ergou remembers that this is the family crest of the Lianqing family. Walking into the courtyard of the castle, the interior feels very spacious. It has been carefully arranged.

The fountain sprays a water column of more than four meters high, and the flowerbeds are cultivated with delicate flowers that are competing to bloom. Beautiful flowers such as peony, rose, iris, tulip, etc., make the space diffuse with floral fragrance. The layout style is almost the same as Miss Ivy. The mansion in Tirona City was exactly the same, as if it was tailor-made for Miss Ivy.

"It's really like going home."

Touching the scene, Miss Ivy was sitting on the reclining chair in the courtyard, and suddenly she missed her homeland in the distance and her parents, subordinates, and the officers she knew. She hugged her body tightly and wanted to get the warmth of Li Ergou. Like a lonely girl.

"Li, do you still remember the mansion in Tirona City?"

"Of course I remember that day was our first encounter."

"At that time, I entertained you very generously, and also opened a bottle of Latour wine. Afterwards, I also bought several beautiful new clothes for you, as well as your mithril spear, but To this day, I haven't been able to get your love, what a pity."

Li Ergou bowed his head a little embarrassedly, and clenched Aishwana's little hand.

"I don't mean anything else, I just feel a little emotional, I have been with you for so long before I know it, at first I thought you were just a warrior with a proud wolf-like character, but gradually I found that you still have The wisdom and charisma that I don't have, to tell you the truth, I used to despise the mediocre people, they are like a group of ants that can be trampled to death, but because of you, I have changed, without you, I would Maybe he will really become a person like Grouchy.”

"I will never let you become a person like Grouchy, Miss Ivy, I swear I will make you a better person, I will leave you in three years, but I will always be your best Faithful friend, I will never forget your kindness for saving me and Aishwana."

The so-called kindness is not as simple as repaying it, some kindness is worth repaying for a lifetime.

However, Miss Ivy shook her head slightly. The reason why Li Ergou was rescued by her at that time was actually a trap she set up secretly.

After all, what kind of grace is there?

Xia Leina poured a glass of red wine for Li Ergou and Ivy, and then left quietly. The maid who had been extremely hostile to Li Ergou unknowingly recognized Li Ergou and supported Miss Ivy's love affair. .

"It's a good day tonight, how about a drunk party?" Miss Ivy asked with a smile, holding a goblet.

"Right on my mind."

The two clink glasses and drink together. In the dangerous assessments and tasks that are still unknown in the future, they will have to become existences who can show each other's backs to each other. It seems that they have come to a new residence to celebrate. Aishwana also He lifted the cat's tail with great interest, put on a sari dance suit, and danced for Ivy and Li Ergou in the moonlight. Although there was no rhythm accompaniment, the graceful waist was enough to make people mesmerized. .

"I will continue to love you, Li, until one day you accept me, and I will never give up my pursuit of you."

Li Ergou shrugged helplessly, and could only laugh it off. Saying the same thing too many times will only spoil the fun.

"Miss, according to the current situation, you are the most powerful and the one with the best background among the freshmen of the Shengluer Kingdom. I suggest that you take advantage of this advantage and condense them into your own strength. It will definitely help you in the future.”

"Really, you've always been open to showing your affection and you've left the topic, boring man." Ivy took a sip of red wine, her snow-white cheeks stained with a blush, "But I'll try to do it, after all, even if it's me I also have my own ambition. In the future, even if Louis XIV gets in the way, I will ruthlessly remove him. When I return to the Kingdom of Shengluer, I will become the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Shengluer, let me The motherland is stronger.”

Chapter 20 Sri Lanka's National Conditions

"I'm so fed up with this country!"

The female magician of the international column, Shandon, complained loudly that as an elf, she has lived a pampered life since she was a child, and she is extremely clean. When she heard that the latest mission was to take a boat to the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, the female magician Shandeng She had prepared for the worst, but when she saw the current state of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, she only felt broken.

Because compared to her hometown, Shengluer Kingdom, it is simply dirty and messy. The air is still filled with a strong curry smell, and the temperature is unbearably hot. Walking along the street, you can see some living things. sunburned people.

