MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 27 Secret base

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Crane and Karp returned to Yaruja Pier, boarded the warship, and sailed away from Alabasta.

After a day and a night.

Marin Vando, Navy Headquarters.

The hallway outside the Marshal's office.

Even here, passing navies could hear the shrill voices that belonged to the Heavenly Dragons.

"Trash, a bunch of trash! What do you raise your navy for!"

The source of the sound came from the marshal's office.

Sengoku sat on a chair, sipping black tea, and watching the report on the table, his expression was calm and relaxed.

A goat walks back and forth in the office, and from time to time eats some documents lost in the Warring States Period.

And on the desk in front of him, a fat phone bug was roaring loudly.

"I order you to immediately arrest that rebel... no, arrest the group of rebels in Alabasta and execute them!"

On the other end of the phone bug was the Heavenly Dragon who had just escaped from Alabasta not long ago, Saint Goodjoya.

He has been scolding like that for more than half an hour, and not a single sentence is repeated.

It's hard to imagine that someone can sip black tea leisurely in the background of such a volume, and even work hard, should they say "as expected of a dignified admiral"?

Do not-

Looking closely, it is not difficult to find that the Warring States have two earplugs on top of both ears.

As expected of [Wise General] Warring States!

After all, this phone bug has no video capabilities.

After another half hour, the phone bug's mouth finally stopped.

Warring States then slowly took off his earplugs and said calmly, "We all know what you said, and we will do it as soon as possible."

"Hmph, it's good to know! Click..."

The phone bug hangs up.

Warring States coughed a few times, and after confirming that the phone bug's link was cut off, he couldn't help sighing.

It's good when it's over!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Warring States arranged the table and said, "Please come in."

A tall and straight old woman pushed the door and entered immediately. It was Lieutenant General Crane who had just returned from Alabasta to Marin Vando.

"Xiaohe, you're back."

After all, with Garp accompanying him, Sengoku was not worried about the safety of the crane. "What's your judgment on what happened in Alabasta?"

Crane put the senbei that Garp brought to Sengoku on the table, and then sat down beside it.

"It's like this..."

Granny He recounted what happened in Alabasta completely, and finally explained her own judgment.

However, the result of this judgment made the Warring States frown slightly.

Granny He smiled and said, "You don't agree?"

"No, I trust your judgment, Xiaohe."

Warring States rubbed his brows, "It's... the Tianlong people, I need to think about how to explain, that group of people is really troublesome!"

Crane glanced at the Warring States period, "If you want the old man to help you, just say it."

Sengoku immediately turned his attention to Crane for help.

He said helplessly, "Contact the Five Old Stars directly."

"Indeed, Wu Laoxing can hold down the Tianlong people." Warring States nodded, "But what if Wu Laoxing also wanted to do something to the emperor 800 years ago?"

The crane snorted softly and said a word.

A sentence that made Sengoku realize how serious Crane's previous judgment was—

"Then tell them that there will be 'another' Whitebeard on this sea!"

Time goes back to a day ago.

On the afternoon the navy left, Rowan led Cobra, Vivi, and Crocodile to a corner of the palace.

There are few people here, so the servants only cleaned it roughly, and there was a lot of dust.

Cobra doesn't care about this. After all, he has always been pragmatic, and he will take the initiative to reduce the daily expenses of the royal family in order to subsidize the disaster-stricken civilians.

Wei Wei asked curiously, "Lord Ancestor, what are we doing here?"


Rowan replied with a smile.

Then, with slightly curious eyes, he lightly stroked a stone brick on the ground.

The Shasha fruit ability activates.


A stream of gravel drilled into the cracks of the stone bricks, triggering a certain switch.


There was a roar from the ground not far away, and then it sank, revealing an inconspicuous entrance.

"This is the secret room I opened up back then. Only Neferutari and I know that he has the key, but I don't need it."

Rowan looked back at the surprised crowd, took the lead and walked down, and the remaining three followed.

Among them, Crocodile also kept an eye on it and wrote down the location of the stone brick and the method of triggering the mechanism with the ability of the rustling fruit.

But when Crocodile came down the stairs, he immediately forgot the method.

Because there is no need for that.

