MTL - Pirates Make Memes: Get Eight Magic Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 162

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As a result, after some polishing by Bermel, the novel about Kozuki Oden's deeds was published by the Guangming Newspaper, centered on Kuri, and radiated towards the entire Wano country.

"The strongest second generation, wake up overnight and find that you are the strongest in the world"

"His Royal Highness returned and found that his wife had been sent to Goulan. With a single order, a hundred thousand warriors will make achievements for his wife? "

"Kozuki Oden: I Learned to Kill God in a Mental Hospital"

Such novels spread rapidly among the people with exaggerated techniques and popularity.

70% are true, 30% are false, stories that are indistinguishable from true to false are compiled, if it is not the person involved, it is impossible to distinguish whether these novels are true or false, and it is easy to be aroused by the stories in them. Memories and emotions.

Only then did the people of Wano know that Kozuki Oden was such a person back then. He was not wise, but at least he was strong and kind-hearted. go out.

However, Kaido of Beasts and Orochi Kurotan were too insidious, they actually took a large number of hostages, forced Kozuki Oden to submit obediently, pretended to be stupid for several years, and finally lost under the conspiracy of Kaido of Beasts.

At this moment, while the common people sympathized with Kozuki Oden, they also hated Beast Kaido more and more. They hated the black charcoal snake who acted as an accomplice even more, wishing to peel him to pieces.

Emotions are a strong drug that can fuel the fire.

Times create heroes, and heroes create times.

Yang Ming is the chess player who makes the situation.

With Yang Ming secretly fueling the flames, the people of Wano Country gradually formed a unified consensus under the background of this hostile atmosphere.

Naturally, the Revolutionary Army would not let go of such an opportunity. They cooperated well with Yang Ming and launched wave after wave of uprisings in the area ruled by the Beast Pirates, which made Kaido of Beasts very troubled and annoyed.

For this reason, Yang Ming made a phone call to Marshal Warring States.

"The revolutionary army in the Wano country is rampant and arrogant. It seems to have reached a secret agreement with Kaido the Beast. Now it is recruiting troops on a large scale."

This piece of information was 30% true and 70% false. It completely fooled Marshal Warring States and caused him to make a wrong judgment.

Thanks to Wano Country's seclusion and isolation, it is difficult for the secret special forces of the Navy Headquarters to land in Wano Country. It can be said that they don't know anything about the situation inside.

The Warring States Marshal had always trusted Yang Ming, and never thought that Yang Ming would deceive him.

For this reason, Marshal Warring States held an emergency meeting.

Now it's the year 1515 of the Haiyuan Calendar, and Yang Ming has been the new general of the navy headquarters for several months. During this time, he has used his power to continuously promote the people of the governor's army to the top.

Under the command of Yang Ming and the others, Fujitora Yixiao has become a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters by virtue of his own strong strength. Smoker and Jonathan were promoted to lieutenant generals by Yang Ming. Tina, Drake and Daddy? The three of them, Masdason, were successively promoted to major generals.

As in the original book, Jonathan became the commander of the Navy's G-8 branch.

Shiliu of the Rain is a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters, and he is still staying in the West Sea. Because of the excuse of the yellow ape general Polusalino who took an arrow in his knee and needed long-term treatment in the hospital, Shiliu of the Rain took over the post of Governor of the West Sea. Continuing the strategy that Yang Ming had implemented in Xihai.

Ain, Binz, Xiu Zuo, Xiu En, Kuina and others were also promoted one after another.

The force called the Governor's Army has now begun to make its debut in the Navy Headquarters.

The meeting convened by Marshal Warring States was aimed at the issues of the Revolutionary Army, and only the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters was eligible to participate in the meeting.

Fujitora Yixiao sat on the chairs with Smoker and the others, quietly listening to the orders of Marshal Sengoku.

