MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 39 notebook

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Crocodile struck a match and lit a new cigar for himself.

Throwing off the firewood, he took a deep breath.

Hiss... hoo!

After exhaling a faint puff of smoke, sitting on the sofa in the corner, he finally managed to calm down.

Hahaha, it's really interesting.

Who would have thought such a thing would happen before this meeting officially started?

Not far away, the meeting between Vivi and Wapol is still going on.

The content of the talks mainly focused on how to establish a fixed route between Alabasta and the Drum Kingdom, and how to maintain and develop after the establishment.

This is only a small part of the huge concept of the Four Seas Alliance, and it is not even a complete first step.

But even so, the ignorant Wapol was still hard to understand.

All he cares about is what he needs to pay and how much benefit he can get from it in the future.

Aside, Dalton frowned.

He is a simple and honest person, with strong fighting power, but he is not good at political affairs.

But the current situation is that even Dalton can see that Wapol is being led by the nose!


Why did the situation become like this?

Looking at Dalton with a confused face, Crocodile couldn't help laughing.

Unlike a simple warrior like Dalton, Crocodile could see at a glance the key to the current situation.

Wapol, the idiot king, only thinks about "self" in the meeting.

In other words, the drum kingdom is a bargaining chip for Wapol to gain more benefits, while Vivi represents the country of Alabasta itself.

"A state that exists for personal benefit" is the opposite of "an individual who represents a whole nation".

It is clear at a glance which side is more likely to gain the advantage!

At this moment, Wei Wei is discussing with Wapol about the rules for sending troops to garrison between the two countries after the establishment of the fixed route.

But for Wapol, the guards are his personal army. If they all go to protect civilians, who will protect him?

Therefore, Wapol intends to put the trouble of garrisoning on the Alabasta side.

But Wei Wei's words followed closely.

"In the pre-established route, there are four uninhabited islands that can be used as garrison locations. As the initiator of the route, Alabasta can take the initiative to undertake the garrison duty of three, and the remaining one will be handed over to you. "

Listening to Wei Wei's words, Wapol suddenly felt something made sense.

The other party has already guarded three routes, so it shouldn't be a hassle for me to guard one, so I nodded and agreed.

But after nodding, Wapol suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He scratched his head and felt that this was completely different from what he thought at first, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Seeing this scene, Crocodile almost laughed.

Sure enough, at the negotiating table, as long as you fall into the rhythm of the other party, you will follow the other party's ideas all the way.

Crocodile had seen the four uninhabited islands in advance, and the three Alabastas were responsible for guarding were all strategic locations, and they could be attacked and defended.

As long as a guard team of more than ten people cooperates with the fortifications, it can resist the siege of several pirate ships!

More importantly, these three islands are located in the high seas of the two countries.

Sending troops to garrison means that the sea area around those islands can be brought under control—and it has been approved by the king of the other side, justifiably!

Such a good place cannot be given to others.

And what about the uninhabited island that the drum kingdom is responsible for?

Not only is it located in the waters of the Drum Kingdom, but there is also a naval patrol route nearby.

For pirates, even with ten courage, they would not dare to loot ships near that island!

In this way, the uninhabited island is completely a big trouble, and it can even be said that it is completely redundant.

Since it is redundant, why not just set up three garrison points?

The answer is simple: it’s still for the sake of being justifiable.

Before the World Government is completely torn apart, according to the rules, Alabasta is still a member of the World Government, and the World Government has the right to intervene in Alabasta's behavior.

Once the world government discovers the existence of this route, the Alabasta side can move out of the two-state agreement.

Both sides have troops stationed, which is enough to prove the fairness and reasonableness of this agreement.

This is a well-known prevarication, but it is really useful to deal with a bloated institution like the World Government.


Crocodile looked excited, but couldn't help but wonder.

Is Ryan Rowan really capable of teaching a five- or six-year-old girl to become an excellent diplomat in just two days?

Crocodile didn't believe it.

He must have done something else!

Crocodile looked around and suddenly found Vivi's backpack, where there were some daily necessities prepared by Cobra for her daughter.

But it was one of the notebooks that caught Crocodile's attention.

That was the notebook that Vivi was holding in her hand when she was talking with Rowan on the deck.

After hesitating again and again, Crocodile couldn't hold back his curiosity, took out the notebook, and opened the first page.

He really wanted to know what Rowan taught Weiwei.

"Be patient after entering the meeting room."

"There is a 30% chance that Wapol will immediately push the door and then be aggressive. Don't answer at this time, and wait for him to quiet down without saying a word."

"60% probability, Wapol will make you wait for a long time, leave if you don't see anyone within two hours, leave the declaration of war, and leave the rest to me."

"There is a 10% chance that Wapol will act directly and try to deter you with force. At this time, call the little crocodile and let him play freely."

Looking at the words in the notebook, Crocodile was suddenly stunned.

He took a few deep breaths, and suddenly an exaggerated guess came to his mind.

"No, no, no..."

Crocodile grinned dryly and continued to turn to the next page.

"After sitting down, Wapol has a 70% chance of yelling at you, and a 30% chance of laughing at you."

"It doesn't matter in either situation. No matter where the other party says after three sentences, you will start your topic directly."


Crocodile continued to turn a few pages.

His eyes widened, UU reading comparing Weiwei's performance and the contents of the notebook in his mind.

"Talking about the issue of garrisoned troops."

"After proposing that both sides should send troops to garrison, there is a 10% probability that Wapol will directly refuse, and a 90% probability that they will fall into silence."

"If you refuse, say something to appease. If you are silent, just say our proposal after two breaths."

"90% probability - he will agree."

"Yicheng - he flipped the table directly, remembered to shout the little crocodile, and then thank him."


Crocodile took a deep breath, his pupils trembling uncontrollably.

This notebook is... what?

No, not quite right.

Crocodile shook his head, trying to dispel the absurd speculation in his mind.

Because if this is the case, then the fact is too unbelievable!

Crocodile swallowed.

He was sure that what he had in his hand was just an ordinary notebook, not a high-tech or messy fruit ability that could be displayed in real time.

This is just a note.

A note written in two days and handed to Wei Wei.

Most of them are written by Luo Wen, with a few annotations from Weiwei herself to prevent herself from forgetting some important parts.

"That old monster... figured it all out?"

Crocodile could only use a dry smile to dispel the shock in his heart.

He flipped to the next page with trembling fingers, expecting that things weren't what he thought.

On the next page, there is only one sentence.

A very simple sentence-

"It's rude to flip through a little girl's personal notes, little crocodile."