MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 79 fisherman village visitors

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Among the high-ranking navy, the Warring States period was called the "Wise Admiral", and the crane was called the "Great Staff Officer".

The two are equally good at strategy, but their style of action is very different.

The Warring States period believed in the "justice that reigns over the world", and was more adept at war-level strategies. His approach was resolute and resolute, which made countless enemies fear.

As for the crane, she and Sengoku, Garp, and Zefa belonged to the same period of the navy. Long before the beginning of the great pirate era, she was one of the pillars of the navy and was active on the sea.

Unlike the Warring States period, Crane followed "pure justice".

She rarely participates in commanding a specific war, but in the formulation of many strategic policies that have affected the Navy and even the entire world, there is always the shadow of the crane behind her!

For example, on how to deal with the "four seas alliance" point of view.

The idea of ​​the Warring States is to limit the development of the Four Seas Alliance as much as possible from all aspects, so that it can only play the role of a business alliance, and cannot evolve into a troublesome armed force.

But the crane gave a clear objection.

"Doing that will only make things worse."

She personally went to Alabasta and had contact with Ryan Rowan, so she was very aware of the ability of that [Golden Dawn].

It's too late to limit the Four Seas Alliance now...

Do not.

To be more precise, since the idea of ​​the Four Seas Alliance was proposed, the world government has been a step too late.

Today's Four Seas Alliance has connected three islands, including Alabasta, and not only the people on these three islands, but also many foreign caravans have also been attracted, ready to flex their muscles in the nearby waters.

If he intervenes forcefully at this time, there must be countless ways for that Ryan Rowan to arouse the "fire" in people's hearts.

Once the fire is raised, it is very difficult to put out.

Although it can temporarily suppress the development of the Four Seas Alliance, it will definitely cause troubles!

So, Crane came up with another solution.

Blocking is worse than sparse - and the Navy wants to help "sparse"!

The plan established by the G-T branch of the Navy has been finalized.


Rowan also had to admire Crane's methods, because the naval officer did indeed give enough goodwill.

She did not directly assign a seasoned lieutenant general, but went through the routine process and selected one of the many headquarters generals.

In that profile, the navy named "Barlow" was introduced in detail.

People from the South China Sea, of civilian origin.

Because of the poverty of the family, he was forced to go to sea early to seek a living.

With his excellent physical fitness, Barlow became a famous bounty hunter in the South China Sea when he was a teenager.

It's just that Barlow's way of being "famous in the South China Sea" is a bit special.

No pirate can be handed over to the Navy by Barlow in a "alive" state!

In the few years when Barlow was a bounty hunter, countless pirates died under his fists, and all of them were "slaughtered", and the **** level was unbearable even for some navies.

They tried to persuade Barlow not to indulge himself so much that the Navy would give the wanted criminals a fair trial.

But Barlow was too lazy to care about that. He only gave the navy a chilling look, and continued to release his destructive desire that had nowhere to vent.

Until the arrival of a purple-haired man—

At that time, the Admiral of the Navy, [Black Wrist] Zefa.

At that time, Zefa had just been promoted to general, and he was active on the sea with his powerful armament and domineering, and he was about to marry his lover.

This proud admiral has defeated countless enemies, but has never killed any enemy. He is known as the "unkillable" admiral.

When Zefa was passing through the South China Sea, he heard about Barlow by chance and found him.

Zefa realized that if Barlow was left alone and allowed to grow savagely, sooner or later the gifted young man would go astray and be destroyed by his own inner desires.

Since then, Zefa began to try to reason with Barlow and convince him to control the desire to kill in his heart.

One day, after a one-sided beating fight...

Zefa persuades Barlow.

Since then, Barlow joined the Navy, agreed with Zefa's point of view, and began to learn and grow under Zefa's command.

But after a few years, Zefa's family was killed by pirates. In order to control the hatred in his heart, the admiral withdrew from the front line and turned to serve as an instructor, and began to teach naval recruits.

It was also at that time that Barlow officially became a student of Zefa.

Time passed by, and Barlow grew into a lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and at the same time inherited the belief of "don't kill" from Zefa.

It's just that, unlike Zefa, who has a delicate mind, Barlow's acting style always has some...


But at the very least, it is much stronger than the bloodthirsty lunatic who almost destroyed himself.


But Barlow has been worried about one thing.

After his family was killed by pirates, his teacher Zefa devoted himself to teaching naval recruits.

Although Zefa seems to have "relieved" a lot over time, Barlow can always see the sadness that can't be hidden in Zefa's eyes.

Later, Barlow would also see Zefa carrying a wine bottle alone, silently watching the stars on the deck.

The teacher is probably thinking about his family, right?

Barlow, who was once saved by Zefa, now wants to try to save his teacher.

He wanted to prove to his teacher that he was taught well by him.

So, when he learned that the Navy was going to set up a G-T branch, Barlow immediately signed up.

With his rich resume and good popularity, Barlow was successfully selected.


That evening.

Zefa found the crane with a helpless look on his face.

"Are you sure that kid can do the job?"

He smiled and asked back: "Why, you don't have confidence in your students?"

"He's very talented, but not a 'senior' talent."

Zefa sighed, "I'm worried, he can't manage so many people."

He replied casually: "Then let him go alone, and then let him figure out a way."

"It can only be like this... eh?"

Zefa was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the crane, "What did you say?"

"Trust your students, Zefa."

The crane was blowing the wind of Malin Fando, his expression was very comfortable, and he said slowly:

"The Navy exists for justice on this sea - that's what we believe in."

"So, if that's the case, anyone with justice in their hearts can become a navy."

"Let your young kid show the 'justice' of this era to the emperor 800 years ago."


At the end of the data, there is also a handwritten message from the crane:

Your Majesty the Emperor, I ask you to take more care of our little boy.

After Rowan read the information, he handed the file back to Barlow, and said with a smile, "Welcome to Alabasta, is the location of the branch confirmed?"

Barlow shook his head, "I just came."

"I'll let someone take you to Alabasta for a walk. You decide the location, and someone will contact you later."

After thinking about it, Rowan added: "You can do the conscription yourself."

"Okay, I understand!"

Barlow seemed very excited, and didn't think it was Crane or Rowan making things difficult for him.


The surviving pirates were taken into custody by the King's Army of Alabasta.

At Barlow's request, they were handed over to the nearest naval branch for trial.

When the construction of the G-T branch is completed, Alabasta will have the function of trial locally, but it cannot be done at this stage.

Barlow did not choose to return to Albana with Rowan and others, but chose to stay in Rape Flowers, intending to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment.

Rowan left Bell, who was more mobile, to accompany Barlow so that he could contact him at any time, and then prepared to leave for Albana.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

Fishman Village Pier.

Two odd-looking people rowed a boat and landed on the shore.

They are one big and one small, like an adult leading a child.

Both were clad in robes, hoods buckled over their heads, shadowing their faces.

As soon as the man came, after many inquiries, he went directly to the head of the fish-man village, Huoka.

"Excuse me, is this the Four Seas Alliance?" the man asked.

Huoka was a little surprised, after all, there are very few humans who dare to communicate directly with the murlocs.

He nodded, "This is the murloc village of the Four Seas Alliance."

Then, Hoka looked at the child beside him.

It was a human boy, with a faint whitish splotch on his exposed skin.

Hawka narrowed his eyes.

That is……

The man immediately raised his head, revealing a strange look like a clown makeup on his face.

He got straight to the point:

"I'm looking for the best doctor here!"