MTL - Ordered to Marry Thrice, The Mysterious Wangfei-Chapter 388 restoring memory

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The dust was wrapped around the air and directly wrapped around Hua Yuman's hair. Soon, her body became a virtual shadow, her hair was scattered, and it grew like a wind. Finally, the sky seemed to appear. A bolt of lightning, lightning directly on her long hair, the long hair cut off the waist...

The hair was quickly condensed, and finally formed a handle-like look, and the flowers on her head were combined into one, and a colorful light suddenly shined on the earth.

At this moment, Hua Yuman's memory recovered. She moved her finger, and a petal fell on her own palm. She thought for a moment, and she was surprised to find that her divination power was back.

This time, the power of divination has changed. As long as she has something in her sight, she can divination, and even if it is related to herself.

Hua Yuman looked down at the mountain, sighed and finally left Tianta Temple.

Why did she not think that Feng Ming Mo will do that, how to lose memory, how can not remember the sun, in the end, she chose to leave the sun.

She did not think that her own divination power would reappear, and all the spiritual powers that had been cultivated before had their own divination spirit.

She went down the mountain, but did not return to the city, but went to Qingyun City alone.


Ten days later, the Jiuyi Tower from the city was very lively. Everyone came here early. I wanted to see the sensational elections in the city. What kind of gifts would the Tianjiaozi use to impress the beautiful and unparalleled China? Feather.

It’s just that everyone waits until the right, but they don’t wait for the heroine, so it’s a bit silly to see a few outstanding men standing in the same place.

The gifts have been rotated on the stage. For the sake of fairness and justice, no one knows who the gifts are, and for the sake of justice, Feng Ming ink even erases the breath of these gifts.

They waited until noon from the morning, and Hua Yuman did not appear. They are all not calm.

"Maner is not an accident, why haven't come over." Feng Moxi worried.

It’s been ten days. In the past ten days, he didn’t even capture the smell of Man’s, and he didn’t know where she went. He thought, she must be quiet, not let them find, so she endured, thinking that she can see her today, but she has not come yet.

Not only her, 13 is also uneasy, he does not know that the small feathers have not been away from the city for ten days, but he only knows that she went to Tianta Temple a few days ago, and then her breath seems to be all at once. He disappeared from the world, and he couldn't find it at all. He couldn't find it with his own heart, so he panicked for more than a day or two.

I thought that I could see the small feathers today, but she did not appear, which made him worry about it.

Feng Mingmo was inexplicably annoyed today. He suddenly lost patience and didn't want to compare it, but he didn't want to give up like this. He was afraid of one of his actions and missed her.

She didn't come, he was a little lucky, but he was inexplicably lost. He didn't know what happened to himself.

Feng Mohan is a bit embarrassed, very looking forward to, afraid, and inexplicably sad, so he has been looking at the front, I hope that the next moment, that beautiful woman will appear.

He didn't even know why he suddenly ran out of the Fengzu to participate in this game, but there was a voice that was to call him. The last time he saw Hua Yuman, his heart was also framed. Every night she thinks about her. When she sees her, she doesn't appear. His heart is as uncomfortable as a cat.

Unlike them, Hai Lan is quite calm, he knows that she will definitely appear.

As for why it is so certain, he also said that it is not good. Anyway, she feels that she is a woman who is convinced and believes, and is also worthy of his love.

Time passed a little, and it was past noon, and it was dusk. The busy people gradually left, but the men stood still.

Emperor Wei served out of the tour, he and Cheng Gonggong stood not far away, staring at the Jiuyi Tower for a while, and finally sighed.

"Is that gimmick really not showing up?"

Cheng Gonggong just wanted to answer, and saw a beautiful woman in the sky. She stopped in the air first. When Cheng Gonggong returned to God, the woman had magically appeared in the group of men waiting for the day. intermediate.

"Little feathers..."


Everyone screamed in unison, and the excitement is self-evident, that is, the emperor not far away also chuckled.

Hua Yuman nodded his head and went straight to the table where the gift was placed. His eyes quickly glanced at him and pointed his finger at a basket of pears: "Let it!"

Everyone was surprised to see her, "Why?"

Feng Mingmo can't stand this answer and stimulation. If so, he is not as good as she is today.

