MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 29 I come

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I don't agree.

——The three words are from the hand of the genius Neferutari who was eight hundred years ago.

The strong emotion conveyed in the neat handwriting seems to have traveled through time and space, blowing towards the face!

Rowan looked back at the silent two behind him and smiled proudly.

"This guy's handwriting is beautiful, right?"

Having said that, Rowan folded the page again according to the previous pattern, instead of putting it back in its original place, he put it in his arms.

"Now, let's take a look at this draft that he has been talking about for a long time!"

Rowan waved his hand lightly to disperse the dust on the table, and then arranged the sheets of paper with a large amount of words on the table in turn.

Cobra and Crocodile immediately leaned up and carefully studied the words on it.

Rowan noticed Weiwei beside him.

At this moment, this little princess with blue hair is swaying her feet and wants to read the words with the adults, but she can't see it because of her height.

"I, I want to see too!"

Cobra was shocked by the words in front of him, so he waved his hand casually, "Vivi, don't make trouble, children can't understand these things."


Weiwei pouted, obviously in a hurry.

Beside him, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Cobra, children know more than you can imagine."

It was Rowan who spoke. He picked up Weiwei and put it on the chair, so that her eyes could look down on the table.

"What's more, she is the princess of Alabasta and the descendant of Neferutari."

Cobra is indeed a person who is good at listening to the advice of others, and can correct his mistakes.

Hearing this, he glanced at his daughter apologetically. It was clearly that he always taught Weiwei to be more concerned about other people and things around her, but now he has committed the old problem of being a father.

Weiwei blinked and motioned for her to forgive her father.

At the same time, Crocodile's voice came over. He had been carefully reading the words on the paper just now, so he found many clues.

"Why is the handwriting on this different?"

Everyone looked at the table, and they found what Crocodile said.

On those papers, in addition to Neferutari's neat handwriting, there are many completely different handwritings.

They are clearly not from the same person.

Rowan picked up a piece of paper and couldn't help grinning.

"Hahahaha, those guys knew that I was too lazy to have a meeting, so they just discussed it on paper!"

Crocodile frowned slightly.

Such messy information is enough to prove that this is really just a draft, and even some parts have produced contradictions and arguments visible to the naked eye.

He couldn't help but wonder: "Will this information be useful?"

"Let's sort it out and we'll know?"

Rowan smiled and hooked his fingers, and the gravel on the ground immediately floated up, sketching a gravel quadrilateral on the left side of the room, like a blackboard.

Then, Rowan carefully read the words on the table.

I have to say that Neferutari really knows Rowan very well. Although the words are messy, they can be divided into two parts as a whole.

The first is the analysis of the system of world government.

The second is Neferutari's explanation of the "Four Seas Alliance" system proposed by her.

Many other people's opinions fill it, or supplement, or argue.

Rowan twitched his fingers, and the gravel stretched out conspicuous thin lines in the floating square.

"First of all, it is the structure of the world government."

The gravel formed pieces after pieces, and then a thin line extended from it, converging on a huge platform.

Rowan referred to the text on the table and slowly explained:

"These fragments are the allied countries of the World Government. The size of the fragments means the strength of the country."

"And this huge platform represents the world government."

Several mini dunes rise above the platform, and the dunes connect the lines, supplementing those lines with gravel, maintaining the existence of the lines.

Rowan continued:

"Communications, military strength, resources, transportation, etc., all the elements necessary for the country are controlled by the world government."

Several small gravel people stood up from the platform, big or small, occupying one dune after another.

"Five old stars, Tianlong people, and even the existences we don't know, firmly control these necessities."

A piece of gravel turned over.

"And once a country tries to get out of the control of the world government, it means..."

A gravel villain screamed, waving his hand to cut off the thin wire connected to the debris.

Immediately, the debris turned into a pool of gravel and fell back to the ground.

"Then, this country will lose its foothold in this world, and naturally it will decline."

"The world government with such a structure is indeed unbreakable. Once you join and integrate into it, you cannot easily escape, and the country becomes a part of the world government."

"It's good to jointly resist foreign enemies, jointly resist disasters, and move forward together, but..."

Rowan turned his fingers, and the original appearance of the gravel villain changed again.

They became bloated, as if eating a big fat man in one bite.

"What if those high-ranking people don't match their virtues?"

After all, the gravel people began to compete for the sand dunes on the platform. They did not allow the sand dunes to add gravel to the lines, and let the connecting lines between the platform and the debris become thinner and more blurred.

A "pop" sound.

A line is broken.

Then—clap clap clap clap...

More and more lines broke, and eventually the fragments completely broke off the platform. The platform that carried many villains and sand dunes collapsed in an instant, and everything was gone!

"This is the World Government."

Rowan snapped his fingers and created another gravel quad.

"As for the Four Seas Alliance conceived by Neferutari..."

The fragments that represent the country resurfaced, and the lines stretched out as always.

Only this time, without a platform as an end point, they started connecting at will.

At first, these lines were connected in a messy and disorderly manner, and some of them were even tangled and scuffled.

But over time, the lines gradually found a pattern and began to work together in an orderly fashion.

Without the platform, dune after dune rises above the debris, and through the lines, thinks the other debris to transport the grit that they each lack.

Cobra observed carefully for a moment, then suddenly shook his head.

"It's not reasonable."

Although I don't really want to question the idea of ​​Nefertari, the ancestor of the family, Cobra has such a personality.

