MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 254 tit for tat

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Legion of the Forsaken—

This special unit is mainly composed of Abandoners infected with the crystal ghost virus, plus many experienced Alabasta veterans, making up for the innate lack of combat experience of the Abandoners.

As for single combat power.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Outcasts are even enough to rival those murloc warriors with rich combat experience!


At the beginning of the Abandoned Legion's establishment, Hoka couldn't hold back his curiosity and took the initiative to try to fight the soldiers of the Abandoned Legion.

Huoka, nicknamed [Ranger], had already won the title of the King of the Seven Martial Seas at that time.

Although according to him, it is entirely due to the promotion of the Four Seas Alliance and Mr. Rowan, but everyone knows that the world government is by no means something that the Four Seas Alliance or Ryan Rowan can easily control.

The reason why Huoka was successfully recognized by the world government as one of the Seven Wuhais under the King has a great relationship with his actual combat effectiveness.

This murloc warrior looks a little simple and honest, and he is also very kind and rational, so many people forget a very important thing.

Forgot something?

I forgot that this [Ranger] Hawka was a ruthless man who followed [Murloc Hero] Fisher Tiger and fought a **** road from the holy land of Marjoya in the Red Continent!

Gentle in nature, does not mean that there is no ability to resist.

When necessary, he is fully capable of bursting with amazing power to defeat the enemy standing in front of him!

This is [Ranger] Hoka!

But even this Hokka couldn't help being silent after fighting an abandoned one.

He could not evaluate the "actual combat effectiveness" of "Abandoned".


" should I evaluate it?"

Facing the repeated questions from the crowd, Huoka scratched his head helplessly.

In the end, Hoka replied:

"If you only talk about the combat level, the deserter should be no different from an ordinary person."

ordinary people?

Such an answer naturally puzzled others.

Why do you say that?

That is obviously a group of guys who seem to be extremely powerful. Is it true that for Hokka, even the deserters are no different from ordinary people?

Of course it's impossible, and Hoka is not that kind of arrogant person.

The key point of the problem was explained to everyone by Hoka through the next words.

"Combat ability is by no means the whole of the battle. It's just a part of a battle, and it can only control a small part of the battle situation."

"Imagine, let an ordinary person fight a giant bear, what will happen?"

The answer is simple, of course a defeat without a doubt!

"That's right, that ordinary person is sure to lose."

"As for the opponents at war, the deserter in front of them is a character similar to the 'brown bear'!"

Such remarks caused a lot of discussion.

Huoka looked at his palm and squeezed his fist lightly, recalling the difficult battle that had just happened.

Then, he continued to say slowly:

"The so-called 'giant bear' does not require any combat skills."

"Even a stupid 'giant bear' can't lose to an ordinary unarmed human being."

"The 'Giant Bear' doesn't need to master complex stuff like boxing, kicking, or technique."

"Only their strength, their physical strength, and their body are enough to defeat the enemy in front of them!"

When Huoka said this, he sighed deeply.

"Abandoners who have made a good combat consciousness are such a group of terrifying 'giant bears'..."

These remarks naturally attracted a burst of amazement from the crowd.

They never thought that the source of the true power of the Forsaken Legion was here!

However, just as everyone was sighing, Crocodile, who had nothing to do and listened attentively, suddenly interjected.

"Don't treat humans as 'animals', murlocs."


Hawka discovered the existence of Crocodile, and felt that the other party was right, and quickly apologized: "Ah, sorry, people should not be compared to animals..."

"No, that's not what I meant, but have you ever thought about a possibility..."

Crocodile drank a cigar and said slowly:

"Combat skills can be 'learned' by humans..."


Clang... Chong... Chong...

Legion of the Forsaken, the soles of feet filled with solid crystals are rubbing on the ground.

They slowly walked down from the balloon octopus airship and stood on the ground.

About a hundred people.

They are all members of the Legion of Abandoned People who participated in the war. Some of them are young adults from the Kingdom of Aden, who volunteered to receive training and participate in the battle. The other part is the king's army of the Kingdom of Aden.

A mere hundred people.

In terms of the number of people alone, it is naturally far from enough, but the extremely strong sense of presence emanating from them makes it impossible for others to ignore them!

There is no doubt that it is definitely a group of top-level fighters!

"'s a mobile unit!"

When the soldiers guarding the fish-man village saw this scene, their nervousness gradually eased.

As Cobra had said before, everyone who stayed in Alabasta to participate in this battle was conscious and had their own unique responsibilities.

If the defenders of the fish-man village hurried out to "support" when the Beast Pirates attacked, then at this moment the fish-man village would fall into an unguarded dead end when facing the Big Mom Pirates!

Only by stationing here can we stop Aunt's offensive footsteps!

At the same time, the air force responsible for support in the Four Seas Alliance did not go to support the port city of Rape Flowers, but came to the fisherman village.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Cobra gave an order, and everyone was ready.

However, seeing this scene, the members of the Big Mom Pirates on the Queen Mother Anthem couldn't help but grinned and laughed.

Among them, there are many big pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, and no one dares to provoke them in the first half of the great route.

But now, in this ordinary country, someone actually wants to use a national-level army to stop their attack? !

How ridiculous!

It must be a little too disrespectful!

Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, who has the ability to lick fruit, and who has a bounty of 700 million berries, grinned.

"Hehehe, it seems that it is right to let some people stay in Wanguo to prevent Kaido from turning the tiger away from the mountain..."

"There's no such thing as a guy in this country!"

"Speaking of Even that [Sand Crocodile] can't stop us at all!"

"Mom, let me kill them all!"

Perospero laughed as he struggled to wave a wave of candy!

That's one of the abilities of licking the fruit, you can use the syrup to trap people to death!

But in the next second, the sense of existence from the Legion of Abandoners suddenly became several times stronger.

Shiruluk gave the order.

"Forsaken Legion, fighting stance!"

The crystals are rising.

Legion, march on!



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