MTL - Pivot of the Sky-v2 Chapter 303 Pair of Mongolian

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Chapter 303: Playing Mongolian Piano

Dozens of miles north of Macedonia, in the precipitous mountains, there is a relatively gentle open area above the cliffs. There is almost no grass in the open space between the forests, and there is only a strangely shaped boulder. This is where Apollo challenged Amon's duel battlefield, and Medanzo came here with two spirits.

On the way, Medanzo murmured in his heart. He did not think Apollo could defeat Amon, but was also calculating how much it would cost Amon to defeat Apollo? As can be seen from the power of Apollo, the deity is strong, confident, and absolutely proud.

Self-confidence is also a kind of capital, backed by powerful power. Among the twelve main gods of the Olympus deity today, Apollo's fighting power is second only to Zeus, and he also contributed most in the battle of the gods of the year. In terms of the achievements of the gods, Apollo is worse than Amon, similar to the culmination of the Creator.

Olympus Heaven Kingdom is different from other **** kingdoms. The achievements of the gods are slightly different. Gods like Apollo can also attach to the kingdom of heaven to create their own world, and this world is unfolded. This is not because Apollo's achievements are higher, but because the realm of the Lord of Heaven, Zeus, is higher.

But such a "creator world" will not change the appearance of the kingdom of heaven, nor will it be touched by other gods. It is only an independent landscape in the kingdom of Olympus. In the kingdom of angels of Amun, there are also angels who have the achievements of the Creator. For example, the **** of wisdom in the former Anuna Kai system, also had his own creator world.

When Amon merged with Anuna to revel in the kingdom of God, Ea became an archangel, and his creator world was completely integrated with the kingdom of heaven. This is related to the vows made by the angels to join the kingdom of heaven, and it also shows that Amon Higher achievement.

In the realm analogy, Apollo is already the apex of the Creator, and he is a **** known for his powerful combat power. His age of becoming a **** is much longer than that of Amon, and he has a stronger accumulation. He may not be above him. Apollo promised Amon a duel as a warrior on earth, but it was in his favor.

If in the immortality of eternity, Amon may have more mysterious means, the algorithmic power is not as good, and other methods can be used to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. But in the world, the means of the gods are limited, because this is not the world they created.

This battle was even more difficult for Amon, so Apollo seemed confident. Medanzo looked at Apollo and said to himself, "Duel like a samurai? You can find the wrong person than a fist! Do you think you are a **** like a warrior like Enqidu who has passed the test? Don't fight with Amon, it will scare you when you start! "

Thinking about this, Medanzo quietly asked Amon again, "You gave your disciples powerful weapons, do you need to use the key of fate?"

Amon smiled: "No need, when I left Salem, I brought a guy who was most comfortable. When you started, you stood next to you with the key of fate to prevent disturbing the outside world. If anyone tried to If you plan, you will be alerted in a timely manner. "

Medanzo: "No one dared to hide beside him, the eyes of the gods are staring, but I will be careful."

When they came to the duel, the two deities stood at a distance of 100 feet. This place was really sinister. There was only the sound of the wind above the high cliff. There was a weird boulder standing between them. Even the birds were missing. With a key to his destiny, Medanzo retreated to the edge of the forest outside the clearing.

Apollo's white robe fluttered in the wind, and he reached out and took care of the clothes on his shoulders, his posture was very chic. As he did so, the howling wind suddenly stopped, and there was silence on the cliff. He looked up at Amon and said, "Are you ready? You can take it."

Fools all know that whoever has the first shot can take the advantage. Apollo showed a strong self-confidence and let Amon do it first. Amon smiled and shook his head: "Apollo, you made a mistake. You challenged me, not me. If you don't want to do it, give up!"

There was a hint of anger on Apollo's handsome face, and he held up the harp and reached for a wave, only to hear the sound of "铮", a sweep of anger was sweeping through. The strange rocks in the open space were twisted and wriggle under the shadow of light and shadow, but they did not turn into fragments, but they softened and fell silently, but disappeared like water.

Medanzo outside the open space was taken aback. No wonder Apollo was so dragged, his shot was really amazing! The mana inspired by plucking the strings is accompanied by the world's most brilliant divinity. It is still elemental magic, which does not exceed the means available to the magician on earth, but it is a combination of all elemental magic and can control all forces in the environment.

If the person facing the sound of the piano is Medanzo, he can only use the key of fate to protect his body, and everything around him will be crushed by Apollo. There is no room for the magic to fight back. The strange rocks in the open space were scattered by the rippling sound waves, and instantly smoothed by an invisible giant hand. The impact of the piano sound had come to Amon's eyes.

Amon had the last boulder in front of him, with a flat top and a waist-like height, like a table or anvil. Amon stretched out a hand and pressed it on the stone surface. The boulder seemed to be integrated with his form and spirit. The rippling impact was dispersed here, and Amon was safe and sound.

The first hit was resolved silently, Apollo narrowed his eyes, kept plucking his fingers, and attacked continuously, accompanied by melodious piano sounds towards Amon. The strings are not dense, with a beautiful melody. Apollo's posture is very elegant, but the attack from his hand is strong like a wave.

