MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 155 No one will be serious about children!

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  Chapter 155 No one will be serious about children!

  Kane knew that this was a series of battles he had fought, and what he had just faced was the blow of the Four Emperors' wrath.

  So the reaction was a bit slow, which led to such negligence.

  The flame gradually dissipated.

  Kan looked at Smoothie who shot.

  Because it has absorbed a large number of subordinate forces.

  At this moment, Smoothie's body height has already surpassed BIGMOM.

   This is also the reason why her slash can pass through Kahn's wall of flames.

  Karn understood this and stood up.

   "It seems that we need to kill."

  Seeing that his slash worked.

  Smoogey didn't feel much joy in his heart.

  Because no damage was done to Kahn at all, even the Son of Devil was not killed.

  She didn't stay any longer, and charged down again with a sword strike.

  The powerful slash flew towards Karn.

  Kan embraced Robin with his left hand, and directly bounced the powerful slash with his right hand.

  The figure disappeared in place.

  The next moment, a figure passed through Smoothie's body.

  The huge body was splashed with blood.

   Smoothie's pupils dilate.

   "How is it possible? You just now"

   Kahn looked cold.

   "No one is serious about children."

  Smoogey's dilated pupils constrict.

   Then the body fell directly.

   "Kan, I'm going to kill you."

   BIGMOM's roar filled the entire island.

   "Are you just shouting?"

  Kan no longer hesitated, and directly turned into a dragon.

   Grab Robin in his hand.

  At the same time, the domineering aura instantly enveloped the whole body.

  The blood-red thunder and lightning crackled.

  On the other hand, BIGMOM is similar.

  Holding Napoleon, stepping on Zeus, with a hat made of flames on his head, he is Prometheus.

  The next moment, Dragon Claw and Napoleon collided.

  The powerful domineering look soars into the sky.

   Split the clouds in the sky into two halves.

   The whole cake island is crumbling.

  The reinforcements around Cake Island were submerged by the storm and tsunami generated by the collision of the two before they could get close.

  Kahn naturally felt the tremendous power coming from Napoleon.

  But for him who has transformed, such power is nothing.

   After a moment of stalemate, BIGMOM was lifted by Kahn's huge strength.

   BIGMOM seemed a bit unbelievable that he lost in strength.

"how is this possible?"

   "Mother!" cried Perospero.

   The collision of the two unfolds again.

  The entangled power of the overlord color reveals an extremely terrifying destructive power.

  The **** thunder and lightning leaked, splitting the earth.

  The BIGMOM pirates who were saving people were taken aback.

   They have basically never seen such a battle scene.

  The shock in my heart can be imagined.

   But they still found a problem.

   That's their mother, the invincible mother, who seems to be at a disadvantage.

   Kahn, who was fighting BIGMOM, also frowned.

   itself is not the peak state.

  After coming here, I fought the entire BIGMOM pirate group again.

   still consumed a certain amount of power.

   And Kahn also found out.

  The Four Emperors are indeed the Four Emperors, and they are still at their peak.

   Although Kahn can suppress the opponent, it will take a certain amount of time, not to mention that Robin is still in Kahn's hands at this moment.

   Already injured Robin couldn't wait too long.

   Kahn was very upset.

  But Kahn quickly thought of something.

  Then it exploded with strength, temporarily forcing BIGMOM back, and disappeared in place while its wings vibrated.

   Such an action stunned BIGMOM for a moment.

   "Kan, are you trying to escape? Zeus, catch up!"

   "Yes, Mom!"

   But Zeus couldn't catch up with Kahn at all.

   Looking at the dragon getting farther and farther in front of him, BIGMOM became even more angry.


   "Mom, the opponent's speed is too fast." Zeus felt aggrieved.

   "If you can't catch up, then you are useless."

  Zeus was taken aback.

   "Mom, I'll catch up right away."

   Then Zeus fired up the horsepower.

   But the distance between the two sides is still getting farther and farther.

   But Kahn in the front simply ignored the people behind him.

   "System, can the previously opened system space hold living people?"


   "Can such a space be opened?"

   "Can be activated."

"How much."