"The matter of the Revolutionary Army is related to the rule of the World Government, and it is now hiding in Wano Country. It is suspected of colluding with the Hundred Beasts Pirates. Once these two groups are united, they will inevitably become a powerful evil force. It will have a major impact on the situation in the world."

"Therefore, we must re-examine the Beasts Pirates. If necessary, even if we take huge risks, our navy must be ready to go to war against the Beasts Pirates!"

As soon as Marshal Warring States finished speaking, all the admirals looked solemn.

Ghost Bamboo Virgo's mouth twitched, secretly anxious.

Now, Kaido of Beasts is his hope to avenge the young master Doflamingo, and he does not want the Beasts Pirates to be destroyed.

"Cough cough."

Virgo coughed a few times and raised his hand, signaling that he had something to say.

Under the nod of Marshal Warring States, Virgo stood up slowly, looked around, and said calmly:

"The matter about the revolutionary army in Wano country, I personally think it is a bit unreasonable."

"Everyone here is very clear that the goal of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Ryu, is to overthrow the World Government. He has not had any contact with the Hundred Beasts Pirates for a long time in the past. Now it is suddenly reported that the Revolutionary Army is in Wano Country. The trend of recruiting troops, and the suspected alliance with the Hundred Beasts Pirates are all just one-sided words of General Shura, and the authenticity needs to be further confirmed."

General Aokiji Kuzan raised his brows, staring at Virgo meaningfully:

"Are you questioning Yang Ming?"

Faced with the gaze of General Aokiji Kuzan, Virgo said calmly without changing his expression:

"I have always admired General Shura's character and achievements, and I don't think that General Shura is talking nonsense with his eyes open and doing things that harm the interests of the navy, but this matter is of great importance. Any wrong decision-making may lead to the world situation. Unbalanced, please Marshal think twice."

The character set up by Virgo in the navy in the past is a navy who is not afraid of power and has justice in his heart.

His speech, not only did not damage his prestige, but also resonated with some admirals.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Yang Ming has been traveling smoothly all the way, so he is inevitably hated by others.

What's more, the governor's army affiliated to Yang Ming has initially taken shape, and there is a tendency to contend with the Communist Party and the hawks' decentralization of power. Anyone with a discerning eye can see this.

The red dog general Sakaski nodded heavily, affirmed Virgo's remarks, and immediately said:

"Virgo's words are very reasonable. Wano Country has been closed for many years. We know too little about Wano Country and the Hundred Beasts Pirates. We can't just rely on Yang Ming's rhetoric to decisively send troops to crusade against the Hundred Beasts Sea. Thieves."

"What's more, the World Government and the Five Old Stars have been asking us to search for the whereabouts of the Night Pirates around the world. This also involves a considerable part of our navy's military power. If we fight with the Beasts Pirates at this time, the naval strength Damage, the situation on the great route will be completely out of control by then!"

At the meeting, with regard to this matter, you say what I say, and what you say is right, and what you say is right.

On the whole, admirals who disagree with sending troops occupy the majority.

This is a battle without blood.

Fujitora smiled and lowered his head to drink tea silently, as if he was just a passer-by and did not participate in the discussion of the meeting, he couldn't help thinking:

"Sure enough, the development process of this meeting presided over by Marshal Warring States is within the captain's expectations."

Just as the two sides were arguing inextricably, Lieutenant General Smoker took out a stack of photos from his pocket and patted them on the table with a "snap", which attracted the attention of the participants.

Even in the meeting, Smoker still did not forget to hold three cigars in the corner of his mouth, his collar was slightly opened, revealing his rock-solid chest, raised his head, and said:

"Look, what is this?"

Everyone stared, and when they saw the contents of the desktop photo clearly, they all showed surprise.

In the photo, it is Lieutenant General Dauberman and others who defected from the Navy Headquarters, standing behind the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long!

Chapter 236 News of Ace's Debut

In the Navy Headquarters, the mutiny of admirals is a taboo topic.

