MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Mushroom Squad Power

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As for the girls in the team, Tang Shenshen, Xiaoye, Feifei, and Barbara are now added. They are all delicate-minded people. The eyes of pineapple are as clear as water, and everyone is peaceful, kind and peaceful, that is, He treats the members of the team equally regardless of men and women. As for the men's guess of pineapple, the girls have never thought about it.

"Everyone is back. Tell us about the past 20 years. As for Barbara, some things have been told to her deeply, this time for a half-month rest, you should organize your income and avoid exposure. Whereabouts, everyone ’s new weapons and equipment, etc. I will send them to you to carry with you. In reality, it is best not to use capabilities and weapons, otherwise you should know about the trouble. "

After everyone stopped, Pineapple smiled for a while, Tang nodded deeply and said:

"In recent years, we have been cultivating our own abilities, and we have copied the classics and five-element exercises from Ziyuan and Qinhuang. I still practice Tantric exercises and Paiyun palms, and by the way, have practiced the five-element exercises. Water spells, combat effectiveness has increased by at least half.

By the way, the combination of Wanjian Guizong and Nianli's existing weapons is even more powerful, and it is also very useful to plot other people's words. "

Erhei laughed:

"What about me, the first layer of the nine-conversion Xuan Gong that has been exchanged has not reached the top, and the second layer of exercises has not been exchanged. It is estimated that the punches, punches, and void and immortal gold are more powerful than the boxing gods in the situation. As for transfiguration, it's also very fun. At least when I and Antenna were in China, I killed a lot of people but nobody knew what was going on. "

"I only added fire spells, which just happened to be combined with my Vulcan magic, plus my Sky Frost fist and teleport ability, and the combat effectiveness was also increased by about half." Feifei continued.

Antenna Fang Yile said:

"My phoenix power is getting stronger and stronger. As for Daxinxichan, it is also good practice. The various martial arts in Wushuang City have also improved me a lot, but the combination with Daxixi is very small."

Pineapple smiled and said:

"It happened that I got the cause-effect transfer tactics here. This martial art should be in harmony with your joyful meditation. This method and the legendary Dou Zhuan Star Shift and Qian Kun shift can be used to attack. After you return home, you can study slowly. Others? ? "

Pineapple handed over the causal transfer tactics obtained by Master Qing to the antenna. Meng Xiong said silly for a while:

"I'm not as powerful as them. Although I also ate a few blood bodhi, I also asked Tian Gun Jue to cultivate to a very high level. Adding shock waves that can erupt at any time, it is very powerful."

The last laughter said with a pointed chin and sulking,

"I did n’t enter the X-Men world with you. I now estimate that I ’m not as good as Meng Xiong, but my wind ability is self-excited, combined with Fengshen's legs, and then practicing wood spells, now I am still very powerful. "

A group of old players have improved a lot, Pineapple happily said:

"Everyone ’s practice is very good. In the past 20 years, I have only upgraded to three levels of practice. I am majoring in North Star Aspiration and have superimposed countless special practice meridians. As for the power, I rarely use it. Too much. I only use it when it is useful. As for various martial arts skills, I am now integrating sword, sword, palm, boxing, leg, and finger meanings, and I will tell you when I have studied them. "

Pineapple has worked hard for 20 years. For the huge martial arts books and exercises obtained in the world, he did not specifically study the tricks in it, but the connotations of various exercises. As long as he understands, he can be like the top ten. A warrior creates his own martial arts.

In the stormy world, Pineapple has absorbed the practice of Emperor Shitian and others, and has compressed the martial arts gold in Dantian, so he upgraded the three layers to seem to be the least of all people, but he actually upgraded the three layers. The power is even stronger than their multiplied combat power.

Pineapple because of the heart of the universe, the speed of perception of the power of nature is very fast, Erhei and others found the five elements of magic from the Laoshan Mausoleum, he almost always learned, but the spell is powerful is powerful, but unfortunately need time to prepare However, instantaneous spells are not as good as his current fighting methods. Unless there is an opportunity to allow him to use enough time to perform, he usually does not intend to use spells.

Everyone has used the twenty years of hard work in this world to gain a lot. Looking at the team members, Pineapple smiled with satisfaction before handing out a pot of water to Barbara and saying:

"Yes, drinking it can keep the cells in the body active, which is the legendary state of immortality, and has a strong ability to repair wounds, but this kind of thing can not enhance any special combat capabilities. If you want to fight If you don't die, you must speed up your cultivation.

After you go back and study the map of meridians I gave you, the next task begins, you will choose a practice method to ensure the improvement of your physical fitness, you can also practice the Western methods you are familiar with, but I have seen the Western methods from the inside And it ’s rare and not perfect to practice the body. "

Barbara is obedient to pineapples now. In addition to her absolute trust in pineapples, she also understands that although the captain of pineapples will never actively intervene in the mushroom team, his proposals are often carefully considered. Based on the entire team development.

After explaining their own affairs, everyone had temporary sufficient experience. Each of them began to study the future exchange direction and development ~ ~ In the chat, Erhei and Antenna casually mentioned the special things they did in China. They spent a lot of money and sufficient weapons. They supported a warlord who thought it was appropriate, and trained a lot of elites. As for an outbreak in the future, if this unit is still unable to win the battle, it can only be said that their level is too scum. .

The players left one by one, and finally Tang Shenshen and Pineapple were left. Looking at the pineapple thoughtfully, Tang Shenshen raised his legs and laughed:

"Why is there still something to do? Is it related to Barbara or the next task?"

Tang Shen deeply did not ask him about the two sisters in the heart of the universe, because she knew that two beautiful girls who could drink the water of life and stay immortal for two decades, pineapple's mind was not on the girls, and now only the new ones Barbara and the next task will make Pineapple think about it.

Pineapple laughed for a while and said:

"Barbara is no problem. She will understand that the partners of the mushroom team are trusted comrades. I am guessing the next task, after three consecutive team battles, this time I use my own powerful power and calculations to destroy in advance. In order for the opposing team and the free team to win, the next task is to stand alone or continue the team battle. This is a matter of preparing in advance. "