MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 455 Goofy with Goku

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Because they were afraid of Tang Wu ’s change in pig Wu Neng, they did n’t dare to recruit a group of sons-in-law. Everyone saw that Tang Sanzang wanted him to marry his three daughters with his mother, and scared Tang Sanzang to escape in the middle of the night. If it weren't for Sun Wukong, this handsome monk would not dare to live in the villa.

In order to pretend to be a colored pig, Tang Yan had to attack a few bodhisattvas. After being rejected by Yan Ci, he returned to the room and muttered blindly. He scolded a few women for not knowing what was a good man, and even turned his voice through the window. It is said that the entire villa can be heard.

"Well ... this pig Wu can open his mouth is these words, what one person to single out four women is simply relaxed, and what can everyone do ... oh, do not give it to him in the future Become a woman. "

In the inner courtyard, Guanyin, who turned into a 15-year-old girl, couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, and Li Shan, a middle-aged woman, laughed:

"This is normal, normal, this pig's head is so natural, otherwise we won't go to Guang'e Palace to find Chang'e, and try to mention women in front of him as little as possible, and his current pig body cannot be stimulated."

Western teachings had to test Tang Sanzang. This test was indeed effective. At least Tang Sanzang was scared and scared when he heard that he and the woman would slap. When Tang Sanzhuang got up early the next morning, he was shocked when he saw him suddenly in the wilderness. Exclaimed:

"Goku, we have encountered a monster ..."

Sun Wukong glanced down at a tree with a smile on his face and said with a smile:

"What kind of monsters are there a few bodhisattvas that have nothing to test your sincerity, let's pack up and set off."

The team started, and Sun Wukong retreated to Tang Yan who was walking behind and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, you also see that it was a bodhisattva?"

Tang Yan stared and said:

"No matter that, my old pig has no golden eyes, but just smells something unique. Two men become women, and they can't get rid of their breath. At first glance, it's not serious, how do you know what is a bodhisattva or a fairy? . "

"Yes, yes, it's not that the bodhisattva is a fairy, let's set off quickly."

Sun Wukong knew that Tang Yuan would never say that he recognized several Bodhisattvas in the West, otherwise it would be a normal behavior if he knew that the identity of the other party was still attacking.

After leaving the mountains, I went to the official road. In less than half a month, three people have already reached Wanshoushan. In order to avoid trouble, Tang Wu informed Sun Wukong in advance that there is a quasi-sage master here, and also explained that there are people participating in the fruit in Wuzhuang Temple. Although the children are delicious fairy fruits, they have no effect on them. If they offend Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy, don't even want to escape in the whole earth fairy world.

If others say that, Wu Gong, the monkey monkey, absolutely sings the opposite, but Tang Ye, who spoke in the middle of the night, knows that Tang Ye will never stand up to others' reputations.

The three had reached Wuzhuang in the evening, and Tang Sanzang banged the door himself. A few moments later, the two young boys with buns opened their doors and looked at Tang Sanzang, who was wearing a hoe. The two boys looked again. Sun Wukong, who kept the hairy monkey from the same body, finally looked at Tang Yan in a green robe.

Looking at it, one of the Daotongs said to Tang Seng Xing Li:

"Master, are you Tang Sanzang from Dongtu Tang to Xitian?"

Tang Sanzang Heshi said:

"The poor monk is just passing by Guiguan. It ’s late, the poor monks and guardians want to stay overnight, and they hope that the two Daotongs will go and tell your masters. I would be grateful if you could stay overnight."

The Taoist boy who just spoke said with a grin:

"My master has gone to the Tian Mi Luo Palace in Shangqing to go to Yuanshi Tianzun to listen to the mixed Daoguo. He explained when he left. If Tang Sanzang from the west has arrived, he can stay here to entertain."

Tang Yan always smiled at the back. Yuanzi Xiu in this town is highly advanced, and he is already one of the few great gods in the flood and wasteland. However, he considers himself to be respected, and was ordered by Hongjun to be the ancestor of immortals. Under the Sanqing son-in-law and others, I do n’t know if the sages have become immeasurable or turned into flying ashes, the ancestors of the immortals are not empty.

The group entered the hall because Zhenyuan Zi was the ancestor of the earth fairy. He did n’t even worship the saints such as Sanqing Nu Wa, and provided the word “Tiandi” in the center of the hall. He also felt that it ’s polite to worship the sky. The ancestors of the immortals with the earth books are not worthy.

Tang Xun and Sun Wukong didn't talk in a mess. When they settled down, Sun Wukong and Tang Xuan took Bai Longma to Wuzhuangguan and put it out, watching Wuzhuangguan Sun Wukong whispered:

"Yuanzi in this town is so angry."

Tang Yan patted Bai Longma and laughed:

"Be the same as the world, let's have a bigger tone. The world's ancestors are not finished, Xiaobai, and quickly ate the forage, so we can rest, and we will leave early in the morning. Do n’t mess with it, you can afford to kill it, remember, we have to be a little bit careful if we want to live a long time. "

Normally, this little white dragon didn't speak honestly, but Tang Ye explained how to fight and kill people, but did not avoid him. Bai Longma nodded and walked to the side to eat grass. Sun Wukong sat on the grass and looked up. Said against the sky:

"Heaven and earth collapse. Doesn't that mean that we may die too? What Western Bliss is mentioned then, we have to hang it."

Tang Yan laughed:

"Do you know how long Xian is?"

This is the most basic knowledge in the practice door, but Sun Wukong scratched his head and said:

"When I practiced, I only knew that there were three disasters and five calamities. If I didn't want to die, I had to jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements ~ ~ Later, I achieved Taiyizhenxian, but there were ghosts who came to take me. Can I be able to live with heaven and earth if I wipe out my life and death?

Today, I eat immortal peach, and I have made King Kong not bad. They said that I am already Taiyi Jinxian, and I also think that my fighting ability is amazing. Otherwise, I would n’t make a big bet on Tiangong and Rulai. "

Tang Yan said:

"In the flood season, Jinxian walked all over, and the quasi-san was like a dog, and that jinxian was a Taoist jinxian on top of the Taiyi jinxian, and the quasi-san was like a mustard in front of the merit sage of the day after tomorrow, not to mention the mixed Yuan Tao Guo Jinxian, Wu Kong, do you still think Taiyi Jinxian is very powerful? "

Sun Wukong sat up sharply and looked at Tang Yan, he scratched his ears and said:

"Taiyi Jinxian, Daoguo Jinxian, Zhunsheng, the merit sage of the day after tomorrow, and mixed Yuan Daoguo Jinxian, this is only three levels away. It is not far, not too far. When I achieve Mixed Yuan Daoguo Jinxian, That is not to live with heaven and earth, that is eternal. "

The difference is three levels. Perhaps Daoguo Jinxian is not very difficult, but thousands of innate deities in the flood that year were led to chaos and killed by the flood will design. Although the remaining people have achieved many quasi saints, they can follow the demons' civil war. Almost all killed.