Not to mention, the rebellion of seven lieutenant generals headed by Lieutenant General Dauberman can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented, and it is the worst deed that has ever happened to the navy since its establishment.

Information about Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman, Lieutenant Ghost Spider, Lieutenant Stolberg, Lieutenant Fire Mountain, Lieutenant John Jaendo, Lieutenant Laculois, and Lieutenant Lonze have all been suppressed by the Navy. Erase if possible.

At the same time, if the former subordinates of these seven lieutenant generals are still in the Navy headquarters, they will be subject to secret investigations, from their backgrounds, interpersonal relationships, employment positions, to morality, will be thoroughly investigated.

In the past few months, the Navy Headquarters has received information that the three lieutenant generals of the giant family, lieutenant general John Jaendo, lieutenant general Lakulowa, and lieutenant general Lonzi, have all returned to the giant kingdom of Elbaf.

The kingdom of giants, Elbaf, is known as the most powerful country in the world. It possesses military power that is superior to other kingdoms. The king of the kingdom of giants is even more powerful, at least at the level of the deputy emperor. The strength is just because he didn't make a lot of shots, and the outside world is only in the speculation stage.

In addition, there are a lot of powerful giants in the giant kingdom Elbaf, and there are not a few giants whose strength is comparable to the king's Shichibukai. Even if the giant family is sparsely populated, it is no less powerful than the Four Emperors Let more.

Even if the navy knew the whereabouts of the three giant rebels, they did not dare to attack them rashly, lest they suffer huge losses, and only verbally condemned them.

It is precisely for this reason that the remaining four navy traitors are particularly important, especially Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman, who is the leader, has become a thorn in the side of the navy, and he can't wait to find out their hiding place immediately , deal a devastating blow to them and revive the majesty of the navy.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

The Navy and the CP organized a worldwide search for the four navy rebels to no avail. The four rebels headed by Lieutenant General Dauberman seemed to have disappeared from the world. No matter how deep they dug, they couldn’t find any. clues.

It is conceivable that when Lieutenant General Smoker took out the photo, and he was still related to the four rebel generals and the leader of the revolutionary army, he naturally got the attention of Marshal Warring States and others immediately.

After receiving the photo handed over by Lieutenant General Smoker, Marshal Zhan Guo took a closer look and frowned involuntarily.

In the photo, Lieutenant General Dauberman, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, Lieutenant General Stolloberi, and Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan lined up in order, having a happy chat with the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

The background of the photo is blurred and it is impossible to make out where it is.

But Marshal Warring States is such a shrewd person. He has been smart since he was a child, and he has a photographic memory. He is familiar with the customs, customs, astronomy and geography of all parts of the world. There is a bit of Wano country style, and there is a high probability that the photos were taken in Wano country.

"Smog, where did you get this photo?"

Smoker put his arms around his chest and said lightly:

"Naturally, General Shura handed it over to me and ordered me to bring it out at the meeting at the right time."

Hearing this, the Warring States Marshal habitually raised his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a white light flashed from the lenses, covering his eyes suddenly sharp like hawks.

If it is said that the collusion between the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Revolutionary Army is true, it remains to be discussed.

Then, whether it is true or not, the connection between the leader of the Revolutionary Army Long and the four navy traitors must be taken seriously.

Don't forget that Long himself, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, is a naval traitor, and he has a common topic with Lieutenant General Dauberman and others. If these four lieutenant generals really defected to the Revolutionary Army, it would be a very bad thing. What happened means that the Navy Headquarters is no longer monolithic, and in the future, the naval generals who have two hearts may follow the example of the Revolutionary Army!

Ghost Bamboo Virgo was secretly complacent at first, thinking that with his three-inch tongue, he dispelled the idea of ​​Marshal Warring States to crusade against the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

But when Smoker took out the photo, his heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

Without waiting for Marshal Warring States to think carefully, Virgo immediately offered advice and said:

"Marshal, even if Smoker's news is undeniable and the four traitors have defected to the Revolutionary Army, our navy has already involved a lot of manpower and material resources in order to check and balance the Four Emperors, and to hunt down and intercept the newly emerging pirates on the great route. .”

