MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 164 Chickens that are not available for money

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After coming to Sanling Town, Li Yuan first went to some of the largest chicken farms in the area and asked the other party about the purchase of black chicken breeders. ?壹??小?说???????????

What Li Yuan didn't think was that when the other party heard Li Yuan want to buy a breeder, he immediately refused, and he didn't even talk to him. There is a chicken farm that even puts out words. People who don’t like Li Yuan are not welcome to do business with him. Don’t say that they are breeding chickens, even a chicken feather is not sold to him!

The attitude of these chicken farms also made Li Yuan very puzzled. It is reasonable to say that since the chicken farm is opening the door to do business, it should not be used to treat the merchants who come to the door. Even if they are worried about the issue of competition, they are not willing to sell breeders, and they don’t need to treat themselves with such a bad attitude.

"What are the faults of these guys..." After eating several times, Li Yuan was also somewhat dissatisfied. He whispered to his nose and said, "Well, the big chicken farm does not sell, so go to the small chicken farm to bump." Luck. I don't believe it. Now there are chickens in this world that can't be bought!"

With this in mind, Li Yuan rode his bicycle to the more remote countryside. He believes that there are certainly many smaller chicken farmers in Sanling Town. The competitive pressures on those people are not as big as those of large chicken farms. If you have a higher price, you should be able to buy chickens from them.

However, Li Yuan, who was only thinking about buying chickens, did not notice that after he came out from the second large chicken farm, there was a car that followed far behind. Even if he went to a more remote place, the car did not leave behind.

It didn't take long for Li Yuan to come to a village. It has already gone deep into the hills. The houses in the village are all built on the mountain. Almost every household is using the mountain to raise black chicken. Li Yuan found the family with the most black chickens on the hill after the house, and gently knocked on the door of the family.

The door opened was a middle-aged man who looked a little dull. He looked suspiciously at Li Yuan and asked, "Young people, who are you looking for?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Uncle, I am not looking for someone, but to buy chicken."

"Oh, you want black chicken!" I heard that Li Yuan is coming to buy chicken. The middle-aged people are also more enthusiastic and ask with a smile: "How much do you want to buy? Three of the five are absolutely no problem!"

Li Yuan shook his head: "The three is only too little, I want to buy... three hundred!"

"So much?!" The middle-aged man was shocked and shook his head subconsciously: "No. I don't have that much!"

Li Yuan originally wanted to tell the other party that he not only had to buy three hundred black chickens, but also had to breed chickens, at least thirty cocks. However, none of these conditions were said to be rejected by the other party. Really let Li Yuan feel a little depressed.

"What are the problems of people here, why are there businesses that don't do it?" Looking at the middle-aged man who shook his head again and again, Li Yuan was secretly strange.

However, Li Yuan has always been a strong-willed person. Since he decided to breed black chicken, he will try his best to make this happen. Although the middle-aged people have clearly expressed their refusal, Li Yuan continued to lobby: "Uncle, don't rush to say that you don't want to sell, I will give you a good price. I will give you two hundred and twenty-one hens, kind of cock. Two hundred and four, how are you looking?"

Today's free-range black chicken market. They are usually in one hundred and seventy-eight, and the prices sold by farmers are even lower. Li Yuan has more than two hundred, which is definitely high for middle-aged people. What's more, he wants more people. Even if he averages two hundred and twenty, each of them has more than 60,000 chickens.

For a middle-aged person who has only raised three or four hundred chickens in total, this is indeed a big business. Therefore, after listening to Li Yuan’s offer, the middle-aged person is also bright-eyed and looks like a heartbeat.

Perceived the change of the other party, Li Yuan was also secretly happy, could not help but secretly said: "Sure enough, as long as you are willing to spend money. There is no difficulty in the world. The buddy is willing to take out a few tens of thousands of dollars, it is not easy to buy a few chickens? ”

However, at this time, the car that had been tracking Li Yuan did not start slowly. Although the car did not stop on the side of the road, it only slowly passed by the front of the family. However, the man sitting in the co-pilot position glanced at Li Yuan and the warning was very obvious.

The local middle-aged people are still hesitating, do you want to do this business. But after seeing the man in the car, his face changed dramatically, and the color of fear was revealed.

Without waiting for Li Yuan to say anything, the middle-aged man has been flustered and said: "Let's go, I don't have any black chicken sold to you. My family doesn't raise chickens, walk away!"

After squatting down this sentence, the middle-aged man fled back to the house and shut the door heavily. It seems that he is determined not to come out.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the closed door, Li Yuan muttered to himself with a puzzled look: "There are so many black chickens in the back of the mountain, but they say that they don't have chickens at home! Don't want to do business, don't use it. This is to treat me as a fool!"

Although complaining in the mouth, but the other party is not willing to sell, Li Yuan really can't take him. Helpless Li Yuan can only continue to find the next chicken house, hoping to buy some breeders.

However, even in such a remote mountain village, Li Yuan’s experience is the same as before. Those chicken farmers are only willing to sell three or five When Li Yuan wants to buy a few hundred, he will stay away from him immediately, no one wants to do this big business.

The result was that Li Yuan was wasted for a long time, but he did not even buy the chicken feathers. Helpless, although he is very puzzled about this, but he can only go back in a depressed ride.

"What are the problems of people here?" Li Yuan is considering this on the road: "Why is there any business that is not done? It is amazing!"

Just as Li Yuan was thinking about cycling while riding, the car that had been behind him suddenly added and drove directly to him. The car driver only stepped on the brakes until it was close to Li Yuan. The car stopped with a sharp brake and stopped in front of Li Yuan, just blocking his way.

At the same time, another van chased it from behind, stopped behind Li Yuan, and blocked him in tandem with the car. Thanks to Li Yuan’s quick response, he quickly stretched his legs to support the ground, which was not forced to fall to the ground by two cars.

The two cars have not stopped and the door has been opened. Several people came out of the car and quickly gathered around Li Yuan. When the driver of the car got off the bus, he also brought a wooden stick. At the same time, he loudly said to other people: "This is the kid. I have already ran several chicken farms. Even the farmers in the mountains have asked! Everyone is surrounded by him. Let him run!" (To be continued.)