MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 191 Municipal committee canteen special supplier

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I did not expect that the Spring Festival holiday just passed, Song Yanqiang will call myself, Li Yuan is also very surprised. Ap; but he still quickly connected to the phone, politely greeted each other: "Song Bobo, hello."

"Xiao Li, I didn't expect that I would call you?" Song Yanqiang was also very easy on the phone. He smiled at Li Yuandao: "Actually, I called you this time, there is a business to discuss with you."

After listening to Song Yanqiang's words, Li Yuan's face is also somewhat weird. To put it bluntly, Li Yuan is a chicken-growing dish. A deputy mayor of the Tang Dynasty actually called and discussed with him personally, which made people feel incredible.

However, Li Yuan is a person with a peach nucleus. Since even such a miraculous thing has been seen, he has some immunity to Song Yanqiang’s business talks with himself. He immediately smiled and said: "You don’t say that, I I am afraid of listening."

Although Li Yuan said so, Song Yanqiang also heard that he was actually quite calm, and could not help but secretly nod in his heart, greatly appreciating the strength of this young man.

However, Song Yanqiang really had a business to find Li Yuan, and immediately said to him: "You don't have to be nervous. This is the case. The city committee canteen is looking for a new food supplier. I think you are not the one, so I would like to ask you if you are interested in this matter. If you are interested, I will recommend you to the back office."

Song Yanqiang’s words immediately made Li Yuan’s heart beat and he nodded and thought, “I’m interested, thank you, Song Bobo!”

"Oh, you're welcome, you should!" Song Yanqiang said with a smile on the phone: "Since you are interested, I will recommend you to the office. But there is something we can say, I am only responsible for the recommendation, it is impossible." I still have to look at your strength, so I can't help."

Li Yuan nodded and said: "I certainly understand this, you are relieved, I will definitely use this strength to win this order!"

Song Yanqiang has eaten Xiantao brand agricultural products, and of course believes in the strength of Li Yuan. Then nodded: "Well, I will recommend you below, you will wait for the notice."

"Trouble you, Song Bobo." Li Yuan once again expressed his gratitude to Song Yanqiang. Then hang up the phone.

Li Yuan, who received the call, couldn’t help but feel the excitement of her heart. He clenched his fist and whispered: "Great!"

For Li Yuan, being the food supplier of the city committee canteen is simply the best advertisement. If the ingredients are not cheap, safe and delicious, don't even want to get the order. Although Li Yuan does not need to sell for the product now. But it’s also good to be able to advertise with this.

In the future, when new customers come to the door, Li Yuan can proudly say that he is a special supplier of the canteen of the municipal party committee. Just this brand is more than a certificate such as organic certification.

Although Song Yanqiang is on the phone, he only recommends Li Yuan below, and there is no guarantee that he will become a supplier to the canteen of the municipal party committee. However, Li Yuan knew that one person sat in a position like Song Yanqiang. If he was not sure, he would never say such a thing.

In fact, Li Yuan believes that this matter cannot be said to be a nail on the board. As long as you are not really too unreliable. The vegetable supply rights of the municipal committee canteen will certainly not fall into the hands of others.

In fact, this is exactly the case. After Song Yanqiang called Li Yuan, he received another call. The caller named Fu Qinghua, the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, very politely asked Li Yuan when he was free, and he could arrange a time to talk about providing food to the canteen of the municipal party committee.

Li Yuan knew that Fu Qinghua was so polite to himself and was definitely related to Song Yanqiang. However, Li Yuan did not put a shelf, and politely told Fu Qinghua when he was free. Still let him arrange the time to meet. Fu Qinghua is also unambiguous, and Li Yuan is better at 9:30 am the next morning.

At 9:15 am the next morning, Li Yuan had already arrived at the door of the municipal party committee. Of course, he did not come with empty hands, bringing the company's business license and organic certification materials.

Li Yuangang didn't arrive long. I received a call from Secretary Song Yanqiang, Cai Tao. When Li Yuan visited Song Yuxin at the Municipal Party Committee, he and Cai Tao also had a relationship. As the secretary of Song Yanqiang, Cai Tao is also very clear about Li Yuan's status in the Song family, so he is also very polite to him.

On the phone, Cai Tao also asked Li Yuan's current position. After learning that he was already at the door of the Municipal Party Committee, Cai Tao immediately said that he would go out and pick up Li Yuan.

It didn't take long for Cai Tao to rush out. After greeting each other with Li Yuan, he took the office of the logistics department of the Municipal Party Committee.

Cai Tao certainly knows that Li Yuan’s Xiantao brand agricultural products are popular in the market. He smiled and said to him on the road: “Mr. Li can become a supplier of canteens in the municipal party committee. Everyone will have a good fortune in the future!”

Li Yuan smiled modestly: "Cai Secretary has won the prize. I can't guarantee anything else, but I promise to supply the safest and freshest ingredients to the cafeteria."

The two soon came to the back office and saw Fu Qinghua who called Li Yuan yesterday.

Yesterday, Fu Qinghua received a phone call from Secretary Song Yanqiang, Cai Tao, and recommended a canteen supplier, and repeatedly stressed that this is the meaning of Mayor Song. This phone made Fu Qinghua not dare to neglect, immediately contacted Li Yuan to meet.

Today, seeing Cai Tao actually bring Li Yuan to see himself, Fu Qinghua is even more surprised. This detail also made him understand how important this young man named Li Yuan is in the mind of Mayor Song. Although there is no formal negotiation with Li Yuan, Fu Qinghua has decided that the supplier of the canteen is this young man.

It is almost universally known to know that Song Ziqiang is now recovering from health and is about to become the top leader in the province. The mayor of Song and the future leader of the province are brothers, and this time is also the limelight. How daring can he Fuqinghua dare to violate the meaning of Song Yanqiang at this time and refuse Li Yuan to supply ingredients for the canteen of the municipal party committee?

"Sorry, Secretary Cai, you still have trouble bringing Mr. Li personally." After the chill, Fu Qinghua greeted Cai Tao: "In fact, you only need to make a phone call, I will pick up Mr. Li."

Cai Tao did not give Fu Qinghua a look, but smiled and said: "I can't bother you with this matter. Mayor Song has repeatedly explained that I want to receive Xiao Li well. Of course I have to bring him personally."

This made Fu Qinghua secretly surprised, knowing that the status of this young man in the heart of Song Mayor is more important than he imagined. This has further strengthened his determination and absolutely wants Li Yuan to be a supplier of canteens.

However, Fu Qinghua soon understood, in fact, let Li Yuan supply ingredients for the canteen, not only did not suffer, but also greatly accounted for the cheap! (To be continued.)

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