MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 98 The so-called "plan"

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Adding fuel to the fire?

Crocodile pondered Rowan's words.

Meanwhile, the broadcast outside the house continued.

"Cough cough! All residents of the Kingdom of Aden, this is an emergency broadcast from the World Government!"

"On the premise of ensuring your own safety, please listen carefully to what I say next!"

Caesar's voice was not pleasant, but his remarks did have a "world government" style.

But Crocodile still couldn't figure out why the man who claimed to be the scientist of the world government was making a second broadcast.

But just when Crocodile was about to listen to what the other party was up to, the radio suddenly fell silent.

The silence lasted a few minutes, until Crocodile grew impatient.

After another tens of seconds, something came from the broadcast.

Crocodile listened, it turned out to be... sobbing?

Suddenly, there was a strange cry of "wow" from the other end of the broadcast, and the sound was so loud that the broadcast equipment was a little broken.

Crocodile, who was concentrated, was shocked and his ears were ringing, and he almost smashed the broadcast with a knife, so he finally endured it.

He wants to listen to what the **** is going to say, and then chop him into a mummified corpse and throw it into the sea to feed the fish!


"Wow" is not a strange cry, but a cry.

The man on the other end of the broadcast was crying bitterly.

Although he could only hear his voice and see no one, it was not difficult for the audience to imagine that the man must be shedding tears at this moment.


The man cried for a while, and then barely recovered, and said slowly in a voice that had not yet calmed down:

"My name is Caesar Courant, a scientist affiliated with the World Government Science Force..."

Then, there was a hoarse roar.

"Everyone in the Kingdom of Aden, the world government has not abandoned you!"

"Look, I'm here, this is the best proof!"

The man named Caesar almost broke his voice.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of the entire Aden Kingdom.

Caesar's voice resounded in every corner of the kingdom of Aden.

Some of those infected with the crystal ghost virus had already planned to venture into the Four Seas Alliance camp, but they were also stopped by Caesar's words.

"I am deeply saddened by what happened to you."

Caesar's voice trembled, as if in a very sad mood.

"The ruthless 'platinum-lead disease' has appeared in your homeland, and that terrifying infectious disease has claimed the lives of some people in the Kingdom of Aden, turning them into terrifying monsters!"

"After the world government learned of the news, it immediately began to prepare to send medical troops to assist."

"But in fact, in the face of this terrifying infectious disease that has no solution, even the world-recognized number one scientist, Vega Punk, is helpless!"

"So when the world government was discussing solutions, many people proposed to abandon you!"

"But I, the scientist Caesar Courant, will never give up on you!"

Caesar's voice was full of confidence.

"After a month of research, I have successfully developed a vaccine antidote for platinum-lead disease!"

"As long as this vaccine is injected, even a patient who has completely turned into a monster can be cured!"

"But, as you know, the Four Seas Alliance got the news and launched a raid on the fleet escorting the vaccine."

"Although I was lucky enough to escape, the batch of vaccines all fell into the hands of the Four Seas Alliance!"

"I... I'm so incompetent!"

Having said that, Caesar burst into tears again.

"If I could be a little more powerful, no one would die from this **** disease, and everyone could go back to the way they were before!"

"Now, it is very likely that many people will die now!"

Caesar's tone was as if his close relatives and friends died.

Having said that, many people in the Kingdom of Aden have been moved to tears, and they have already equated "Caesar" and "Savior" in their hearts.


"Mr. Caesar, don't blame yourself!"

"You've worked hard enough!"

"Thank you!"



Finally, Caesar added:

"I really, really want to die...but I can't!"

"I haven't done my best to rescue you, I can't die yet!"

"Please be patient, I will definitely think of a way, everyone will be fine, don't do anything out of the ordinary!"


The voice fell, and the phone bug was turned off immediately.


The Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Aden.

broadcast room.

After Caesar put down the broadcast phone bug, the sadness on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a wild laugh of excitement.

"Hey, hey, hey! That's enough, [JOKER]?"

In the shadows behind Caesar, a man in a pink feather cloak appeared.

That person is Rosannadi's brother, Don Quixote Doflamingo with the two nicknames [Tianyasha] and [JOKER]!

Doflamingo nodded, with the trademark excited smile on his face, but his brows were furrowed.

Caesar couldn't help but stunned and asked curiously, "Hey, [JOKER], what's the matter, isn't everything going according to our plan?"


On the other hand, Crocodile was also quite unhappy, frowning at Rowan:

"Everything is going according to their plan now, we are the passive party and we can only let them operate!"

Hearing this, Luo Wen shook his head and smiled, "So what?"


Doflamingo shook his head, "So what?"

He pushed his red sunglasses and leaned back on the sofa, "Caesar, you still don't understand what the 'plan' is."

Caesar was even more puzzled.

"I knew!"

"As long as you first appear in the Kingdom of Aden as a 'savior' and have the advantage of public opinion, then no matter what the Four Seas Alliance does, it will be tied down. Isn't this a plan?"


"Do not."

Rowan shook his head and looked at Crocodile, "You said this is the content of their 'plan', and I asked the word 'plan', what is it?"


"What is this all about?"

Caesar's head was full of question marks, but the answer he waited for was Doflamingo's signature laugh.


In the laughter, there is the usual arrogance, but at the same time, Caesar actually heard a bit of it... Self-deprecating? !


Rowan looked at Crocodile, smiled and said slowly:

"The so-called plan - refers to the means by which the weak overcome the strong when faced with the strong."

"Through the successful implementation of the plan, the weak side can try to pull down the strong side, so that the two sides can stand on the same level as possible."

Rowan hooked his fingers, and the surrounding gravel began to move.

He leaned back on the chair, resting his chin in one hand.

"Now, Doflamingo took the lead in using the 'plan' and played the cards in his hand, so it was just his turn, and we could only watch his layout."

"But looking back..."

There was a faint roar all around, and it was the earth that was shaking.

As a shasha fruit person, Crocodile was the first to perceive Rowan's actions.

In Crocodile's surprised eyes, Rowan smiled and said:

"Now, it's our turn."


In the broadcast room of the Kingdom of Doflamingo grinned, but a drop of sweat could be seen falling on his forehead.

"Come and play, the emperor eight hundred years ago..."

he murmured.

Playing cards first means showing weakness!

Doflamingo has been in the dark world for many years, and naturally understands this truth, but he has to do it.


Because he didn't dare to let that Ryan Rowan play the card first!

Must be the first move, must seize the first opportunity!

It's a big gamble.

A gamble that overwhelmed everything that Doflamingo had, including the Don Quixote family!