MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 93 Geovirus

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Kingdom of Aden.

At this moment, a huge cherry tree appeared far away from the pier.

It exudes soft fluorescence all over its body, and countless cherry-colored "petals" fall down.

The trunk of the tree shot straight into the sky, breaking through the thick rain clouds, opening up a calm and beautiful space in the wind and rain.

Such a miraculous sight appeared in the eyes of everyone in the Kingdom of Aden today.



Kureha walked out of the room, looked up at this scene, clenched her fists, and slammed the hammer against the wall.

Her brows furrowed and she gritted her teeth:

"You unreasonable quack doctor..."

Suddenly, a tiny shadow floated in front of Kureha's eyes.

That's sand.

It was followed by countless golden-yellow grit.

They rushed into the heavy rain in front of them at an extremely fast speed, passed through the small gaps when the raindrops fell, and rushed into the patient isolation area set up earlier.

There, the bodies of some patients in the Kingdom of Aden have changed.

Countless crystal crystals emerged from the white spots on their bodies, turning them into disfigured faces, like yellow spring evil spirits wearing a layer of crystal armor.

Other patients with less severe infection looked at this scene and made a panicked cry for help.

Thinking about it, it was a familiar old friend a few minutes ago, but a few minutes later, it turned into such a terrifying monster!

Are they...will they become like this?

A younger brother witnessed how his older brother became a crystal goblin.

He was so frightened that he couldn't move his body at all, and could only watch his brother walk towards him step by step.

The younger brother is not the infected person of the strange disease, he is just worried about his elder brother, so he came to ask for help with him.

Therefore, the primary target of the crystal demons in the entire quarantine area is naturally that younger brother!

The younger brother watched the crystal demon's sharp claws raised high, but just when he thought he would die, a gravel disease suddenly grabbed his brother's body from behind.

Not only the elder brother, but the sudden appearance of countless gravel diseases controlled all those who turned into crystal evil spirits.


After Rowan did all this, he also looked up at the cherry blossoms in the distance, his eyes slightly darkened.

Beside him, a gravel marched and clamped the old man who had turned into a crystal demon.

From the strength of the old man's struggle, it can be seen that the physical strength of these crystal demons is several times stronger than that of ordinary people, slightly inferior to murlocs, and has reached the standard of ordinary naval soldiers.

They were no match for gravel disease, so the patients in the Quayside Quarantine were quickly brought under control.

Several Alabasta soldiers wanted to go up to help, but were stopped by Kureha's scolding.

"Be careful, these crystals are highly infectious!"

Kureha is a skilled doctor after all, so she has grasped the key weakness of this unknown disease in a short period of time.

Hearing this, Rowan let the gravel disease continue to control all the patients, and at the same time kept the soldiers on alert.


When everyone was there, Kureha went straight to the point.

"It is now certain that what appeared in the Kingdom of Aden is not platinum-lead disease at all!"

Kureha's face was quite ugly.

Dalton saw this and immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

After all, in Dalton's mind, there is no disease that can trouble this 100-year-old doctor!

Cureha continued:

"This is a highly contagious infectious disease. The initial symptoms are similar to those of platinum-lead disease, with white spots appearing all over the body."

"But unlike platinum-lead disease, this disease does not cause great pain, but a special kind of 'crystalline crystal' grows in the body."

"These crystals will gradually take away the patient's physical mobility, and when the disease fully erupts, a layer of crystals similar to armor will grow on the patient's body."

"At the same time, these full-blown patients will also frantically attack the uninfected, and the slightest infection will no longer attract their attention."

After thinking about it for a while, Kureha added: "Patients who have a complete outbreak will have their physical fitness greatly enhanced, and at the same time they will lose self-awareness."

After speaking, Kureha fell silent, looking at the cases she had sorted out while giving everyone time to digest the information.

The expressions of the crowd were either serious or frowning.

But among them, only Rowan, with a bit of doubt in his frowning brows.

Because in terms of intelligence, Rowan does have an overwhelming advantage over others.

So after hearing Kuleiha describe the characteristics of this unknown disease, Rowan recalled the name in his memory——

Ice ghost virus.


Years later, in the country of Wano, under the four emperors [Hundred Beasts] Kaido, there was a man nicknamed [Pandemic] named Quinn.

During the war in Wano, he released a special virus.

The virus is extremely contagious and can be infected with the slightest touch.

The brutality and muscle strength of the infected person will suddenly skyrocket, the skin will fall into a state of abnormal cooling, and the whole person will become like an evil ghost covered with ice, attacking everyone around indiscriminately.

At the same time, because the virus is so virulent, infected people usually don't live for an hour!


so similar.

The infectious disease appearing in the Kingdom of Aden at this moment is so similar to the virus that Quinn will release in the future!

Although there are distinct differences in the nature of the manifestations, such as the speed of infection, symptoms of infection, transmission conditions, etc…

But in the final analysis, this unknown infectious disease and the ice ghost virus are of the same kind, no doubt!


Rowan narrowed his eyes.

Before joining the Beast Pirates, Quinn was affiliated with the lawless research group MADS, and was a colleague with the commander-in-chief of Germa 66 in the North Sea, Vinsmoke Gage, and the world's first scientist, Vega Punk. .

Could it be that one of the three did the **** out of it?

Rowan touched his chin, and his mind quickly flashed through several possibilities.

At present, it seems that the most likely person involved is actually Vega Punk of the World Government, but after all, it is also possible that Vinsmoke Gage, who is in the North Sea, has a deep relationship with the North Sea.

On the other hand, Kureha also gave his own inferences:

"I think this is most likely a viral weapon."

Kleiha thought for a while, "Let's name it the 'Crystal Ghost Virus' for the time being."

It is almost the same as Rowan's speculation after combining intelligence.

And just like the answer given by Chopper in the future, Kureha also said sternly: "Since it is an artificially created virus, then its maker must have antibodies in the hands!"

Kureha didn't say the rest, but everyone knew it.

The presence of antibodies means that Shiruluk and the two soldiers who went deep into the Aden Kingdom - and even the entire Aden Kingdom, may be saved!

It's just... time is running out.

"The infection rate of the original patient was slow, and it took more than a month for the outbreak to break out, but after being scratched by the crystal, the infection rate will be extremely fast. Even if it is still, it will completely break out within a few hours!"

"And after the outbreak, it only takes three days for these crystals to completely destroy the patient's bodily functions and eventually die."

Kureha frowned, "So, we only have three days to save the quack doctors!"

Hearing this, Dalton nodded slightly, "So, we need three days to find the antibody owner?"

If that's the case, it's not too short of time.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, Cureha shook her head.

"No, are you looking down on"

She grinned, her pupils twinkling, "Give me two days, the antibody - I'll make it!"

"But at the same time……"

Kureha's eyes turned to Rowan, "The 'guests' for the past two days will trouble His Majesty the Emperor."

Rowan nodded and looked up at the ceiling.

Something did appear within Rowan's territorial perception.

"It just so happened that a group of guests came."

"But there doesn't seem to be anything I want to invite."

Rowan lowered his head and smiled at the people in front of him.

In that smile, there was a gloomy anger that was rarely seen in Rowan.

"After entertaining them first, then we'll 'invite' the rest of the people over, how about that?"