MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 130

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Yao Kun asked Fang Yuan to send a message to An Ruochen to warn her. An Ruochen understood and pondered all night.

It sounds like Da Xiao suffered a loss in the battle on the front line. But Bai Ying had already used this matter as a clue and sent someone to report it to Mr. Liang Dehao. If the front line is defeated and the army retreats, even if it only loses a village or a town, the general's reputation of being weak in the battle will be confirmed. If he is charged with a lewd mistake, disordered military discipline, which led to the defeat of the war, then the general will probably have to be handled by these people, and he has no power to refute.

An Ruochen didn't believe that the Dragon Conference was defeated. He never showed any worry, and was always confident that he could win. He just doesn't want a war. At least in An Ruochen's perception, this was the case. She always remembered what the general said, once a war started, no matter the winner or loser, blood would be shed and sacrificed. Generals are not afraid of war, but they also hope that they will not have to fight.

An Ruochen pursed his lips, so Nan Qin was hiding his strength, and the general misjudged the situation? Or was General Chu self-willed and concealed the truth from General Chu?

Exchange prisoners of war to stabilize the situation. Fang Yuan said that Master Bai was very displeased with this incident, and felt that showing weakness destroyed the army's prestige, making the enemy arrogant and causing contempt. But An Ruochen didn't think so. She guessed that the general must have other plans. For example, there was a person who had to go back to Nanqin——Cao Yihan.

An Ruochen wasn't sure what Long Da's plan was, but the exchange of prisoners made Cao Yihan return to South Qin among the prisoners of South Qin, and she would do the same thing if it were different. But what will happen next, An Ruochen can't imagine. She guessed that General Long could not have imagined the current situation in Zhonglan City.

An Ruochen calmed down, she knew that she had to deal with Bai Ying well, and don't let the general hold her back.

Restless all night, An Ruo woke up early the next day, packed up and prepared for battle. In order to make a good impression on Bai Ying, An Ruochen's clothes and make-up were all dignified and simple, and the whole building remained the same as before. She didn't dare to decorate, for fear of losing the conversation and being disgusted by Bai Ying.

Before waiting for Bai Ying, she received a letter from Long Da first.

An Ruochen hurriedly opened it to read it, thinking that the letter was timely and would give some instructions, but unexpectedly it was plain and ordinary, just a homely greeting. In Long Daxin's letter, he said that the battle on the front line was still going on, so he asked An Ruochen to take care of himself. If there was anything special about this letter, it would be Long Da's confession that Mr. Liang and Mr. Bai should have gone to Maojun and Pingnan within these two days. He said that Mr. Liang and Mr. Bai are just good officials, they are dedicated to being officials, and they handle things strictly. He told An Ruochen that if he had the opportunity to meet the adults, he must be respectful and polite, and admire their character and strength.

An Ruochen was puzzled when he read the letter. Does the general's flattery mean something deeply?

I looked again, but I didn't see any mechanism. The letter is really not long, and there is limited room for speculation. At this time, Mrs. Lu led Chunxiao to report, saying that Master Bai Yingbai had been in Ziyun Tower for a while. Gu Wenda, Zhou Qun, Lu Zheng, Tian Qing and other officials who stayed in the Ziyun Tower all dressed up to welcome them, but Master Bai ordered them not to inform An Ruochen, and only went to the building with everyone's company. Turned around the courtyard. A girl saw it and reported it secretly, and Aunt Lu found out.

After hearing this, An Ruochen thought to herself, actually there is no need to report secretly, there are a lot of people in the Ziyun Tower, and the adults are walking around in such a mighty way, how can they hide it. Master Bai just specifically said not to report, and then walked around to let her know.

It really is "strict in dealing with things". This is under Mawei. An Ruochen smiled wryly, Master Bai did not want to hide his dislike for her as a "fox spirit".

An Ruochen waited for a long time, during which time she could hear the noise of many people outside the courtyard, like a large group of people passing by. Presumably Master Bai's inspection passed her yard, but he didn't come in. Not only did they not come in, even a servant came in to report that "Master Bai" had arrived.

