MTL - Pirate: I, The Fourth General, Am Eight Years Old This Year-Chapter 103

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Lei Li had already disappeared in place, rushing towards Xia Tian at a speed that the naked eye could not capture.

The red-haired Shanks is also holding a sword in one arm, and the thick and domineering domineering domineering from his body wraps around his whole body like a substantial fluid!

Even White Beard, Golden Lion and others, as well as Garp and Warring States all looked at him with a different look.

Today, there are only a handful of people who can be as terrifying as the red-haired Shanks when using the domineering color!

However, like a red shooting star, Shanks followed closely behind Lei Li and launched an offensive against Xia Tian.

"It's really not easy."

The powerhouses of the Pirate World really have two brushes, and Xia Tian's heart is even more joyful.

The black arrogance all over his body became more violent, and he faced the two of them with clenched fists!

A fierce battle that surpassed visual tracking unfolded in midair.

Both Rayleigh and Shanks' swordsmanship are in the same vein, and the speed of their swords is astonishingly fast!

As soon as Xia Tian's eyes were fixed, Lei Li's sword had already slashed from the left with a dark blue aura.

With the handle in place, the blade of the sword collided with Xia Tian's arm in the air!

The domineering fierce battle inspired a burst of arcs.

Red, blue!

Even when it landed on the ground, it exploded into a burst of dust and fell into potholes.

After Lei Li struck, he immediately turned around, and through the force exerted on the sword, the next sword slashed toward Xia Tian's right with even stronger force!

Naturally, Xia Tian wouldn't just be passively attacked, his right fist had a black arrogance, and he directly punched Lei Li's sword!

The other hand didn't retract either, Zhang grabbed it in one direction!


The attack trajectory of the red-haired Shanks who shot behind Lei Li was there, and Xia Tian directly grabbed the blade!


Lei Li's sword was directly smashed by Xia Tian, ​​and the blue aura exploded, setting off a strong air current.

And the other hand is holding Shanks' Griffin blade, and the two are fighting fiercely with their terrifying domineering looks.

The red and black arcs swept down with the strong airflow, startling a rolling wave!

"It's really worthy of being Lei Li, the king of the underworld, the red hair of the four emperors... This combat experience is really powerful."

Seeing Shanks let go, Xia Tian turned around and whipped him.

Lei Li is accumulating strength again, while supplementing the blue dark energy, his figure circles behind Xia Tian like a ghost.

And Xia Tian ignored it directly, but the system prompts in his mind flickered crazily.

"Acquire Raleigh's Sword Art Template..."

"Acquire Shanks body art template..."

"Obtain the domineering proficiency of the overlord color..."

Including basic attributes, one after another hints flashed out, making Xia Tian excited.

And Lei Li's eyes flashed brightly, facing Xia Tian's back center, he stabbed down with a sword!



Lei Li broke through the black flames of Xia Tian, ​​and then pierced the coat of justice with a sword, and when it was about to touch the skin, the armed domineering blocked the edge of the sword, making the sound of gold and iron colliding!

"What kind of armed color is this!?"

Huang Miao flashed in Lei Li's mind, and he looked at the mysterious lines flashing on Xia Tian's back in disbelief.

Hades sword, can't pierce it! ?

And at this time, a huge and extremely tyrannical momentum rushed towards Xia Tian!

It's the white beard who wields a naginata Congyunchi!

Holding the knife in both hands, he jumped to a place higher than Xia Tian, ​​and chopped down with one knife!

There is a white halo flashing faintly in the red and black naginata.

The red-haired Shanks' leg also hit Xia Tian's back at this time.

Encountered before and after, everyone was dumbfounded!

Everyone in the navy showed even more worried expressions.

However, in the next second, Xia Tian's armed color swelled domineeringly, the lines brightened, and the arrogance of the black natural disaster soared into the sky!

Neither Rayleigh nor the red-haired Shanks could bear the impact of the surge and backed away.

Only the white beard of naginata was pressed down with both hands!



The huge impact erupted, and the powerful energy even set off an invincible typhoon!

This made the lieutenant generals and those cadres almost unable to stand, and they lowered their bodies to stabilize the domineering wind blowing from above!

The domineering collision of the armed color and the domineering color even made the original electric arc flash with dazzling light!

The ground below directly collapsed and cracked, and the ice surface of the inner bay collapsed and shattered in large areas.

