MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 459 Killed Kui Timberwolves, took away 0 flowers ashamed

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Tang Sanzang sighed and said:

"The Bodhisattva only gave me the sling spell, but did not give the sling spell, and I don't know why this thing is so powerful. It actually makes you sick. You should rest more these days. The pig guardian is worried that you will go to the mountain yourself. "

Is Tang Yan really worried about Sun Wukong? That is certainly not the case. This is the Boyue Cave from Baoxiang abroad. Tang Yuan checked it along the westbound road many years ago. At that time, there was no demon in Boyue Cave.

During this trip, he didn't do anything else, that is, to break the Kui wood wolf that became a demon here. This has a background killing and can't expose Tang Sanzang to calamity. If everyone is here, though, you can rely on Sun Wukong and him. The power of the cover won, but Tang Sanzang was frightened, which is equivalent to leaving a part of the disaster.

Tang Yan swept up the mountain along the ground, and in front of Boyue Cave, he took a closer look at the dozens of little monsters who were practicing martial arts, while a monster with a green fangs and sharp mouth was sleeping and sleeping on the boulder next to him. After walking along the pile of stones with a smile, he walked to the monster, and saw that the monster opened his mouth while he was asleep. Tang Yan didn't say a word, and the nine-toothed rake in his hand nailed to the monster's brain.

This raking force was millions of pounds, and the monster and the boulder burst into pieces and burst into bursts in the rumbling sound. The little monsters outside did not have time to dodge, and became a corpse under the rubble.

Tang Yan bombarded the Kui Timber Wolf, and grabbed the true spirit that Kui Timber Wolf was planning to fly back to Fengshenbang by holding a piece of suction. He rubbed the real spirit of Kui Timber Wolf as soon as he became ashes.


At the same time, Tianting Fengshentai sent a loud noise, and the guard in charge of the guard stepped forward to take a look. On the twenty-eighth place, the name of Kui Timber Wolf was suddenly absent. Xing Su Quanzhong directly blocked Tianbing and asked:

"What's so panic?"

Tianbing hurriedly said:

"Qi Jun Xing Jun, the twenty-eighth Kui wood wolf disappeared from the Fengshen list."

"Oh, then you go and report."

Su Quanzhong let the heavenly soldiers go, and when the soldiers went away, Su Quanzhong whispered:

"The teacher said that Kui Timber Wolf has disappeared, and I can ignite the gods who think that the true spirit can die and rise from the list of gods."

Su Quanzhong only served as a broken army star king, but his cultivation has achieved Daoguo Jinxian with the help of the stars brought by the floods for so many years. Although he is nothing in the masters of heaven, he does not There is no need to fight but to stir up the flames.


Not to mention that the gods in the heavenly courts learned that the gods could not resurrect the gods whose true spirits were killed, but they were subject to the gods, and everyone's hatred for heaven and the saints accumulated.

Tang Yue killed Kui Timber Wolf and the group of demon outside the cave, and the rake in his hand waved all the way into the cave. Where can the little demon in the cave resist for half a second, but Tang Yue has already entered the inner hole and is killing It had to rise, and a sudden scream made Tang Yan stop raking his hands.

At this moment, the distance of a beautiful woman's head about a thirty or so was no more than half an inch. Tang Ye looked at it. It wasn't a monster. He suddenly understood that this should be the princess Baihuashi, the wife of Kui Timber Wolf. The greedy pig Bajie, with a rake in his hand, pulled the flowers into his arms and stared:

"What monster are you?"

Hundreds of flowers were embarrassed when she was embraced by Tang Yan, but she was weak all these 13 years, and Kui wood wolf was a wolf-headed monster. Although she was unwilling, she could not resist, this will be another The man hugged, she actually had an abnormal reaction.

"Slave ... Slave is not a demon, but a princess of Baoxiang Kingdom three hundred miles away."

Baihua said in a stunned way, Tang Yan sensed that there was no surveillance for a while, but he still looked around in the cave before carrying Shaohua out of the cave door, a rake blasted the cave down, and he went all the way Hahaha laughed along the way:

"Kill a monster and pick up a princess, and it looks like you're lucky this time."

At this moment, a white smoke erupted in front of Tang Yue, and then an old man who was less than half of Tang Yue shouted with a cane:

"Marshal Canopy, Marshal Canopy is slow."

He also used the name of heaven to call people, that is, people in the system, Tang Yan, carrying a hundred flowers with no resistance, stepped forward and laughed:

"Land, why are you calling me?"

The land sighed:

"Well, Marshal, listen to me. You killed the Kui Timber Wolf in the twenty-eighth place in Heaven. You killed one of you. Don't you worry that the other twenty-seven stars are in trouble with you?"

"They dare? What does the Jade Emperor do? Trouble me, and I will kill them one by one, thinking that my old pig is afraid of them." Tang Yan said with a grudge.

The land was just a reminder. Looking at Tang Yang's indifferent appearance, he pointed at Bai Huaxu and said:

"Marshal, this shame of flowers has been a woman for thirteen years. Is the marshal ready to pick up broken shoes?"

Tang Ye understands the meaning of the land. Tang Ye has already entered the sand gate at this moment. Even if he doesn't abstain from sex, he must quit Y evil. He laughed:

"Good land, old pig I don't have cleanliness. You can't coax me. This woman is not willing to be an old pig, but if she is willing to serve me, it doesn't matter if you play with a princess."

"It's so good, so good, the little old man retired."

At a glance at the land, Tang Ye didn't intend to disappear with a strong stool, but Tang Ye was ashamed to the foot of the mountain with a hundred flowers, and saw Tang Ye carrying a woman down the mountain.

"Protect the law, aren't you patrolling the mountains, why did you grab a woman back and rush back, send it back, don't eat the lawsuit, then we can't all get rid of it."

Tang Yan laughed:

"Haha ~ ~ I can't send it back. I found a fairy hole in the mountain. I raked down and killed hundreds of demon kings of the demon king. I found the princess of the country of flowers in the cave. So we brought it down, and we hurried to the Baoxiang Kingdom. With this princess, we could change the official documents faster, maybe the king had to give us some entanglements. "

Putting Baihua shame down, Bai Huashi explained it for a while, Tang Sanzang was relieved, but Sun Wukong took Tang Yue to the side and whispered:

"You can't tell me **** the monsters. I'm so panicked these days that I'm planning to kill some monsters."

Tang Yan thought about the next calamity and whispered:

"Mo Pan, Mo Pan, the next time I will steal the treasure, I will let you kill the monsters, you remember that killing the monsters needs to destroy their primordial gods, otherwise the monster's primordial gods escape is still a disaster."

In this wave of the moon cave is the Kui wood wolf, but the next golden horn and silver horn in the lotus hole of Pingdingshan are the two children of Taishang Laojun. Tang Yan has only one word for these monsters that have been intentionally arranged by the backstage. -kill.