An Ruochen just pretended not to know, and continued to wait. Finally, when a servant came to call, saying that Mrs. Bai was discussing matters in the military office in the front yard, it was reported that Miss An would come and see her.

An Ruochen frowned, this meeting place was really serious. An Ruochen straightened her clothes and went.

Ziyun Building is the Yafu, the Yatang at the front is the most murderous place in the whole courtyard, and there is a Ya prison at the back. Except for punishing officers and officers in the army who violated the law, Long Da rarely used this place. An Ruochen walked all the way, and saw some unfamiliar guards, their uniforms were also different from those of Long's army, presumably they were brought by Bai Ying.

When he arrived at the yamen hall, he was not delayed. An Ruochen was able to enter after the guard notified him. When I went in, I saw that the dignified official with white face and beard sitting in the middle of the hall should be Bai Ying. Yao Kun and Qian Shixin sat on the left and right respectively, and next to them were officials from Ziyun Tower and the county government office.

Bai Ying didn't look up, and ignored An Ruochen. He was holding a booklet and was questioning Gu Wenda, Zhou Qun and others. An Ruochen waited respectfully with his head bowed, listening a little bit. It turned out that it was Bai Ying who asked for the files and records of various departments in the army, checked the order and handling of each person in each post, etc., and even recorded the correspondence between post soldiers, messengers, etc., and orders and letters.

When An Ruochen heard Bai Ying mentioning Long Da's letter, his heart moved. The records of the letters delivered by the post soldiers are clear, from the past few days, including this morning. She suddenly felt that this was the general's intention? Want to keep these on record?

Qian Shixin heard it too, and he couldn't help but glance at An Ruochen, who was also looking in Baiying's direction. Qian Shixin looked away calmly, secretly thinking that Long Da had really saved his hand. He was not in Shilingya at that time, so how could there be a letter sent from Shilingya. It seems that if one wants to prove that Long Teng left the barracks privately, Master Liang Dehao has to testify in person.

"Miss An." At this moment, Bai Ying suddenly turned to An Ruochen's direction. Although she hadn't glanced at her before, she clearly knew where she was. "I just want to know the military situation. In the letter delivered today, did General Long mention one or two things?"

An Ruochen reacted quickly. Bai Ying's question was abrupt. He wanted to investigate the military situation, so there was no need to probe into the contents of private letters. I just don't know if there is a trick in this question. "Return to your lord." An Ruochen replied respectfully: "The letter between the general and the civilian girl did not mention the military situation." The answer was very concise, talk less and make less mistakes.

But Bai Ying didn't let it go, and asked again: "The front line is fighting, and General Long is busy defending against the enemy. The letter must be something important. If you don't mention the military situation, what did you explain?"

An Ruochen replied: "The general took time out of his busy schedule to write a few homely sentences in a hurry, without mentioning any military affairs."

Bai Ying asked, "Is the letter still there? I wonder if you can let me see it?"

Yao Kun looked at An Ruochen worriedly, fearing that when she got angry, she would show a few tit-for-tat reasons to not show her. He knew how eloquent she was in this regard. In fact, Bai Ying's focus is not on reading the letter, but on testing An Ruochen's reaction. What kind of person this woman is, and what is the relationship between General Long and her, these are what Bai Ying wants to know.

An Ruochen lowered his head and saluted respectfully, "Your Excellency wants to see it, so the girl will get it."

Bai Ying was not polite: "Then take a few more."

An Ruochen agreed, Shi Li withdrew.

Yao Kun and Qian Shixin looked at each other. Gu Wenda, Zhou Qun and others dared not speak out. Bai Ying glanced at Lu Zheng and Tian Qing, and the two stood respectfully aside without speaking. Bai Ying had already asked carefully before, these two people, a battalion lieutenant and a military guard, both had official positions, but they were assigned to guard an ordinary civilian woman, even if they were the future general's wife, that would be a matter of later. Such an order is unreasonable and groundless, and it humiliates the sergeant.

Tian Qing and Lu Zhengjun defended Miss An's meticulous work in the investigation of the city. In addition to guarding the safety, they also assisted in the investigation. Yao Kun also explained a few words, but this did not satisfy Bai Ying.