"Especially in the last one or two months, a new pirate, Starfire Fist Ace, appeared on the great route. This person has great potential and has grown rapidly in a short period of time. Once he is allowed to continue to grow, he is bound to become a giant. In order to arrest and kill this son, we have already lost six warships and hundreds of naval soldiers, if we are transferred out of our hands at this time, nova pirates like Fire Fist Ace will have no constraints!"

Virgo's categorical words made Marshal Sengoku in a dilemma.

Taking out a newly issued wanted reward order, the Warring States Marshal looked at Huoquan Ace's bright smile, secretly gritted his teeth, and secretly said:

"Old boy Kapu, how did you teach such a grandson!"

"Ah Choo!"

In the deep-sea prison, Garp sneezed, looked around, and secretly said:

"Who is speaking ill of Lao Tzu behind his back?"

"Ah Choo!"

Great route, some island.

Ace rode on a giant beast and ran around happily. Suddenly, the tiger's body shook and he sneezed violently.

Rubbing the tip of his nose with his fingers, Ace frowned.

"Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?"

When there were constant disputes in the navy, a convoy galloped on the dirt road, heading towards the village of Kasa in the Kuri area of ​​Wano country.

There are several carriages in the convoy, and ronin are hired to protect the left and right.

In a carriage in the middle, a slender young girl in her prime was kneeling on a soft bed, holding a novel in her hand, frowning and meditating.

"His Royal Highness returned and found that his wife had been sent to Goulan. With a single order, a hundred thousand warriors will make achievements for his wife? "

The title of this novel is extremely weird, giving people a very absurd sense of sight. It is a novel recently published by Guangming Newspaper. The male protagonist is Kozuki Oden and the heroine is Kozuki Toki.

The novel is based on Kozuki Oden's real experience, and describes a bizarre story with twists and turns.

"It's really unforgivable for someone to slander Father and Mother so much!"

Obviously the girl is in a fit of anger, but with every frown and frown, she has a special charm, not only will not make people bored, but will make people's index fingers move.

The girl was kneeling on the soft bed, her waist was as straight as an old pine, and her emerald-colored long hair was carefully combed into the hair style of a noble princess, with long straight hair, flat bangs, and the temples of her face. This hairstyle can well modify the face shape, and at the same time show a dignified and atmospheric temperament.

Wearing a pink flower headdress on the hair, the beautifully cut kimono is well-cut, the clothes are painted and embroidered with lifelike peacock patterns, and the tall clogs are placed beside her, giving people a ladylike feeling.

Just by looking at her face and clothes, it is difficult to connect her with the number one oiran of Wano country. Instead, it will give people a feeling of "wow, this is a princess". Read the book

The carriage stopped slowly, and a cold voice came from outside:

"Miss, the weaving hat village is here."

Xiao Zi put down the novel in her hand, and placed it in a brocade box as a treasure. Immediately, she took out the xylophone from the brocade box beside her, put on high wooden clogs, and got off the carriage with the support of the maid.

A heat wave from the outside world hits her face, Xiao Zi narrowed her eyes subconsciously.

Bianli Village is more lively than she imagined. Now, in terms of size and number of people, it is not inferior to the nearby Boluo Town, and it is even worse. There are people coming and going everywhere. It was some kind of grand festival, and everyone had a smile on their face.

Seeing Xiao Zi's bewildered face, the maid beside her whispered in her ear:

"Miss, today is the birthday of General Shura, and it is said that there will be a banquet for hundreds of families, and everyone can eat and drink for free."

With a sound of "hmm", Xiao Zi held the xylophone tightly in her hands, stepped on lotus steps, and walked slowly towards the most magnificent building in the bamboo mat village. This was her job in the first place. Today I was hired to celebrate the birthday of General Shura.