MTL - Players Please Respect Yourself-v2 Chapter 570 Microsoft serves soft

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   Chapter 570 Microsoft Service Soft

  Come on, Miss Heizhen, if you call yourself an [idiot], I, Wang Ritian, are not feeling well!

   But Heizhen said so.

   The simple word [cute] made her unable to even raise her head arrogantly.


   The hallucinations echoing in her ears were all her own continuous breathing.

   What came to her mind was the beautiful feeling of her body and mind being filled.


The word   【Dead Aojiao】is referring to Heizhen, plus the [Yan Yi] attack, outsiders see it as Heizhen trembling with anger because of his defeat.

   She clenched her fists and said harshly: "Jason Momoa! You pray you don't fall into my hands one day!"

   But you have fallen into my hands every day recently!

  Wang Hao didn't think about it, and Hei Zhen's spiritual question came: [Hao, I will pretend to challenge you tomorrow? 】

  【It's not good, it's too fake, you have been cleaned up by me for three consecutive days. 】

  【Woo! 】Heizhen let out a cry like a small animal for the first time, and seemed to find something wrong, and turned into [Humph! 】

   On the bright side, Wang Hao sarcastically said: "Haha! You too, don't come to challenge me when your brain is hot, and run away with your tail between your tails when you lose!"

【You bastard! 】Heizhen in the spiritual connection is a real curse. She remembered that after failing the challenge yesterday, she actually gave Wang Hao a plug-in tail.

   This is really chilling!

  No need to act anymore!

  Wang Hao thinks this guy is really cute, and she deserves to be the best woman to deal with in the Land Abandoned by God. She said she didn't want to, as long as she asked her seriously, she would not refuse any of his requests.

   Her heart has been hungry for too long, and she belongs to the type that will bloom brilliantly with just a little love.

Ah! What a contradictory and lovely woman.

  The two walked side by side like this, and walked into the military conference hall almost next to the gate, as if there was an insurmountable gap called [hatred] in front of each other!

   It is unimaginable that the two were so close in the 'duel'.

   In this scene, the demon queen who followed behind just wanted to laugh, and it was quite hard to hold back the laughter.

   Entering the meeting, Wang Hao just wanted to doze off.

   Seriously, Rachel is not the right girl to be a leader.

   She has the toughness of a tyrant, and she can also lead the charge and become a firm banner. But she is too rigid, inflexible, and reckless.

  Emotional intelligence is slightly lower, but the intelligence value cannot keep up, so it is impossible to come up with constructive strategies.

   If it weren't for the fact that there was still a galactic order council pressing down on it, it is estimated that even if the six overlords did not oppose her, they would turn around and leave, leaving the sentence "I won't serve you anymore".

   This time it is a summary of the meeting, which is more like a self-humiliation.

What Rachel said, "The Earth Elemental Corps failed to stop the enemy army", Wang Hao just wanted to laugh when he heard it - you let the Earth Elemental Giants that carry the damage fight against the nimble little stickmen. the difference? After all, you Rachel misdirected.

   Besides, you are a commander-in-chief, what are you doing in the front line of defense work?

   A group of level 2 soldiers rushed over, it would be too much for you to put a quasi-hero with a little commanding ability.

   It's not that someone Wang despised her, and he really wanted to change to a quasi-hero of the Scorpion Dynasty, and his military quality was better than hers.

  What do you think, Rachel looks like the heroine in the [No Misfortune] series!


  Then the question is, if there are two or five boys among the eight hegemons, who would they be?

Aside from himself and Rachel, who is obviously a target, and Heizhen, who has worked alone for a hundred years and is definitely not fit to be a second or fifth child, and then subtracts the remaining four overlords who can't grasp the overall situation at all. In theory, the culprit is you— - Mr. Windous!

   It is impossible to observe secretly. These days, no one who can be a hero of the overlord level has a poor perception.

Rachel was speaking at the head of the long table. Wang Hao first turned his gaze to Rachel carelessly, and then contemptuously shifted his gaze to Yun Daosi, who was silent next to him. Their eyes met for a dozen times. Seconds, Wang Hao looked away in disdain, turned to look at the extremely calm rock giant Wang Locke, and then looked at each one.

   In the face of Wang Hao's scrutiny, some people are disdainful, some snort coldly, and some cast curious eyes, seeming to ask 'what do you want to do? ’.

  Wang Hao doesn't really understand the idea of ​​big bosses of different races.

   can see their attitude somewhat.

   Mantis King Lange and Rock Rock are typically neutral, and they respond with curious glances.

  The Night Demon King Hawk is a guy whose whole body is wrapped in a dark and cold breath. His appearance of thorns and thorns is meaningless. Wang Hao can feel that there is a real body under his current shell. His eyes were rather unfriendly.

   "Dare to provoke me, I will kill you!" Hawke's eyes said so.

[Phantom Feather Neon] is quite interesting. This woman looks a bit like a Brazilian girl, with typical wheat-colored skin, perfect body proportions, deep facial features, and seven points like supermodel Gisele Bundchen, belonging to the kind of slender type.

   If there were no colorful wings on her back, Wang Hao would believe her if she was a Brazilian girl.

   was different from what a certain demon king imagined. Feeling his gaze, Huan Yu Neon actually grinned.

Meow meow meow?

Just after taking over Rachel's topic, she opened her mouth to speak kindly to Wang Hao: "The winged people will protect the airspace of the Abyss Legion as much as possible, but our compatriots who fell into the water, please help your subordinates as much as possible. Humans have a small population, and every warrior is a valuable asset."

   "Yes." A certain demon king tried his best to maintain his icy personality.

  The unnutritious meeting is finally over.

   As soon as he returned to the station, Wang Hao in the Tianchao villa received news from Sun Shangying that Microsoft had softened.

   "There is a price of 50 million US dollars, and I hope we can open a second "Land Forsaken" server. The server fee is calculated separately, and even the salary of the actors is easy to say." The secretary blinked funny.

   This is Microsoft really can't do anything about it. Forced acquisition is impossible, and "Xiaoqiang Studio" is driven away. Once the exclusivity period expires, it is completely conceivable that Wang Hao will give all the game shares to competitors.

   Entering May, the flu shows no sign of slowing down.

   The home quarantine order has also contributed to the popularity of the game industry.

   If you miss such an opportunity to make money, the board of directors is afraid that the CEO of Asan will be killed!

   It's funny to say, and this is also the pot of the flu.

  Because the quarantine order forced all companies in the old and the United States to work as far as possible, which led to the reduction of new startups, and in disguise, the sales of Microsoft systems decreased.

   The actual high unemployment rate also led to lower computer sales.

  The main business is not enough, but the game industry is booming.

   There is a classic joke——

   "Because there is a virus outside, I can't go out!" Saying this sounds weak, empty, cowardly, full of complaints and boring.

Change this to: "I swear to myself - until the plague disappears from the earth, I will stick to my loneliness!" Wearing a cross sword.


   This is the power of words!

   (end of this chapter)