MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 15

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However, she couldn't get off the carriage because she was one of the three families of the Dongzhou Empire.

The East is a state of etiquette, especially Xinchuan of the Eastern Ying faction, which pays special attention to etiquette, such as how much to bend when bowing and how long to keep the bow.

Compared to this, the Dazhi clan in the north, the Daula clan, are much more unrestrained. They don’t care about so many etiquette. Born in the grasslands, they are usually famous for their nomadic nomads. All of them are free and vigorous hunters. Although there are some etiquette among them, most of the time they just drink and eat meat in large quantities. When they are full, they go to wrestle and graze, and when they are tired, they lie in white tents.

Fenghuazi admires the Daula clan in his heart. They used to rely on their invincible cavalry to almost conquer the Western Continent. Although they are now in decline, they have also formed three major clans with Dongying and Zhongyuan, and there have been four successive appearances. Emperor Yingming.

However, those emperors will eventually become history. Fenghuazi believes that when Ya Yinyue reaches the peak of power in the Dongzhou Empire as the emperor of the Central Plains, she will become the greatest queen in the history of Dongzhou.

"His Royal Highness Fenghuazi has already arrived. This is the Jinghua Hotel."

At the same time as the coachman shouted this sentence, Fenghuazi pushed open the door of the carriage at the speed of the wind and went straight to the magnificent hotel. Even before the doorman could open the door for her, she had already broken in. He went straight to the banquet hall at a speed like the wind, and even the battle-hardened guard just felt a dark shadow passing by in front of him.

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Today, it is a social party where His Royal Highness Ya Yinyue is recovering from a serious illness. Young people from all walks of life in Dongzhou come to celebrate Ya Yinyue. Today is still unbelievably beautiful. The dress on her looks elegant and sacred. Compared with her, all the young heroes of the Dongzhou Empire have become bleak. In Fenghuazi's eyes, Ya Yinyue was the only one in this huge banquet hall.

She looked at Feng Huazi, stood up with an elegant smile and said:

"Sister Fenghuazi, you are welcome to come and see me."

The people around turned to Feng Huazi with envy, because Ya Yinyue seldom stood up to greet others, Feng Huazi was flattered and looked at Ya Yinyue, who was slowly walking towards her, such a courtesy simply made Feng Huazi Somewhat overwhelmed.

"His Royal Highness Yinyue!"

She couldn't wait to kneel in front of her immediately.

However, she didn't kneel down because Ya Yinyue held her arm tightly.

"You are my sister Fenghuazi, so don't do anything that will ruin me."

"Understood, I understand."

Feng Huazi felt a little sour in the corners of her eyes. For Ya Yinyue, she could do anything, even if she was cut by a thousand swords.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I want to catch up with Fenghuazi, so please allow me to leave for a while."

"You sisters are deeply in love, even if you go to catch up, Yinyue."

The cousin of the Yazhi family who received the guests in place of Yayinyue said, but after Yayinyue and Fenghuazi temporarily left the banquet hall, the atmosphere instantly became deserted a lot...

Ya Yinyue took Fenghuazi's arm and went straight to the private room of the Jinghua Hotel. Fenghuazi knew that His Highness Yinyue must be asking herself about that matter. When she thought about it, Fenghuazi felt very ashamed, even ashamed to think about it. Apologize.

"Sister Fenghuazi, do you have any news about my brother?"

as predicted.

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, I have been looking for news about my brother these days," Feng Huazi said with a very ugly face, "Now, I ordered Feng Mo Ren to search the Dongzhou Empire, including the Jiangnan area and the Central Plains of the Yazhi family. The region, the northern grasslands of the Dazhi clan, and the major islands of our Xinzhi clan, and even in order to find my brother, I ordered Feng Moren to disguise and go to the Sri Lanka Kingdom occupied by the Western Continents, but unfortunately, I still did not find it. Brother Ling. I'm sorry, it's been a month and we haven't made any progress. I'm useless! Damn me! I'm willing to accept any punishment from His Highness Yinyue!"

Ya Yinyue covered her mouth and chuckled lightly:

"I guess, Sister Fenghuazi must not have gone to Xizhou Continent to find my brother, right?"

"Xizhou? Your Highness Yinyue, starting from Jinghua, the capital of Dongzhou, it will take at least two and a half months to arrive at Xizhou. If you find your brother in Xizhou and bring him back to our Dongzhou, the round trip will take half a year. time."

