MTL - Orochimaru’s Magic Lamp-Chapter 319 don't care

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  Chapter 319 Don't care

"La la la la la la la…"

  On the broken altar, singing was melodious.

  One kneels down and sings in bass, while the other raises his head and looks up.

  The two of them are in a tower without a roof, but from this point of view, the building is more like a deep well. There is only a short moment in a day when a ray of sunlight shines down from above.

  And this short period of time is the time for the people of Loulan to pray to their patron saint.

   "I still haven't been able to sense the existence of the dragon vein."

  The girl lowered her head, sighed insignificantly, and turned her gaze to her mother, who is now the Queen of Loulan, quietly waiting for the end of the ceremony without a trace of impatience.

  Living in the desert, she is almost invaded by yellow sand every day. This little oasis can be said to be the source of life, so Sara is also grateful for the asylum of Loulan.

   But at the same time, she also felt that Loulan was like this building, like a lonely well in the desert, and they were the frogs trapped in it.

  Since she was sensible, she has been yearning for the sky outside.

  Perhaps it is because of this little thought that cannot be expressed that she has been unable to establish contact with the patron saint.

  Many thoughts floated in my mind, but the surrounding environment suddenly darkened. The girl Sarah raised her head in surprise, "Time flies so fast today... Could it be time to move the sky mirror?"

  Man-made buildings are always fixed horizontally and vertically, but the big sun in the sky is not like this. The four seasons rotate, and the angle is always changing and shifting.

  In order to allow the sunlight to accurately shine on the altar, the Loulan people arranged a huge mirror that can be twisted and adjusted on this roofless tower building.

  But the deflection of the big sun is very slight, and it only needs half a month to adjust at most. As far as Sara knows, it has just moved a few days ago, and the time is not correct.

   While Sarah was thinking wildly, Queen Loulan, who was kneeling on the altar, suddenly stopped praying, opened her eyes, and said with a serious face, "A sandstorm... is coming."

  She didn't rely on vision and noticed the abnormality a little later than her daughter, but on the other hand, she saw more.

   "How is it possible, it just passed a while ago..." Sarah stared, her tone was shocked and unspeakable.

  The cruel weather changes in the desert are terrifying, but there are no rules at all. The Loulan people can live in the depths of the desert for so long, not only because of the protection of the dragon veins.

  "Experience can be trusted, but it cannot be trusted. How can human beings know the desert like the back of their hands."

  Queen Loulan shook her head with a very serious expression, "Hurry up and issue the highest standard evacuation order. This sandstorm is probably unprecedented, and even the guardians feel uneasy."

   "Yes!" Sara immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and ran all the way to the door.

  This building is not only a place for worship and prayer, but also the center of Loulan, which can spread information to the whole village at the fastest speed.


  Queen Loulan looked at her daughter's disappearing back and took a deep breath. She knelt down on the altar again and began to pray, but she said silently in her heart, "I hope Loulan can also get through the crisis safely this time."

"La la la la la la la…"

  The melodious singing voice once again echoed on the broken altar.

   At the same time, a faint gleam gradually lit up on Queen Loulan's body.


  The wind howled, the gravel swirled, endless yellow sand swept into the sky, and the storm gradually rose.

  It looks like a stone pillar reaching directly to the sky, connecting the sky and the earth, with magnificent waves, and like an indescribable giant beast, slowly crawling on the ground, crushing all obstacles blocking the way.

  The sky became gloomy at some point, and the gray clouds that were rarely seen in the desert quickly gathered and quickly piled up into mountains, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth.

  Huangsha dragon roll, with the momentum of devouring the world, is heading westward. In front of it, Loulan is as fragile as a mound of dirt piled up by children, which is not worth mentioning at all.

  However, no matter how violent the tornado is, there is still a windless area in its center, which is very stable.

  The bewitching snake man with a length of tens of meters walked slowly, leaving a winding trace on the desert land.

  Oshemaru looked up, fine beads of sweat appeared on his face, each one no smaller than an adult's fist.

  Although it took some cleverness, a natural disaster was expanded by a new sandstorm. But to cause such a big commotion, even for his body, it is quite a huge burden.

