MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 266 Boarding (up)

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Carefully traversing the battlefield where the chaos was fought, and then escaping countless guards and passing through the layers of barriers, under the guidance of several ghosts, Monet finally found the place where Perona said the historical text of the road sign was stored.

Almost vertically down to the deep underground space, in the same place as the air-raid shelter, the historical text is prominently placed in the center of this space.

"Does this dark red color represent the sin karma carried by this stone itself?" Monet reached out and brushed off the dust on the surface of the historical text, and then kept the text word by word in his mind.

Regardless of whether human sins were recorded when the historical text was born, at least it was the trigger for the current war, and the wars surrounding their competition were not once or twice.

So Monet felt that the introverted red color of the historical text was like the pouring of condensed blood.

The texts of the historical text were all too familiar to Monet. She could record these words in the most precise and rapid way. However, considering the situation on the battlefield at this time, she was still a little anxious.

After she finished writing down the text, she habitually looked up to check it again, but at this time, she "made eye contact" with a small thing lying on the top of the stone.

A surveillance teleporter.

Although the hard-shelled mollusk was instantly chilled by a cloud of snow, Monet knew it was too late.

"Is it exposed?"

There is no doubt that her actions must have been exposed to the eyes of the Guangyue clan.

It stands to reason that this kind of mistake should not happen to Monet, but as long as it is a human being, there will always be times when it is affected by emotions, and no matter how precise the action is, it is impossible for the person to be precise and meticulous forever... The strong pressure brought by Kaido makes Monet Nai was a little out of control. She was worried about Captain Qiubai who was fighting with Kaido, so she wanted to get the historical text as soon as possible, but... she lost stability in the middle.

Although the situation was extremely urgent at this time, Monet did not lose ground. On the contrary, she made the most correct judgment... Instead of escaping from here quickly, she re-checked it according to the original pace to ensure the historical text saved in her mind. No errors occurred.

Just after she had done all this, she could already hear the sound above her head... A group of people rushed in and blocked her here.

"Who are you?" The first person who rushed in shouted that he had already drawn his knife and slashed at Monet. This is the core area of ​​the Guangyue clan. Since you have seen outsiders, you don't need to ask more about slashing with your knife. no problem.

On Qiubai's side, Monet is not the kind of crew that emphasizes combat power, and a secretary and research-oriented talent like her have never received high-intensity and specialized combat training. It is a bit difficult to expect her to fight frontal offense and defense. , fortunately, she is a natural ability person.

The samurai's slash was swift and violent, but Monet didn't avoid it completely. A transparent cut appeared on her shoulder... It wasn't blood, but snow.

"Hehehe, samurai? Such an abrupt attack would have lost the spirit of a samurai. Don't you even understand the etiquette of self-reporting your family?" Monet's wounds had already closed so naturally as he spoke, and there was no adhesion. The domineering attack naturally cannot hit the body of the natural ability person.

"Sorcery? So that's how you came here to avoid the guards. There's no need for etiquette for a thief like you!" Even though he said that, the warrior still called out his name, "The next one. Kozuki clan retainer, samurai foxfire Kinemon is also!"

In an objective sense, the Pirates came here to help the Kozuki family, at least the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, but there was nothing wrong with Kinemon's attack on Monet... They were originally from opposing positions, and then Coupled with this rash intrusion, there is nothing wrong with being judged as an enemy.

Monet's figure swayed, and it turned into snow flakes and scattered. Then, this small space instantly turned white, and the snow tornado raged unreasonably in the limited space. The rapidly dropping temperature made the Jinweimen belt The warriors who came had turned into snowmen and were frozen in ice.

However, Kin'emon's ability to act is not limited. After all, he is one of the core retainers of the Kozuki clan, and is also known as "Fox Fire". Naturally, he will not be recruited so easily.

The slashing with flames split Monet's blizzard in two... After all, the snow fruit is not a frozen fruit, and Monet is not a pheasant Kuzan.

"Igloo Dome · Ten straw paper!"

But Kinemon never imagined that the snowstorm that had just been divided into two gathered from both sides of his body, and then closed from both sides to the middle, and finally formed a hemispherical dome to surround him.

This is a pretty solid snow cage, but it can be solid, but the only problem is that the snow can't control the flames... and Kinemon also understands "witchcraft", he can change clothes, and he is not afraid of cold.

When Kinemon rushed out of the **** again, the wind and snow in front of him had all disappeared, and Monet did not "flee in a hurry", but just stood there calmly... with his back to the swordsman. Running away was never the right choice.

Monet raised his hands, signaling that he would not attack again.

"What do you mean?" Jin'emon asked cautiously.

"You won, I have no more moves, you can deal with it." Monet's sense of resistance is not so strong, and it does not mean that he has run out of moves, but there is no need to continue fighting with the opponent. It is indeed difficult for her to overcome the current situation in front of her. people.

"Surrender?" Kinemon didn't put down the sword in his hand because of Monet's actions. He just surrendered after two moves. God knows what the other party is doing.

"Of Mr. Samurai is not afraid of fighting but is afraid of the enemy's surrender?" Monet lowered his arms again, brought his wrists together, and made a gesture of asking the opponent to handcuffs.

However, the more active she is, the more suspicious Kinemon is naturally. This kind of routine is wrong, and it even makes him feel in a dilemma.

Keep killing people? It makes no sense, everyone has surrendered and still cut?

Go directly to the other side? I always feel a little rash, will I fall into a trap?

At this time, Kinemon hoped that he would encounter an enemy who could resist to the end, but his entanglement ended here. In the next moment, the ground under his feet swayed violently, just like the entire city and the entire country encountered Like an earthquake.

"It's a pity, Mr. Samurai, you didn't seize the opportunity to seize me. The movement just now is probably my friend's friend who has landed." Monet said.

"friend's friend?"

"A lot of friends of friends, are they called sea kings? Or emperor sea kings? It's almost like this."