MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1102 Unspoken things

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消息 The news about Tenaya Closide was obtained through Rogge's mouth, and later obtained more or less vague information through some channels.

As a semi-elf, she served as the supreme technical adviser to the Carlsheim Empire. It seemed that she was in charge of conducting reverse analysis and research on the technology left over from the former Perlasian Empire, and even made the Carlsheim Empire successfully manufactured The demon knight was designed as a war machine of imaginary enemies in the dragon war 10,000 years ago, and other news can prove that Tenaya is a person who can activate magic, and the magic level must exceed Level 20 Magister, and also holding a quasi-relic-level staff left over during the Dragon War and can use it as he wants.

As for Turner's summoning the Undead Dragon, Closide did not want to comment on it, at least not now ...

In summary, this is a semi-elf female mage who has entered the extraordinary field. Not only has strong strength but also profound knowledge. Generally speaking, such an extraordinary person will leave a little name on the mainland. Yes, but through a secret investigation of Tanya, it is found that her past and background seem completely blank, and the whole person seems to appear in the world out of thin air. As a half-elf, she is not like a dragon. She is born with an extraordinary existence. Knowledge learning, magic meditation, practical training, experience accumulation, even the most talented people need to step by step to climb to the top of the power, and this process China will inevitably leave some footprints to be traced.

But Tenaya didn't, no footprints at all!

And the most important thing is that in the report of Rogge, Tanya is dead, and died in the battle with the black dragon captain Garrodes. In order to hit Garrodes, Tanya can be said to have taken a This is the same way to the end.

Although Closide was not present, there were also several things that proved that Rogge did not lie. First of all, the guard of the black dragon was dead, otherwise Aisha would surely be sent by her half-sister Celia. Or directly to Yalong, the white dragon king, but Aisha is still here to show that Garrodes has indeed failed, and Rogge, who escaped from the injury, was indeed burned by Jinlong's holy inflammation. Jinlong He should not have lied about the clans and goddess Ishtar, so there should be nothing wrong with the matter that the half-elf mage died in battle!

"I'm sorry if that's the case, but I really need this child very much." Closed watched Ternya apologize slightly.

Turnaya's words seemed to contain another meaning, such as implicitly referring to her identity, and her identity seems to be related to some things that hurt her, "Well, although she is indeed now living.

Closide wanted to know if it wasn't the half-elf Turner that stood in front of her, or something else here, but Closide didn't dare to look into Turner with open mind. Identity, especially as a 'resurrection' person, if you remember correctly, an element represented by the goddess in the east has the greatest ability to heal the damage, and even rehabilitate the already dead .

Of course ~ it's just life, the mystery of the soul cannot be interpreted by the light!

If Tenaya has been favored by this goddess who is not so much a **** as a radical reformer, then now Tenaya may have gained the power to directly confront the dragon, considering that the other is just There is nothing practically implied about the allusions and satire, and it is better not to provoked her.

"You need Aisha so much?"

Tenya snorted coldly: "But I also need this child very much, so you better not think about it."

After arriving at Closed without mercy, Tenaya took Aisha's hand and walked to Cledier who was also watching Closside with vigilant eyes, when he heard the black stone The vice-chairman of the Chamber of Commerce actually wanted to get Aisha, and Krydier was so annoyed that he stomped his feet. Why are there so many people besides Tanya who want to slap the people they love?

But it looks okay now, it seems that neither Tanya nor Aisha like that guy.

等等 "Wait ~ Miss Turner." Closide stepped forward and called each other.

"Is there anything else?"

洛 Crossside glanced at Aisha: "If you don't want to exchange, I would like to participate in this bet just as I suggested, and I will let the child choose to follow me."

Tenaya raised a brow slightly. Although the tone of the other person was flat but full of confidence, although Aisha beside her had desperately shook her head to express her attitude towards Closide, but Closide didn't seem to care about the general, It seemed that Aisha would leave him with no choice.