It wasn't until the dazzling flashes faded away that everyone could see clearly that Xia Tian's punch from bottom to top collided with Whitebeard's naginata through the air!

The clouds in the sky are churning, like the end of the world.

The audience in front of the live broadcast was speechless after watching such a fierce battle.

Xia Tian's eyes flashed with incomparably excited rays of light.

"Gain stamina boost..."

"Get a power boost..."

"Get the Whitebeard Naginata Template..."

One after another, it actually took more time to fight with Lei Li and the red-haired two!

This is the improvement that the strongest man in the world brings to Xia Tian.

And the fight is now.

Lei Li found that Xia Tian was a direct resistance, and it looked unscathed!

"It's not an exaggeration to say that this is the reincarnation of the gods in the myth... how can there be such a human being!"

Shock, even after traveling around the world, Lei Li still couldn't stop the shock in his heart.

And this time.

White-bearded Newgate was faintly sweating.

He felt that fighting so hard was too much of a burden on his own body.

We can only make a quick decision!

Just do what you think, on the edge of the naginata, the white halo of the shaking fruit ability suddenly appeared!


Like the sound of glass shattering, cracks glowing with green energy spread like spider webs.

Even Xia Tian can feel that the might of this knife, the power rises crazily, and a shocking force descends on itself.

And at this very moment.

Rayleigh and the red-haired Shanks stepped forward again.

As soon as the two huge sword lights went up and down, they slashed at Xia Tian's immature body!

It's another great opportunity to enter the battle!

But Xia Tian doesn't want to be so passive all the time.

"Not bad...then it's my turn!"

Chapter 147 Everyone Frightened: Isn't That...White Beard's Ability

Who would have thought that Xia Tian could fight to such a terrifying scene?

Whether it was the second elder who was present, or the other three-stars who were watching at Marie Gioia, they couldn't help but feel their hearts tense at this moment.

The strength of Xia Tian has completely exceeded their expectations!

The strongest man in the world, and the recognized stars dare not say that they can fight against such a white beard so easily.

But Xia Tian did it, and it didn't look like he was under pressure at all.

Including now Whitebeard Newgate releases the power of the shaking fruit to cooperate with Naginata to wrestle with Xia Tian.

With Rayleigh on the left and right, the red-haired Shanks launched a super powerful slash!

Under such a cutting-in opportunity, Xia Tian could only resist stubbornly, but he still had no expression on his face, it didn't look like he was powerless.

It is also seen by the stars.

Xia Tian chose hard resistance!

Two slashes struck at his armed and domineering defense.

Under the huge slashing force, even the remaining aftermath pierced through the distorted clouds in the sky.

But, he couldn't break Xia Tian's armed domineering spirit!

It is as solid as a rock and cannot be shaken in the slightest.

This shocked both Hades Rayleigh and the red-haired Shanks again.

And Newgate with the white beard didn't even think that Xia Tian still maintained his strength to fight against him!

"Your trembling fruit ability is very good...but let's see, what is this?"

Xia Tian directly ignored the slash that landed on him, but squinted his eyes, looked at the white-bearded Newgate and said.

Then, in the ghost-like expressions of Rayleigh, Shanks, and Whitebeard.

The other hand of Xia Tian clenches tightly into a fist, and a white halo emerges from Xia Tian's fist!

"Zhenzhen. Broken Sea!"

Originally, it was the Shattering Sea that shakes the strength of the fist, and it is combined with the shaking fruit ability of the fourth template.

The power of the second form of Broken Sea has already caught up with the black natural disaster and the living hell!

"Not good! How could he!? It's impossible!"

Lei Li and the red hair were anxious, and they couldn't care too much immediately.

The figure joined the side of the white beard wrestling like lightning.

At the right time, Xia Tian's fist has also blasted out!

The eyes of Newgate with the white beard couldn't stop staring round, feeling shocked and extremely absurd in his heart.

Two identical abilities! ?

This is simply impossible! But the truth appeared naked before his eyes!

On Xia Tian's fist, ***'s ability is surging, with the sound of cracking and tearing, and the unique ability scene of the atmosphere splitting.

All three of them mobilized all their strength to resist in shock!


In this loud noise, the entire Marin Vandor, the sea area was shaking crazily!

On the surface of the sea, under the influence of the power of the two kinds of shaking fruits, countless tiny water droplets seemed to have lost gravity, floating up densely amidst the tremors, and rising into the air!