It was just a crude basement, with only a table, two chairs, and piles of old documents and books, and there was no historical text he was interested in.

But Cobra and Vivi were different, they were obviously much more curious.

After all, they have lived in this palace for many years, but they have never heard of such a secret room!

Weiwei was still a child after all, her eyes glowed with excitement.

"Wow, Lord Ancestor's secret base!"


Cobra was just about to correct his daughter's name for the secret room of the two family ancestors, but Rowan simply laughed out loud.

"Yes, this is the secret base that Neferutari and I used to have!"

Luo Wen smiled happily and recalled: "We came up with a lot of good ideas here!"

He raised his scepter gently, pointed to both sides, and said:

"At the beginning we negotiated, the left belongs to me, and the right belongs to him."

"I am in charge of the overall strategy, and he is in charge of the detailed policies of governing the country."

The three of them looked in the direction Rowan pointed, and sure enough, they could see the difference between the left and right sides of the room.

Rowan's left side is dominated by maps and materials. There is a blank space in the center, which is about where the map is hung. There are still one-third of the drawings left on it.

Time has eroded them, making these drawings and materials dilapidated.

On the right side of Neferutari, there are many books and folders.

They are all carefully preserved, stacked neatly, and some are even covered with cloth, which greatly reduces the traces of time left on them.

"Hahahahaha, he is such a character, serious to death."

Rowan came to the right belonging to Neferutari and gently brushed the dust off the bookshelf.

"No matter how cruel the battlefield is, it will one day turn into a forest or a desert, but the words recorded in the history books will be turned into memories and will last forever."

He lifted a layer of cloth, searched carefully on the bookshelf, and said slowly:

"Back then, the proposal of the 'world government' was recognized by many countries, and the prototype took shape, but neither Neferutari nor I liked that kind of system very much."

"One day later, Neferutari suddenly came to me excitedly and told me that he had thought of a plan to deal with it. It's only a draft at the moment, and he asked me to help."

"I was busy on the expedition at the time, and this matter was delayed."

Rowan grinned and recalled: "Nefirutali also urged thousands of times, saying that the plan was kept in the secret base, everyone had seen it, and I was the last one."

Weiwei was a little curious, "So, did the ancestor see it?"


Rowan smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "That time, it was my last expedition."

He's narrating history, but history itself is what he's experienced—

"I died fighting."

Cobra and Vivi fell silent, while Crocodile raised his eyebrows and continued to ask, "So, you came to find the draft plan from 800 years ago?"


Rowan nodded.

Crocodile looked a little unbelievable, "Hey, are you kidding me, how many times the world pattern has changed in the past 800 years, can a mere draft plan be useful?"

Rowan continued to search on the bookshelf.

"Little crocodile, you don't know Neferutari."

Suddenly, Rowan's eyes lit up, he took a stack of documents from the bookshelf that had not yet been bound, and continued, "He is a genius."

Rowan took the information document, sat on the stool on the left side of the table, and began to look through it.

The three behind them couldn't help their curiosity, and UU Reading also came over.

On the most severely eroded cover, the words "Four Seas Alliance" can be vaguely seen.

Rowan took off the cover and set it aside casually.

The words on the first page inside are much clearer.

But what everyone did not expect was that only one sentence was written on the first page.

It was a neat handwriting written with a pen, a bit long, but the meaning was simple and clear—

"Rowan, if you read this draft without me, remember one thing: read one page at a time, and don't litter it. The handwritten documents are not coded, and it is very troublesome to organize!"


Rowan: "..."

After a moment of silence, Rowan suddenly burst out laughing, and laughter filled the secret base of him and Neferutari.

"Hahahaha, as expected of you, Neferutari!"

He waved his hands again and again and said, "I know, I know, don't drop the stool, I'll help you sort it out later!"



There was silence, no answer.

Rowan kept waving his hand for a long time, but no one could pat his hand like he was familiar with.


Rowan turned his head and saw Crocodile, Vivi, Cobra...

But he couldn't see that young best friend who wore glasses, liked to wear robes, had a somewhat nerdy temperament, always put on a serious expression, but was the first to cry when drinking.

"Oh, right."

Rowan remembered this.

He turned his head, looked at Neferutari's handwriting, and murmured:

"You're not here..."