But even so, Ami Acha, a sniper who used to be the captain of the Sri Lankan Palace Guard, said very calmly:

"It's already very good here. Among the many city-states in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, Gujarant is already one of the most developed areas, and it has not been influenced by too many colonists, so we can walk here dignifiedly. The streets of a city are replenished with supplies for the next battle."

"You said this is one of the most developed areas of your country? Are you mistaken?"

Looking around, the filth of the street can definitely be called a strange thing. Cows in groups of three or five cross the street, and the cow dung is everywhere, exuding a foul smell. The taste of words, some monkeys jumped from one roof to another, making squeaking noises, wild dogs bit each other, and some of the bitten wild dogs lay dead on the street, no one cleaned.

"In my country, most people are vegetarians, especially cows are mythical beasts in our country. It is said that the goddess came to this country on a cow." Ami Acha told the companions of the international column. Said, "So in this country, you can kill people, but you must not kill cattle, otherwise the people will definitely rise up."

"The people in your country are really sick." While complaining, the female magician Xiang Deng slapped her feet and almost fell.

It is obviously one of the most developed areas, but the streets are full of potholes. The female magician Shandon couldn't help shouting that he wanted to leave this ghost place. Hearing Shandon's shouting, a few Sri Lankans showed their faces to the female magician. With a simple and honest smile:


Then he continued to sleep on the ground with a blanket, even if the bugs stopped on his body.

It seems that this place is not a city in Sri Lanka at all, but a virgin forest where animals and people live in harmony. People cooking local snacks carelessly stir the food with their dirty hands. Only when there are too many flies, they will use their hands. Driven away, but such a person who sells local snacks has a booming business, which makes most of the members of the international column a little dumbfounded.

"I'm really fed up." The female magician Shandon expressed the wishes of most of the female members of the international column.

"You can leave here if you don't like it, no one will stop you." Ami Acha, who was born in the local area, said coldly.

Almost at this time, Tom came forward as a peacemaker to adjust the atmosphere for the members of the international column.

"Okay, everyone is their own people, don't hurt the peace, I admit that compared with the Western Continent, it is indeed a lot dirty, but I also hope that everyone can respect the customs of each country and nation."

After hearing Tom's words, the female members led by the female magician Shandon finally did not continue to complain. Ami Acha also lowered her appearance with the brim of her hat and remained silent.


A dark-skinned hawker folded his hands and said hello to Ami Ah Cha. He was selling food, and he looked much cleaner than the food sold by other hawkers, but even so, he still had a lot of food on him. Strong body odor, and although he looks young, his eyes are dull and humble.

"Here is the list."

Ami Acha took out a prepared list. Although the local area also has its own dialect, but now the dialect has been completely abolished by the colonists, and Ami Acha, who was born in the kingdom of Sri Lanka, is not disdainful of using it. The local dialect, that is the language of the untouchables.

Seeing the names of all kinds of vegetables and grains written on the list, the hawker's eyes lit up, it was about half a month's ration, and then the diligent hawker immediately started to work. He didn't dare to stand up straight and look at the members of the international column, as if to show the difference between the superior and the inferior.

"Brother Tom, don't be too strange. In our country, the darker the skin, the lower the class. With his skin color, he is a pariah and can only do hard labor."

"Do you think he's a pariah too, Ami?" Tom asked solemnly.

"When the goddess first came to this land, she stipulated who is a pariah and who is a saint, so of course they are pariahs, and my family belongs to the samurai class locally, and we are entitled to their awe and preferential treatment." Ami Ah Cha seemed to be accustomed to this, and said very proudly, "This is our history."

The hawker on the side heard that he was called a pariah, but he didn't care at all, but smiled honestly, with a happy expression, even in the environment of cow dung, muck and dirty water, he still lived as a matter of course. , there are several Sri Lankans in the distance who are fighting and dancing, so lively.

"Insensitive nation..."

Feicun, who was born in the Dongzhou Empire, couldn't help but interjected.

"There are also many people in our country who have stood up and resisted."

"They must be people of the same class as you, right?"