MTL - Peach Blossom-Chapter 18

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Han Wang is still young, not only in age, but also in his mind. The princess couldn't bear to persecute, so she endured it all the time, but by this time, three thousand years of pure cultivation and three thousand years of enlightenment were not enough to restrain her heart.

The princess's eyes were extremely gentle, and the finger pads she touched Han Wang's lips gradually slowed down, and together with the air in the room, it seemed to become slowly and sticky. King Han's body was stiff, and she didn't dare to move at all. Her eyes were blurred, water light gradually appeared in her eyes, her lips were dry, her cheeks were blushing, and her expression was extraordinarily dazed.

She is afraid, this feeling is extremely unfamiliar, and even strange, it makes her body hot, as if it is not hers, but she dare not move, her attention All transferred to her lips, the princess' fingertips were smooth, and it fell on her lips, but it was so hot that it seemed to burn everything.

"Your Highness." The princess called again, and her voice became more gentle and lingering.

The King of Han was speechless. She raised her eyes and looked over, her dark eyes were moist with water, but she was full of confusion when she looked at the princess. Her lips were extremely dry, and she couldn't help sticking out her tongue to lick it. The pink and slippery tip of her tongue just licked the princess' fingertips, causing a shudder to throb.

The princess hurriedly stopped.

The tender and ambiguous touch on the lips is gone. Han Wang was both lost and relieved.

She licked her lips again, and the tip of her pink tongue looked particularly attractive. But she didn't know it herself. She looked at the princess timidly, and lowered her head again, not daring to look at her. The ears on both sides of her head were also red and hot.

The princess could see that Her Royal Highness had some doubts because of her actions. She didn't speak, just waiting for Han Wang to understand. His Highness still doesn't understand. Before she understands her heart, she can only stay by her side and wait for her to grow up.

But Her Royal Highness is a mortal, she will grow old one day. The princess was looking forward to her growing up, but she couldn't help but hope that time would pass slower, the sun would rise and set slower, the seasons would rotate slower, and His Highness would grow slower.

The princess endured the disappointment in her heart and only embraced the king of Han in her arms. The King of Han did not resist, and leaned against her obediently. His body was soft and did not move around, but habitually rubbed against the princess' neck.

After a while, the king of Han looked up, looked at the princess, then put his arms around her neck, and asked hesitantly: "Princess, just now, just like that..."

She hesitated for a moment, but she didn't know how to describe it. The princess just touched her lips, but nothing was done beside her. She felt very strange. It felt like there was a hot spring water sticker. As her skin flowed, it was a little hot, and it made people want more.

Han Wang is still ignorant, but she instinctively feels that this is a shameful thing.

She buried her head in the neck of the princess and refused to speak.

The princess didn't force her, she just stroked her back to relax her.

This interruption made Han Wang’s previous entanglement a lot less difficult.

She is not so sad anymore, but she still looks stuffy, sticking to the princess' ear and saying, "Princess, do you think I..."

She can't tell what the princess will think of her.

She fell silent again.

Fortunately, the princess has always been very patient with her, without rushing, just waiting for her to organize her words.

Han Wang thought about it again, Fang said: "I heard that Teng Wang's brother likes to read the classics on weekdays, and often talks with talented people." There, many ministers in the DPRK did not know her.

She was vague, but the princess understood. Born in the court, he was born with power, especially the prince, who started to fight almost as soon as he landed. The one who wins is the prince, and the one who loses will either die, or be a minister, and continue to fight for power.

There are very few people who are indifferent to fame and fortune like His Royal Highness.

She has been living like this all these years, but today she is starting to be confused about how she is different from other princes.

The King of Han and the Queen got closer, and said again: "In the past, when the brothers of Zhao Wang and Jin were not convicted, they were very majestic. , vying to bow down to each other, and go out, they are also shouting and hugging, and the scenery is infinite. Unlike me..." It was also beautiful, and when the ministers of the court and the central government saw her, everyone had to salute, and no one dared to disrespect in person. However, once something happens, they impeach her without any scruples, and they don't take her seriously.

At the end of the day, she still felt sorry for the princess. It was unfortunate to marry her such a fake man.

The princess didn't think it was anything, she asked softly: "His Royal Highness is in the mansion every day, reading the script, playing chess, going out occasionally, watching peach blossoms in spring, and watching the clear spring in summer , in autumn and winter, you can light the stove again and enjoy the scenery of autumn and winter. So, do you feel leisurely?"

