MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 49 God of earth

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Volume 19 Chapter 49 God of the Earth

The dwarf earth **** has a pretty domineering name, it is called ‘Qomolangma’. M

"Don't you think I'm like the guy in the fantasy temple who can only hide in shoes? Tell me, I'm a real god, and that guy doesn't deserve to be called a god, and he doesn't even deserve to raise shoes. "

Although Qomolangma is not tall, she is domineering and dismissive of Li Yi's previous passing through the ‘phantasmal temple’.

Qomolangma asks again, "Do you know the true gap between God and mortals?"

Li Yi waved the orange bow in his hand: "Power."

"Wrong, it's change."

Everest's scepter pointed at Li Yi, and an earthy divine power permeated him, instantly turning him into a native.

The flesh and blood of the body completely disappeared, and it became a man made entirely of earth ...

"Beyond power, change arbitrarily, this is the gap between God and mortal."

Li Yi tried to move, and the dirt on his body fell down, his life value also decreased, and he immediately dismissed the idea of ​​moving.

If he reluctantly moves, I'm afraid he won't wait for Everest to finish his nonsense.

Another point of Everest's scepter was that the power of the earth was stripped from Li Yi and his body was restored to its original state.

"Play against God and challenge God's authority. Mortal, although you have the power, do you think that you really have the ability to challenge God?"

Li Yimo kept silent, and now that the enemy's feelings are unknown, the best way is to remain silent.

If you play against Everest, judging from the strength it has just shown, this battle may not be easy, so let's watch it change.

"No matter how strong you are, what can you change? Do you want to challenge me?"


There are two virtual options in front of Li Yi. The first: defeat the **** of the earth, Murangma, and the second: use wisdom to let it lose.

Li Yi understands.

If you choose the first one, it goes without saying that you must fight the **** of the earth, and if you choose the second one, you will use intelligence to pass the level, that is, you will not fight the **** of the earth.

After measuring each other's strength, Li Yi did not hesitate to choose the second one.

Let him lose with wisdom!

Everest smiled slightly, swiping the scepter in his hand, and a panoramic map of the continents of the gods appeared in front of Li Yi.

"Do you know which one of the highest mountains on the Continent?"


The beep sounded from the ear, Li Yi understood that this is the first question of wisdom to pass the barrier!

Li Yi looked at the scepter in Everest's hand, frowned for a long time, and didn't say the answer.

It's not that he didn't know the answer, but that the answer was too simple. The first peak of the gods' continent is Daofeng Mountain, which almost nobody knows.

Everest's scepter flashed: "You have 10 seconds to answer my question."


Time is running out, and there is no time to think about anything else, Li Yi blurts out: "Sword Peak Mountain!"

Everest shook his head: "Wrong, Daofeng Mountain is the lowest mountain on the continent of gods!"

Seeing a wave of the scepter in his hand, Dao Fengshan, which was inserted into the sky on the panoramic map, suddenly shrank, and turned into a small bag in the blink of an eye ...

Everest is the **** of the earth. Changing the height of Daofeng Mountain is just a hand for it.

Li Yi: "..."

Fuck your mother, even bring this fun ...

Qomolangma asked again, "Do you know which river is the largest river in the continent of the gods?"

Li Yi frowned. He knew the answer to this question, but if the answer came out, I'm afraid the result would be exactly the same as the first answer.

"You have 10 seconds to answer my question."

Well, here it is again.

"It's up to you which river is the largest river on the continent."

Everest heard the answer for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Hahahaha ..."

Everest changed the question: "Do you know who is the most powerful among the gods?"

"God ... you are the strongest." Li Yiben wanted to talk about the King of God, but remembered what the dwarf said when he came on stage, temporarily changed his mind, and said a word of ambiguity.

"Hahahahaha ..." Everest laughed again.

No hint was right or wrong, and Li Yi did not know if his answer would satisfy the dwarf.

"You know among the gods ..." Everest spoke half of the words and stopped suddenly, thinking for a moment, setting up an enchantment with a scepter, enveloping Li Yi and it.

Qomolangma's face was positive: "Oh, do you know who is the most beautiful among the gods?"

Li Yi was shocked.

It seems that God, like man, has passions and desires.

"Goddess Karu ..." Li Yi thoughtfully. He spoke slowly, observing Mount Everest's reaction with his eyes. When he found that Qomolangma shook his head, the front of the words immediately turned: "... Goddess Karula is very Beautiful, but not the most beautiful, the evil god, the hunting goddess is more beautiful than her ... "

Qomolangma's face showed an unpleasant look: "I'm asking you who is the most beautiful and didn't ask you to evaluate. You have 10 seconds to answer my question."

Three wrong?

Seeing Everest's reaction, Li Yi suddenly sank.

They all said they were anxious, and that was true. Li Yi couldn't think of an answer. He accidentally saw a statue of a dwarf engraved on the wall behind Mount Qomolangma, which immediately made his heart flash.

Everest is a dwarf, so its aesthetics must be different from normal people. From this point of view, the beauty it likes should also be a dwarf girl.

Dwarf, female **** ...

"The **** of manufacturing, Doraemon."

Li Yi thought about it for a long time, and only thought of a dwarf god, the dwarven **** of faith, and statues about her, all over the continent of gods. As long as there are dwarves, there is Doraemon.

Everest looked at Li Yi in shock, and didn't speak for a long time ...

It seemed to be in a state of obsession.

"Sure enough, I said ... my vision is not wrong. Dora Lame is the most beautiful goddess among the gods and the most beautiful woman in the world, ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

Everest laughed loudly, Li Yi heard it, and his answer made him very satisfied.

In the dwarven system, Li Yi only knows Dora Lame, but he knows nothing else. This time, he was able to guess right, and he took a risk and tried his best.

"In order to approach my beloved Doraemon, I hesitate to change my face and change my name ~ ~ For my beloved Doraemon, my **** of the earth, Pearl Muranga, would rather abandon the throne!"

Probably too excited, when Qomolangma vowed a love vow to Doraramé, the enchanted enchantment disappeared due to imbalance of power.

"God of the earth, your shameless words have been heard by all the gods and men on the hills of the gods. Dora Lama is fainted because of your anger, and I will punish you in the name of the gods!"

A colorful **** light fell from the sky and hit him on the head of Everest severely.


"Wangwang ... wangwang ... wangwang."

Just now, not to be alive, Everest, who boasts that he is the strongest man, is instantly turned into a spotted puppy ...

The gate behind the temple slowly opened.



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