MTL - Peerless Martial God-Chapter 8 Nether wolf

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Lin Feng’s words made the quiet three people stunned, and looked at Lin Feng with a strange look. Then they saw Lin Feng stepping out and stepping out, a calm step.

"Lin Feng, now is not the time to be able to." Quietly rushing, although I have not seen Lin Feng shot, but Lin Feng's name of waste is placed there, even now Lin Feng struggled to repair, at most they will be considered as a dream, But how can it be possible to compete with the eight-level monsters?

However, it seems that it is too late, and the violent seeing this man dared to provoke him. The thick legs slammed the ground and the earth shook, and his huge body rushed directly toward Lin Feng, like a meat. Like a mountain, the ground shakes the mountain.

Even more so that the heartbeat of the heart to the mouth of the scorpion is that Lin Feng seems to not know the power of the eight-level monster, directly rushing forward, and shot.

Quiet as if I saw Lin Feng being trampled into a muddy scene, I was so shocked that I closed my eyes.

"Boom." The wave of mad tyrants swept through, the silence of the eyes closed, and it was clear that the space was shaking, and then she heard the violent snarling roar.

Open your eyes, I saw that the violent face fell to the side of three meters, and Lin Feng just retired her side, eyes and eyes, it seems that there is no problem.

"How is this possible?" Some people did not believe what they saw, and Lin Feng and the violent collision were unscathed. I looked at Tsing Yi and Han Man, and I saw that the eyes of the two men were also very big. They saw Lin Feng’s fist violently retreating, which shocked their brains.

This is an eight-level monster, and no eight kilograms of power can't shake the temper.

The scenery behind it is also stunned. Does this waste actually repel the temper?

"Eight-level monsters, it is really rough and thick." Lin Feng snorted in his heart, and now he has been fixed in the seven realm of Qi Wujing, plus the strength of the nine-wave and one punch is more than eight thousand five kilograms, and another martial arts The essence of Jiuzhonglang lies in the waves and waves, and one wave slams through a wave. Therefore, the nine waves fall on the violent body. The actual strength should be close to 9000 kilograms, but the violent moment at this moment stands up again and snarls wildly.

Step by step, Lin Feng came to the roaring violent front, the nine waves violently rushed out, violent violent, violent body, can not escape, can only resist the body.

"Just take you to try the boxing." Lin Feng does not stop, the left hand also punches, the space wave swept out, destroying the dead.

Quiet, three people standing there, violent? At this moment, Lin Feng is more violent than violent, and the double fists are constantly being swayed. The nine waves are like a shadow, and the space of a few hundred meters is full of screaming white waves.

"I can make the Jiu Lilang so skillful and full of fire, I think the inner disciples are not necessarily able to do it." Tsing Yi thinking can't keep up, Lin Feng, is waste?

"The wind is not extinguished, the wave is not endless. I have heard that the highest level of the Jiu Lang wave is just like this. Lin Feng's talent in martial arts is amazing." Quiet and thoughtful.

"Monster." Han Man was very indecent with a hand on his face, a depressed road.

"Hey, hehe..." The trembling of the space was calm, and Lin Feng looked back at the three people: "Come on the beast, I am tired."

"Oh." Han Man discovered that the violent lie had been lying still, and could not help but licking his mouth. When he took a lot of effort, he took out all the valuable things on the violent body. This guy is too thick. Even if he died, it is difficult to break his flesh. I really don’t know how Lin Feng’s metamorphosis killed him.

"Haha, Lin Feng, there is this monster in you, as long as we don't encounter the nine-level monster, we can go sideways." Han Man wrapped his bag, carrying his back on his shoulder, and smiled heartily.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Let's move on, maybe we can still meet some eight-level monsters."

"It’s just a matter of luck. I met a beast that would only be beaten." There was a thorny sound behind him. I saw the wind coming from the front of the four people and went straight ahead.

"Jingfeng, you..." Jingjing three faces with anger, this guy really can say cool words.

The pedestrian continued to walk forward, and the scenery that he wanted to express in the front did not encounter the monster, and he could not help but be depressed.

"It seems that something is wrong." Lin Feng whispered, the woods seemed too quiet compared to other places.

"There is something that is not quite right." Tsing Yi's footsteps slowed down, and soon they saw the scenery in front of them began to retreat.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a wolf in front of Jing Feng and a ghost face with a horrible face.