Medanzo was secretly watching as Apollo took the lead as soon as he shot. It seemed that he could play the piano with a lot of time, but he had sealed all the attacking lines of Amon. Amon's situation has become a resistance to mana, without breaking the sound of the piano can not even fight back. This is the most unfavorable for Amon. Although Apollo is conceited, he also knows what means to deal with Amon.

Medanzo was a little anxious, Amon and Apollo duel, the last thing to do is to stand still and use only mana to resist. After all, Amon has been a **** for a short time. This is his weakest link. Even if his powerful mana is long-lasting and not under Apollo, but Apollo uses the magical harp to deal with Amun with his bare hands. Amon can persist until he is right, and the result is both defeated!

Just as Medanzo frowned, Amon moved, and his movement was unexpected. I saw the **** grabbed with his left hand and pulled out an oval pebble out of nowhere. It was the ore core mined from the Shenshi mine. With a wave of his right hand, he pulled out a sledgehammer.

This hammer is not a magic weapon, it is a mining hammer used by Duke town miners since ancient times. The hammer head forged by Ma Steel is slightly rough, but hard and heavy. The wooden handle is very tough. A touch of golden light. This hammer was taken by Amon when he left Salem, and he also processed it in his new courtyard.

Both the hammer and the nucleus were placed in a space weapon and were taken out at this time. Medanzo knew the origin of the hammer, but he didn't know when those cores were carried by Amon? Amon placed the nucleus on the boulder and knocked it down with a hammer. He didn't know how many times he had done this when he was a teenager. He was extremely skilled, but at the moment it was done without any interference, and it also showed a powerful mana.

Under the shroud of Apollo's piano, everything around it is in chaos, and various elements seem to be shattered and merged, which can be changed arbitrarily with the sound of Apollo's piano. As long as Amon reveals a flaw, Apollo can control various attacks as he wants. In this battlefield, the only thing that remained intact was Amon and the boulder in front of him.

The hammer fell and listened only to the sound of a "ding", which was not loud but with a fine buzzing echo for a long time, and penetrated the shroud of Apollo's piano. The heavy hammer was like a fluttering feather in Amon's hands. Numerous fine cracks appeared on the surface of the ore core, which was harder than pig iron. The cracks staggered and became dense, and then turned into an off-white powder.

The ore core shattered into powder and spread out to the surrounding area. It fell down from the boulder and disappeared in the Qinyin storm. Only a colorless and transparent **** stone was left on the boulder.

Apollo's squinting eyes in the distance suddenly opened, and a faint expression appeared on his face. The blow from Amon's swinging the hammer, just after he waved the strings, was not loud but penetrating, disturbing the beauty of the rhythm of the piano. What does Amon want to do? Did Apollo play his harp, and did Amon open his mine? No one has ever seen such a duel, and a samurai on earth cannot be like this!

However, Amon ignored Apollo's reaction, and hurriedly took out another ore core, and waved the hammer again. The broken pieces fell into the piano sound storm, and there was another **** stone on the stone platform in front of Amon. Not to mention Apollo was surprised, even Medanzo opened his mouth for a long time and didn't respond-the duel between the gods, and still playing like this?

Apollo realized that Amon was going to destroy the rhythm of his piano with the sound of percussion, and then closed his eyes and closed his eyes, regardless of what Amon was doing, and still tuned the strings according to his own tune without interference Played a beautiful melody, but mixed with a sharp killing attack. As long as Amon's mana is broken, he wins. The last stone in the open space is to be crushed anyway!

The melody is melodious, like the most beautiful piece of music in the world, and the rhythm of Apollo's plucking has changed. Between the two syllables, Amon cannot easily swing the hammer every time.

This funny but dubious "duel" went on for a while. Apollo suddenly reacted. Amon didn't deliberately strike with a hammer to destroy his rhythm, just a coincidence. Seeing Amon's appearance, he didn't care what Apollo was playing, he was mining there for himself, and at his own pace.

Hitting one hammer after another, one stone after another was mined. Amon is like one of the best and tireless miners in the world. He has mined hundreds of **** stones and filled the huge stones in front of him. He waved his sleeves, put away these **** stones, pulled out the mine core and continued to knock.

The miner's skills in Duke Town are very strange, and include both physical and divine skills. In other parts of the mainland, removing the **** stone from the core of the mine is generally the work of a low-level wizard. Apollo also counted today. Once again. But he was very inexplicable. It seemed that Amon's casting was against his piano attack, but it seemed to have nothing to do with the piano attack, and seeing Amon's continuous movement of taking out the nucleus, the deity had How many cores have you got, when do you want to strike?

Apollo was wondering, and there were people who were more suffocated than him. Only listening to Medanzo finally asked: "Amon, where do you have so many nuclei?" Amon once specifically ordered Medanzo, in Olin. Don't call yourself the **** Amon when someone else is in the Piz gods, Medanzo remembers it well.