   "A Billion Bailey."

  Kan secretly cursed the vampire.

   "How much capacity?"

   "No capacity."

"What's the meaning?"

   "Please explain the host's purchase!"

"How much?"

   "One hundred thousand Baileys."


  A piece of information appeared in Kahn's mind.

  Kahn also understood the meaning of this space.

   It is true that there is no such thing as capacity, but it is charged according to the head. One person is 10,000 Baileys a day. This is the simplest, and the people who enter are piled up like a pile of items.

  VIP space is worth tens of millions per day per person, similar to separate storage, and this space has no concept of time.

   In other words, after entering the VIP space, the injury will not worsen.

   Kahn's eyes lit up.

   This is not expensive.

"I want to buy."

  Then the unconscious Robin in Kahn's hand disappeared.

  Kan also completely relaxed.

   Then Kahn stopped.

   looked at BIGMOM who was chasing quickly.

   "Now we can settle the accounts properly. The wool comes from the sheep. Since they have already arrived at the base camp of the Four Emperors, we must make enough money."

   BIGMOM also noticed that Kahn stopped, with a smile on his face.

   "Kan, aren't you running away?"

   "Escape?" Kahn dismissed.

   BIGMOM really thought he was going to escape?


  Kan's huge dragon body stopped in the sky.

  He began to accumulate strength in his mouth.

  A powerful flame light ball appeared in Kahn's mouth.

   "A fire attack? Prometheus."

   "Got it Mom!"

  Prometheus and Napoleon become one.

  A powerful flame power is attached to the blade.

   "The Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

   "Emperor Sword!"

   BIGMOM yells.

   Then he swung his sword and struck up.

  But at the moment of contact, BIGMOM felt a strong impact.

  Powerful flames enveloped BIGMOM's whole body.

  The super high temperature made BIGMOM feel the pain.

  The huge body was carried by the roar and flew out.

   ended up hitting one of the islands.

  The terrifying impact force completely shattered a corner of the island.

  The shocking explosion shook the entire island.

   Such a scene was also seen by the BIGMOM Pirates following up.

  Shock can no longer describe their mood at the moment.

   That huge figure in the sky is too strong.

  Kan didn't think such an attack could defeat BIGMOM at all.

   Sure enough, the next moment.

  The powerful overlord color burst out.

   Completely disperse the flames from the corner of the island.

   Revealed the figure of BIGMOM.

  At this moment, she was in a bit of a mess, but she was hardly hurt.

   I have to say that Strictly speaking, Auntie's talent can be regarded as one of the best in the entire One Piece world.

  Even without domineering, the defense power of the body is terrifying.

  Of course, Kahn felt that his defense was not weaker than the opponent at all.

   Even more than that.

   But Kahn is not like Kaido.

   Likes to be beaten up.


   Kahn frowned.

  He resented shouting like that in the middle of a fight.

   Then his body shrank, and finally became about the size of BIGNOM.

   Between the vibration of his wings, Kahn swooped down.

  He wants to see how strong the Four Emperors are.

   Watching Kahn swoop down, BIGMOM swung his long knife.


   Several slashes in a row came straight to Kahn.

   Kahn dodged two strikes on one side of his body, and then the dragon claw directly bounced one.

   Soon arrived in front of BIGMOM.

  BIGMOM slashes with a knife.

  The knife is also covered with domineering look.

   Kahn is naturally the same.

  But his domineering look is attached to his feet.

  The foot and the sword collided together.

   Just like Kahn's previous collision with Rayleigh.

   triggered a storm of terror.

  The whole island began to crumble.

  Compared with Rayleigh, BIGMOM does have a certain advantage in strength.

   Overlord look domineering but almost.

   But Kahn was different.

  His domineering look is truly top-notch.

  At this moment, it is in the form of a dragon.

  The strength of itself has been greatly improved.

   Therefore, in such a collision, BIGMOM directly fell into the disadvantage.

   Then he was kicked out by Kahn.

   Such a scene also fell into the eyes of her sons.

   "What's going on? Why is this happening? Isn't mom an opponent?" Perospero couldn't believe it.

  (end of this chapter)