After a while, An Ruochen came back with three letters.

"Return to my lord, these are the last three letters."

Bai Ying took it, and counting the days, these three letters should have started when Long Da escorted him to Shilingya. Then he took a look, and sure enough, he didn't mention anything about the military situation at all. The last letter wrote the most about Mr. Liang Dehao and Mr. Baiying being good officials, you have to pay respect and so on.

Bai Ying felt a little choked. General Long is not such a good flatterer and a good man. He cleared his throat and returned the letter to An Ruochen. An Ruochen raised his arms up to his shoulders, bowed his head and took it respectfully.

Nothing seemed to be wrong. Yao Kun and Qian Shixin looked at each other again.

Bai Ying said again at this time: "I've heard a lot about Ms. An, and I've also read Ms. An's files and records. Ms. An has experienced quite a lot of ups and downs. She encountered strange dangers, turned them into safety, and solved some subtle cases. Ms. An can walk It’s really not easy to this day. The daughter of a merchant, who has made extraordinary achievements and transformed herself, the general’s wife, this can also be regarded as a legend.”

An Ruochen bowed his head and replied, "It's a lucky girl."

Bai Yingdao: "You are an important place in the military camp to testify for a small criminal, and you need to investigate and deal with a small crime, so you have served as the manager of Ziyun Building."


"But I have never seen your file records."

An Ruochen answered steadily: "My lord, all the records are clear, and there are both Lord Taishou and Lord Zhou Changshi."

"No, I'm not talking about the case record, it's the record of your actions." Baiying said: "When you do things in the yamen, you have your own on-duty arrangements, and when you do things in the army, there are also records of the actions of the sergeants. Who ordered you to do what, when did you do it? How to act, shouldn't everything be recorded in the book?"

Zhou Changshi's head was lowered, and An Ruochen was indeed not in the records. She has no official position in the army, and no one has ever asked him to ask Miss An to record her whereabouts. Li Mingyu, the former chief clerk, did not make a detailed record of An Ruochen's actions. With regard to An Ruochen, only when there is a case is recorded, he acts on a daily basis without anyone interfering and obstructing him, so the power is a bit greater. Zhou Changshi felt a little guilty and felt that he was dereliction of duty.

An Ruochen opened her mouth, thinking of the dead spy, and Long Da said that the need to report incidents is her biggest advantage over other people in the army. But this cannot be said so bluntly. So An Ruochen argued: "Back then there was a secret operation in the terrorist army, and General Long asked me to act in secret, so it has been arranged like this."

"The secret work is Li Changshi?"

An Ruochen gritted her teeth in her heart, she really couldn't bear to frame Li Changshi like this, but she could only say: "Indeed."

"But Li Changshi's body testifies against you as evidence of elaboration."

"The evidence is crude, and adults will surely be able to tell that it is forged."

"So, your secretive actions give the spy an opportunity to forge evidence to harm you." Bai Ying said.

An Ruochen was irrefutable this time and could only answer "yes".

"It's a small matter for you to be wronged, but it will implicate General Long and all related cases. Do you understand the importance?"

An Ruochen replied "Yes".

Bai Yingdao: "Since the secret operations in the army have been eliminated and there is no danger of leaking secrets, from today onwards, your whereabouts and actions must be reported and recorded. Although you do not serve in the army, you have a special status and shoulder heavy responsibilities. Yes, when the front line is at war, it is impossible to let General Long come back to arrange and explain everything. Your affairs will be under the jurisdiction of the army and handled according to the rules and regulations. After the battle is over in the future, General Long will take you back to Beijing. You are a family member. Then, of course, there won’t be such a hassle.”

"Yes." An Ruochen was flustered. He thought Master Bai was just settling old scores, but he unexpectedly blocked the way out. The spies in the army are still there, the city is full of spies, things like Qian Pei and Yao Kun have not been found out...

An Ruochen looked up at Yao Kun quickly, but heard Bai Ying say: "To avoid suspicion, you still need to explain clearly what you did in the past. Who gave you the order, what did you do, who did you contact, when did you do it, Write it all down. That way, I can explain it to Mr. Liang."

An Ruochen was shocked.