MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 17 angry fist

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Because of Hawka and Crocodile's shot, the originally chaotic situation came to an abrupt end.

Hawka controlled the bearded captain at the head, while Crocodile was more straightforward, using a gravel machete to cut the rest of the slave traders on the shore into mummified corpses.

The sharp blade at the elbow slowly dissipated.

Crocodile lifted his chin and gestured to Hoka:

"That guy, I specially reserved it for you."

After all, Crocodile ignored the grateful eyes of the residents, as always, turned around and left.

This is his usual style as a national hero.

Although Rowan's appearance disrupted Crocodile's plan to a certain extent, he always likes to prepare with multiple hands.

A national hero, still has to be.

On the other side, Hoka looked at Crocodile's back and nodded.

"Thank you."

As for the beard, at this moment he was already pale.

There is no hostage in hand, which means that his life is completely in the hands of the murloc in front of him, and as long as the other party uses a little force, he can break his neck.

In desperation, Beard remembered the last straw.

He shouted towards his warship: "You bunch of rice buckets, come and save me!"

But, it's too late.

Huoka had already clenched his other fist, crunching!

Fury filled his chest, the resentment of being enslaved for so many years.

At this moment, that emotion finally found an outlet!

"This punch is for my compatriots, and for those kind human beings."

"You scum..."

The fist full of anger raised it, and then swung it vigorously!

"Give me to the bottom of the sea to repent!"


The punch hits the bearded face.

With one blow, the bearded man flew out like a cannonball and fell straight into the sea in the distance.


cluck cluck cluck...

On the sea surface, a few bubbles appeared, and then there was no movement.

Seeing that his captain was no longer saved, the remaining pirates on the battleship did not dare to have any extra thoughts.

After all, the man who killed all their companions on the shore in an instant was the [Sand Crocodile], one of the King's Seven Martial Seas!

They knew that Crocodile was active in this country, but they never expected to meet him here.

Why does Shichibukai happen to be in this small town?

No, that doesn't matter anymore.

They are just ordinary slave traders, and it is impossible for them to be the opponents of those with Devil Fruit abilities.

No matter what, if you want to survive, you must run!

The remaining pirates immediately set sail and left the port.

What made them relax a little was that it was just a small pier, and they couldn't catch up with their clippers.

However, they ignored two things in a hurry.

First, what they were chasing was a group of murlocs.

The murlocs are the descendants of the sea, and no speedboat can match the speed at which they swim with all their strength.

Huoka greeted Wall and other fish people with decent physical strength, and planned to launch a pursuit.

He knew very well that this group of slave traders must not be allowed to escape, otherwise the residents of Yaruja would be in constant trouble!

At the same time, Hawka also set his sights on the big ship.

As long as you capture this ship, you can throw away the conspicuous broken sailing ship and escape all the way to leave the great route.

But just as Hoka and the others were preparing to act, they suddenly found a thin layer of gravel floating in front of them.

He turned his eyes to Crocodile, only to find that the latter was holding a cigar and did not move.

Crocodile raised his head and pointed to the other side.

Hawka turned to look around, and saw the source of the surging gravel not far away.

It was the weird man who won in Alazama before!

That's the "second thing" that slave traders ignore.

Hawka blinked, looking a little puzzled.

Speaking of which, he doesn't seem to know the man's name yet.

What is he going to do?

Hawka watched Rowan slowly step forward, and the speed of the gathering of gravel became faster and faster, forming several "lines" visible to the naked eye in the air.

Rowan patted Hawka on the shoulder and motioned him to lean back.

Immediately, he raised his right hand.

The speed of the gathering of gravel further accelerated, and a gravel spear gradually took shape in Rowan's hand.

After a few breaths, the slave trader's boat gradually moved away, and the long spear, which was about three meters long, was finally fully formed.

Seeing this, Crocodile raised his eyebrows in disdain.

Are you planning to pursue him with a long spear?

Exaggerated tactics, how much effort!

But what happened next made Crocodile's expression solemn.

The long spear has clearly been condensed and formed, but the gravel has not stopped gathering.

They continued to be attached to the spear, but the specifications of the spear did not change in the slightest.

The jet-black metallic luster gradually adhered to it.

After a brief observation, Crocodile suddenly realized what Rowan had done—

He is "compressing".

Use the domineering armament color to compress the gravel several times the volume of the spear together!

Its effect, of course, can enhance the power.

But to what extent can it be enhanced...

Crocodile tried to sense it, and then shuddered unconsciously.

From the tip of the spear, he felt an extremely dangerous aura!

Any one of the seven seas under the king has the strength to destroy an island.

And Crocodile can be sure that the gravel spear in Rowan's hand, which is compressed to the extreme, has almost the same level of destructive power!

The gathering of gravel finally stopped.

A black long spear was held in Rowan's hand.

Calm and silent, like an ordinary long spear.

But anyone who has practiced domineering will be shocked by this scene!

Because that is almost the limit that can be compressed by the domineering of the armed color, it is hard to imagine how much energy is hidden in it.

Grit - Black Gun!

He aimed at the warships of the slave traders, stepped forward with one foot, and pulled his body backward in a throwing motion.

Seeing this situation, Huoka said quickly: "Hey, there is no need to do this step, you will bring trouble to your country!"

Helping the slaves escape - this is an unforgivable sin for the world government.

Rowan grinned, his expression the same as before.

He continued the conversation he had not finished before, introducing himself.

"I'm Ryan Rowan."

His waist and abdomen suddenly exerted strength and threw the black spear in his hand.

Fast as lightning, like a shooting star!


There was a violent roar of breaking through the air, and the black spear swept across the sky, heading straight for the distant warship.

The seemingly unremarkable black spear tip hit the hull.

The next moment, the warship was torn apart, domineering and gravel swept across, and the explosion was deafening and spread!

A huge mushroom cloud composed of gravel and sea water rose from the sea and caught the eyes of people on the shore.

Such an exaggerated scene made everyone quiet down.

Crocodile's eyes moved slightly, thinking about the specific method for Rowan to use the rustling fruit.

And Hoka's eyes widened.

He thought that even in the sea, it would be difficult for him to survive an explosion of that level.

A murloc with a simple mind could never imagine that the human who toasted with him and told outdated jokes turned out to be a top powerhouse with such destructive power!

on the pier.

Only Rowan's voice continued.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the Tianlong people or the world government, but everyone who comes here needs to know one thing..."

Rowan's five fingers slowly folded together, pinching away the floating gravel.

His words echoed in everyone's ears.

"Alabasta - I covered it."