"The 'world connection' completed by the platform of the world government seems to be more superior, but in fact it is not stable."

After thinking about it again and again, Cobra shook his head and said, "It is a bit too idealistic to rely solely on the consciousness of various countries to complete exchanges and exchange of resources in order to achieve an alliance."

But what Cobra didn't expect was that Rowan nodded.

"Indeed, what you said makes sense, because I think so too."

Then, he picked up one of the pages, and there were many handwritings on it that were different from Neferutari's.

"Also, Neferutari and the others had a heated discussion on this issue, but in the end, there was no result, so they had to write it down."

Cobra was stunned for a moment, "Master Ancestor, you mean...

Rowan said slowly: "The Four Seas Alliance is just a 'prototype'."

"How to achieve it, how to complete it, how to build it, how well it works... everything is unknown."

He picked up the paper on the table and sighed helplessly.

"That guy Neferutari left us with a big problem, didn't he?"

Cobra nodded when he heard the words, and began to observe the two different structures of the Four Seas Alliance and the World Government.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that his daughter raised her hand.


Cobra and Rowan were both curious and motioned for Vivi to speak.

Weiwei pointed to the structure of the Four Seas Alliance and said excitedly, "Lord Ancestor, Lord Father, if the world becomes like that, it will feel much smaller!"

As soon as these words came out, the room suddenly became quiet.

Weiwei thought she had said the wrong thing, so she couldn't help lowering her head.

But then, she heard Rowan's hearty laughter.

"Hahahahaha, Cobra, let me just say, children can understand nothing less than us!"

At dusk.

Cobra stayed alone in the secret room, arranging Ikalem, and sorting out the belongings left by the family ancestor Nefertari.

These are precious historical materials, and Cobra will organize them and store them in the library in Alabasta.

the other side.

Vivi and Crocodile stood on the city wall on the side of the palace, looking out at the desert in the distance.

To ask why they stand together?

Because they are looking at a person.

Ryan Rowan.

After he left the secret room, he said he wanted to go out for a walk, and left the palace alone.

Crocodile and Vivi were very curious about where Rowan was going.

They climbed the city wall and watched Rowan leave the palace gate all the way to the desert outside Albana.

Rowan faced the direction of the setting sun and walked all the way to the sunset.

The wind in the desert blows the ribbon on his body.

Gravel is rising.

Layer after layer of gravel floated around Rowan, but it was far less violent and turbulent than during the battle, but carried an inexplicable tenderness.

A gravel figure slowly formed beside Rowan.

It was not a gravel soldier, but a young man in a robe with a pair of eyes and a few books in his hand.

Rowan smiled and didn't look back.

"Here you come?"

Then, more gravel began to surge, and they gathered into one figure after another, appearing beside Rowan.

They look different.

Male and female.

Fat, thin, tall, short...

Either handsome or old...

Among them, there are murlocs, long-handed, long-legged, and some weirdos who can't be said to be races.

There is even a giant clan!

More and more people appeared around Rowan.

Apart from the fact that the body itself is made of gravel, every detail of this group of people's bodies is extremely fine.

Clothes, hairstyles, posture, can not find any problems.

If you look carefully, you can even find the patterns on the small ornaments!

Rowan stepped forward, and the group followed him.

There are not many people, but there are a dozen or so.

Even though their footsteps and movements were completely different, they still followed Rowan's footsteps perfectly.

Rowan smiled and looked at the young man with glasses holding a book beside him.


Then, he turned his head and glanced at one person after another, saying one name after another.

Those names that Rowan is all too familiar with—

"Kean, Ellis, Cheng, Ian, Muro, Arkwright..."

Rowan kept moving forward, but turned back in a circle and walked backwards for a while to make sure he saw everyone who followed him.

Until, he finished saying the last name.


Rowan remembered each of them.

He turned around, stopped looking at them, and moved on.


"Really, I've been dead for 800 years, why do you have to wake me up..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

As Rowan said, he couldn't help laughing.

"You guys!"

"What a bunch of guys who like to cause trouble!"

"Especially you, Neferutari!"

As Rowan moved forward, starting from the outer circle, one gravel figure after another began to dissipate.

With every step, one person disappears.

While dissipating, they were still looking at Rowan, doing the movements most familiar to each other.

The girl named Camilla waved to Rowan and motioned him to look at the little flowers he picked;

The big man of the giant family tapped his chest;

The young Ian smiled brightly;

Mu Luo put on a signature shooting action;

The tall Keane raised his chin and looked up at the sky;

After a while, only the "Nefirutali" was left, along with Rowan himself.

Rowan still smiled and moved forward.

From laughing, to covering his face with a helpless, wry smile.

Neferutari's figure began to blur.

He could no longer keep up with Rowan's pace, and stopped in place, the grit that made up his body gradually dissipated.

Rowan's hand holding the scepter clenched unconsciously, but he didn't look back.

Neferutari seemed satisfied with Rowan's choice, stood there, raised her right hand, and then waved it gently.


Drifting away in the wind.

Now, in the direction of the sunset, only Rowan continues to walk.

He walked onto a high sand dune and looked up at the dazzling red sunset in the desert.

"I woke up."

"But you are not here!"

Rowan stood alone, put his scepter on the ground, and said slowly:

"So, what we didn't finish back then..."

After being silent for a while, he opened his mouth.

"I come."

Calm and firm.
