MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 452 Fake honest monk

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Tang Sanzang watched Dashan wipe his sweat and said:

"It's difficult to find people in this wilderness, and the mountains in front will not be able to walk for a few days. What if there are monsters?"

Tang Yan took out the water bag and handed it to Sanzang and laughed:

"The Zen master doesn't need to worry. I go to the mountains to see if there are monsters and kill them. At that time, the road will be a bit difficult and nothing can be done."

As soon as Tang Jun was about to fight a monster, Sun Wukong, who was going crazy all the way, was mad and shouted:

"Brother Wu Neng, I'll go, I'll go, and promise to kill all the monsters."

Tang Yan didn't intend to take his own shot, but Sun Monkey's personality was too detached. He got excited when he was going to fight monsters. He laughed:

"It ’s okay to go to Wukong, but I heard the villagers say that this monster can wind up in the sand. It ’s true that Wukong has to fight with him. It ’s true to take away his magic weapon first, remember. monster."

Sun Wukong came all the way, fighting black bears many times near the Guanyin Zen Academy, and finally regained the black bears by means of Guanyin. When he arrived in Gao Laozhuang, he was considered a big loss by Tang Mao. He was anxious to leave now. He nodded hurriedly and said:

"I'll take a look later when I have a magic weapon and steal it for him, quack ... Old grandson goes too ..."

Sun Wukong flew to the mountain in a somersault, while Tang Yan sat aside and chatted with Tang Sanzang. Although Tang Yu had eaten meat and drank along the way, he did not pick things up in the team. He had a good relationship with Tang Sanzang and Wu Kong. However, Tang Xun did not like Tang Sanzang to talk about Scriptures and so on, so he usually talked about some high customs and humanities, and resolutely did not study with the other party what seemed more reasonable but just brainwashing.

Half a hour later, Sun Wukong fell into a tussle before the two. He held a saucer in his left hand and held a sting carcass in his right hand and grinned:

"It's done. I went to the mountain and quietly explored it. The dish of the marten monster was stolen by me. The savage wind from his open mouth was useless to me and was killed by a stick."

Tang Yan smiled and said:

"Did anyone else come after killing the goblin?"

Monkey King nodded hurriedly:

"Yeah, Lingji Bodhisattva saw that I killed this marten and said he was late. I don't know if he came early to recover this marten?"

Tang Xun did not answer to take Marten and said:

"Go get some food for Master Zen. We have to wander around in the mountains these days. I'll pick up the marten over there and wait for us to leave."

"Emi tofu ... cottage cottage ..."

Tang Sanzang knew that Tang Ji was planning to roast the sable rat, and for a while, Sun Wukong covered his brain and passed the dish to Tang Ji:

"Brother Wu Neng, I tried this stuff. There isn't much power without the monster's Samadhi. You can keep playing and kill some monsters in the future. Maybe you can use some magic weapons."

Killing monsters and winning treasures, along the way, Tang Yan talked to Sun Wukong about these things, and even explained in detail how to fight monsters fastest and most effectively. The purpose is to get Sun Wukong interested in fighting monsters and treasure, although he seems to be Treasures are not of much interest, but Tang Yuan plans to make more. After all, he will be able to test the refiner according to various treasures.

Tang Yan cleaned the mink fines not far away. He didn't actually need to eat and drink Lazarus, but in order to pretend to be a pig, he now has to eat and drink every day. If it is not for the strong, the absorption and transformation ability is strong, he Estimated to grow into a fat man.

Sun Wukong's attempt to kill Huang Fengling's marten demon was not a big problem. The most powerful marten rat is the Sanmei Shenfeng plus poisonous sand. Even the Monkey King can't resist that thing, but the separate Sanmai Shenfeng is not covered by poisonous sand. Sun Wukong Can dodge.

This first blow, Sun Wukong did it perfectly, and killed the mink sperm. Although this difficulty will still be counted, Tang Sanzang passed without suffering Goku and did not recruit disaster, and Lingji Bodhisattva did not receive the monster of the mink. This is already The Western teachings began to deviate.

After crossing the Huangfeng Ridge, a few months later, when everyone turned over a hillside, they saw a turbulent and wide river. Everyone walked along the river for more than thirty miles. Tang Sanzang frowned and looked forward and said:

"There are no ferries here, and the river is so turbulent and turbid. How do we get there?"

Sun Wukong took a look at the distance and said:

"There is a stele not far ahead, let's take a look."

Before arriving at the stele, Tang Sanzang whispered while watching the words on the stele:

"Eight hundred sand rivers, three thousand weak water depths, the goose feathers can't afford to float, and the reed flowers will sink to the bottom."

On the side, Sun Wukong picked up a dry branch and threw it into the water, and the branch sank directly into the water. Tang Sanzang looked at the river in shock and said:

"Why is that so?"

Tang Yan's ears moved, and he touched Wukong with a nine-tooth nail rake and whispered:

"Brother, ready to have a monster coming out, in the water, remember that I led him ashore, you prepare in mid air, fight the monster faster, remember to kill in one hit."

"Old Sun cares, man is ready to prepare." Sun Wukong smiled brightly in the eyes.

Tang Yan went to Tang Seng and said:

"Master Zen sat down for a while. I used to be Tianhe Marshal of Tianhe. I went to the river to take a look, maybe I could find the way back."

Sanzo nodded hurriedly and said:

"It's troublesome to protect the law."

Tang Yi walked to the quicksand river with a nail harrow ~ ~ He jumped in when he turned around. He didn't swim ten feet in the muddy river water, and a dark shadow burst out under the river. The water popped out of the water, and a green-faced ugly man covered with grass covered his head with a zen stick.

This guy just ate nine monk's roller blinds, Sha Wujing, in different ways. However, the purpose of Tang Xuan this time was to kill this guy. How many people in future generations would watch Westward Journey and make all kinds of comments. , Sha Wujing is the most honest and willing to do it;

But these people only look at the back and don't see how bad things the monk did in this Liusha River. Anyone who passed the Liusha River would be caught by him if he didn't pay attention, and the first nineth lives of Tang Sanzang were all sand. The monk ate it, and even the so-called rosary on his neck was made from the skull of Tang Sanzang's previous life.

His sinful experience was covered with a simple and candid surface. This monk is far more hateful than Tang Sanzang, who is soft and loyal to the Western religion. Eastern soil has always paid attention to goodness, goodness to evil, and evilness. Teach a sentence to lay down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha to exempt the crimes of the wicked, even under the protection of Western religion;

It wasn't easy for Tang Huan to kill a person, but he saw that Sha Wujing cannibalism almost fell to the point where other saints ignored all beings.