MTL - Pirates of the Dead-Chapter 536 Hades! Neptune!

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Ten puppet warships, which are several times larger than the top naval vessels, are unstoppable, tearing the defense lines of the world government and inflicting terrible casualties on the world government with terrible firepower.

These ten huge warships are the weakened version of Pluto, and the elite warriors of the **** army are carried on them. On one of the warships, the control is performed by Kazama Maiko and Monet.

The hurricane howled. Under the horizontal push of ten Pluto battleships, one of the battleships of the world government suddenly burst into a fierce madness, turning into a tornado that engulfed the Hell Corps and several naval battleships.

"Eh ?! Is it the general of the wind and wind fruit ability in the Paladin, I will take you first!" On the Pluto battleship, Monet was immediately aware of the strong wind, and his eyes flickered sharply. , The body suddenly turned into a shining thunder and shot away.

At nearly the speed of light, Monet instantly appeared over the world government battleship that was sweeping wildly. At the same time, there was no pause. The flip was a huge pillar of thunder, making the battleship below instantly engulfed and broken by the thunder.

"Damn, it is the thunderous fruit ability!" The sea was stirred up by a thunderous thunder, and a hurricane rushed out quickly in the dissipated thunder and lightning, and finally turned into a figure in mid-air. General, this man looked at Monet in annoyance.

There was no communication. Monet immediately started to act decisively. His body turned into a thunderous flash and shot at the side of the General of the Guard. He kicked his right foot covering the domineering color and hit the opponent's head.

The Guardian General rushed to defend, aware of the armed color domineering fluctuations, the arms resisted, but was kicked backwards by the power contained in Monet's legs, and the body elements turned into the wind and then removed the impact.

‘Blade of the wind ~! ’

The Guardian General was obviously unwilling to be outdone. The moment the body was stabilized, he launched a counterattack, his arms moved like a knife, and a huge wind blade was issued, which was no less severe than Da Jianhao's slash.

‘100 Million Volt Thunder Dragon ~! ’

The thunder bloomed, and Monet was so powerful that he raised his hand and released a huge thunder dragon, smashing the wind blade with a strong attitude, and the roaring thunder dragon knocked the general of the guard into a scattered wind, and the wolverines gathered not far away. Office.

The thunderous fruit can be said to be the topmost fruit in the demon fruit of nature, even higher than magma, frozen, etc., and now, Monet obviously developed this devil fruit completely, also let her now Its combat power is not weaker than those of Chiken and others.

After all, the Paladins are not as active as the Navy in the fight with the pirates, and the superior environment is naturally difficult to hone human strength.

Just like the other two Guardian generals who were killed by Qin Ge at the beginning, although their combat power is at the level of generals, they are obviously not as good as those of the Navy and other generals. They can only be regarded as ordinary generals.

Although the battle between Claude Monet and the General of the Guardian Army could not be immediately divided, it is not difficult to see that Monet has the advantage. If there is no accident, the Guardian General who is capable of the wind and wind is capable. Only lost.


Howl ~~~!

In the war-torn waters, as the war continued, the sea surface suddenly set off a billowing wave. Immediately in the horror of everyone, a mountain of sea kings emerged from the sea, overlooking the cold beast pupil Around the human beings.

At the center of these many Neptune species is a huge female mermaid, but her upper body and appearance are perfect female mermaids. Her lips are light and she makes a unique sound that can only be heard by Neptune. One of the great ancient weapons of Neptune Poseidon.

The message that Bai Xing sent to many Neptune was exactly the order to attack the world government warships. It was almost the moment when the order was conveyed. All the Neptunes started the horrible destruction.

The smallest is more than 500 meters of Neptune, which is enough to trigger a tsunami. The top human warships are very small in front of these behemoths.

In just a few short breaths, the fleet of the world government was severely damaged, and a warship was easily crushed by the Neptune who suddenly entered the battlefield, resulting in extremely heavy casualties.

"Damn beasts appeared at this time!" On a world government warship, the steel skeleton responsible for the commander-in-chief of the war was angry, and his strong body emerged with majestic strength. He smashed into the head of a Neptune who intended to approach.

Hey! !! !!

The violent air waves burst, and the hundreds of meters of Neptune was also unable to withstand the full blow of a world-class powerful man. Yangtian made a mournful sound, and the head that was hit immediately burst, causing the sky to rise. Blood rain.

However, there are too many Neptunes on the battlefield, and hundreds of meters of Neptunes exist only at the bottom. In this area of ​​the sea, there are at least more than ten heads of Neptune class.

Under the continuous emergence of Neptune, even steel skeletons and air are difficult to parry. In addition to physical exertion, the impact of these Neptunes makes him dare not try easily.

Although this world is dominated by humans, Neptunes living in the vast ocean are also extremely terrifying forces in this world.

Especially when a king appeared in the Neptune class, the power that erupted was absolutely terrible, and it was also a danger that human beings could not match on the sea.

Under the appearance of Bai Xing, it suddenly became the key core of maritime wars. The Neptune group moved and quickly defeated a world government warship. It was difficult to resist even under the steel skeletons and empty seats. The trend of defeat was already taking shape. .


In a short period of time, the battle on the Chambord Islands fell into a white-hot stage. Five old stars, Zefa and others fought endlessly, making every island as a battlefield a ruin, and the signs of destruction were everywhere.

cp0 was naturally thrown into the war by the world government ~ ~ and aimed at the navy's high-level combat power, but from the beginning of the war, this force suffered the biggest setback.

Roots grow from the ground, strangling the surrounding members of cp0. Even if these people are the worst, they have the rank of lieutenant general, but it is difficult to resist the continuous emergence of roots of trees.

At the same time, the members of the two trump cards of cp0 are in dire straits. The **** wolves are escaping, and the pursuit of them is ‘darkness’.

Naturally, even though Qin Ge knew that the biggest enemy was Im, but he had no interest in the battlefield, he had a wooden avatar early to counter the power of the world government.

The ‘darkness’ disguised by the wooden avatar was cold, and even entered the state of fairy mode. Obviously, he was ready to solve the trouble of cp0 at the fastest speed.


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