MTL - Peach Blossom-Chapter 111

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I don't know when, it started to snow.

Looking down from the sky, I saw a boundless white, falling to the foot of the mountain, stepping on the snow and ice, only to know how many thousands of years the snow here has accumulated. When it was the coldest on Mount Taiyi, it couldn't catch up with the situation here. Xiao Yuan's fleshy paws were frozen and shivered, but she didn't say anything, she tried her best to pretend that nothing had happened, and walked back and forth on the snow.

Whenever, Jun Yao always pays half of her attention to Xiao Yuan, how could she not know that she is cold, bend over to pick her up, and then look around, calculate the position here, Throwing out the flying sword, re-steering the sword, walking slowly around this hillside, looking for the mountain gate.

Xiao Yuan stuck her head out of her arms and looked around, only to feel that the snow was dazzlingly white, and they were like dust mustards that could be submerged at any time in this overwhelming snow and ice.

Jun Yao had appeased Xiao Yuan, and searched for the gate again.

In the brief, there is no specific location of the mountain gate, but there is a sentence that every summer, the ice and snow melts slightly and the mountain gate looms. It's looming, it's looming. It is summer now, and Jun Yao Yujian is leaning against the hillside, looking for one place at a time, searching back and forth three times, until night falls, but still finds nothing.

Fortunately, yesterday, seeing the snow and ice here from afar, Jun Yaote picked up dead branches, otherwise, I am afraid that tonight I will not be able to find anything that ignites.

Xiao Yuan stuck her head out from her blanket, and the light of the fire reflected on her little face. She wanted to help, so she carefully recalled what Lingjian wrote and what she saw all day today.

The firewood was burning extremely vigorously, Jun Yao threw dead branches into the fire from time to time, thinking secretly in her heart.

The book written by Lingjian is an ordinary travelogue, so there is no possibility of lying. In summer, the snow and ice melt slightly, so the mountain gate is looming, and it can be seen that the mountain gate is covered with ice and snow, just under the snow.

Xiao Yuan suddenly said: "Wind."

Jun Yao smiled, pinched her ears, and boasted, "A Yuan is smart."

She looked up at Jun Yao and asked, "Wait?"

Jun Yao replied: "Wait."

Wait for a gust of wind, the snow blows away, and the scenery below may be revealed.

Xiao Yuan nodded, still acting very calm. Jun Yao raised her hand and stroked the fur on her back, coaxing her to sleep.

After a while, the little tiger fell asleep. Jun Yao raised her head and looked at the mountains.

The small fire only illuminates a narrow spot around it, and the snowy mountain cannot be found. Hidden in the dark night, the mountain range is wide and towering, more and more like a giant beast that has been sleeping for thousands of years.

Jun Yao thought, wait for ten days, if there is no wind for ten days, you need to find another good plan.

Fortunately, on the morning of the sixth day, there was a storm.

The little tiger was digging a hole in the snow, and suddenly the world changed color. The wind she knew before was invisible, and only when you closed your eyes and listened to it, could you hear the subtle sound of leaves as it passed by, always with gentleness. Today's wind is different, and it comes with momentum.

Where the sky and the earth meet, the wind is surging and the clouds are moving.

Jun Yaofang picked Xiao Yuan up, the wind was already in front of her, and in the next moment, Xiao Yuan felt like she was about to be torn apart and caught in the wind.

Jun Yao got up with his sword, and while mobilizing his aura, he enveloped Xiao Yuan in the aura, while he rose with the wind, and then went around the hillside to search.

Jun Yao didn't seem to have the slightest pain, staring at the hillside intently.

The wind blew for an hour, Jun Yao shuttled in the wind for an hour, the wind gradually subsided, and the mountain gate was still not found. Jun Yao's heart sank, and when the wind stopped, the rolled up snow would fall back into the distance, and it would be even more invisible by then.

She hurried the flying sword, paid more attention, and searched the hillside intently.

Suddenly, a small piece of snow caught her attention.

However, at that moment, she seemed to see a little gray in this single white.

Jun Yao stretched out her hand and brushed away the snow. The snow was thick and heavy, like fine sand in the desert. She put aside the thick layer, revealing the cold ice underneath, and a stone tablet was condensed under the ice.

At this moment, the wind disappeared.

The sun rises in the sky.

Jun Yao stepped back ten steps, called out her sword, and shouted at Han Bing, "Go!"

The sharp sword hurried away, splitting three swords on the way and rushing towards the ice together.


A loud, high-pitched sound.

The little tiger opened his eyes.

The four swords merged into one, and they turned back and fell into Jun Yao's hands. The cold ice seemed to have not been damaged in the slightest, and was still a crystal clear piece.

Jun Yao's expression did not change, and she waited quietly.

The next moment, I heard a bang, and the ice shattered and fell off the stone tablet.