Feng Moxi hooked his lower lip and took a step closer to her. "We want to know why? Our gifts are better than a basket of pears, and worth more than a basket of pears."

Hua Yuman nodded and picked up a nine-color bead chain full of spiritual power, and smiled slightly. "Hai Lan Xuan, it took a lot of time to find this gift!"

Hailan dazzled, "Man, how did you see that this gift was sent by me?"

Hua Yuman thought about it and said: "There is a special smell of the sea blue kingdom and the taste of the ocean. I can't think of anyone except you."

Hailan dazzled and smiled, although he was rejected, but he also understood in his heart that the person she wanted was not him. Therefore, Man is not just a casual choice, there is no luck component, so he has nothing to worry about.

After all, it is one thing to like her, he wants her to be happy and happy.

Hua Yuman pointed to a glazed glazed lamp: "It's very luxurious, very attentive, and very pure. Feng Moxi, I like this gift very much."

Feng Moxi glimpsed, and suddenly laughed, the eyesight of this girl is getting better and better.

"Feng Mohan, your five-line wedding dress is the identity symbol of the wife of the Fengzu patriarch, it is not suitable for me, I am sorry. As for the moon bamboo journey, the moon exquisite you brought from the national treasury is even more suitable for me."

Evaluation here, Hua Yuman pointed to the 10,000 years of Shen Ling pillows sent by Feng Mingmo: "This thing, although there is a spirit, is still an ancient god, but after all, there is only one, if there is another one, make a pair, I am willing to sleep with my loved ones."

"You..." Feng Mingmo looked at her with a sullen look. After half a sigh, he hated and pointed at the basket of ordinary pears that could no longer be ordinary. "What good is this thing, why do you look at it?"

Not worth mentioning, it is too ordinary, and it is not a matter of thought at first glance.

Hua Yuman smiled and tried to ignore the hot pillow in the thirteen eyes.

Just as Feng Mingmo thought again, she took a bite and took a bite and said seriously: "It may not be the most precious, but it is what I need most. Ten days, I left. Ten days, I also ran for ten days. I just want to have a good rest, have a good meal, and have a good night's sleep. So, when I am tired and tired, a pear can solve my food and clothing. Why not choose it?"

Feng Mingmo is stunned by the whole person, is it because of such a reason? "I can also give you pears, all kinds of fruits, all kinds of what you want, you give me time, I will be ready for you right away."

Losing to a pear, he is not sweet!

Hua Yuman shook his head. "I don't just like a pear. I need someone who knows me, loves me, loves me, and doesn't give me pressure and burden. Feng Ming Mo, I tired."

After that, Hua Yuman’s figure flashed and the whole person disappeared again.

No one found out where she left and where she went.

The emperor standing in the distance also slammed his eyes a few times. "The little girl is not small, but she disappeared when she said no."

Cheng Gonggong also smiled and said: "No, it seems that this time the thirteen emperors are scouring the baby. The emperor, are you going to give them a marriage?"

The emperor nodded. "Give it, go back to the palace and immediately decree!"


Thirteen originally wanted to find a small feather, but did not know where to go, so after a long struggle, he returned to the thirteen kings.

He took his clothes and went to take a shower, but suddenly he saw a pair of beautiful eyes in his bed. He dared to blink in disbelief. The next moment, he flew directly.

"Little feathers..."

The affectionate kiss didn't even think about it and kissed it.

Hua Yuman licked his lower lip, and some grievances said: "Sun, I am hungry!"

"When you do, I will feed you for the husband." He said, he directly pulled his own clothes, and then he reached out and licked her clothes.

Hua Yuman’s dislike: “It’s coming to the moon, my stomach hurts, I’m so hungry!”

After thirteen hours, I stayed for a while.

"Little feathers, you... have you restored your memory?"

If the little feathers of the previous day, may tell him that the moon is not a moon, then the girl can directly want to shoot him, and the little feathers can be spoiled with him because of the coming months.

Therefore, at this moment, the eyes of Thirteen are clear, and I look forward to it. I also want to hear the answers that I am satisfied with.

Hua Yuman was stared at some depression. She bit her lower lip and shouted: "Go to the aunt towel and get some good food!"

At the end of the 13th, the next moment, I immediately jumped up in excitement. "Well, let's do it for you, wait!"

- End of this chapter -