MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 15 go home

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This is a controversial race.

If a mermaid woman can still be regarded as a beauty in the eyes of humans.

Then, under the guidance of the world government either intentionally or tacitly, the impression of murlocs in the hearts of the world is often dominated by savagery and ferocity.

Rowan is very clear that this is true, but it is not comprehensive.

During the melee between the nations eight hundred years ago, Rowan had a relationship with the murlocs, so he was deeply touched.

Murlocs are by no means a bloodthirsty and brutal race. Most of them may be impulsive or aggressive, but those are normal emotions.

They are no different from humans, even more sincere than many humans!

In just eight hundred years, the essence of a race cannot be easily erased.

These people just fled the Holy Land Mary Joa not long ago.

For them, it is difficult for them to gain their trust, let alone further communication, when a stranger suddenly appears.

Therefore, Rowan chose a simpler and more direct way according to the style of the murlocs—

Win the Arazama, have a drink with them before talking about anything else.

Crocodile found a corner and sat down as usual.

Weiwei squatted aside and looked at the group of big murlocs.

She was a little curious, "Mr. Crocodile, what is the ancestor going to do?"

"He's asking for trouble."

Crocodile was smoking a cigar, exuding an air of unfamiliarity, with a very disdainful expression on his face.

Eight hundred years ago, the emperor personally ended up fighting with a group of murlocs?

How fresh!

After Rowan removed his armor, he revealed his upper body that was not stout, but appeared to be strong and sturdy.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I fought with my bare hands."

He gestured to Hoka: "Are you the best player here?"

Hawka didn't answer, but the two murlocs on the side couldn't help it.

"Hey, how could it be possible for you to challenge our boss as soon as you come up!"

After all, one of the murlocs came on stage and punched Rowan.

Rowan suddenly took a step forward, staggered from the murloc, and placed his right hand on his lower abdomen.

With a sudden force.


The murloc's body was instantly unbalanced, turned in a big circle out of thin air, and fell to the ground.

The second murloc immediately rushed towards Rowan, adopting a grappling posture.

Rowan dodged sideways, his other hand pressed against the murloc's chin, and pushed him directly into the air.

Then, twisting his body, he hit the murloc's chest with his elbow!


The murloc's body was directly knocked out and smashed into the pile of debris in front of him.

This scene made the whole tavern quiet, only Weiwei's cheers remained.

"Oh! Lord Ancestor is amazing!"

Hawka also widened his eyes and looked at Rowan in disbelief.

It is not uncommon for humans to defeat murlocs.

But if the fruit ability, domineering, and even equipment are removed, it is rare to win in Arazama with pure physical fitness and moves.

Hawka got up from his seat, walked onto the field, and came to Rowan.

Rowan is about 2.6 meters tall, while Hoka is over 4 meters tall, even among murlocs, he is considered a big man.

Hawka looked down at the strange human and asked in confusion, "What are you going to do?"

"Just have a drink with you."

Rowan smiled, "By the way, if I win, then listen to one of my proposals."

Huoka squinted his eyes. This blue-skinned murloc had a burly stature, and his mind was much more careful than others, otherwise he would not have become the leader of the crowd.

He was worried that the human being in front of him would set him up, so he didn't dare to agree casually.

However, Hoka also has absolute confidence in his own strength.

He said slowly: "Arazama is a glorious game and shouldn't involve bets."

"Of course, so it's just a drink."

Rowan snapped his fingers, "As for whether or not to agree with my proposal, it's up to you to decide."

Hearing this, Huoka's pupils trembled slightly.

For some reason, Rowan's eyes and those words seemed to touch him faintly.

It's up to you to decide—

These few words were an unattainable luxury for them not long ago.

So, Hawka made a decision.

"If you win against me, I will listen carefully to your proposal."


Rowan nodded, his fists clenched, his arms drooped slightly, and his feet jumped back and forth.

"Speaking of which, Neferutari and I also met during group fights."

"He can't beat me!"

Rowan sighed and looked up to find that Hoka had already taken heavy steps and rushed towards him.

This is the difference between Arazama and ordinary combat.

Rough, fierce, indomitable!

There is only one way to win Arazama, and that is to defeat the opponent from the front!

Facing Hokka's huge blue-blue fist, Rowan greeted him with his left arm.


At the moment when the two sides made contact, Rowan's left arm pressed downward, guiding the fist to the side.

One of Hokka's fists failed, and the other followed closely, with an endless obsession with victory.

He was indeed a little curious about the content of the proposal of the human being in front of him, but he had no plans to release water at all.

On the one hand, Arazama contains the glory of the murlocs, and there is no room for falsification.

On the other hand, Hawka also swore:

Since the day he was freed, he will not leave his destiny under the control of others!

So, Hawka wanted to win.

The shot was his strongest punch.

Murloc Karate - Straight punch!

But what he never expected was that Rowan's fist that was bound to hit was dodged by Rowan.

His movements were clean and neat, without the slightest sloppiness.

In just a split second, Hoka's flaw was found.

Rowan clenched his fists, and the attack followed.

bang bang bang!

An extremely fast three-shot close-to-body bunt hit Hoka's midline.

Huoka's body instantly lost his balance, he just felt dizzy, and his body fell backward unconsciously.


The huge body fell to the ground.

This scene made everyone present stunned.

Crocodile frowned, and in his heart raised Rowan's combat effectiveness to a higher level when he was close to his bare hands.

Weiwei exclaimed, "I seem to have seen that trick!"

If Cobra was present, UU Reading would give his precious girl a soft shudder as a punishment for not listening carefully.

That is clearly the fighting technique of the Alabasta battlefield that has been passed down to this day!

It's just more ancient and ***** is a little different from the current one.

Fierce, fast, one-shot defeats the enemy, and has the unique dexterity in the desert.

Because it was created by Ryan Rowan, in order to allow Alabasta's soldiers to fight to the death at critical moments, the prototype of battlefield fighting techniques!

The murlocs and their fellow humans are more concerned about the outcome of the victory or defeat of Arazama.


The eldest who once led them desperately out of the Holy Land Mary Joa actually lost in Arazama!

Who was the man who defeated him?


Rowan let out a breath.

To be honest, he is not good at Arazama, so he can only take the next step with close bunts.

Fortunately, he succeeded.

Hoka lay on the ground and rubbed his head.

Rowan's fist was not heavy, but it did cause him to lose his balance and fall off the court.

"I lost..."

Hawka sat on the ground and looked up at Rowan.

"The wine will be drunk later. Tell me, what's your proposal?"

Rowan replied, "I want you to go home."


When Hoka heard this, he felt a little amused, "We all have no home for a long time!"

Rowan said with a smile, "Then, you have it now."

"Huh?" Huoka was taken aback.

"This is Alabasta."

Rowan stepped forward and extended his hand to Hoka.

"If you want, this is your home."