Quietly covering his mouth with his hands, as if he had seen something terrible, his body shook slightly.

"The Nether Wolf, the nine-level monster, the most cruel monster in the common monster, likes to eat a bite, but does not kill it directly." Tsing Yi’s voice is also slightly awkward, like they enter the black wind. Ling's outer door, the most unwilling to meet this is the secluded wolf, the secluded wolf is not only cruel, but also very fast, want to escape can not escape.

"Waste, we teamed up, you attacked with nine waves, I waited for the opportunity to kill him." Jing Feng stepped back, his eyes were dignified, this is obviously what Lin Feng said.

waste? Want me to block the attack, do you wait for the opportunity to escape?

Lin Feng sneered: "You can watch your peers in crisis, you think I will believe you."

"You have no choice, otherwise everyone will die." Jingfeng continued to retreat, the road of anger.

"I don't think so. You don't seem to have shot it yet. If you want to eat white food, I don't want to raise waste." Lin Feng sneered and gave the scene to him.

Said Lin Feng to the side of the three people made a look, the footsteps began to retreat sideways.

The three quiet men also retreated. In the face of the Nether Wolf, they only had to die for the upswing. Moreover, the future winds made them chilling, and they naturally would not come forward to help.

"Very good." Jing Feng's eyes showed a gloomy color, a sharp scent of sudden bloom, a smudge of the sword with a smear of light, appeared in the wind behind the scene, straight into the sky.

"Sword Wu soul."

Lin Feng is a little surprised. It is no wonder that this guy is so proud. Among all kinds of martial arts, the sword Wu soul is definitely a powerful one. The sword martial arts owner can be a sword repairer, a swordman, a good attack, and a sword breaking. .

It is precisely because of the strength of the sword repair, so many people who are not swords and souls practice swordsmanship, want to become a sword repair, such as Tsing Yi, he is a wind and soul, good at speed, swordsmanship.

The long sword is squirted out, and a cold light maps out, piercing the eye.

The secluded wolf whispered, and the body suddenly rushed forward, and the sharp claws reflected the cold light.

If the sword is Changhong, it will touch the cold and claws and make a sound of gold and iron.

"Good sharp claws." Lin Feng on the side is secretly screaming, the nine-level monster is really extraordinary, the claws can collide with the sword, and the power of the secluded wolf directly retreats the scenery by ten meters, even on the ground. A long gully, you can see how powerful the foot is under the wind.

As soon as the claws touched the ground, the shadow of the secluded wolf slammed again. If it was lightning fast, it would not allow the wind to breathe.

Jingfeng’s long sword danced, and the wind and rain were impervious. It seemed as if a layer of spider web appeared in front of him, and then the next moment he found that the ghost wolf disappeared from his body.


The scenery wind only felt creepy, without any hesitation, the long sword held high, and directly flew out, and his body quickly flashed back.

"Bastard." Quietly whispered, Jingfeng is not the opponent of the secluded wolf, even the sword is thrown, and the direction of his escape is awesome.

"I don't want to think about it when I die." Jing Feng looked pale and madly rushed toward the four.

"Get out of the way." The nine waves slammed out and banged to each other.

"You..." The body of the wind was forced to retreat by the violent wave, and then a scream, the claws of the secluded wolf slammed directly on his back, blood splashed, and the body of Jingfeng fell to the ground.

"Looking for death." Lin Feng looks cold, people do not commit me, I do not commit crimes, but if someone commits him, he will return it to the other party.

"Hey!" The secluded wolf gave a scream of screaming, like a ghost crying, his claws stepping on the wind on the ground, not eager to kill the scenery, the cold eyes staring at Lin Feng, let People are chilling.

"What to do, the ghost of the wolf is not hurting, he wants to torture us with cruel means." Tsing Yi sees that the scenery is not a ghost of the ghost, more fearful.

"What is the weakness of the Nether Wolf?" Lin Feng suddenly asked.

Tsing Yi looked at Lin Feng strangely.

"The Nether Wolf is very fast, the attack is strong, and the defense is slightly worse, especially the throat is the most vulnerable, but he will defend with his claws and want to attack his neck unless he can deal with his claws." The forehead has already oozing sweat. Lin Feng’s nine-handed wave is wide open and big, and he is overbearing and violent. It’s not light-minded. It’s impossible to avoid the weakness of the Nether Wolf’s claws.