After returning to Goddess Wings as the Goddess Wings, the first time I found Aisha was not only because I really liked the child, but also that the goddess Ishtar had given orders to let Ai Sha follows her and trusts herself until a possible situation occurs, and she must keep Aisha by her side and her absolute obedience and dependence. She must replace all the spiritual pillars in the child ’s heart and let her rely on her. Victory over her father over her mother, over all her blood relatives in this world.

Aisha must stay by her side, and she cannot let the child leave until the new goddess, Ishtar, is released!


"How do you think if Tanya needs a book, then I will bet with the Olihakon metal just now. If Aisha still chooses to stay with you, then this Olihakon metal belongs to you." Closside once again took out the Olihacon metal, and spoke about letting the entire banquet hall fry the pan.

It is crazy to use Olihacon metal, which is worth billions of rien, as a bet, and it is a bet that relies on luck and has a very high loss rate!

The eyes of some aristocrats staring at Crossside were as if they were staring at a madman, and some people privately discussed why Closide was so confident. The girl named Aisha was obviously afraid of Closide No matter how you look at him, you won't choose him. And more people are fainted because their heart rate is quickening. At that time, there were rumors that His Majesty Augusta bought the child for 10 million rien. Many people thought it was too wasteful of luxury. Now, but now it seems that the sale is almost to death!

Some people sighed sadly and looked at Tena who seemed to be in hesitation. If she was the owner of Aisha, let alone gambling, it is estimated that this little elf girl had already been exchanged for Olihacan metal. .

Tenaya hesitated a little. Although Olihacon Metal was extremely precious, compared to the goddess' order, it seemed insignificant, but he really wanted to make a loss for the Vice President in front of him, but since he Even dare to participate in this kind of gambling game, which obviously has no chance of winning, apparently mastered some of Aisha's handles, or what important information was entrusted to him by the people behind him.

for example……

那么 "Would you like me to participate in this gamble, too?" Closside waved Olihacon Metal gently.

This silver-white metal that has not been polished or carved yet attracts everyone's attention at this moment. Even the various gold and silver jewellery worn by the noble husbands' chests have been compared for a time. The value of metals in the face of gold and silver is as valuable as dirt. The guests also set their sights on Tenaya. Obviously everyone hopes that Tenaya can agree to this gamble, because no matter how you look at this gamble, Tenaya is invincible.

This guy really chooses the time!

Turner was annoyed. She had brought Aisha to the banquet today just to give the Vice President His Excellency a "lethal blow". I didn't expect to be troubled halfway by the action of this little ghost, Krydil, More importantly, I still proposed this bet myself. Although it was originally only targeted at Krydier, Closide has now proposed to join at this node. He has also taken out Olihacan as a bet. There are so many guests on board, and if they refuse, they will not only make themselves embarrassed, but also bring negative reviews to Carlsheim.

Damn it ~ I really want to rip up his prettier face here!

Worry is troubled, Tenaya looked at Aisha who had begged to look for herself ~ ~ I can be sure that Aisha would never want to leave with Closed, even Isa was right The vice chairman's favorability is much lower than that of Kreidil. I am confident that in these times, Aisha ’s trust in herself is better than everyone here. Unless Elsa ’s sister Elfieel comes here in person, no one can shake Aisha Trust in yourself.

"Okay ~ if you insist!" Tenaya also made a decision between thoughts: "Then let you join, but I can say ugly words in front, if you lose, don't make excuses for me then . "

等等 "Wait ~ why should he join him?"

Claire, aside, finally couldn't bear it when he saw another contender.

Turnia smiled as if she heard a joke: "Why do you ask? I did n’t tell you just now, just by the strength of a person can determine what he can get, can participate in something, like Everyone at this banquet is a person with a head, a face, or a way. Can you see a civilian who has nothing to enter? "

Creidier was speechless for a while.

那么 "As the son of the Grand Duke, this is the Vice President of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce. Do you think you are qualified to oppose his participation in this gamble?"

It is obvious that I do not have this qualification!

Creedil finally lowered his head and didn't talk, even if he wanted to say it, he couldn't say it, just as Turnaya said he was not qualified to stop Closed. rw