The King of Han is very surprised, she likes it, she doesn't like fighting by nature, she just wants to live without ambition. She likes peach blossoms in spring, clear springs in summer, and fireplaces in autumn and winter.

The princess couldn't help but chuckle: "That's it, that's fine."

, why do you force yourself to do things you don't like but hate? I, like Your Highness, just want to live a leisurely life."

Han Wang did not speak, just looked at the princess, and in the clear eyes, there was a little light of happiness. She rubbed the princess' cheek and said softly, "You are so kind."

The next morning, the King of Han happily took the attendant out.

She lives in Deqing Square, all of them are royal family members. She has to go east for five squares before she can reach the East Market. The King of Han went out quite early, riding a pony. As soon as he went out, he dragged the reins and trotted all the way. There were four or five horses following her closely. After that, there were a dozen or so armored soldiers, all dressed as ordinary servants.

The sun is not yet strong, and the morning breeze is cool and refreshing.

Entering the East Market, the street suddenly increased, crowded, shoulder to shoulder, Han Wang slowed down, pulled the reins, and led the horses to walk.

She went out today, originally to go to the bookstore and choose some text books, but there were many people on the street, the shops on both sides were booming, and there were many merchants hawking along the street, which was very lively. The King of Han watched curiously, and went to the bookstore in no hurry.

The King of Han has always been unassuming, and when the attendant came to her side, she asked, "What is that?"

She pointed to the street, an old man who set up a stall, burned two pots, and was selling. He had a few small tables on the stall, and there were tadpoles for a few weeks, and the tadpoles were full of people. The diners were holding thick porcelain bowls, and they were so appetizing that they couldn't help but swallow when they saw it.

The attendant glanced at it and said with a smile: "It's a wonton, thin dough, wrapped in stuffing, put in a pot, and boiled in hot water. If you like it in the market, your Highness can order it to cook in the palace. Come and taste."

Han Wang heard it in her ears, she looked at the diners again, and seeing that they were satisfied, she immediately wanted to try it. But she knew that if she went, the attendants would make a big splash.

She didn't dismount, she just kept it in her heart, and after returning home, let the kitchen cook to taste it.

Going forward for two li, the king of Han often went to the bookstore.

The bookstore is full of people, and at first glance, most of them are scholars. In the past, there were not so many people, and the attendant looked surprised when he saw the King of Han, and dutifully cleared up his doubts: "Today is a market, so there are many people."

The King of Han nodded. At this time, the sky was getting hot, and the sun was gradually releasing the scorching heat. When King Han saw that many people in the bookstore were wet, he had no intention of squeezing with them. He ordered a servant to buy all the new words, and then he could go back to the palace.

Although Han Wang is not public, but the pomp is not too small. In addition, her robes are luxurious, passers-by can see that this is most likely a young boy with brocade clothes and jade food.

There is no shortage of kings and grandsons in Beijing. The people didn't look at her much, they just walked by in a hurry.

The King of Han leaned his horse to the shade of a tree beside the road and waited for the attendant to return from buying a book.

"This little boy, would you like to let the old man count?"

Suddenly there were voices beside her. Han Wang turned his head and looked over. I saw a person standing beside her, looking up at her and asking.


The Taoist is neither angry nor flattering and laughing, wearing a Taoist robe, immortal style, and his expression is quite serious: "The poor Taoist lives in the air, and has a relationship with the little son. The little son will have a big disaster recently. , If you are willing to let the poor Taoist divination, you may be able to save yourself from danger."

After saying that, he looked at the King of Han, his expression still indifferent, neither warm nor overly indifferent, as if he had left the mundane world.

The King of Han rode on the horse, looked down at him, did not say a word, the servants saw His Highness like this, so they did not rush to expel them, they just gathered around to see if His Highness wanted to listen to this man's nonsense, or put He drove away.

The spirit of an emperor has only been possessed by the emperor on the throne since ancient times. Looking at the Miyagi from here, you can see that the king is in full swing above the Miyagi. I don't want this little boy to have a king's spirit accompanying him.

There are two kings in one country, and the two kings live together in the capital.

Ju Kong intends to do good deeds, I want to see where the imperial energy in her comes from, and try to resolve it.

The King of Han looked at him for a while, thought for a while, and was about to look at the mouth, when he saw Ju Kong suddenly staring at the pouch on her waist, hesitantly said: "This thing..."