The little tiger looked at her in amazement, then looked back at Jun Yao, her eyes full of admiration and admiration, A Yao is so powerful, when will she be as powerful as A Yao.

Jun Yao stepped forward, Xiao Yuan hurriedly followed.

The entire stele was exposed, and the word "Shanmen" was clearly written on it. Jun Yao thought for a while, and pressed her hand on it, only to feel that her palm was as warm as jade, as smooth as a mirror, not an ordinary stone.

She probed and injected spiritual energy. After a while, a loud rumbling sound was heard, the ice and snow behind the stone tablet scattered, and a stone gate slowly rose from below.

The stone gate is very broad and grand, and it is carved with the pattern of a white tiger spreading its wings. The little tiger saw the reliefs of the same kind, and some wanted to go up and touch it, but Jun Yao didn't move, so she didn't move, just watched.

When Jun Yao saw the relief, he was sure that there must be a cultivation technique for the white tiger in the mountains.

She bowed her head and said to Xiao Yuan, "Let's go in."

Xiao Yuan nodded solemnly, followed behind Jun Yao, and walked towards the mountain gate.

The mountain gate rises out of thin air, standing on the hillside, from the side of the gate, looking over, you can see that there is also a vast expanse of snow, nothing special.

However, when she really walked into the door, a white light flashed in front of her eyes. Jun Yao noticed that she was standing in a beautiful scenery. As described in the Lingjian, there are lush green shades and fragrant flowers, which are completely different from those outside the mountains.

It can be seen that the mountain gate is real, they are already in the spiritual mountain. However, Jun Yao was not happy at all.

Xiao Yuan is gone!

The mountain gate is a teleportation gate. When teleporting, they were transmitted to two places.

Xiao Yuan was taken aback. She didn't make a sound and stayed in place for a while, then hesitantly stepped forward, walking along the stone path.

This is a forest, which is not similar to the forest on Taiyi Mountain. The ancient trees here are towering, obscuring the clouds and blocking the sun. The air is wet and seems to have a miasma. , can't see the front clearly.

Xiao Yuan was afraid and walked forward cautiously. She couldn't find Jun Yao, but she knew that Jun Yao would definitely come to her, so although she was afraid, she gradually calmed down and became less panicked.

It's just that this forest is very strange, she doesn't dare to stay long, she wants to go out and wait for Jun Yao.

The little tiger seems to be in a hurry and behaves quite well. The first time she came here, she didn't know the way, but she didn't walk around, but moved in one direction and recalled in her mind that Jun Yao wanted to find a way out according to the picture drawn by Lingjian.

However, the picture is simple, she doesn't even know where she is, so she can't use it.

Xiao Yuan was a little frustrated, but she quickly cheered up. It was she who was pestering A Yao to come. She couldn't help herself, she had to cheer up, and she had to help A Yao.

After comforting herself for a while, Xiao Yuan calmed down and walked forward while paying attention to the surrounding scenery.

Xiao Yuan was overjoyed and walked out.

Outside the forest is a small lawn, there are many bushes on the lawn, and there are many rugged rocks. Only the miasma that permeated the whole body dissipated. Xiao Yuan went out and wanted to wait for Jun Yao in a conspicuous place.

Between the strange rocks, there was a sudden sound.

Xiao Yuan thought about it and walked over there.

She walked around, not straight past. After bypassing a few bushes and turning to the other side of the strange stone, the sound stopped.

I saw a giant python under the strange stone. The giant python was huge, its body was pressed by a strange rock, only its head and tail were exposed. The sound just now was made by its tail, which was thrown on the strange rock.

The little tiger stopped a foot away from it.

There are also snakes on Taiyi Mountain, but the little tiger doesn't like to play with snakes, she took two steps back, and the giant python said, "Where is the little white tiger from?"

Xiao Yuan said nothing, but stopped.

Seeing that she was not leaving, the giant python spat out a letter and seemed to be smiling, and said, "How did you come to Lingshan?"

Xiao Yuan was still silent, she was thinking, why is there a big snake here, and who pressed it under the strange rock? Why did it attract her to talk to her?

She didn't speak, and the python didn't care, but her tone was more gentle: "Who's your last name?"

This time, Xiao Yuan said, "I'm A Yuan."

"A Yuan?" The python seemed to be very curious about her, and then asked: "Lingshan is not easy to enter, you didn't come in by yourself, did you? Who did you come with?"

The python became impatient and asked, "Who are you?"

She is naturally A Yao's little tiger, Xiao Yuan is vigilant and does not answer, her eyes are full of vigilance.

The python let out a low, hoarse laugh from its throat, very unpleasant. Xiao Yuan took another step back. When the python saw it, he hurriedly said: "Don't rush away, talk to me, I have never seen anyone in 10,000 years."