MTL - People Are Sailing: Domineering on the Top Declares the Whole World-Chapter 21

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Knowledge-colored domineering continues to increase the intensity of external release.

Finally found the person who shot the gun, it was indeed Fan Oka.

"Start at a 75-degree angle." Yuri commanded the direction, aiming at the direction where Fan Oka was.

Lafitte: "The person who shot this marksmanship just now is a very powerful sniper."

Capembecki: "Totally uncanny accuracy, to be able to hit the target at such a long distance."

"Weihahahaha! I want to see who he is."

"Dare to provoke the Luo Chen Pirates, you are not so courageous."

Bashas wanted to see who was so bold, and if he didn't like it, he would have to teach him a lesson.

Ah Jin also wanted to know who in the East China Sea could possess such powerful marksmanship!

Possess such a powerful marksmanship! Was it unknown before?

Trafalgaro, Hawkins, Crowe and others are also very curious about who they are.

Baccarat supported the board with both hands and said: "Saori, luckily told me that this person will join our pirate group."

"Hmm! I think so too." Saori didn't even think about it, no matter what kind of talent she was.

In the end, everyone will definitely be overwhelmed by Luo Chen's arrogance.

Finally joined the Luo Chen Pirates.

Nami nodded beside her.


Twenty minutes later, a small boat was seen on the sea.

Wearing a strange hat, a blindfold on the right eye, a long face, wearing a black cloak, and holding a long gun at all times.

"This is fate! I met the Luochen Pirates here."

For Van Oka, every day is a fork in fate.

Bashas: "Huh? Weihahaha! It looks really strange."

Lafitte laughed and said, "You are the same, you look strange."

"Baga!!" Bashas stared at Lafitte angrily.

Fan Aoka looked at Luo Chen standing on the bow and said, "Captain Luo Chen, under the guidance of fate, let me join your pirate group."

From the first moment he saw Luo Chen, Fan Aoka could already feel the terrifying power contained in that body.

"Okay, let's get on the boat!" Luo Chen thought it was very good that Fan Oka could take the initiative to join.

After boarding the boat, Fan Oka was directly dragged by several people to question him.

After all, such a powerful sniper ability is not covered.


Luo Chen Pirates.

Luo Chen's purpose of coming to the East China Sea has been achieved.

The allocation of cadres is basically in a near-perfect state.

Lafitte, Cappenbecky, Bashas, ​​Van Oka, Arkin, Crowe, Poison Q, Trafalgaro.

These eight people have a lot of room for growth in the future, and they can basically become masters at the lieutenant level.

It's not even possible to reach an elite lieutenant general, such as Lafitte, who usually hides his strength.

Others, if they work hard to improve, the combat power of elite lieutenant generals can also be expected.

There is also no shortage of people who can impact the combat power of the emperor's deputy level.

The rest is to find the real pillar, the emperor's deputy powerhouse, Luo Chen already has a goal in his heart.

I didn't stay long in the East China Sea, and headed to Rogge Town.

Ke Luo and A Jin were somewhat excited after joining the Luo Chen Pirates.

At the same time, the navy led by Momotu had just arrived in the East China Sea.

In Luoge Town, East China Sea, the ships of Luo Chen Pirates are docked on the shore.

Luo Chen, just wanted to go to see the two Liang Kuai knives that appeared in a knife shop in Rogge Town in the original scene.

Suddenly, Luo Chen's knowledgeable domineering warning...

He turned to look at the calm sea in the distance.

Lafitte and the others were still wondering why Captain Luo Chen suddenly looked towards the sea.

Fan Oka picked up the sniper rifle and started observing.

Said: "A few kilometers away, a military ship is approaching."

"Depending on the rank of the warship, it must be led by a general."

"Weihahaha! Navy? I'm so excited to finally be fighting a real navy!"

When Bashas heard that it was the navy, he immediately became excited.

