MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 343 Arlin is dead?

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"Still no news from Karp?"

In the palm of the Warring States period was a life card that had become dark and wrinkled, and a pair of frog-like eyes were particularly hazy.

"The entrance and exit of Livas Mountain to the East China Sea is blocked by green plants and poisonous fog. The investigators sent by the headquarters can only bypass a large circle and enter the past from the windless belt. Therefore, they have not reached the East China Sea for the time being. Investigation also takes time." The subordinate wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied.

The legendary hero Lieutenant General Garp disappeared in the East China Sea. Who would believe the news?

"Where's Lieutenant General Yarlin?"

There was awe-inspiring killing intent in Sengoku's eyes. Karp returned to the East China Sea with Yaerlin. Now that Karp's life and death are uncertain, and the two warships lost contact, the first reaction of Warring States felt that this must be related to Yaerlin .

The subordinate took out a card that also turned black from his pocket. He tried every means to get it from General Sakaski. As a general of the hawk faction, Yarlin, as usual, was in Sakaska. There is a life card stored there.

The black card was dim, with withered black spots on it. It looked basically the same as Garp's life card. If it was reversed, it would mean that Arlin's situation at the moment was the same as Garp's.

"Did I suspect it was wrong?"

Warring States took the card with a suspicious look on his face. Then, he saw the life card belonging to Yaerlin. It trembled abruptly, and then the black stripes shattered strangely, exuding a faint chill. It was as if the black lines of living creatures wriggled around on the card, and then disintegrated and melted into a pool of black water, dissolving the entire card together.

The black liquid was like pus from rotten bugs, and splashed on the table along Sengoku's fingers, and his face suddenly stiffened, "The card is dissolved?!!"

Generally speaking, the burning of a life card into pieces means the death of the corresponding person. Although dissolution is not a normal situation, just like the state of dark folds, it is not a regular option, but in the end, the card is considered to be destroyed into a pool Black water, does this mean...

Yaerlin is dead? ! !

Sengoku's instinctive feeling is unbelievable, even this feeling is even more unbelievable than Karp's accident, but... He lowered his head and stared at the pool of black water on the table without blinking. You can still vaguely see some scraps of scum, which means that Yaerlin is indeed dead!

"Are you sure this life card belongs to Lieutenant General Yarlin?" Sengoku raised his head and glanced at his subordinate with a cold face.

"Very sure!" The subordinate replied quickly.

This is indeed the case. Yaerlin cut off a piece of nail with skin from the edge of his finger. It was Yaerlin who personally asked about the process of making the life card, and then made the life card with the black nail by himself. , and handed it to Lieutenant General of the Ghost Spider who watched the whole process.

Warring States frowned, and still felt something strange, but he couldn't tell. If he knew that Yaerlin's body had been separated from the category of "human", the flesh and nails were essentially the condensation of black silk, and the black silk Even if you leave the body, you still have tenacious vitality, and there is an echoing connection with the body, so you will not be so entangled.

He took a porcelain cup from the side, and gently swept the pool of black water gathered on the table into the porcelain cup. Warring States sighed and said to his subordinate: "Take this cup to Sakaski. , tell him that Lieutenant General Yarlin is dead!"


Sakaski stared at the white porcelain cup, the black liquid exuded a cold air, and debris and dregs were floating in it. He thought for a moment, looked at the ghost spider and asked, "This life card is Yallin. right?"

"That's right!"

The ghost spider recalled the process and answered carefully: "Lieutenant General Yaerlin seems to be making life cards for the first time, and he was a little curious. He asked some details about the officers who made it at that time, and he made it himself in front of us. It was handed to me, no problem whatsoever."

Therefore, Lieutenant Admiral Arlin can be judged dead!

Garp's life or death is still uncertain, but given the state of the dark folds on the card, even if he didn't die, he was probably in a dying state.

"Hey, the originally calmest East China Sea has now turned into a dragon pool and a tiger's den. In reality, Lieutenant General Dalmesia is now the successor of Yaerlin, and a legendary hero of the navy is also missing. Interesting!" The corners of his mouth evoked a cold arc, and when he clenched his palm, the entire porcelain cup was immediately melted by high temperature, and the cold black liquid was evaporated cleanly.

"I personally rate Lieutenant General Yarlin, who can send the sand crocodile into the great underwater prison, and find the opportunity to climb out step by step under the target of the Warring States Period, and Lieutenant General Garp does not need it. Having said that, it is the man who has established his reputation as a legendary naval hero with his victories since Roger's Lieutenant General Weasel tugged his neckline and lowered his voice: "I imagine that East China Sea. There's no such thing as a danger to engulf these two guys together, unless..."

The X-shaped scar twitched, Dauberman turned around and closed the door of the office, and continued: "Unless there are forces at the level of the Four Emperors to encircle and suppress them, but this is impossible, the movements of the Four Emperors cannot be concealed from the Navy Headquarters. Intelligence, eyes and ears; then, it can only be two people fighting infighting between Yaerlin and Garp, and then one death and one injury!"

"Yarlin attacked Garp and was killed, and Garp was also severely injured, and his life and death are uncertain. The specific process may be more complicated, but this is probably the case. The Warring States Marshal may also guess so, or , He asked Karp and Yaerlin to return to the East China Sea together, and he didn't have a good intention at first, but what he didn't expect was that Yaerlin would be able to pull Karp on his back!" The weasel said coldly.

"That life card has not been completely burned, which means that Garp is not dead, but it is not far from death!" Ghost Spider grinned and said: "Kapu is a die-hard loyalist of the Warring States period, take a Yaerlin for the card Take a life, and then, the road for you to take over as the marshal will be smoother and smoother."

"You can't jump to conclusions until you see the body!" Sakaski brushed off the golden general star on his shoulder, exuding a fierce aura, and said solemnly, "Send someone to look for Yaerlin in the East China Sea. The body of the lieutenant general, bring it back to the headquarters for burial, and search and rescue Garp, it is best to bring it back together!"

"I'll do this myself!" The weasel bared his teeth, nodded heavily to Sakaski, turned and walked away quickly.