MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 19 2nd team

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The blizzard was still violently blowing on the forest, and the elves who escaped all the way to the cave entrance. Since the cave was not too large to accommodate a team of thousands, the elves had to give priority to the wounded and children in the team to enter the cave. The rest, the already exhausted elves have always supported their bodies and walked down. After entering the cave, everyone sat tired and shivered with cold.

"Ai Luo Jie you go inside and take a rest". Several elves picked up some wood and said to the female elves who had placed their compatriots in the snow.

The cold wind blows over the thin windbreaker of the female elves, and the female elves have long hair that is as dazzling as gold silk. Those brilliant eyes are bluer than the sea, and the simple and simple robes are set off. Her white skin was like a princess in fairy tales.

Ai Luojieer turned around in the snowstorm and shook his head at the companions behind him, saying, "Let the injured and children go inside to avoid the snowstorm, I can just stay outside."

高 A tall male elf grabbed Ai Luojieer's fair wrist and said, "Go in, you have been exhausting the road for a day, and you must rest."

可 "But ┉┉Greysel, I can't leave the wounded and the children┉┉"

The male elf known as Grayther said with a sad expression: "Aijiejieer, now you are not only our leader but also a beacon that supports everyone. If you fall here, everyone will be lost for this. Last hope ".

"Go in, El Rogel, don't hesitate!"

"Yes! Let's take a rest in the cave, let's deal with it here."

A lot of elves accompanied him. As a last resort, Ai Luojieer had been pulled into the cave by his companion. When he stepped into the cave, Ai Luojieer found that it was still dark inside. Only many elves embraced each other. Keep warm.

Frowning, Frozen Elroyel stepped forward and asked loudly, "Why hasn't the fire yet?"

"It's weird, Eloyjiel, we can't show fire magic"!

what? Hearing this, Ai Luojieer walked a few steps to the pile of wood, these woods and branches were picked by the elves from the nearby snow, and it was still covered with cold snow, although It is not easy to be ignited, but it can still be burned as long as it is continuously burned with flame magic, but no matter how the elves on the side read the spell and focus their magic, only a little Mars between their hands that seems to disappear at any time.

Ai Luojieer squat down and pulled down a windbreaker and said, "Let me try it."

Although the young man who has mastered a lot of magic has slowly and clearly recited each magic spell, the result is still the same! Ai Luojieer's expression has undergone a subtle change. This is just an ordinary cave, and no anti-magic enchantment has been laid. It is even more impossible for him to make mistakes but not to produce flames.

Is it! ? Ai Luojieer suddenly came over, after stopping the movements in his hands, Ai Luojieer calmed down, exuding the magic wave and the atmosphere of the nearby elements!

"How could this be"?

Su suddenly said in surprise, the elf next to Ai Luojieer looked at her uneasily: "What's wrong with Ai Luojieer, is there anything wrong?"

Ai Luojieer stood up and looked around unbelievably and said, "Few other elements here are mostly water elements, and fire elements are even less pitiful."

As all the elves in Elrojel look at each other, the element density will change according to the region. The natural fire element in the snowfield area will be much less, but it will never be as small as the fire. Can't pick it up. This is really abnormal!

"What should we do? If you don't light the fire, everyone will freeze to death"! A cold purple female elf curled up on the ground and said uneasily.

"Although there are few fire elements around, there are still, as long as they can be concentrated to ignite the wood by drawing out the flame." Ai Luojieer began to focus on the nearby fire elements from the new mantra: "Everyone uses magic to gather the fire elements around them."

As long as the fire can be ignited, the burning flame can attract more fire elements from the spirit realm to the present world, so everyone will be saved! After several elven mages gathered the fire elements, a small flame finally burned, and the first bonfire was lit after quickly drying the wood and branches.


While the elves were happy to light the first bonfire, far away behind them, the court mage of the Saxony kingdom, Grete, was leading a team of more than 40 people in a snow-covered forest.

Her own student, Relis, has been in the forest for more than a month. During the period, according to the report of the garrison of Belika Fortress, Relis never seemed to return for supplies. The news came back, but Greet was still a little worried about his overly persistent student. Fortunately, Lilith left a lot of magic marks along the way, and guided by these marks, Grett and his party were quickly moving towards the storm area where Lilith was.

As the snow began to drift from the beginning of the storm zone, Gret, a water magician, felt that the element density in the area in front of it became unusual.

The water element in front is far more dense than other areas, which is simply unusual. Gretel signaled the marching team to stop temporarily, and thought for a moment and said to the two fire mages behind him, "Do you feel it?"

达 Damir and Addis, who have magical levels of 13 and 14 respectively, sensed a little and frowned and nodded.

"I'm afraid that the flame magic we are best at here will be considerably weakened."

"It's just incredible, this is the law of the four major elements that violated, it's just like ┉┉"

"It's like someone deliberately concentrated a lot of water elements in one area." Gret smiled slightly and added: "Every magician will set up a battlefield that is beneficial to himself before the war starts, and everyone will concentrate on this magic."

Damir walked forward a few steps and said uneasily, "But no magician can cover such a large forest, even the star mage Hillia, hundreds of years ago, would not be able to do so. .

"It's not 'estimated', it's not 'certainly'!" After answering with a positive tone, Gretel instructed the two of them: "Two people, it is better to store some while the fire elements are more dense. According to the current situation, I am afraid that the more deeply the forest fire elements are, the less they will be."

