MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 167 perfect army

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Appearing in front of the man was a group of dead soldiers belonging to the Vinsmoke family.

Although there is a certain amount of surprise in their bodies, their appearances are very similar, and their dresses are almost the same.

They all have black inch heads, a pair of sunglasses on their eyes, and the corners of their mouths are bent down, looking fierce and unusual.

The muscles of the whole body are bulging, and the momentum exuding from the body is far beyond ordinary people!

Anyone who takes a look at them can be sure that this group of people is absolutely worthy of the title of "War Expert" or "Evil Army".

That is definitely a group of people who exist only for "war"!


At this moment, three dead clones in black suits are standing in front of the man.

Compared to the tall and sturdy clone corpse, the man's body still looks so ordinary that people are not interested in taking precautions at all.

But as dead men who are absolutely loyal to the Vinsmoke family, this group of clone soldiers will not have the feeling of "underestimating the enemy" or "questioning".

As for the so-called "absolute loyalty"?

That is indeed a very good quality, it can be called "rare" and "precious", but it does not involve "fundamental".

This sea is too vast, so there is no shortage of so-called "loyal" people.

In the face of a powerful enemy, there are many guys who don't care about their own life and death for the sake of their companions!

But what about a loyal army?

The ants will be desperate to protect the ant nest, but they are still no match for a pot of boiling water.

The truly terrifying quality of the dead soldiers of the Vinsmoke family is their "absolute execution."

No matter when, where, or what the action is, the dead soldiers will unswervingly execute it perfectly.


Is it "important"?


Yes, this is important.

Let's assume a scenario:

This is a group of vicious pirates, killing countless people.

One day, their captain suddenly wanted to scald a nest of ants with boiling water, and he wanted them to do it with the determination to die, so that not a single ant would be spared.

After listening, the subordinates were stunned for a moment, and then agreed with a big smile.

It's just scalding a group of ants with boiling water, what's the problem?

So, the group of men set off without even having breakfast, planning to make some coffee with the boiling water left over from the scalding ants.

Therefore, when one of the surviving "ants" assembled an army to kill the group of pirates, the pirates would sigh like this:

"You ants, actually..."

There are too many things like that, and things like that.

But this situation does not exist for the clone army of Germa 66.

Even if Vinsmoke Gage told them to run over an ant with the determination to die together, they would do it without hesitation.

Pick up sharp knives and muskets, and even strap explosives to their bodies, just to destroy that "mere nest of ants".

This is the most terrifying aspect of Germa 66's clone corps.

Because they have, in a sense, erased from themselves one of the most deadly emotions.

That emotion is called "arrogance"!

A country that can suppress "arrogance" will quickly emerge from the kingdoms and establish a powerful kingdom;

A civilization that can control "arrogance" will have the basis for perpetuating its own civilization;

And an army that can eliminate the "arrogant" emotion will become the most terrifying existence in every war!

Because they will always maintain the fullest fighting spirit and spirit, and will not miss any chance of victory.

The so-called "advantage"?

It was just another battle with a high chance of victory, and it was no different from other battles.

This state is "perfect" for an army.

But unfortunately, for ordinary people-even naval soldiers, this state only exists at the theoretical level.

No army of "people" can achieve such a perfect state.

People can't.

Clones can, so there is the clone army of Germa 66.

Robots are fine, so there will be the pacifist "PX" series robot army developed by Vega Punk in the future.

And today's Vegapunk has not yet received such a perfect test object as Bartholomew Bear, so the pacifist series of robots is still in the initial stage of development.

The only real "perfect army" in this sea is Germa 66!

This is what Germa 66 really makes the sea fear.

A perfect army that can travel anywhere in the world - what a formidable force!


But at this moment, facing such a perfect army, the man from the Four Seas Alliance seemed so elegant and calm.

Even though the sharp knives of the three clone dead men were already on his neck, the man still smiled and continued to move forward.

These clone troopers were instructed to remain vigilant of the man in front of them, to deter him, not to kill him immediately.

Therefore, even though the situation felt a little strange, the three clone dead men still carried out Vinsmoke Gage's order perfectly.

They put the knife on the man's neck and moved forward little by little following the man's footsteps.

After a short while, he left the port and set foot on the territory of the Kingdom of Germa.


It's called territory, but it's essentially just a deck on the back of a giant snail.

There are very few citizens in the Kingdom of Germa, and more are male soldiers created by cloning technology.

Therefore, once a large-scale war breaks out, the "citizens" of the Kingdom of Germa can be transformed into battle-hardened soldiers in a very short period of time and immediately go into battle!


Boom...crack! click!

When the man stepped onto the territory of the Kingdom of Germa, there was a sudden roar from the territory under his feet.

In front of him, the ordinary street suddenly changed.

The combined operation of countless complex mechanical devices under it has brought earth-shaking changes to the original street pattern.

An avenue leading directly to the Royal Palace of Jerma is gradually taking shape.

Then, the gate of the palace opened, and the walls on both sides of the gate also opened at the same time!

This kind of mechanical structure is not exquisite, but it is also very cleverly designed.

If Tom the murloc is here, he must be very interested.

The wall slowly opened, revealing the throne within the palace.

The man sitting on the throne is Vinsmoke Gage!

He still maintained the posture of sitting firmly on the throne, with his usual heavy gun on the weapon rack beside him.

Gage raised his eyes and looked at the man in the robe at the beginning of the road.

Then, he narrowed his eyes and asked:

"Who are you?"

The distance between the two sides is far but it does not hinder the communication between them.

The man looked at Gage on the throne, and at the clone dead rushing from all over the street to both sides of the road.

This road is not easy.

But the man still raised his head and smiled:

"I'm from the Four Seas Alliance."

Gage was obviously not satisfied with the man's answer, and repeated: "I ask, who is 'you'?"

The man thought for a while, then bowed slightly and said, "If you want, you can call me--'Messenger'."

The messenger raised his head and began to move forward.

At the same time, a small black shadow floated in front of Gage's eyes.

Is that... sand?