  However, Orochimaru was curious about another thing at this time, he turned his head to look at the lamp **** beside him, "It's really strange, it's going to rain at this time?"

  Even in deserts close to the sea, there may not be several times a year, let alone in the depths of a desert like Loulan.

  He didn't think it was a coincidence, on the contrary, he was very sure that it was the influence of his behavior, but the reason for it was not very clear.

   No matter how powerful this whirling sandstorm is, it is just an earth escape ninjutsu blessed by immortal magic. How can it gather dark clouds and cause heavy rain.

  「Hmm...the reason is very simple.」

The lamp **** rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and explained, "The reason why this cloud or rain is formed is because the water vapor evaporated from water will gather dust in the air, that is, condensation nuclei, and then irradiated by sunlight, it will also It becomes the appearance of a cloud."

  “And when the water droplets gather too much, the atmosphere can’t bear it, and they fall from the sky, forming rain.”

   "Although it is invisible to the naked eye, there is also a lot of water vapor in the desert. Ordinary people can't leave it behind, but the sandstorm you set off has enough weight."

   "So that's how it is..." Orochimaru nodded slightly, but looked through the yellow sand, watching the fine rain accompanied by tornadoes, and asked with some doubts, "How can there be so much water vapor in the desert?"

"Er..." Deng Shen was stunned for a moment, thinking that this might be intercepted from a high altitude, but when he leaned over, he found that the scale of yellow sand produced by Orochimaru was not so large. Related, this place is an oasis, and the amount of water may be larger than other places.”

"It makes sense." Orochimaru wanted to ask something more, but saw the lamp **** waved his hand, "I don't know much about the mysteries of this world, you are so curious, you can explore it yourself in the future, or you can find it in this place." Find some helpers in the world to help you study.”

To be reasonable, if he had just graduated from high school and became a lamp god, he could talk to Orochimaru again at this time, but after graduating from university, he has been struggling in society for several years. It was returned to the teacher early.

   There is no way to do this. At that time, what he learned was dry knowledge. Who would have thought that there would be a chance to leverage the power of heaven and earth with these principles in the future.

But the lamp **** is not discouraged. In the first three worlds, whether it is the world of corpses and souls or the world of ghosts, the protagonists only practice supernatural powers. In the first world, although civilization has developed to an extremely prosperous state, but because of It was half destroyed by the war, leaving only a rotten sea and the giant insects living in it.

  The protagonist possessed by him is not even a human being, but just a fungus plant trying to restore the ecosystem, let alone have the opportunity to come into contact with top-notch technological civilization knowledge.

  The lack of this aspect needs to be made up in the future world, and now it is better to focus on extraordinary power.

  Oshemaru saw that he could not get any additional knowledge from the lamp god, so he simply gave up and nodded slightly, "I will write this down."

   It is too troublesome to explore the entire knowledge system by himself. Even Orochimaru has an eternal lifespan and would not do this. In contrast, he now prefers to pay and use the power of everyone to do things for himself.

   "Speaking of which, the desert is still too limited." The lamp **** tilted his head, and said, "If you want to trigger a torrential rain, I have a few other ways..."

  Oshemaru controlled the Huangsha Tornado to move slowly, while distractedly listening to the narration of the lamp god.

  Actually, this natural disaster, which is enough to destroy Loulan, or even any Dainin Village, is troublesome to Dashewan, but it is not important. It is only a necessary means to achieve the goal.

  Neither he nor the lamp **** cared, but this knowledge is more important in comparison.


   But someone cares.

  In Loulan City, following the sound of the siren and the approach of the terrifying Tianwei, some chaotic commotions inevitably occurred.

   This kind of noise, under the storm and thunder, may seem insignificant, like the sound of tiny mosquitoes covered by a whirling fan, but to the person who is personally on the scene, it is like a big bell.

   Uneasiness, fear, anxiety... The drops fell on the lake surface, causing waves of ripples, and those circles of undulating ripples collided with others, and then passed back with greater magnitude.

  Everyone is generating negative emotions, everyone is infecting the people around them with negative emotions, and everyone will be infected by the negative emotions of the people around them.

