MTL - Pirates of the Dead-Chapter 10 The aura of the strong

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Although afraid of the evil of the pirates, as a smart businessman, Cecil also realized that as long as the juveniles were on the field, there was nothing to be afraid of the remaining pirates. With his dozens of sailors and configuration on board The weapons are enough to annihilate this group of pirates.

Cecil's shout naturally awakened the people on the boat from shock. The two sides also showed completely different performances. The pirates looked at Qin Ge in anger and fear, and the passengers and sailors seemed to find them. The straw-like spirit of life-saving cheer up.

对 "Yes, get your arms fast, even if we are pirates, we can't flinch!"

"This boy is so good, he was so lucky to have defeated so many pirates by himself. I was so lucky. I didn't expect that there were still such powerful people on board!"

"Damn, Captain Button was actually killed, we hurriedly withdraw!"


The sailors took out their weapons one by one, and the morale oppressed the pirates. In turn, the pirates who had been fierce and raging before showed timidity, and even some people hurriedly boarded the wooden boards they built. Rushed back to the Pirate Ship.

Although Qin Ge could feel the swelling and soreness from his shoulders, it was the first time that the Tigers caught their prey and rushed towards the fleeing pirates.

Although fighting the Pirates was passive, Qin Ge did not forget to use the soul energy needed by the prisoner of the dead. If he wanted to extract the soul again, he must obtain enough soul energy through killing.

Holding a long knife, Qin Ge quickly rushed into the pirates like a tiger into a flock. The sword swept across, killing the pirates, and even rushed directly to the pirate ship, and the remaining on the ship. The pirates fought.

During the period, the sailors who were preparing to rise up were prepared to fight with the pirates, but before they started, the pirates quickly died under the sword of Qin Ge, so that they could only be disappointed and become spectators. .

Cecil was delighted and shocked when he saw Qin Ge's mad killing of the pirates. Of course, the joy was that after the pirates were killed, they were safe. The surprise came from Qin Ge's killing methods and power. strength.

"So terrible boy, such a character is definitely not an ordinary person, and even if he cannot be a good friend, he must not offend!" Cecil secretly said.

He can also be considered to have spent many years on the sea, and has seen all kinds of people, so it is more clear that young people like Qin Ge are young, but strong people can't offend, otherwise they will only lead to killing themselves. disaster.

It was only half an hour, and Qin Ge, like a blood bath, returned from the pirate ship to the merchant ship indifferently holding a long knife covered with blood.

"Help me prepare a room. I need to take a bath. By the way, if possible, prepare me a clean suit that suits me!" Qin Ge wiped off the sword with the clothes of a pirate corpse. Blood, then found a matching scabbard and put it, then turned and stared at Cecil.

Although Qin Ge's eyes were calm, Cecil suddenly felt up in her heart, a respectful smile was immediately expressed on her face, and she nodded and said, "Guests, rest assured, I will make people ready immediately!"

Qi Qinge nodded slightly, even though he ignored other people's eyes, he calmly entered the cabin with a long knife.

Although all the people on the merchant ship survived because of Qin Ge, not everyone was grateful for Qin Ge after the crisis. Instead, many people were full of fear and fear when they looked at Qin Ge.

This can be said to be caused by Qin Ge's **** killing while killing the pirates, and also caused by the weak who is uneasy in the face of the strong.

However, no matter what kind of gaze, Qin Ge didn't care. After coming to the newly opened room, a sailor carefully delivered hot water and clothes.

Qin Ge did not return directly to the original room, so he was afraid of Robin's appearance and **** fright. After taking a bath comfortably and washing off the blood on his body, he put on clean clothes and returned to the original In the room.

As soon as I entered the room, Qin Ge met Robin, who was sleeping on the bed, like a piglet. It was clear that Robin hadn't noticed the commotion caused just now.

Qin Ge looked at the sleeping Robin with amusement. Although he knew that this was because the other party had just taken medicine, he was so alert that it was really hard to imagine that the original could have been at a young age. The intellectual royal sister who survived the dark world.

But this is also good. Anyway, the danger has already passed, so that Robin is not afraid. Qin Ge looked out and then exited the room and went to the captain's room.

After fighting with the pirates, Qin Ge was not injured. On the contrary, the punch that was hit by Barton swelled the muscles on his shoulders, almost all of which hurt the bones. Naturally, he must find a boat doctor to treat it well. .


"Alan, is your injury on your shoulder really okay, I'll see you when we get to the shore ~ ​​ ~ Let's check with the doctor in town!" The beautiful waves set off waves and sailed on the waves On the merchant ship, Robin's face was worried.

"It's okay, don't worry, you see, am I not able to move around!" Qin Ge, feeling the wind blowing by the sea, swung his injured left arm, and then pressed one hand on Robin's little head. On the other hand, a smile came to kill him.

"However, I heard the people on the boat say that you were fighting a group of pirates at that time, and you were all blood!" Robin did not care about Qin Ge's intimacy, but was only worried about Qin Ge's injury.

After a day of sleep and rest, Robin finally got used to the voyage at sea, but when she woke up, she was naturally surprised when she walked out of the room and learned what happened during her break from the communication with other passengers. shocked.

除了 In addition to shocking Qin Ge, who is almost the same as her age, she was able to defeat a group of pirates by herself, and she was extremely nervous when she knew that Qin Ge was injured.

"Relax, it's all the enemy's blood, look at me, where are the signs of injury!" In order to reassure the serious little loli, Qin Ge intentionally made a circle to show that he was in good health.

After seeing Qin Ge's freedom of action and seeing no injuries, Robin's worried expression also eased a lot, but after a while, she looked at Qin Ge with a small face full of worship.

"Allen, it turns out that you are so powerful. You can beat so many pirates by yourself. But I heard that there were hundreds of fierce pirates at the time, and one of them was given a reward of five million. Berry, you are so amazing! "

Robin described as excited and excited as he saw with his own eyes, and at the same time grasped Qin Ge's arm like a little fan girl.