MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 215 tea garden

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"Xiao Li, this can't be done!" Chen Wenchuan is the most determined one. Seriously, Li Yuan said: "Now the weather is already too hot. It takes at least a week to plant so many tea trees on the mountain. I am afraid. The tea tree that can survive in the summer will not even be half!"

Chen Zugang, who is honest and honest, also agrees with the old village chief and seriously follows Li Yuandao: "Yes boss, too risky. ap;"

Even Liu Yucheng, a villager who introduced Chen Wenchuan to manage the tea garden, did not agree with Li Yuan’s decision. He said that he would rather go to work in the next year, pay less than tens of thousands of dollars, and he does not want Li Yuan to act so rashly.

Although everyone opposed their decision, Li Yuan was very happy. Because he knows that Chen Wenchuan and others are not deliberately going to be against themselves, they are doing this for the farm.

But even if everyone else opposed it, Li Yuan insisted on planting all the tea trees this year. Because he has secret weapons in his hands, even if he is transplanting tea trees in the big sky, he does not have to worry about the survival rate.

So even if everyone strongly opposed it, Li Yuan still seriously said: "I know that everyone is good for the farm, but this matter is still in accordance with my decision."

Although everyone thinks that transplanting tea trees will fail now, Li Yuan is the boss after all. Since he has said so, Chen Wenchuan and others are not good at it.

Even if he still disapproves of Li Yuan’s decision, Chen Wenchuan is still talking to other people: “Yu Cheng, Zu Gang, you stayed with me to make a total plan, how to get a chance to improve your survival rate!”

I am very satisfied with the attitude of everyone thinking about the farm. Li Yuan smiled and said: "Cheng, then you will discuss it first. I will contact the nursery to buy tea seedlings."

When Li Yuan bought oak trees last time, he had dealt with many nurseries, so it was not difficult for him to contact nursery to buy tea seedlings.

The climate in the Jiangnan region is still more suitable for growing green tea. Moreover, there are many famous tea varieties in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, such as Longjing and Biluochun, which are very famous varieties in green tea.

In fact, for Li Yuan, what kind of variety is not important, as long as it is grown with gold beads, it is definitely a boutique. So he barely thought about it and decided to plant Longjing in the tea garden. There is no special reason for this decision, because Li Yuan remembers that Liao likes to drink Longjing.

Deciding on the variety of tea trees to be planted, the next thing will be much easier. Li Yuan contacted several nurseries nearby, and three of them had the Longjing tea saplings he needed.

Li Yuan personally went to the nursery to see the situation of the saplings. There are two tea saplings that are only two years old. It is necessary to wait for several years before these small seedlings grow to the size of the tea that can be picked. The tea seedlings of the last nursery were in line with Li Yuan’s request that they had a group of four-year-old tea saplings.

The four-year-old tea saplings are almost at the waist and the trees are well built. Li Yuan was very satisfied after seeing it, and took Liu Yucheng, the director of the tea garden in the future, to see it once. The latter also expressed satisfaction with the situation of these tea saplings.

Liu Yucheng told Li Yuan that these tea saplings are basically formed. After transplanting to the tea garden of the farm, as long as all aspects of management keep up, a small amount of tea can be produced next year.

Li Yuan hopes that the tea garden will produce as soon as possible, so it will insist on transplanting tea trees in this season. Since Liu Yucheng has already said this, he did not hesitate, and immediately ordered 7,000 tea trees from Miao.

Although Li Yuan contracted the mountain belonging to Ningxia Village, the tea tree was only suitable for planting on the gentle **** of Xiangyang. Therefore, the area where the mountain can be used to grow tea is more than five acres. According to the density of 1,300 tea trees per acre, seven thousand tea trees are just enough.

In fact, according to Liu Yucheng's idea, he suggested that Li Yuan adopt a high-density planting method. Planting more than 3,000 tea trees per mu of hillsides can increase land use and increase tea plantation.

However, Li Yuan will use the golden beads to water the tea trees, and the length of the tea trees will definitely be very fast. In addition, Xiantao agricultural products have always been a boutique route, and low planting density is conducive to improving the quality of tea. Therefore, Li Yuan decided to plant only 1,300 tea trees per mu of hillsides according to the lowest planting density.

Of course, the price of four-year-old tea trees is not cheap, and the asking price per tree is thirty-five yuan. This is still the amount that the other party has seen in Li Yuan to buy enough, and opened a price.

Even so, the price of 7,000 tea seedlings is as high as 240,000 yuan. If the income of the farm recently was good, and Li Yuan would have to pay so much money at once, he would really feel a little hard.

I heard that this tea tree seedlings have so much money, Liu Yucheng could not help but shake his head and sigh. He still believes that transplanting tea trees this season will certainly not be a high survival rate. For more than 200,000 yuan, I am afraid that more than half of them will be squandered.

Of course, Li Yuan is not worried about this problem. He said that he wants to send a thousand tea seedlings to the farm to plant it every day, and strive to plant all the 7,000 tea seedlings in one week.

The news that Li Yuan bought the tea saplings was quickly returned to the farm. Although Chen Wenchuan and others did not agree with his approach, they were busy immediately.

In order to allow tea seedlings to be planted as soon as they can be planted, Chen Wenchuan organized the hands to go to the tea garden to dig pits. In the short term, there are 7,000 tea saplings to be planted. This is not an easy job. Chen Wenchuan also found a lot of villagers to help in the village, and promised to give them generous compensation.

Li Yuan also has no opinion on this, and promises that all temporary workers will have a salary of 300 yuan per person per day, but the requirement is that they cannot be lazy. Whoever is passively absent like the previous Zhong Shengmin and others will definitely be dismissed on the spot.

In fact, everyone in the end of Zhong Shengbin and others are watching, naturally no one dares to do such a thing. Coupled with the old village chief looking for it is very reliable So after the tea tree arrived, everyone worked very hard, no one is lazy. Under the efforts of everyone, 7,000 tea saplings were planted one day earlier.

During this time, Li Yuan himself was not as lazy as usual, but was responsible for the work of watering the tea trees. To this end, he used the reservoir of the vegetable field, first filled the water in the reservoir, and then pumped it to the **** of the tea garden through the water pump to water the newly planted tea trees.

Of course, in the process, Li Yuan did not forget to add gold beads to the reservoir. It is precisely because of this that all the tea trees planted are very spirited, and no one has withered and died.

Everyone did not expect this to happen, and they were all very surprised. The only source that knows the inside story, Li Yuan, of course, is tight-lipped, and will never tell the truth.

In the accident of Chen Wenchuan and others, the tea garden is also beginning to take shape. Li Yuan believes that as long as he waits until the spring of next year, he will be able to make more money.

Wang Qiaoyang also soon came to the farm and officially took over the management of the fish pond. When several departments of the farm were on the right track, Li Yuan accidentally received a call from Chen Junkun.

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