MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 96 uneasy flames

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"The Don Quixote family?"

Hearing this, Rowan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't feel too much surprise.

This is one of many possibilities.

After all, the excuse of the Four Seas Alliance to go to Beihai is "platinum lead disease", and Doflamingo himself should know very well that the only living platinum lead disease patient in this world is Luo who is with his brother Rossinidi!

The words "platinum-lead disease" and "Beihai" appeared at the same time, which inevitably did not attract Doflamingo's attention.

Especially at this critical time when the fruit of surgery is about to be traded.

In order to ensure that he can get the fruit of the operation, this man who wants to turn the world upside down is also very likely to act on it.


Don Quixote Family——【Tianyasha】The power of Don Quixote Doflamingo.

Rowan naturally also has information about them in his mind.

After calculating the time, Don Quixote Doflamingo at this time should not have become Shichibukai, and is now entrenched somewhere in the North Sea.

Before Rosannadi left the Don Quixote family, because of the undercover intelligence, the Don Quixote family was chased by Vice Admiral, Granny Crane.

It was not until Rosannadi left that Granny Crane could not immediately track the movements of the Don Quixote family, so they had a chance to breathe temporarily.

It is precisely because of this that Doflamingo is suspicious of his own brother, Rossindi.


Time goes back to the present.

The pirates who appeared in the Kingdom of Aden belonged to the Don Quixote family.

This shouldn't be a coincidence.

In other words, the crystal ghost virus plague incident in the Kingdom of Aden is most likely related to the Don Quixote family!

"How to do?"

Crocodile asked casually, and then asked himself: "I think I should ask the brother of that flamingo bastard."

That's Rossindi.

Long before he became Shichibukai, Crocodile had been in contact with Doflamingo.

Or to be more precise, it was Doflamingo who came to contact Crocodile and invited him to join his Don Quixote family.

Without any hesitation, Crocodile refused and even fought Doflamingo.

He is not the kind of person who surrenders to others willingly. Whitebeard can't do it, and Doflamingo can't do it.

Four Seas Alliance?

Just a partnership.

And what makes Crocodile most uncomfortable now is that he seems to be calculated by that flamingo bastard.

"Listen to that group of villagers, it's been almost a month since the crystal ghost virus broke out?"

Crocodile killed the pirate easily, thought for a moment, and said to Rowan:

"So, that flamingo **** went into action not long after you announced your move."


"Why did he do this?"

Crocodile asked about the "purpose" of Doflamingo's actions, not why Doflamingo was able to successfully predict the movements of the Four Seas Alliance.

After all, the trading place for the fruit of the operation is located on Minion Island. Based on this, it is not difficult to calculate that the Four Seas Alliance will use the Kingdom of Aden and its surroundings as its foothold.

The crux of the question is, what is the purpose of Doflamingo?

Crocodile didn't ask Rowan what he meant, but just asked a question in the middle of the analysis.

Soon, Crocodile had a rough answer in his heart.

"He wants things here to haunt us!"


The Four Seas Alliance declared that the purpose of coming to Beihai was to provide medical support to the affected areas where platinum-lead disease broke out.

For the outside world, platinum-lead disease is undoubtedly a deadly infectious disease.

As for the difference between platinum-lead disease and crystal ghost virus, it is impossible for the group of idiots at sea to know.

Now that a "terrible infectious disease" has broken out in the Kingdom of Aden, it is impossible for the Four Seas Alliance to sit idly by in the name of medical support.

No matter how it is managed, it will take a lot of time and energy to prevent the Four Seas Alliance from participating in the plan to compete for the fruit of the operation.

Crocodile lit some cigarette ashes and said with a gloomy smile: "If you want me to say that this country is helpless, it's better to abandon them and find another stronghold."

The sea is too big, and there are many small countries like the Kingdom of Aden.

But Rowan shook his head and said slowly: "Remember how we deal with the pirates who intruded on the fixed routes of the Four Seas Alliance?"

"Of course, let the name of the Four Seas Alliance be equivalent to the Navy in their hearts."

Crocodile said casually: "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

Suddenly, Crocodile realized that he was in a hurry and asked a stupid question.

But Rowan still replied: "Because now, someone has touched the bottom line..."


A sudden voice interrupted Rowan and Crocodile's conversation.


Everywhere in the Kingdom of Aden, the sound of the radio being connected was heard.

Rowan and Crocodile looked around and found a megaphone not far away.

It was a standard loudspeaker phone bug, similar to a national broadcast, distributed all over the Kingdom of Aden, which was convenient for conveying information to many citizens.


The phone worm was connected, and there was a piercing shriek of laughter.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Afterwards, the person who laughed seemed to feel a little inappropriate, so he cleared his throat immediately and said solemnly:

"Cough, here is the greatest scientist of the world government, and now broadcasts an emergency notification to all patients in the Kingdom of Aden!"

Hearing this, Crocodile frowned. He didn't know what the so-called "World Government Scientist" was doing, and he didn't even know who the other party was.

But Rowan knew very well the owner of that laughter——

A natural gas fruit person who is also a fan of mass bio-destruction weapons, Caesar Courant.

He is actually in the Kingdom of Aden?

In an instant, many difficult problems lingering in Rowan's heart were answered.

Meanwhile, Caesar's broadcast continued.

"The world government learned of your difficulties and sent a reliable scientist - that is, me, to come to support you!"

"The genius I have developed a vaccine for this plague!"

"I wanted to distribute the antidote to you immediately, but I didn't expect that the vaccine was snatched away!"

Hearing this, Rowan turned around and motioned for Crocodile to return to the camp.

Crocodile was puzzled.

Caesar continued on the radio and said: "The people who took the vaccine are the guys on the dock who call themselves the Four Seas Alliance!"

"Please wait patiently, the world government will definitely help you get back that life-saving vaccine!"


The voice fell, and the broadcast was turned off.

Crocodile frowned and said solemnly, "That guy is framing us?"

When he said this, Crocodile felt a little strange, and at the same time was extremely upset. After all, he was the only one who framed others on weekdays. When had he been so angry?

Crocodile could foresee that, as a result, a large part of the people in the Kingdom of Aden would not be able to "wait patiently" at all, but would directly risk their lives to besiege the dock camp of the Four Seas Alliance!

At that time, the enemies that the Four Seas Alliance will face will not only be the pirates under the Don Quixote family, but the entire Aden Kingdom!


"This kind of rhetoric is a bit too outrageous, isn't it?"

Dalton, who had just returned, was also very puzzled: "Just a little analysis will reveal that this is a complete lie."

Rowan nodded and instructed: "Everyone is ready for battle."

Dalton was puzzled, "Why?"

Crocodile sneered a few times, and he naturally knew the answer, "because they are just a group of 'people', they only want a way to survive, not to verify a hopeless lie."

And Rowan's words go a step further.

"Under extreme high pressure, people's ability to judge things will become extremely low, resulting in turbulent wind and grass and trees."

"A little bit of carelessness, that uneasy little flame will turn into an irrational prairie fire."

Rowan looked at the sky.

It's almost dawn.

The fire is about to start.