After all, the navy stationed here in Four Seas is only a school-level navy, and has not encountered a general-level navy.

Lafitte: "Van Oka, can you see who leads the team?"

Fan Oka used precise aiming techniques to start looking for the opponent's leader.

"It's on the bow. That person is... Naval Admiral Momotusa."

"What? Candidate General Momotu???"

Crowe feels... It must be not easy for someone to become an alternate general!

Kapenbeki's expression was also a bit bad, after all, the alternate general has already surpassed the lieutenant general by a lot in strength.

I have encountered such an opponent before reaching the great route.

Lafitte: "I believe Captain Luo Chen can handle it."

"Guided by fate." Fan Oka remained expressionless as usual.


Trafalgaro said defiantly: "We have nothing to worry about."

"It's just an alternate general!"

"Maybe Captain Luochen doesn't need to do it himself."

"Weihahaha! What Luo said is true!" Bashas was also very excited.

Then he said: "However, it is an exciting thing to meet a stronger opponent!"



PS: The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, tickets, and various data support, thank you!



[028] Two people duel. Saori vs Taotu


Navy ship.

Adjutant Hui reported: "Lieutenant General Taotu, it has been confirmed that the Luochen Pirates are staying in Rogue Town."

The navy ship has a telescope at any time, observing the situation on the sea at any time!

Therefore, it is inevitable that the Luochen Pirates will still be noticed.

It wasn't just Taotu who noticed the Luochen Pirates.

Smoker in Rogge Town also knew that the Luochen Pirates were already on his territory.

Deputy Da Siqi said anxiously: "Colonel Smoker, the Luochen Pirates are already in our Luoge Town."

"Why don't we go out to arrest the Luo Chen Pirates???"

In Dashiqi's view, if the pirates have already entered Rogue Town, they should take the initiative to arrest them.

Smoker glanced at Da Siqi and said: "I figured it out."

"Don't attack lightly, this group of Luo Chen pirates are not ordinary people."

"Taotu has already come over, so let her handle it."

"What we need to do is prevent them from escaping here."

Da Siqi accepted Smoker's words with some understanding.


As for the Luo Chen Pirates, they didn't intend to escape either. Luo Chen was still looking forward to trying with the peach rabbit who didn't make a move in the original scene.

After the two sides met, both became serious.

Only Luo Chen's face remained unchanged!

This is an expression of absolute confidence in one's own strength.

Behind Luo Chen stood a group of Luo Chen Pirates.

A group of naval soldiers and several school officers were also standing behind Taotu.

When Tao Tu saw Luo Chen himself in reality, he realized that the other party was really very young.

At such a young age, he has awakened the domineering look.

This alone is enough to show that Luo Chen's potential is very powerful.

Taotu: "As expected of a new generation of super rookie Luo Chen."

"If you are allowed to grow like this."

"Maybe in the future, it may really be possible to reach the level of the Four Emperors."

Being young means having plenty of potential, which Momotu knows very well.

Especially a person like Luochen who awakened his domineering look at a young age.

Luo Chen turned around slowly, and said, "You're not bad, Lieutenant General Taotu."

"A great swordsman that is rare among women."

Among women, people with Taotu's strength are already rare.

So Luo Chen's compliment was to look at the problem from his perspective.

Taotu cut out: "Hey, Luo Chen, do you want to run away?"

"Or do you think that I have already stood in front of you and can escape from my hands?"

Taotu felt that she was looked down upon, this **** Luo Chen.

So unscrupulous? ? ?

Taotu immediately pulled out Jinpira, wanting to teach Luo Chen a profound lesson.

Lafitte and the others took up fighting poses one after another!

Even if Taotu is a woman, none of them would dare to underestimate Lieutenant General Taotu.

Although it is only a lieutenant general, it is a real alternate general level.

The strength is already very close to the ceiling of the highest combat power.


Just as Momotu pulled out the jinpira, a figure rushed out.

And this figure is Saori.