MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 74 navy villain

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At this moment, Barlow was naked.

On the angular muscles, blue veins burst out.

Holding the oar in his hand, he drew a white line on the sea with astonishing strength and speed, and drove the small raft straight to the two ships in the distance.


As the distance got closer, Barlow suddenly felt that something was not right.

What's wrong?

The two boats...seem to go upside down?

No, not right.

Barlow rubbed his eyes, and then noticed that the reality seemed to be somewhat different from his first reaction.

It stands to reason that the pirate ship should be chasing it, and the merchant ship should be running away, but the two ships in front of Barlow turned the other way.

The pirate ship is full of sails, moving forward at full speed, trying to get rid of the tail behind them with all its strength.

And the merchant ship followed closely behind, chasing after him, and had a tendency to bite him!

Barlow: "…"


what's the situation?

This scene not only stunned Barlow, but also caused the old captain who followed the ship to fall into deep confusion.

Four Seas Alliance - Was this method used to maintain fixed routes?

A caravan, chasing a group of pirates?

How fresh!

The young lookout looked at the experienced old captain and swallowed.


He paused for a while, then asked slightly puzzled: "Are you sure they are caravans?"

"Are you sure they are caravans?!"

On the pirate ship, the pirate captain also questioned his first mate.

The first officer also felt overwhelmed, and he rummaged through several old newspapers, and finally found useful information on one of the pages.

"Captain, the place where we just stopped and rested seems to be the route of the Four Seas Alliance!"

"The Four Seas Alliance?!"

Pirate Captain has just entered the great route, but he has heard the name from several previous islands. It seems to be a business alliance led by a superpower.

At first, the pirate captain was quite disdainful of the news.

They are pirates, aren't they just killing, burning, looting?

Pirate captain likes to do this kind of thing the most.

business alliance? For them, it should be a slightly harder piece of fat!

However, with the increase in the news, the pirate captain has gradually raised his vigilance against the name of the Four Seas Alliance.

After all, any news he heard was saying that the idea of ​​​​the Four Seas Alliance must not be attacked. Any pirate who dares to provoke the Four Seas Alliance will pay an unimaginably painful price!

"I heard that there are murlocs as guards on their merchant ships!"

"How did I hear that it is a devil fruit power user?"

"I know, it's a tauren!"

"No no, it's a bird man!"

"You are all wrong, you are a kobold!"


"I heard that it is a natural devil fruit person."


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience fell silent!

In the end, the pirates who got together to discuss came to a common conclusion—

Never provoke ships with the flag of the Four Seas Alliance!

Although the young and energetic pirate captain said that he didn't believe it, he silently recorded this matter in his heart.

As for sailing, it's better to keep it simple.

But he did not think that he just stopped to catch the sun and fish to see if the weather was good, how could it be unfortunate that he stopped on the route of the Four Seas Alliance!

And more importantly...

The pirate captain turned back and caught a glimpse of the gravel storm surging on the deck of the ship.

Since... the natural department? !

The rumor is true, it is a natural devil fruit ability!

The pirate captain urged his men.

"Run if you want to survive!"

But unfortunately, the speed of ordinary pirate ships is not comparable to the ships of the Four Seas Alliance.

That is the standard ship of Alabasta. As a superpower ship, its performance is second only to naval ships!

Not long after, the pirate ship was caught up.

A sandstorm jumped up from the deck of the ship and jumped onto the pirate ship.

The pirate captain looked at the man in the black fur coat and recognized his identity.

One of the seven seas under the king, [Sand Crocodile] Crocodile!


The knife just drawn fell to the ground, and the pirate captain couldn't have the courage to resist at all.

"Please, let me go!"

He hasn't been cool enough on this sea!

But what Captain Pirate didn't expect was that his steel knife that fell on the ground floated slowly under the support of the gravel, and then plunged straight into Crocodile's body.


The tip of the knife sank into the body, and Crocodile let out a calm and perfunctory "scream".

"It hurts."


The steel knife fell to the ground again, and a "wound" full of grit appeared on Crocodile's body.

He shook the cigarette ashes, looked up at Captain Pirate, and smiled gloomily: "Since I was attacked by such a 'dangerous', then I can only fight back, right?"

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding gravel had already begun to be restless.

The pirate captain had already **** his pants with fright at the moment, and he stepped back again and again: "No, no, I don't want to die!"


Sandstorms raged.

Among them, in addition to the screams, Crocodile's voice was also exceptionally clear.

"If you're afraid of death, don't go to sea!"

According to the old rules of the Four Seas Alliance.

Three people are left, surviving, they will bring the existence of the Four Seas Alliance to the whole sea.

After returning to the ship, Crocodile took a deep breath, felt refreshed, clapped his hands, and ordered:

"I went back to my room, and I met a pirate and called me again."

In another day, it is estimated that we will be able to return to Alabasta.

But just as Crocodile turned around, a strange presence suddenly appeared behind him.


Crocodile turned abruptly and saw a tall and muscular man with a backpack, naked upper body, and muscles.

There is no such person on the pirate ship, and it is even less likely that he is his own person on the ship.

A stranger suddenly appeared on the deck of the Four Seas Alliance.

Its speed is so fast that no one can react, and they can't even see how he got up!


In an instant, Crocodile turned his right hand into a machete, ready to fight.

The same is true for the accompanying guards around them. The sharp weapon in their hand is aimed at the strong man, and their expressions are extremely nervous.

It stands to reason that there is a reliable sand crocodile here, and the guards don't need to make such a big reaction, but the man who appeared in front of them now has nothing to do with "friendliness".

That is a guy who just stands in place and makes people feel that he is very suitable to be a pirate.

The face is fierce, and the muscles of the whole body are full of "violence" visible to the naked eye!

The villain - that's the best way to describe him.

Seeing this, Barlow quickly waved his hand, took out his justice cloak from his backpack, and shook it violently, showing the word "justice" in front of everyone.

"I'm in the navy, and I'm going to Alabasta. I saw that you were attacked by pirates, so I'm here to help."

The more he said this, the less confident he was. After all, Barlow was still not sure whether the group in front of him was "attacked by pirates" or "attacked by pirates".

Well, all in all, it's great that no innocent people get hurt!

When Barlow thought of this, he laughed heartily, and smiled happily.

"Hey Hey Hey…"

Crocodile was pondering why he met a neurotic navy at sea!

Looked like a bad guy than he was, and talked like an idiot.

And a neurotic navy with a cloak of justice!

and many more…

This guy said he was going to Alabasta?

I'm in trouble, I don't want to go with a navy!

So, Crocodile said casually: "From here to Alabasta, it will take about a day for the ship to progress at full speed."

"Okay, thank you!"

Barlow nodded in thanks and planned to disembark.

It was only then that Crocodile noticed that Barlow's "ship" was just a small raft!

Navy... rafting out to sea?

Crocodile didn't understand.

"Do you use that one to go to sea?"

Barlow nodded, but suddenly patted his head, "Oh, by the way, you reminded me, UU reading small raft is not good!"

Crocodile: "…"

Then, Barlow put the cloak of justice back in his backpack, and said to himself: "Fortunately, the backpack uniformly distributed by the Navy is waterproof."

Crocodile: "?"

What does he mean? Don't you want to take your own boat to Alabasta?

But Barlow's next words stunned Crocodile.

"If the boat goes for a day, I'll swim for about a day time, it's much faster!"

Before Crocodile could confirm the other party's words, Barlow jumped and jumped into the sea.

After a few breaths, Crocodile still didn't respond.

That crazy navy... going to swim to Alabasta? !