"Sister Fenghuazi, it's like this," Ya Yinyue suddenly became serious, "Recently, I heard news from Zhang Guoshi that the coordinates of the teleportation array used to transmit my brother seemed to have gone to Xizhou, no If something goes wrong, my brother should be in Xizhou."

"Yes, I understand, I'll do it now." Fenghuazi stood up and said with some embarrassment, "It's just that after all, it's not our East Continent, and there are so many countries in West Continent, where do we find it? Since then? The North Sea Parliamentary Country or the Shengluer Kingdom, the Fars Federation or the Azure Empire? In addition to these big countries, there are countless small city-states left, and our Fuma Ninja does not have an effective intelligence network there. "

"It doesn't matter, if sister Fenghuazi is serious, she will definitely find my brother." Ya Yinyue patted Fenghuazi on the shoulder and said, "Come on."

"His Royal Highness Yinyue trusts me so much, I really can't repay it, but I don't know where to start. I hope you can give me some advice, Yinyue."

"Any suggestion? If it is suggested, I think Sister Fenghuazi should go to Shengluer Kingdom first. The Shengluer Kingdom is geographically located in the heart of Xizhou. As long as an intelligence network is established there, it is estimated that you will soon be able to learn about Xizhou. All the information." Ya Yinyue said with a scheming smile, "And my brother is a person who is not willing to be lonely. Even if he wants to hide himself, with his brother's appearance and strength, he will definitely set off fire in Xizhou. It's not a small wave, I know my brother too well. Ah, I really wish I could see him again soon, I really want to hug him after a long absence, and then let him lose his ambition to yearn for freedom, then he will become a person who only knows pleasure. trash, hehe..."

Ya Yinyue's eyes are dull and dull, making people feel a little chill down her spine. When she is pampered to the extreme, it is a boundless cage.

In this regard, Fenghuazi is jealous and pity for Ya Yinyue's brother, jealous that he will become the favored object of His Highness Yinyue, and pity his sad life that he will lose his freedom and become a plaything.

She looked at Ya Yinyue, and suddenly there was one thing she didn't quite understand.

"Speaking of which, you are not brothers and sisters, right? You don't even have a blood relationship. Why don't you fight for him yourself?"

"Why? Because my brother hates it. Sigh, it's all to blame for those secular ethics and moral values. But it doesn't matter, we are not related by blood anyway. When the time is right, I will give it to him sooner or later... Forget it, let's talk about it later, and more Let's see if my brother will accept me..." Ya Yinyue smiled shyly, like a girl who sympathized with Dou Chukai, and it took a long time to calm down and look at the ninja girl, "By the way, Fenghuazi, do you mind sharing the same one with other women? man?"

"It doesn't matter."

"That's good." Ya Yinyue breathed a sigh of relief, blinking her innocent eyes and declared, "Me, as brother Yinyue's sister, I want to make him the happiest man in the world. , so I want all the beauties in the world to be my brother's wives, and I want my brother to build the largest harem ever! Only by immersing him in happiness can he stop doing risky things."

Fenghuazi could see that Ya Yinyue was serious.

It's just, is your brother's kidney really a good man? Feng Huazi thought about it for a while, but in the end, he still didn't say what he thought.

Chapter 31 The Mission of Military Attachés Abroad

Feng Huazi stepped into the castle of the Xinzhi clan, and just stepped into the courtyard with her forefoot. Countless shuriken aimed at her eyebrows flew from all directions, but Feng Huazi didn't seem to panic, she pulled out the short knife around her waist, and easily Shoot down all the shuriken, and then start the seal:

"Wind escape!"

A gust of wind blew around her, changing the trajectory of the shuriken flying towards her. She ran and moved quickly, dodging constantly. Two masked warriors drew their samurai swords and slashed at her. Fenghuazi did not hesitate at all. Wrap the steel wire around the neck of one of them, and then lightly squeeze the head to the ground. The knife of the other masked samurai is about to slash her back. She turned her head and spit out one from her mouth without any ambiguity. The poisonous needle pierced the masked warrior's forehead.

The action is smooth and smooth, which is perfect.

In the distance, steady footsteps caught Feng Huazi's attention, and a man who looked rather dignified was slowly walking towards her.

Behind him was a dagger about four feet long.

That sword was forged before the East Continent Empire moved towards reunification. At that time, there was no East Continent Empire in East Continent, only the Northern Golden Tribes, the Central Plains Dynasty, and the major families of the East Continent. That era was called the era of separatist rule, until Later, after gaining an overwhelming advantage, the Central Plains Dynasty gave a proposal to save everyone from genocide, that is, to unite the East Continent and become a great multi-ethnic empire. Brilliant today.


