MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 207 Extra Story 4: A Wicked Woman and a Good Wife

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"What?" Xue Xuran couldn't believe her ears.

"Young Madam asked her subordinates to teach her some boxing kung fu, saying that it should be simple and effective." Xiang Yunhao said it honestly.

"No, no, next sentence."

"Because the young lady lost the fight with the third girl of the Li family, and she is not convinced." Xiang Yunhao continued to answer honestly.

Xue Xuran stroked his forehead: "She fought again."


"Why this time?" The last time, it was because Mrs. Du's sister-in-law teased him that he was not in good health and guessed that she would not be able to give birth to a child. Fighting. What about this time?

"The third girl from the Li family said that the son of the Chen family is imposing, tall and handsome, and better than the young master. The young lady 'accidentally' spilled tea all over the girl's body."

Xue Xuran has no temper at all, and can't even sigh: "Didn't you find someone to follow her?"

"Young madam complains that the servants are not good enough." Xiang Yunhao hesitated to speak, "Young master..."

"I understand, I understand." Xue Xuran waved his hand. How dare the thugs of the nursing home touch a finger of the female family member of a rich family. His wife is not afraid, her status is different. Besides, she doesn't strike first every time, and always provokes and makes trouble. When she encounters a soft persimmon, she tolerates her, and when she encounters a wicked woman like her, she starts to fight. She doesn't feel ashamed, after the beating is over, the villain must first complain that the other party is not good at discipline and beat her, or else she will pretend to cry to regret that she is careless, clumsy, too bad-tempered, young and ignorant, admitting her mistake and grabbing the other party first Choked.

Xue Xuran doesn't know how many years his wife can use this trick, so he can't always say that he is young.

"Master." Xiang Yunhao asked for help with a bitter face, "How should my subordinates deal with it?"

"How to deal with what?" Xue Xuran thought that the lady was distracted, so she didn't react for a while.

"It's the young lady who asked her to teach her boxing kung fu. She also said that if she tells the young master or doesn't teach her, she will teach her subordinates how to look good." Worrying to Yunhao.

"She said she wanted to teach you how to look good?" Xue Xuran was surprised.


"That's all right, don't teach her, I want to know how she can teach you to look good."

Xiang Yunhao's face collapsed. It's not good for the young master and the young lady to be too affectionate. It's really hard for them to be servants.

Xiang Yunhao didn't teach An Ruoxi how to fight in the end. He went to talk to An Ruoxi, saying that the young master was very curious about how she could teach them to look good.

Then there is no such thing. Because An Ruoxi was busy planning "good-looking" tricks that would not embarrass Xiang Yunhao but also surprise Xue Xuran. It turned out—she hadn't figured it out.

The reason why I didn't think of it is quite simple, because there is no way in this world to make people "look good" without embarrassing or hurting. An Ruoxi is a typical family outside the nest, and protecting her shortcomings is quite serious. Xiang Yunhao is her husband's loyal servant, so she will naturally value him as much as him.

If the husband likes it, she likes it. She will help if the husband wants to do it.

Every time Xue Xuran said that he wanted to stay by himself, or wanted to read quietly without disturbing him, An Ruoxi knew that the husband had something secret. She went outside to play, either making up some gadgets or reading a book. If someone came to look for her, she would chat with them, or drag them to play elsewhere. She can stop those who cannot be stopped by servants.

Xue Xuran didn't know it at first, but she also noticed it later. He was aware of his little secret and his wife was aware of it, but she never asked much. She was happy to guard the gate for him, but he also pretended not to know, making it her secret.

She couldn't hide her joy, she was silly. After successfully guarding the door for him, she will always be proud afterward, and she will always be proud if she doesn't say why. Once he couldn't help but deliberately asked her what happy event happened?

She was stunned for a moment, and then she actually made an excuse: "It's nothing, I just think I look a little more beautiful today, what do you think, my husband?"

Xue Xuran almost couldn't bring it up in one breath. he thinks? He felt that his wife was really thick-skinned.

Seeing that Xue Xuran couldn't answer, An Ruoxi became thicker-skinned, and rushed over to cling to him: "Isn't it more beautiful, isn't it?"

Neither "yes" nor "no" can be answered. Xue Xuran choked.

"If you think it is, you can kiss me. If you think it is not, I will kiss you." She deliberately teased him.

She must be thicker than the walls of Zhonglan City. Xue Xuran put on a straight face, and very solemnly picked up a book to cover his face and ignored her.

"I hate it. I won't leave until you answer today." An Ruoxi lost her temper and threw herself on his lap.

Xue Xuran still ignored her. If you don't leave, don't leave, whoever is afraid of whom.

He stared at the book quietly, not reading a single word. She muttered and pillowed on his lap, but after a while she didn't make any sound.

Xue Xuran waited and waited, but there was really no sound. He peeked at her from under the book, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep on his lap.

Xue Xuran is upset, acting like a baby, it's over so soon? Is it a pig? So easy to fall asleep! If he doesn't answer, can't she come to kiss him? He's so inflexible, he can't hide anywhere, can he?

An Ruoxi breathed lightly and steadily, and really fell asleep. It took Xue Xuran a while to realize that he had been staring at her. Looking at it this way, she seems to be really more beautiful than before.

Well, it must be because of marrying him. Marry him, she becomes beautiful.

Xue Xuran lowered his head, lightly pecked at her face, then sat up straight quickly, covering his face with a book.

The face is very hot, and the heart is really happy.


The author has something to say:

All the side stories have been completed, and this article is all over here. Thank you for your company.

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