MTL - Players Please Respect Yourself-v2 Chapter 572 Forced new DLC

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  Chapter 572 Forced New DLC

  1024 in the Land Forsaken by God.

   On this day, the gray dwarves were mining as always. Today, this once incomparably evil dark race has become the backbone of the Abyss Legion.

  Suddenly, a large group of gray dwarfs heard a squeak of electric current coming from the south, like the thunder and lightning king Zerat snoring in his sleep.


   The face of the leading gray dwarf foreman suddenly turned black.

  The Land Abandoned by God was originally a special space in the gap between time and space. The guys who come here are messy and have everything. Except for the core cities, most of the rest of the area is a bit unstable.

   Even if the 'birthplace' is basically limited to a dozen or so places, occasionally there are still god-forsaken people falling in from every corner.

  For safety, the foreman greeted the younger brothers to leave first.

   "Old rules, here are the soldiers of the Legion."

  The gray dwarf's combat power is not weak, but they are dead when they die, which is fundamentally different from those inextinguishables that can be used repeatedly.

   And most of the inextinguishables produced by Atlantis are unwilling to do boring and boring work such as mining and farming. Today's gray dwarves have adapted to their new identity very well.

   In addition, it was later spread to this world and brought in from various undergrounds, and the total number of dwarves in this land abandoned by the gods has exceeded 20,000.

  According to the 2,000 people of the dwarves, it is a city, and it has the urine of a dwarf king. The volcano dwarf Balu, who was picked up by Wang Hao from the ghost, is now a real dwarf king.

  Fortunately, Balu, who is not even a quasi-hero, knows his [status] very well and is very humble.

   Knowing that the way of survival for the gray dwarves in this world is to hold Jason's thighs, so he has completed the production tasks arranged by Jason beautifully every time.

   However, today's sudden news of the destruction of the group made Balu's already very dark face develop in the direction of infinite blackness.

  Balu in Abyss City slapped the desk furiously in his office: "What's going on? One hundred people of a miner team died? Did you ask for help?"

   "I asked for help, but the soldiers of the Abyss Legion were busy fighting their national war, and not many people came. In the end, they were all destroyed by the opponent, even the altar was demolished, and they couldn't be resurrected."

   "Are there any magical images of the enemy?"


   After reading it, Baloo immediately made a decision: "Report to Miss Parana immediately!"

  Most of the heroes have been transferred away, and the rest are some third-line tool heroes. The only one who can be in charge is Miss Mermaid, who is known as Momma's family.

   When Wang Hao of the Wall of Sighs received the news, he was a little puzzled.

   It's not unusual for people to be raided and run out of food.

  In the history of the Celestial Dynasty, Cao Cao successfully relied on Wuchao to burn food and won the battle of Guandu.

  Without such a great deed, there would be no classic joke about Cao Cao and Jiang Gan greeting each other's mother if they were okay.

   Looking at the magic mirror, light footsteps could be heard in the darkness.

   The slight sound of the top predator's claws scraping the ground made Wang Hao a little relieved.

   It doesn't look like something powerful!

   What is he most afraid of?

What    is most afraid of is the entry of large demon-level monsters.

   At the moment when Basatan and Leviathan have been pulled away, it is the most uncomfortable to have a giant Boss in the hometown.

   Soon the monster in Balu's mouth emerged from the darkness, and the first thing to appear was a dazzling purple cat, which gracefully stepped into the darkness and entered the surveillance range of the Magic Eye.

   Using [Dark Vision], Wang Hao could clearly see that this monster only had an egg-sized eye, which was inlaid between the eyebrows like amethyst.

   A mouth is quite big!

   Wang Hao noticed that this mouth full of sharp fangs can be opened to 180 degrees.

  It is quite fast and agile. When it pounced on a gray dwarf and faced the miner's **** that the dwarf smashed over, it made a 90-degree twist in mid-air, elegantly dodging the dwarf's counterattack, the cat lowered its body, With a strong kick on the ground, he launched a surprise attack that changed the attack angle.

  It successfully slid down the upper part of the right hand that the dwarf swung out, biting the grey dwarf miner's neck in one bite, killing him with one blow.

   I don't know if it's an illusion, it seems to sense the position of the magic eye, and when it looks up, it stares at the magic eye with that gem-like, inorganic eye.

  The screen is interrupted!

   "Quantity?" Wang Hao asked a question.

Karandiya, who was kneeling on one knee under the throne, did not dare to look up at all: "Except for the three cities in the eight underground passages, all the other five passages have been invaded. The number is unknown, and more than 140 mines have been taken away. We lost more than a thousand ashes. Dwarves and eight hundred human soldiers. The exact number is still being calculated."

   Now guarding the Land Forsaken are two princes and a general from the Scorpion Dynasty.

  Kalandiya has the feeling that one is prosperous and all is lost.

  Seriously, the big thing in Karandiya's eyes is not a fart in Wang Hao's place, let alone anger.

   "Huh? Know how to raid the house first, weaken my war potential, and prove that the guy on the opposite side is not mindless. Send the order, all non-lineage troops should shrink first, and shrink all the manpower to the absolute control of the three major cities."

   "Yes." Carlandia bowed deeply, then waited left and right, but she couldn't wait for the next sentence, she looked up blankly: "Master, you won't punish me? After all, I am in charge of the Land Forsaken by God."

   "No need, you are just a nominal." Wang Hao waved his hand.


   "It's just cannon fodder."

   No matter how many people die, it doesn't hurt.

  Kalandiya wanted to say something, but the demon queen said: "Go back, shrink the front, the rest is none of your business."

  Wang Hao glanced at the two women, always feeling a little bit of a judgment.

  Kalandiya still has the old feudal dynasty in her mind, and the enchantress's thinking has kept up with the times.

  The Demon Empress smiled and said, "Master, is it time for the DLC to be released?"

  Wang Hao patted her butt: "Sure enough."

  The Demon Empress did not haunt Wang Hao all day like other women, but after entering the Celestial Dynasty, she studied hard. She is one of the fastest modern thinkers.

   Soon, the announcement of Xiaoqiang Studio made countless hard-working foreign players boil.

  【In response to the request of the majority of players, "Land Forsaken" has opened some PVE content again, and the new DLC (Dark Clouds) has been released...]

   Shameless someone, directly priced the new DLC at $29.99!

   But 300,000 copies were sold within an hour.

   This made the big boss of Microsoft scold Wang Hao for being shameless!

   "That bitch, the DLC will definitely be done early in the morning, if I don't give in, I will die!"


   The conscience of heaven and earth, a certain demon king really doesn't know when the enemy came!

  Hong Kong Zhen, he would also like to thank those visitors, because many players... have been idle for a long time!

   For a time, countless players invited friends and companions, it was so lively!

   (end of this chapter)