MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 197 not a nice guy

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After I die, who cares about the flood?

——This is a very heroic-sounding sentence, but it is by no means a word that a "good person" can say.

After all, being a real "good guy" is really hard to do.

They need to consider what they have done for others, and even for future generations.

That is actually very tiring.

Because being a good person is a very tiring and difficult thing.

They dedicate their lives, abandoning everything about themselves, to shape everything about others.

Give up everything, give yourself.

Let's assume a situation -

Suppose there is a place in the world where people who come here can choose to throw away their memories, bodies, thoughts...etc.

But at the same time, doing so can give this person the opportunity to "dedicate" forever to others.

"You" - would you choose to agree to such a condition?



Of course this is a terrible thing.

Forget the past, forget the thoughts, forget the bloodline, forget everything about yourself, only keep the thought of dedicating to others, and work hard for it forever.

At first glance, this sounds like an almost crazy behavior.

No sane person would agree to such a condition.

Losing everything you have—basically, it is equivalent to death. What is the meaning of “consecration” in such a state?

But if such an idea arises, it is no longer the so-called pure "good person".

Purely good people, willing to give to others, even if this kind of dedication is of no benefit, even if this kind of dedication can't even be felt by oneself!

But even so, "good people" still choose to give.

Whether it is obscurity or grandeur, it is no different to them.

That was indeed a great group of people.

At the same time, this is something that ordinary people can't even imagine.


So, who is the good guy?

At least [Strange Bird] Vinsmoke Gage is not.

Of course he is not. As the commander-in-chief of Germa 66 and the emperor of the Kingdom of Germa, Gage's hands are already stained with blood, and there are countless clone soldiers who choose to sacrifice for their own interests.

Such a man is naturally not a "good person", and can even be said to be a "bad person"!

So, is [Wisdom General] a good person in the Warring States period?

No, it doesn't count.

For ordinary people, the navy is certainly a good guy.

They help expel pirates, protect the lives, property and safety of ordinary people, and are committed to maintaining peace and stability on the sea.

Isn't such a group of people - the leader of such a group of people a good person?

But for the "Pirates", Sengoku and the navy he led are indeed not "good people".

... bad people need good people too?

But the real "purely good person" does not define a person's good or bad.

They will reflect on why the so-called "bad people" appear, and make improvements and efforts for this reason, rather than a simple confrontation between "good" and "bad".

Saying so on the lips is actually the kind of person who is full of himself, which is a kind of "hypocrisy".

And people who really think this way in their heads and put them into practice are enough to be called "great".


So, back to the original question.

[Golden Dawn] Ryan Rowan, is he a good person?

The splendid Alabasta Empire was created, and the people in the country lived peacefully and peacefully. So far, Alabasta is a superpower that cannot be ignored by the world government.

Such a well-known big man, is he a "good man"?

Of course not.

If he is really a good person, then Ryan Rowan will not be desperate to stop the destructive lava, and at the same time, the idea of ​​"After I die, how can the flood be to the sky" pops up in his mind. .

—Lane Rowan himself thought so.

He won an unprecedented reputation for himself, but left his companions to continue their journey until the end...

This behavior, of course, is not a "good person".


Time goes back to the present.

Gage heard the crux of Rowan's remarks.

At this moment, the point of view put forward by Ryan Rowan is actually said to the "good people" in the sea.

Because the "tree" that theoretically threatens all life in the world, in fact, the biggest threat really exists in "theory".

This is not difficult to understand.

The threat to the world about that tree was discovered thousands of years ago in ancient times—or even earlier.

In order to solve it, people at that time even created ancient weapons, the top-level killers that affected the pattern of forces in later generations.

But as a result, they failed.


The glorious civilization that created the ancient script died.

And about 800 years ago, the scholars of Shandora learned the truth about the "tree", and they were also trying to solve it...

No, it's really much more than that.

For example, the weapon arsenal found in the basement of the Kingdom of Aden in the North Sea is engraved with the symbol from Shandora!

In other words, Shandola's campaign plan for the "tree" eight hundred years ago already included the North Sea.

This is the case in the North Sea, and presumably the other four major sea areas, East, South, and West, will also be like this. The probability of this is not low.

Then the fact is that when Xianshan Dora has initially created a pattern in which the four seas join forces to fight against that tree.

But even so, the scholars of Shandora still carved countless "runs" on the wall in the end.

The fact is not hard to guess - they are desperate.

The two waves of offensive launched to fight against the "tree" ended in defeat for one side and despair for the other.

They failed.

...well, failed?

Since it failed, shouldn't that tree absorb the world as nutrients and eventually destroy the entire world?

But this is clearly not the case.

Even today, eight hundred years later, the world still exists, war still exists, and life still exists...

So what did their "failure" affect in ancient times and Shandola thousands of years ago?

The lifespan of human beings is only a mere hundred years, and who can guarantee that the influence of that tree on the world will emerge within a hundred years?

Since it can't emerge, why risk being counterattacked and do everything possible to unite everyone to fight against that tree?

This is obviously a worthless deal.

In the words of Ryan Rowan—

After I die, who cares about the flood?

This is indeed the case.

In this sea, there are very few people who are willing to give, and even give up their "everything" for the sake of giving.

People like that are the easiest to ignore, because they don't really care about this sort of thing.

It is simply impossible to fight against that big tree by only uniting with this kind of person.

In order to achieve the "cutting" in Rowan's mouth, you must use the power of "bad guys".

No matter how bad, bad, bad...

All in all, Ryan Rowan needs more "power".

But in Gage's view, it is obviously impossible for this "power" to be voluntarily in the hands of Rowan.

When thinking of this, Rowan's voice suddenly came to Jiazhi's ear.

"Why volunteer?"


"I said, why should it be voluntary?"

Purple Pen Literature

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