  Let it continue, perhaps before the natural disaster strikes, these people will collapse directly.

   But this situation did not last, a melodious and melodious singing voice suddenly sounded, obviously it was just like whispering softly, but it reached everyone's ears very clearly.

  The singing voice didn’t have exquisite writing, just a simple ups and downs, but the people of Loulan calmed down after listening to this.

   The retreat into the underground shelter began to become orderly and swift.

   And when the people of Loulan found their place in the refuge, they began to close their eyes and kneel on the floor to pray.

   A little white light gradually lights up.

  Thousands and hundreds of particles gathered together to form a layer of barrier in the air, covering the shelter firmly and isolating the wind and sand.

  In the sacrificial hall, Queen Loulan, who was supported by her subjects, let out a slight breath.

  In the past, after the establishment of this protective film, it almost means that the subsequent sand disasters can be passed smoothly, but this time it is different.

  Her will is now connected to the dragon veins, and she can clearly perceive what a terrifying monster is approaching.

   "It is necessary to draw out more power from the dragon veins."

  After thinking about it, Queen Loulan made a decision. She looked at her daughter, "Sara, come with me."

   "Me?" Sara was taken aback, "Can I do it?"

   "You can do it." Naturally, Queen Loulan would not dampen her daughter's confidence at this time, and she opened her mouth to speak words of encouragement.

   "..." Sara knew that there was no room for hesitation at this time. Seeing her mother stretching out her hand, Dang even stepped forward to hold it.

  In an instant, a vast will came and connected with her, and her thinking was almost completely swallowed.

  But the next moment, the familiar breath and contact helped her temporarily stabilize her mind.

   "Recalling that melody."

  A gentle voice rang in my ears, but it contained a serious reminder.

  Sara didn't dare to delay, almost being forced to shake off the distracting thoughts in her heart by the shadow of death that was gradually climbing up. All kinds of chaotic emotions dissipated, leaving only pure will.

  Almost at the same time, a melodious melody echoed in her mind, which was a ballad she had heard thousands of times since childhood.

  Sara's body in the outside world can't help but start humming.

  In an instant, that vast will was no longer lofty and alienated, but a little ignorant, as innocent and pure as a newborn child.

  But with the shelter of this will, Sarah no longer has the danger of her mind collapsing.


  Seeing this, Queen Loulan breathed a sigh of relief.

   Although the dragon vein is a huge energy condensate, it does not have a clear consciousness like the tailed beast. It is more like the product of countless sacrifices by the ancestors.

   You must master the appropriate method and a little bit of luck in order to establish a connection with it.

   Otherwise, without the active acceptance of the dragon veins, the consciousness of ordinary human beings will be directly dissolved in it.

   Let Sarah try this time, although she acted rashly, Queen Loulan is actually somewhat sure.

   After all, this child participated in the sacrifices with her since she was a child, and she is her biological daughter. She has a very similar aura. It is best if she can establish a connection without risk in normal times, but this kind of time is not without a chance to fight.

   "With Sarah here, maybe this time the chances of surviving the crisis are better."

   With this thought flashing in her mind, Queen Loulan guided her daughter and began to mobilize more dragon energy.


  The storm swept across, and the yellow sand tornado finally arrived in Loulan, carrying endless sand, dust and gravel.

  This village of desert people suffered a tragic blow almost instantly.

  Countless doors and windows of carriages and horses, decorative buildings, were pulled up by a huge force, thrown into the sky, and swirled with the sand and stones.

  The road ahead of the storm is almost unstoppable, easily plowing a wide road.

  But even with such a huge power, the underground shelter built by the Loulan people is as stable as ever.

   Not only because of the appropriate structural material, but also because of the dense white light at the outer tail, almost 80% of the impact force has been resolved, and the rest is difficult to pose too much threat to it.


   Orochimaru walked slowly on the yellow sand, looking through the yellow sand, confirming those underground residences one by one, the corner of his mouth slightly grinning,

   "This is really interesting, Loulan's trip is the right one."

  Although the nature is slightly different, that white light is clearly natural energy in his perception.

  Natural energy that even ordinary people can use, it would be more suitable for a fairy like him to absorb it.

  (end of this chapter)