MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 77 good at persuasion

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Since the advent of the era of the great pirates, there has never been a shortage of pirates on the sea.

In contrast, it is the navy.

But the "parts" of the "whole" sometimes have different properties.

For example, in the navy, there are upright navies with one heart for the people, and there are also brutal warlords who dominate the local emperor.

Among the pirates, there are adventurers who refuse to accept the discipline of the world government, as well as villains who simply want to burn, kill, loot and make a fortune.


Alabasta is a famous superpower in the first half of the Great Route, and the nearby ports have encountered the threat of pirates to some extent.

King Cobra had a headache about this, but he could only deploy the king's army to garrison each wharf to guard against it.

But the so-called "little devils are difficult to deal with", the coastline of Alabasta is too long for the king's army to take care of many small villages.

This situation did not ease until the Four Seas Alliance was established and a certain deterrent force was formed in the surrounding waters.

Coupled with the uninterrupted patrolling of the four seas alliance ships, even if there is a stunner who wants to force, the king's army can come to support in time.

Therefore, after the lookout found the pirate ship with bad intentions, he immediately made preparations to sound the alarm and call for the support of the King's Army.

But a sudden, rough voice interrupted his movement.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, let me tell you something!"

"I'm a navy, and I'll convince them!"

Everyone looked for the sound and saw the big man standing on the pier and shouting.

Aside from that sentence, just by looking at his vicious appearance, everyone thought he was the inner responder of the group of pirates.

"What the hell..."

The lookout muttered, but quickly sounded the siren.


The siren of the loudspeaker bug quickly spread around the wharf, and the royal troops stationed nearby immediately began to assemble and rushed towards the wharf.

A team quickly ran across the street and passed a dessert stand.

Suddenly, the team leader seemed to catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, and he braked suddenly and turned his head to look.

Several familiar figures were sitting in front of the stall next to them.

"First... Lord Ancestor?"

The squad leader looked at Rowan and said in surprise, "When did you come here?"

"Just here."

Rowan waved his hand and said, "Just do your thing."


The team leader gave a military salute and continued to lead his team to the pier for support.

In an instant, five well-equipped squadrons of the King of Alabasta were assembled, and they were waiting on the dock.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Barlow was slightly amazed.

He has been to many countries, but he has never seen the army of any country assembled in such a short period of time for the sake of civilians!

However, Barlow still insisted on his own ideas. He turned back and yelled at several team leaders:

"You step back, don't have a conflict easily, let the navy solve it here!"

Several team captains looked at each other a few times, all showing a feeling of doubt.

Where did Hanhan come from?

It looks so fierce!

One of the team captains thought for a while, and planned to go forward and negotiate with the big shirtless man, at least to figure out what the "navy" in the other party's mouth was.

"This... sir?"

The team leader tentatively said: "Our Four Seas Alliance has a complete set of plans for this situation. It will be fine. You can rest assured and leave it to us."

Barlow was a little anxious, watching the pirate ship getting closer and closer, he could only continue to think of ways to persuade.

But before his words came out, those soldiers suddenly changed their attitude, backed slightly, and took their weapons back.

Huh, it's great that they listened to me!

Barlow thought so in his heart, but soon discovered something was wrong.

The soldiers didn't seem to be doing it because of themselves, because their eyes were looking right next to them.

Several small black shadows floated past Barlow's eyes, and Barlow's keen eyes made Barlow recognize that it was a few sands—

black sand.

He looked in the direction in which the black gravel fluttered, and saw a dark "person" beside him at some point.

He was wearing black armor, and even the face under the armor was black, like an abyss, and there was no light.

Barlow recognized the black at once.

Armed arrogance!

Is it a master who will be fully armed and domineering?

Do not……

That thing is not human!

Different from ordinary soldiers, the black armored soldier hunched his body, like a tall, thin and hunchbacked person, shaking his body unnaturally from time to time.

There were two sharp scimitars in his waist.

There is no scabbard, but directly inserted into his body!

It was some kind of "thing" that was wrapped in a domineering aura of armament.

Barlow instantly became vigilant.

Was it the pirates who did it?

Just thinking about it, I heard a clamor from the deck of the pirate ship.

"Hahahaha, call out the gold coins and fine wine! Uncle, we need money or not!"

……Do not.

This kind of thing cannot come from the handwriting of those ordinary pirates.

And depending on the situation, the soldiers of this country seem to know this kind of thing, and even put their guard down.

Barlow approached it tentatively and asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Giggle... sand..."

The black soldier shook his head and changed several angles one after another. He did not answer, but made a strange sound of friction.

No mouth?

Barlow couldn't understand what was happening.

However, the surrounding Alabasta soldiers knew it. Some of them had seen Rowan's posture during battle and recognized it as one of Rowan's moves.

It's just such a weird-looking gravel soldier, they have never seen it before.

The squad leader who had contact with Rowan greeted: "That big navy, don't be stunned, your own!"

It seems that the soldiers of this country are familiar with this kind of thing?

Barlow stared at the gravel soldier who was fully armed. The gravel soldier tilted his head like a bird, showing a feeling of curiosity.

"Can you... hear me?"

The gravel soldier nodded and made a screeching sound to indicate certainty.

"Well, I don't think that group of pirates is malicious, please don't conflict first, let me persuade them, I'm very good at persuading."

Barlow said with a serious face: "If they are just young people who just went to sea, I will persuade them to go home; if they are guilty, I will persuade them to surrender."

"Definitely, if you can't fight, you won't fight. Fighting will result in bloodshed and even death!"

Looking at Barlow with the expression "I must convince you", the grit soldier nodded.


Barlow felt that the other party should agree.

So, he strode forward and came to the pirate ship that had just docked.


The first mate of the pirate ship jumped off the deck, carried a machete, and came to Barlow.

Although Barlow is big and imposing, but because his upper body is naked and dirty, he looks like a militiaman, so the first officer is not afraid.

"Hey, are you the one in charge of them?"

"I'm not."

Barlow scratched his head, and then said, "I'm here to persuade you."

"Persuade us?"

"Yes, those who are guilty turn themselves in, those who haven't committed a crime go home quickly."

Barlow said with a serious face: "If you know your mistakes, correct them."


The audience was stunned, and within a few seconds, only the sound of the sea breeze and waves could be heard.

Then came the hilarious laughter of the pirates.

"Hahahaha, brothers, look, this guy is a fool!"

"I just said that the Four Seas Alliance is all a gimmick, the more it spreads, the more mysterious it becomes!"


The first officer even patted Barlow's face with a steel knife, "I won't surrender, what can you do to me?"

Then, swing the knife and chop!


The laughter of the pirates became more and more cheerful, and they all thought that they would see the scene of the big scalp opening and the flesh, but the scene that happened immediately made their smiles stiff.

Barlow picked up the first and "planted" him into the ground together with the knife.

- Cement brick floor.

A group of pirates instantly froze.

Barlow scratched his head, squatted down with a serious face, and said to the first mate who only showed his head:

"Burn, kill and loot is wrong, understand?"

At this time, the first officer only had the breath out but not the breath in, and the whole person was half-dead, so he could only nod his head subconsciously.

"Okay, I succeeded, it's not as difficult as the teacher said!"

Barlow stood up contentedly and smiled at the residents behind him:

"Look, I'm very good at persuading people!"

He turned his head and greeted the pirates on the deck:

"Come down, let me convince you!"