MTL - Please Call Me Lord God-Chapter 411 Lincoln Memorial

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An unimaginable crisis has come. [Full text reading]

It is estimated that even the people who created this national magic did not expect that this time it would cause such a dilemma.

They knew that Drake was right, and it was easy to induce extremely dangerous conditions.

The gods spawned by the "Trinity Messiah" are cruel gods recorded in the Bible, whether it is flooding and playing Daqing 冼; destroying the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; turning Rhodes' wife into a pillar of salt; killing The firstborn of the dead Egyptian; the God also gave the Israelites various hints in the Old Testament and broke through many cities such as Jericho, Heshbon, and Bashan. At the same time as the city was slaughtered, women, children and animals Not spared

As a **** who believes in the Jews, he has been filled with many national things, and many of its actions are full of cruel and unjust places.

And "Judgment Day" is the end of this myth and religion, and the end of the most important doomsday theory of this religion.

Dumbledore, Einstein, and others noticed this. They tampered with the subsequent parts of this magic to avoid triggering God's Judgment Day, which is the early end of the religious end of the world, and only forcing the existence of the artificial God.

It is clear that Drake is trying to calculate this. His "anti-Crossic magic" has played a good role, colliding with the beam of light condensed by the Holy Light.

Two different laws of power collided together, and an unusually powerful response passed through the void. Everyone couldn't help raising their heads and seeing the strange light in the sky. The hidden existence in the holy light released all kinds of power and the enemy. The King of Christ fights together.

This level of battle is indescribably spectacular. It is a decisive battle between light and darkness. One is the supreme deity and the other is the destiny. The battle between the two sides is beyond the scope of human imagination.

Human beings ca n’t feel the real spiritual battle at all. They can only feel the collision of the void, the confrontation between order and chaos, and the large amount of information in the complex transmission. Sometimes it ’s stuck, sometimes it ’s jumping, sometimes it ’s Go back like rewinding.

Everything is obscure, at the limit of an inexplicable disorder.

However, everyone in the Black Robe Wizards knew that they could not continue to sit idly by.

"Go on like this, the day of God's final judgment will come ?!"

The wizard in the wheelchair sighed, "Can you do anything else?"

"It must be cut off-or change the current model, we must return the magic of the Trinity to its original, or else it will continue, terrible disaster will come"

Dumbledore suddenly sighed: "The main cause of this disaster is that I was too arrogant, did not consider the whole, and tried to reproduce the miracles by human power. Acts beyond our will will fail, and our consciousness is not enough."

"Is not enough awareness?"

Einstein shook his head: "It should be said that we are too underestimated of this man."

He turned his head and found that Merope's body fell to the ground again. It can be seen that after Drake used this powerful anti-Crossic magic, the power of consciousness remaining in this biochemical man could not be persisted, and I am afraid it would soon disappear. After all, this is just a conscious clone.

"But even before the main body was dispatched, it caused us so much trouble."

Wait a minute, since the consciousness of avatars here has prepared an anti-Cross Spell magic to destroy our magic experiments in Britain, then the man in the United States who conducts the magic experiments is inevitably prepared.

This is really bad!

The top four pillars in the United States have not yet been fully completed, and in order to prepare for the "Trinity" on their own side, it can be said that they have stirred up the public and dragged out the main force of the Black Robe Wizard Group. Suppose that at this time, Drake attacked the empty interior Lao Chao, the result is self-evident.

"Can't stay here"

Dumbledore also figured this out: "I, Nicholas, and other English wizards stayed here. All the Black Robe Wizards had to rush back to Washington to prevent Drake from approaching the 'Four Pillars', Since God ’s plan has failed, he must go all out to complete the top four pillars, so as to compete with Drake and the Soviets. ”

Everyone knows how urgent the matter is. The Trinity's God-making plan is obviously hindered. The pillar of the gods contaminated by the "King of the Antichrist" will become a terrible disaster after a smooth break.

And Dumbledore stayed, holding dead spirits and stopping the calamity with his spirit.

As for the others, they also bear greater responsibilities. They not only have to complete the national magic "pillar of supremacy" being built by the United States, but also prevent Drake from attacking.

This time, everyone has been given a shot, and everyone has learned how terrible Drake the Dark Witch King is.

"Let's go!"

There was no farewell word, everyone agreed on this, the wizard in the wheelchair pointed at him, and a space portal opened in front of everyone.

"We have very little time left"

In the next second, all members of the Black Robe Wizardry were removed from the space.

"Go ahead! Dumbledore."

The Nicholas Mehlers did not leave, and a few powerful British wizards also remained.

"Very good, thank you for staying with me. Compared with the old wizards who are getting older and unable to keep up, this new generation of wizards has a brighter future and more plasticity"

"After all, the times are moving forward. We old wizards should also abdicate. The new wizards will inherit everything from us and fight against the ultimate evil forces."

Dumbledore knew this well before he decided to stay.

"That being the case, let us end it all."


United States ~ ~ Washington.

Lincoln Memorial.

This memorial is located on the west side of the National Mall in Washington, DC, in front of the Arlington Memorial Bridge, and is aligned with the Congress and the Washington Monument. The Lincoln Memorial is managed by the National Garden Administration and is open to the public for free all year round.

Every day, there are a lot of tours here.

Today, this memorial welcomes a surprise.

Drake came to this memorial in unobtrusive attire with other swimmers.

A marble statue of Abraham Lincoln is in the memorial, and the statue of the deceased has become a spiritual symbol of the country.

And this spiritual symbol is also very suitable for use as a magic material.

Drake could feel the powerful source of magic below the earth.