I only listened to Amon's unhurried response: "Some time ago, I asked Alexandra to help me and asked me to collect a group of mine cores and let me take out the **** stones. But I am not a vain, this is a copy For work, every time I take out a **** stone and give it to him, the Kingdom of Macedonia pays me a gold coin. If I fail to damage the cores of my art, each core will pay 30 silver coins. "

Amon was telling the truth, he did find Alexander a while ago, and asked the prince to help such a "little favor", and the remuneration was fair, absolutely childlike. Alexander dare not neglect to treat it as a national event. He sent people to collect ore and nuclear around and handed it to Amon. Amon was placed in the spacecraft he carried with him.

When Mei Danzuo heard the words stunned, she immediately stared, realized what, and asked with a smile: "Amen, are you trying to earn some money?"

Amon honestly nodded and replied: "Yeah, we should make some money too. I have lived in the Kingdom of Macedonia for more than a year. I did n’t pay for my house or meals. Although Mr. Aristotle does n’t care, But why are we so embarrassed to always eat for nothing? "

Mei Danzuo nodded again and again: "Yeah, I was also negligent. The mortals in the world deserve to behave like this, and the rules of being a guest are guests. How can there be a guest who stays for such a long time? Ca n’t exhaust the goodwill of the host and treat others’ Be polite and be your own blessing, you should still pay for your room and meals. "

Mei Danzuo has been following Amon for the longest time and knows the spirit of the **** very well. At this time, he has already reflected on what Amon wants to do. He deliberately followed the conversation and chatted quite lively. It didn't matter what they said, but they almost twisted Apollo's nose!

On the duel, Apollo took out the harp and played the strings. The beautiful melody and beautiful music were full of surging mana and infinite killing power. How elegant his posture is, with an unparalleled strength, Amon can't even look at him! However, Amon ’s response made Apollo almost vomit blood. It turned out that the **** did not take the duel at all, but used the mining nuclear there to make money.

Amon was chatting while working, and the chat did not delay his work. He didn't put Apollo in his eyes at all, even when the attacking **** did not exist at all! Apollo's posture was more elegant, the vocals were more beautiful, and the attack was more powerful. At this moment, it seemed to become meaningless. Amon, who was "dueling" with him, didn't even look at it. Clown entertaining there!

In fact, judging from the battle scene between the two gods, Apollo seized the opportunity to completely prevail, and Amon was only passively resisting. Fighting like this to the end, regardless of the outcome of the victory, as long as Amon can't break Apollo's piano, both sides will pay a huge price. But Amon wasn't "serious" at all, and he was mining the **** stone while chatting.

Does the **** need to make money? Even if Amun wants to earn a room and board as a mortal, there is no need to be at this time, right? Apollo was strong and therefore confident, and because of his confidence, he was proud. Such a proud spirit is not afraid of powerful challenges, and it is precisely this humiliation of contempt!

If it is not for the mining of **** stones, miners are one of the cheapest types of work, and are usually performed by those who are whipped. And how elegant and wonderful Apollo's piano sound is, even the emperor on earth can hardly smell it. How could Amon face his challenge like this? It's too shameless and too bad! This attitude and behavior hit Apollo's proud weakness.

Apollo was angry, with serious consequences! The sound of his piano suddenly became sharp and no longer so soothing, as if there were thousands of golden snakes dancing on the strings. Pure white marble fingers drew on the strings, scattering a dazzling light, these lights condensed the great mana that penetrated time and space and shot at Amon, but were scattered in front of the stone platform.

Amon seemed to have an invisible barrier in front of him, just covering the stone platform where he was working. But Apollo's piano sound also contains a force that penetrates the soul. It cannot be blocked by any tangible divine magic. It must be confronted with a stronger soul. At this time, the mined stone was filled with the surface of the megalith again, and Amon swung his sleeves away, took out another mine core and shot it with a hammer.

Listening to the muffled noise, the mine core was broken into several pieces, and no **** stone appeared. Amon, the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, is one of the highest spirits on the continent today. He used his most skilled skills since childhood, and even accidentally damaged the core of the mine! This is simply unthinkable, but under the powerful attack of Apollo, Amon did not control the hammer this time.

At this point, it can be seen that Apollo's deep magic and mysterious means are definitely a rival that Amon has never encountered before! Even Medanzo exclaimed involuntarily. Amon sighed, stopped and looked up at Apollo, "You are so amazing that I lost thirty silver coins!"

Apollo's fingers trembled, and he almost didn't break the string of the artifact harp. Such a shocking method that the gods would admire for it was worth only 30 silver coins in Amon's mouth! He finally couldn't help but yell: "Amon, whether duel between warriors wins or loses, but also respect your opponent, how can you be so rude?"

Amon did not answer, and took out another mine core to continue to knock. Medanzo outside the battlefield took the talk at a timely time and said, "Apollo, you are so rude! I don't know what you used to do, it may be a Players, the piano is really good. And Amon has been a miner since he was a child. Mining godstones is a family tradition. His miner skills are not worse than your piano skills! "


PS: I've been so busy these days, I haven't asked for tickets for a long time. Seeing that at the end of the month, the ranking on the list fell far, so I have to ask for your support!

***, cry out loud ***!