Feng Huazi bowed deeply to the majestic man.

"Two seconds slower."

The majestic man walked in front of Feng Huazi, pulled out the four-foot-long black sword and waved it gently. The lightning-like slash instantly cut off the approaching seven masked warriors, and the heads made of seven wooden stakes. Dropped in response.

The real bodies of those masked warriors are not living people, but wooden stakes used for spiritual practice.

After they are endowed with the ability to act, they can be used as guards or as training sparring partners. The Xinchuan family has always trained their children and grandchildren in this way. Died in such a practice.

Fenghuazi is the leader of the family. She survived and inherited "Shadow", taking over from her father to rule Fuuma Ninja.

"Excellent, Father."

"No need for flattery, it will show your weakness." The majestic man said, "Also, if you want to talk about business, you should call me Your Excellency Shinkawa Iamitsu."

"Yes, Your Excellency Xin Chuan."

Fenghuazi's father could hardly hold a bit of sand in his eyes when it comes to the etiquette of honor and inferiority.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Your Excellency Xinchuan, I want to become the foreign military attache of Shengluer Kingdom, please agree to my request." Fenghuazi said with a deep bow.

"Want to be the foreign military attache of the Shengluer Kingdom? I remember that the current foreign military attache is the talent of the Daula family, right? Why do you want to go to the Shengluer Kingdom? I remember that you seem to have sneered at the Western Continent culture since you were a child. right."

Feng Huazi looked at her father. She knew that she couldn't answer truthfully. If she said that she was going to Shengluer Kingdom to help Yinyue find her brother, her father would probably be furious.

If he heard that the man from unknown origin would also become his future husband, then I am afraid that she will never be able to step into the door of Xinchuan's house in the future. Her father will definitely do it.

"I want to experience it, because you know that in another year or so, Stigma Academy will recruit the newest batch of students. At that time, I and Yinyue from the Eastern Continent Empire will be enrolled and those from the Western Continent will be enrolled. Classmates, so I want to study their culture in advance, this is also a kind of learning and experience." Feng Huazi looked at his father with a very serious look, "Your Excellency Xinchuan, I think I can absorb the essence of their culture. Abandoning the dross of their culture is the virtue of our Eastern Ying family. Although the Western Continents are not as good as us in technology, economy and population, they have finally stood out from history, so there must be something worth learning and thinking about.”

"Then why did you choose the Shengluer Kingdom instead of the North Sea Parliamentary State, the Fars Federation State or the Azure Empire?"

"Because the Kingdom of Shengluer is the center of the Western Continent, although some people say that the Azure Empire is the center of the Western Continent, but from the point of view of His Highness Yinyue's sea power theory, the Kingdom of Shengluer is the heart of the Western Continent, go there, We can learn the culture of Western Continent to the greatest extent, and at the same time we can build a huge intelligence network, if we want to infiltrate the Western Continent in the future, it will become the most important intelligence station, the outpost.”

Xin Chuan Jiaguang looked at his daughter, her eyes were as ambitious as his own, and her appearance perfectly inherited the docile deceased wife.

"There is no way back, are you sure this is the way you want to go?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency Xinchuan, are you asking this question as a father, or as a monarch."

"Both, you only need to answer, don't forget, you are now a 'shadow', you should have the confidence to speak." Xin Chuan Jiaguang said in a stern tone.

"I'm sure this is the way I'm going, Your Excellency Shinkawa."

Xin Chuan Jiaguang pondered, and then asked:

"These are what Yinyue taught you, right?"

Feng Huazi was stunned for a moment, but at the moment when her expression was stiff, she was seen through the disguise by her father.

She knew that continuing to pretend was just self-inflicted humiliation, so she nodded:

"Yes, Your Excellency, everything you just said was taught to me by His Royal Highness Yinyue. She arranged a special task for me, and I..." Feng Huazi looked at her father and said neither humbly nor arrogantly, " is Yin Yue. The 'shadow' of Your Highness Yue, I am willing to do anything for her, even death."

"Even the order to kill the old man, will you strictly implement it?"

"If His Highness Yinyue needs it, I will."

Because Feng Huazi lowered his head, he couldn't see the expression of Xin Chuan Jiaguang clearly.