The two nodded and nodded and took out the magic guide that they carried with them and began to slowly collect the scarce fire elements in the air. The team continued to move forward, and the snow and snow drifted into the forest, as Gret expected. The density of the same fire elements is rapidly decreasing. After a few days of advancing, the snowstorm in the forest was so big that people couldn't believe that it was still in summer. I am afraid that it was more terrible than when the snowstorm was the biggest in the previous winter.

The last imprint! Even as a water mage, Gretel had to wear a heavy wool coat to withstand the terrible cold. When she touched the mark lightly with a magic wand, the magic wave passed out with the mark and looked at her. Snowflake Grete stood in the snow waiting for the echo of her students.

Suddenly, the trunk of a big tree in front of Greet's eyes shook suddenly, and a large amount of white snow fell on the ground. A chic wooden door appeared in the center of the trunk. As the door slowly opened, a figure wearing a heavy trench coat appeared. In front of Gret.

"Teacher you are finally here!"

Fortunately, the blue-haired woman who took off the hat on the windbreaker and combed a ponytail happily called on Gret! Rilith Shafir! At the age of 21, he has a 12-level magic level of genius magician, and the master of the water system Master Grace is the most important student.

After seeing his students, he looked at the sky. Gretel issued a garrison order to the soldiers in the team, and after a day of fighting in the snow, everyone hurried to pull the long-haired cotton bell sheep near the tree and tent cooking utensils. It was taken out in the same way, the tent built in the snow was easy to be blown away, but Gret also thought of a good solution. After the tent was set up, a layer of ice was frozen on the tent using the frost spell. This tent Soldiers should not be blown away, as long as they wear windbreakers on the inside of the tent, they can effectively withstand the severe cold outside.

After this magical ice armor tent was set up, Gretel and the two fire mages were naturally invited by his students into this strange tree house. When he entered the tree house, Gretton felt that his whole body was a lot warmer. This tree is quite tall and the center of the trunk is ingeniously divided into two floors. Below is the place where Rilith studies and stores food. The upper room is used for sleeping and resting.

The trunk is surrounded by dried meat shops and some wild fruits. A piece of round wood is put together in the center to form a table and chairs with a magic lamp. A small stove is piled up with stones beside it. Branches and wood were crackling and burning, and a small iron bucket filled with water was hot on the stove.

"Haha! It's amazing that you are indeed worthy of being the first one in the wild survival assessment"! Gretel admired Relis, the ingenious tree house, while taking off the snow-covered trench coat and baking it by the stove.

"You have praised the teacher"! Relice also took off her trench coat and set it aside.

After Damir and Addis also took off their trench coats, Reilly had taken some food and poured three cups of hot water on the table. After a few sips, the three of them were all warm and comfortable. Already.

Grett picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, and asked, "Reilly, you have been living in the forest of the mist for more than a month."

"To be exact 41 days"!

"I read the information you sent, and even the Faron mentor of the Sage's Tower felt incredible about what happened in the Forest of Mist". When Gretel told her students, she also concealed things she shouldn't say.

Reilly patted her hand and smiled happily, "Teacher, did you mean that Mr. Faron, the great demon teacher, looked at my research materials?"

"If it isn't for busy work, Teacher Faron is going to come in person." Greet nodded with a smile and then continued: "Apart from the unstoppable snow and mist and the unusual element density during this period, have you noticed anything unusual?"

Rilith seemed to be thinking suddenly and generally said in a hurry: "Yes teacher, when I was gathering food outside some time ago, I found a huge elf team. It seems that at least thousands of people are moving towards the deeper part of the forest. ".

Gretel and the other two mages were naturally aware of this. Looking at Leris's worried look, Gretel also slowly told her some major events on the mainland, including The riots and escapes of the elves in the eastern Kingdom of Carut ~ ~ No wonder, "said Lilith with a sad sigh." The elves did not have any winter supplies at all. It would be impossible if the snowstorm did not stop. Out of the forest alive, I knew it was the way I should be. "

Gregret knew that Reilly had always been kind and the slave merchant most disgusted with the capital of freedom. She patted Reilly's shoulder and said comfortably, "You can't help them, you can only pray for them now."

When Greet asked Reilly in the tree house, the camp outside the house was already busy, and the soldiers started to cook after setting up the tent. Because of the fact that the wood in the snow-covered forest was basically beaten The wet is not easy to ignite. Before the departure, the entire team had prepared the fire rock mine and coal. After igniting the coal with a small amount of ore, it was put into the wet wood, and soon the bonfire in the camp rose one after another. Put some snow on the iron pan and wait until the food is boiled.

"Take the long-haired cotton boll sheep to the tree on the right side of the camp, don't forget to have dinner after an hour!" A big-faced man with a beard patted his companion and shouted loudly. When the snow was flying, the other party could only hear when he shouted hard into his ear.

Using a windbreaker, he wrapped his rigorous soldier with a long woolen cotton bell sheep and turned back to Dahan with an OK gesture to signal that he heard it. Dahan then nodded and confirmed and walked away.

After humming Xiaoqu and pulling the long-haired cotton boll sheep under the tree, Princess Luo Jie'an, disguised as a soldier, saw that no one took off his hat and breathed. Looking excitedly at the goose feather snow and the towering sky tree, Princess Luo Jiean clenched her fists happily!

"What a beautiful view! I never thought I was in the depths of the misty forest now!"