MTL - Pivot of the Sky-v2 Chapter 335 Last gift

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Jesus answered! "It is a monk from Tianzhu. Their leader is called Vincent. This person claimed to be born in Assyria, but later went to the distant Tianzhu. The Tianzhu people believed in reincarnation. According to Vincent, he was subject to This kind of guidance came, and I had a friendship with me before I was born, which puzzled my parents. "

Xiao Ye was also puzzled by Huo, but that Vincent should be a disciple guided by Infinite Light, not the gods of Olympus, and finally let him feel a little relieved, and continued to ask curiously: "They sent you What gift? "Jesus laughed." I was still a baby at the time. It was impossible to know. Listen to the mother's report of incense and precious gold in the temple, but the last gift was special. It turned out to be the fragrance of the body when it was buried. "My father was surprised, but my mother later understood the meaning and explained it."

Mingyue Ye: "Oh, how did she explain it?" **** slowly replied: "Life is like a chain of pearls strung together by a series of experiences. The last bead is the tears of loved ones farewell. Farewell. A gift from a distant guest,

That should be the meaning. "

Mingyue night exclaimed: "What a wise word! What special thing did Lou give birth to?" **** said: "Vincente also told my parents to take me out of the cold plains quickly and come back one year later. .My parents did as he said, and took me to the son of Eju. Soon after we left, King Herod, who had been marauded by the Maro people, ordered a search of the newborn baby in the people and sent it to Maro City. The magician identified. It is said that when a demon came to the world, as we call the Satan, it will bring plague and famine, and many children will die later. "Xiao Ye heard the heart bang. Jump. It seems that **** had experienced the silent danger when he was born. The gods of Olympus did not do nothing, but the newborn baby escaped lucky.

Did Zeus and Infinite Light notice anything? This is a mystery that cannot be understood by Mingyue Ye, and none of the angels in heaven can surpass Zeus. Maybe Zeus may perceive clues unknown to some angels. Vincent was probably sent by Wuliangguang. What's the purpose of Wuliangguang doing this? Do you want to guide Améng in rotation to his Lingshan Buddha Kingdom?

Xiaoye asked again, "Are you going to Tianzhu this time, do you still want to find that Mr. Vincent?" **** replied: "Yes, I want to visit him. I have many questions in my mind and I want to Seek advice from this Eastern sage. "Hearing here, Mingyue, a pseudonym of Xiaoye, has made a decision and can't continue to be delayed. Be sure to hand in the iron stick before **** meets Vincent. give him. As soon as he crossed the Tianzhu River and left Olympus, he immediately completed the task.

After several months of trekking, this cold-sold caravan finally left the Maro Empire to enter Tianzhu. On this day, they crossed the Tianzhu River and reached a place where the Macedonian army had not yet arrived. Not far away. It was late after crossing the river, and the caravan set up a tent lu camp at the foot of the mountain in the wild, guarding the warriors on duty in charge of vigilance. You can enter the city tomorrow to pay and unload the goods, everyone sleeps very sweet tonight.

Suddenly, in his sleep, **** heard a calling in the spirit hun: "Joseph, I am entrusted by the angels of the Kingdom of Arroch to confirm your identity and responsibilities.

Please come out of the camp and come to see me in the woods. I hope you are the person I am waiting for. "Just put on his clothes and walked out of the tent. No one noticed him quietly. He came in the direction of the sound At the foot of the mountain, there seems to be a faint light to guide him. About su climbed up the hillside through the dense forest, and in the open ground under the stone wall, there was a person standing in the middle, holding a tree-like branch in his hand. cane.

Jesus whispered in surprise: "1 night, how are you?"

Xiaoye replied with an iron stick in his hands and replied, "My name is Mingyue Ye, I have accepted the guidance of Alohe, and I have been appointed by the angels of heaven to give you something."

In an unbelievable tone, **** said, "You, you are a messenger of heaven!"

Mingyue night turned around and waved a walking stick, knocking silently on the stone wall. The cane looked like only a branch, but the mountain wall trembled slightly, a gap appeared, and a clear spring flowed out from the stone gap. He held up his walking stick and turned and asked, "Joseph, you are a coldhead and believe in Arroho. Then you should have heard the story of Moses. Do you know the legend of this walking stick?"

The spirit of **** seemed to be shining by a beam of light, and he cried out, "Moses' cane!

