MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 52 golden "eagle"

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Above the clouds is a clean and empty world.

The sun poured unreservedly, which was a refreshing feeling.


Suddenly, a small black dot pierced through the clouds and reached this flawless space.

It was a paper plane with the useless handwriting left by the navigator after checking it.

Its wings were wet with a little water droplets, making it seem a little heavy, but it didn't prevent it from riding the strong air wave into the air and paddling into the distance.

A few seconds later, there was another huge roar from the thick cloud layer.

It was like a thunderstorm, and it was like a train slicing across the rails at a very fast speed.

rumbling rumbling...


A huge black shadow far larger than the paper plane broke through the clouds and blocked the sun's rays.

It was a ship.

A huge ship wrapped in gravel feathers and spreading its "wings"!

Like a golden eagle, piercing the sky.

Following the ship was the soaring ocean current that pushed the ship all the way here.

Under the action of the wings and feathers on both sides, the hull of the ship rose all the way up against the current, even faster than the current itself, and finally boarded the tip of the current!

Rowan's voice resounded across the deck.

"Open the sails, everyone is ready to meet the impact!"

Upon hearing this, Dalton and Hoka the fish-man pulled up a cable each, and with two low roars, the slightly slack sails were pulled tight again.


After the sails were fully opened, the entire ship suddenly stopped abruptly.

Two doctors were out of strength and did not hold onto the things around them. They broke through the window and fell out of the cabin.

At this moment, the entire ship was still in an upright state, and the two doctors fell straight down.

Just as Rowan wanted to rescue him, he found that a large gravel hand stopped one, while Bell, who turned into a giant falcon, caught the other.

Crocodile threw the doctor in his hand into the cabin, bit his cigar tightly, and roared, "Don't trouble me, bastard... you guys!"

He originally wanted to scold "Assholes", but considering that he was still maintaining the character of "National Hero", he could only swallow the swear words that came to his mouth.

Crocodile rolled his eyes, staring at the gravel feathers around the ship.

Such a heavy thing, even with the appearance of feathers, can really fly in the sky?


A violent roar interrupted Crocodile's thoughts, followed by a strong sense of weightlessness.

At this moment, the huge power that filled the ocean current was exhausted, and a plane composed of ocean currents was formed above the clouds.

However, the huge ship took advantage of the inertia brought by the soaring ocean currents and flew further into the sky.

The shape of the hull has also changed from vertical to normal horizontal.

After a brief pause, the ship fell down immediately.

Below them is not the cumulus clouds that can carry ships, but ordinary clouds composed of water vapor.

So in other words, they are now falling towards the sea below 10,000 meters!


The gust of wind in the sky is howling.

Just when everyone felt strong discomfort due to the weightlessness, Rowan's figure was still standing on the deck.

He held a scepter in his left hand, with a pestle on the deck, his right hand was raised to his chest, and his five fingers were spread out.

The gravel flowed slowly around Rowan's fingertips, like countless traction lines, connecting the countless feathers surrounding the ship.

Not far away, the paper airplane also lost its power to rise, but it drifted into the distance along with the airflow in the sky.

Rowan's eyes were fixed on the paper plane, and he said solemnly, "Report the location of the Cumulus Emperor Cloud!"


A navigator forcibly climbed onto the deck, picked up a telescope under the cover of Dalton, and then said loudly:

"The Cumulus Emperor Cloud is at five o'clock, about four nautical miles away!"

Rowan nodded slightly, let out a low growl, and clenched the fingers of his right hand slowly.

Immediately, there was a creaking sound of friction around the ship.

Those feather-like feathers extended to farther places under Rowan's control, and even exceeded the length of the ship itself several times.

At this moment, the ship of the Four Seas Alliance is soaring in the sky like an extremely huge bird.

Rowan twitched his fingers, and those feathers would change to different angles.

The airflow at high altitudes flows over those feathers, making the pressure up and down the feathers different, which in turn generates upward momentum.

The ship stopped falling, and the disgusting weightlessness finally dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, the ship began to turn its direction, carrying everyone towards the direction of Cum Emperor Cloud.

The five fingers of Rowan's right hand twitched slightly in the range of millimeters, fine-tuning the angle of each feather.

Seeing this, Dalton, who was not far away, scratched his head and sighed, "I didn't expect Mr. Rowan to fly!"

But Bell beside him shook his head and denied this view.

As a Devil Fruit ability of the bird fauna, Bell is all too familiar with "flying".

"Master Ancestor's ability is not 'flying'."

Bell pointed to the wings on both sides.

Only then did Dalton notice that the surrounding wings were not flapping up and down like ordinary birds.

At first glance, these feathers appear to be fixed, but in fact they are constantly adjusting in extremely small increments.

"That's 'gliding'."

Bell explained: "Using the initial power of the sky current to fly high, and then use the feathers condensed by the gravel to maintain the subsequent power."

"If you have to use an analogy, it's like a But to make a large ship glide at an altitude of 10,000 meters, it is definitely countless times more complicated than manipulating a glider!"

Bell is very familiar with the "air" thing, but he knows very well that he absolutely cannot do this step.

Not far away, Crocodile also heard Bell's explanation.

If it was not long ago, he might have been amazed, but now he has long been surprised.

That man can divide an island into two with the width of a grain of sand as the boundary, and naturally he can also use the feathers condensed from the gravel to lead a large ship to glide in the sky.


In front, is an ordinary cloud.

Going forward, it is where Emperor Jiyun is located.

As long as they break through this cloud, everyone can successfully reach the "white sea" that can carry ships!

For Dalton, Bell and others, it is a wonderful thing that only exists in legends, so it is inevitable to have some expectations.

Rowan twitched his fingers again and steered the ship into the clouds.

After more than ten seconds, everyone broke through the clouds, and the dazzling light came into everyone's eyes.

too dazzling.

Sky it such a dazzling place?

So dazzling, even dazzling to the point of dazzling!

So dazzling!

My eyes hurt so much!

A little hot……


By the way, why is there a roar?

It was not until Crocodile's brows were furrowed that he threw himself against the bow of the boat, and his right hand turned into a gravel shield, that everyone could react.

It's not a dazzling sun.

Instead, a huge blue thunder beam of light descended from the sky!

Click! !

The deafening thunder resounded through the white sea!