MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1793 Tune 2

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This thin face with a pretty look of scorpion attracted Su Jing and his heart could not help but itch, his hands tickle, could not help but pull a person into his arms, smiled and said: "Baby, I am now"

"How much do you drink?" Fang Qing had no reason to give birth to a disgust, and raised his eyebrows and asked.

She had long known that he was a guy who was always in love. She had not resisted his affection and laughter these days since she became a relative.

On the contrary, again and again, he was teased with blushing and shy legs, and the taste between the mattresses was actually not bad.

However, as soon as he thought that he was outside, he didn’t know which one or even two of the three other women were intimate, she couldn’t stand it and he would call her again.

However, she is not likely to understand the rejection

After all, he is her husband.

She has never forgotten the words of married husband, and she did not intend to completely overthrow this sentence.

So, she asked this sentence when she was cold.

Sure enough, this sentence made Su Jing and he stunned, and then he was distracted, and he smiled unintentionally: "I don't want to drink very well, I don't have much to drink from Shuangliu County."

At least, his friends and buddies, only two people who can drink him.

Fang Qing smiled and said: "Yes, let's gamble on this, who is drunk and who loses, how?"

Su Jinghe stunned, and then he laughed and laughed. "Baby, this is not to make it clear that I am not good at taking advantage of you. I will be embarrassed," he said.

Of course, he wished that he had won so that she would listen to herself in the future. He smiled and said: "Since this is a baby wife, it is better to be respectful to the husband, and you should not be fooled."

“No” Fang Qing smiled and said: “That’s it, let’s gamble. I don’t have to wait until the evening. It’s better to gamble later.”

Su Jing and Xingzhi were picked up by her, and I still remember that the warmth of thinking was released, and I nodded and smiled: "Good now."

Fang Qing smiled, and the two did not mention it.

I went to Mrs. Su and asked for Ann. The two returned to have breakfast. Fang Qing asked people to move the prepared wine, and put two large white porcelain bowls to hold the wine.

Su Jinghe looked at the big white porcelain bowl, and he was even more arrogant. He couldn’t help but screaming and gesturing, and smiled and said: "My wife is not the same, it is cool."

Fang Qing smiled and said: "We are massaging, and it is not a casual meal. It is more convenient to use this naturally."

She ordered that all the two jars of wine be opened, and the screen retreats, laughing: "Frank, let's get started."

"Well," Su Jing and the big sense of excitement and freshness, smiled and picked up a wine jar, smashed, and had about eight pounds.

Laughing and smashing the wine into two empty bowls, Fang Qing smiled and gently picked up a bowl and presented it to Su Jinghe. He smiled and said: "Frank, please."

"Thank you for the girl" Su Jing and Xiaoxiao took over, her eyes always followed her, but she saw her smile, the light flowing, smelling the wine, the consciousness was slightly smoked, and her heart was a little itchy.

"Please," Fang Qing then picked up the remaining bowl of wine on the table, smiled and touched him, and leaned over his neck, snoring and sipping a breath.

Su Jing and Zhang opened their mouths, and when they came back, they smiled and shook their heads, and they dried up like a neck.

Then, the two looked at each other and laughed.

"Good to come again" Fang Qing smiled and wanted to pour wine.

A bowl of wine under the belly, Su Jing and see the wife and children on the face of a thin red blush, the dawn seems to be a little confused, could not help but said: "Yiang, don't let us drink, I stay in the government to accompany You still can't make it in a month."

In fact, staying in the government, drinking and drinking with her every day, talking and doing things, it seems, not bad.

Fang Qingyi took a shot of the hand on his shoulder and frowned. "I can't talk to you. If you are a man's house, it's not good. You have to say what you must do, otherwise, still Is it a man?"

Said, already holding the jar of wine and falling down, laughing: "Come back"

Su Jinghe looked at her without moving.

This is a good old Qingzhou old man, at least ten years of age, this wine entrance **, the momentum is big, the stamina is also enough, ordinary people drink the bottom of the bowl can be drunk, she is a little woman Even if the amount of alcohol is good, how much Su Jing can be drunk and no reason to come, my heart is a little pity and can not bear.

He is a **** and can't bear to toss his wife.

What's more, this wife-in-law is generally very comfortable with his heart.

I don't want to, he is still pity in this car. He has already picked up the glass again. The wine bowl smiles and invites him to "return".

Su Jinghe had to smile, and sighed and picked up the bowl.

Just like this, the two of them drunk five or six bowls at a time, and one jar of wine also saw the bottom.

Rao is Su Jing and the amount of alcohol comes from the negative. At this point, he is a little bit stunned. He only feels the confusion in his head, and he is top-heavy, looking at the scene in front of him.

I spoke and my tongue was big.

"The lady still can't drink"

Fang Qing also felt a little dizzy and raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Drink, there is no victory, why don't you drink, I will fill you up"

Su Jing and smiled and shook his head again and again, screaming at the table, sighing: "Yangzi, son, you said that this woman is so hard. I have never seen you like this woman, I am not here today, I am Must not lose to you."

Fang Qing haha ​​smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Well, look at the two of us, who is the last laugh"

It’s two bowls of belly, Su Jinghe is no longer able to, and can’t help but “wow” and retching.

Bending down and vomiting two times, one couldn't help but rushed to the side and held the wall and stunned.

Just holding the wall and sighing, suddenly a soft little hand patted behind his back, a gentle voice of concern in the ear: "French, you are fine"

Su Jing and suddenly stunned, never had, a warm and warm flow from the bottom of the heart slowly flowing, the whole body Shu Tai, it seems that the nausea and vomiting just not so uncomfortable.

He suddenly felt that this person is really caring about him.

This is still his wife

She cares about him, he also thinks she is not bad, so they actually make a pair is still pretty good is not

Su Jing and Shu Guang couldn't help but feel gentle, slowly stood up straight, turned and looked at Fang Qing, shook his head and smiled and said: "I am much better now, nothing."

"That's good," Fang Qing took back his hand and smiled. "Then we will continue to compare, or take a break."