In fact, after getting Fenghuazi's answer, Xinchuan Jiaguang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but then turned back to his expressionless serious face.

"I agree with you to become the foreign military attache of the Shengluer Kingdom, but you must not neglect your cultivation, remember your duty, and don't let the Xin family be ashamed, let alone the three major families of Dongying and even Dongzhou. Do you understand?" Shinkawa Iamitsu said sternly.

"Yes, Your Excellency Xin Chuan!"

"Okay, then you go."

After obtaining the permission of Xin Chuan Jiaguang, Feng Huazi bowed deeply to him again, and she did not leave the Xinzhi family's castle until his figure was gone.

Three hours later, she informed Ya Yinyue of this and started to prepare for the trip.

In the middle of the night the next day, Feng Huazi and Ya Yinyue stood by the pier, blowing the sea breeze, and the candles were beating slightly.

The crew of the Zhenxi Navy was making the final preparations for the Kingdom of Shengluer.

"I'm leaving, Your Highness Yinyue."

"Sister Fenghuazi, although Lord Jiaguang does give people a very harsh feeling sometimes, he undoubtedly loves you. He once told my father that you are his pride."


Chapter 32 That Night

An hour ago, Li Ergou said that he fell asleep easily. If he was attacked at night, he would definitely not know anything. It was all bullshit.

In fact, Li Ergou couldn't sleep at all, and the reason why he couldn't sleep was needless to say. With such a beautiful exotic girl lying next to him, how could he not be moved?

In the past, Li Ergou believed that he had been through the world and had seen many beauties that were either sexy, charming, or pure and lovely. However, in essence, Li Ergou, who was in his early twenties, was still a vigorous virgin.

As a virgin, he did not expect that Aishwana, who has always been well-behaved and sensible, would be a girl, and as a girl, she could be so bold.

At this moment, Aishiva's actions can no longer be described as bold. She kept trying to make progress, teasing Li Ergou's rationality.

Whenever Li Ergou curled up, Aishiva kept leaning towards Li Ergou with her delicate body, and her two slender arms were tightly wrapped around Li Ergou's neck, as if to put Li Ergou around. Ergou used it as her personal pillow, and kept rubbing his body with his little face.

Poor Li Ergou could only keep shrinking towards the edge of the bed, but Aishiva was not satisfied. She was like a clingy cat. The more Li Ergou avoided her, the tighter she pushed. .

-Puff, puff...

It's not just Aishiva, but the heartbeat of Li Ergou, a veteran in love (thinking), is also getting faster and faster. He has never been treated so lightly by a beautiful girl, and he is also a beautiful cat-eared girl, such a **** cat-ear with wheat-colored skin Beautiful girl, who doesn't love it?

Li Ergou wanted to get up and fight back against the cat several times to let her know what a man is, but they were still in prison at this time. Thinking of the trouble afterward, Li Ergou had to endure...

But at this moment, there was a slight chill in the ear, and Aishiva probably thought that Li Ergou was completely asleep, so he took off the rosary again, turned into a beautiful girl, and gently bit Li Ergou's head with his lips. ear.

Li Ergou squinted his eyes slightly, seeing that the dazzling green eyes like opals were full of confusion, and the long hazel hair fell on Li Ergou's nose, making it itchy.

She seems to be telling Li Ergou with her actions - let's be one.

Under her offensive, sometimes desire dominates, and sometimes reason dominates.

Suddenly, Li Ergou found that the beautiful cat-eared girl had tears in her eyes, crying extremely sad.

She lowered her voice, as if to prevent herself from waking up, but the hot tears still accidentally touched Li Ergou's chest.


Li Ergou opened his eyes, and Aishiva wiped his tears with some guilt.

"No need to wipe, I saw it all."

"Second dog, I'm sorry. I'm not Aishwa, my name is Aishwana."

"Aishwana, do you know why I acted stupid just now? Because in prison, you are not allowed to appear as a girl, understand? Not even the two of us. Once you find out that you are a girl, then... Li Ergou gently stroked Aishwana's cheek with his hand, "Your beauty will bring you the most tragic fate. Only as a man can you protect yourself."

Aishwana bit her lips and fell into Li Ergou's arms, stubborn tears flowing down Li Ergou's body like a river.

"Good, don't cry."

"I don't want to cry, but I really want to go out with Ergou, get out of here... I want to live a good life with Ergou in the outside world, even if I want to forget my hatred, as long as I can be with Ergou, no matter what Anything can be done…”

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