The Aro River gave Moses' cane! Moses led him to lead the Lous' ancestors out of the fate of slavery and return home to build a home. It is a symbol of redemption and hope! "

Mingyue came over, in the tone of the request: "Now, I ask you to pick up this staff.

Jesus was stunned, and reached out subconsciously to take over the legendary staff.

Heart-shaped like holding a precious piece of porcelain. There was an indescribable light in the eyes of Mingyueye. When **** took the staff, he had confirmed it. This young carpenter is Améng in the world!

The moonlight night is very clear. This artifact has become perfect. Its magical effects reach the most natural state. It is no longer a horse-steel staff with four **** stones in the hands of Jesus. It is a tree-shaped cane, and even the gods can't find any strange cars.

In the mood jidàng, he bowed to the ground on the moon night and kissed the dirt in front of the feet of Jesus.

But **** made a puzzled voice: "The Angel of the Aro River, it is a branch in my hands!" How can you salute me like this, please get up! "Jesus was holding a tree branch, and suddenly saw the movement of Mingyue Ye. He bent down and reached out to help him. When his hand touched Mingyue Ye's body, he seemed to pass through the air. Mingyueye's figure was In the eyes of Yo Su disappeared in the air, the night in the mountain forest was quiet, as if nothing had happened, but **** really held a stick cut from a branch in his hands.

In his spirit hun, he heard the voice of Mingyueye again: "I am the messenger of the Aro River and your messenger. This magical staff is in your hands. Whoever looks at it is a branch. But you know what kind of skill it is, and how useful it is. "

Jesus looked up at the sky and asked, "Why did God give it to me?"

The voice of Mingyueye replied, "You are the one whom the angels are waiting for and looking for, the Messiah in the prophecy of Elijah! Do not ask me why, the answer is yours. Remember the storyteller The old man? What he said to you in the desert, next to the ruins of the temple, God's realm moves with the temple in the heart, so that the guidance of the faith left by the Aro River can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The door of the temple is the way to heaven.

If anyone did, he would be the legendary Messiah. "

The sound of the bright moonlight gradually disappeared. About su, holding a tree-like cane, stood silently in the forest for a long time. An inexplicable, long-term familiarity appeared in the spirit hun, as if he had mastered this cane for hundreds of years. Although it was his first time in this life, it was his. I do not know how long it took, about Su suddenly took two steps forward, hit a rock with a walking stick.

Seemingly ordinary branches hit hard rock, but with strange tremors, cracks appeared silently on the surface of the stone. This crack extended like a cobweb. After a while, the stone turned into pieces. This is the skill of a miner in Duke Town. This cane was in the hands of Améng. At that moment, it was even more handy than the Ma Gang steel hammer. It could never be an ordinary branch!

Yosu had completely believed that it was the cane that Moses had used, and in the quiet night, he thought carefully about the words that Mingyue had passed, looking up at the starry sky and saying to himself, "Am I the Messiah in the prophecy?"

The Messiah is not a title, but an achievement. It can only be achieved if you fulfill that mission with that vow! If God has given me this mission, I am willing to shoulder it! "But, what should I do?" The next day, when people saw him, he was already holding a stick cut from a branch.

The walking stick is not a special item for the elderly, because those respected sacrifice and magicians usually carry magic wands, so the walking stick is also a status symbol, and it has gradually become a fashionable decoration on the continent.

And canes that retain the original appearance of the branches are very popular among evacuees because of their unique history. Legend has it that Moses, the ancestor of the Hermits, was holding a tree-like staff to lead the people back to their hometown. Therefore, many Hermits chose tough wood to make canes, and after various processes, the expensive canes were even processed by divine magic. However, it is intentionally made to show the original appearance of the branches to show a historical tradition.

As for the ordinary civilians with limited economic ability, they often directly find a branch to cut into a suitable cane, but the discerning merchant who has the eyesight can naturally see which are the truly precious canes and those which are simply processed branches. People in the caravan saw that the carpenter **** also gave himself a cane, and was not surprised, but just a little funny, because about the su cane, it was just an ordinary branch, without even being processed.

There was another thing that surprised people. The samurai who escorted the caravan for thousands of miles didn't even say goodbye. He didn't even get the last reward! If you do n’t get it, do n’t take it. Anyway, the condition that Xiaoye promised was to **** the caravan to the east bank of the Tianzhu River. Now that he had arrived, he would save money for the caravan owner instead.

Others wondered if Xiaoye was a gang of local robbers. He left overnight to report to the robbers and tamed, no matter what, he might as well enter the city when the road was crowded at dawn. !! .